Observación de Cometas - Fotometría Visual / Comet Observations - Visual Photometry

 Actualización / Update : 15 - Enero - 2011

Crepúsculo / Twilight

Alto del Castro - 1727 m

Observador : J. J. González


C/2004 F4 (Bradfield)

27 Abril 2004

( Observaciones previas a 2000 : En construcción )


Formato ICQ

Formato COHP

Observaciones visuales recientes / 2010 / Recent visual observations

( J. J. González )

Actualización / Update : 15 - Enero - 2011



mag. m1


coma - diam.


cola / tail

C/2006 W3

2010 May 22.14


SCT 20 cm




C/2007 Q3

2010 June 4.01


SCT 20 cm



C/2008 FK75

2010 Abr. 10.17


SCT 20 cm




C/2009 K5

2010 Abr. 17.07

2010 Oct. 18.18




SCT 20 cm







C/2009 O2

2010 Mar. 15.20


SCT 20 cm




C/2009 P1

2010 Nov. 24.79


SCT 20 cm




C/2009 R1

2010 Jun. 22.10

2010 Jun. 22.11




naked eye / simple vista







C/2009 U3

2010 Mar. 8.85


SCT 20 cm




C/2009 Y1

2010 Nov. 28.84


SCT 20 cm




P/2010 A3

2010 May. 5.89


SCT 20 cm




P/2010 A5

2010 Mar. 15.16


SCT 20 cm




C/2010 B1

2010 Nov. 13.22


SCT 20 cm




C/2010 F4

2010 Mar. 27.18


SCT 20 cm




C/2010 G1

2010 Abr. 5.91


SCT 20 cm




C/2010 J1

2010 May 6.97


SCT 20 cm




P/2010 H2

2010 May 22.06


SCT 20 cm




C/2010 V1

2010 Nov. 13.24







2010 Nov. 28.83


SCT 20 cm





2010 June 3.93


SCT 20 cm





2010 July 18.13


SCT 20 cm





2010 Aug. 6.90


SCT 20 cm




2010 Feb. 2.79


SCT 20 cm





2010 Oct. 18.10

2011 Ene. 15.16



naked eye / simple vista

SCT 20 cm







2010 Feb. 2.82


SCT 20 cm





2010 Feb. 2.88


SCT 20 cm





2010 Dec. 17.22


SCT 20 cm




(596) Scheila

2010 Dec. 17.17

2011 Ene. 15.21



SCT 20 cm

SCT 20 cm







( Ajustar el brillo si la imagen se percibe oscura / Adjust brightness if the image is dark )

Observaciones recientes / 2007 - 2008 / Detalle


C/2006 W3 (Christensen)

- 2010 May 22.14 UT: m1=10.5, Dia.=3', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., León, N. Spain ) [ Comet close to star of mag. 11.4 (Tycho-2). Astronomical twilight. Mountain location, very clear sky. Altitude: 9 deg ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2006W3  2010 05 22.14  S 10.5 TK 20.3T10 100   3    3            ICQ XX GON05


C/2007 Q3 (Siding Spring)

- 2010 June 4.01 UT: m1=12.3, Dia.=1.2', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, N. Spain ) [ Elongated coma ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2007Q3  2010 06 04.01  S 12.3 TK 20.3T10 100   1.2  5            ICQ XX GON05

C/2008 FK75 (Lemmon-Siding Spring)

- 2010 Apr. 10.17 UT: m1=14.5, Dia.=0.8', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (160x) ( Cueto Rosales - Riello, alt. 1420 m., León, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry - HS687 ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2008FK752010 04 10.17  S 14.5 HN 20.3T10 160   0.8  6            ICQ XX GON05


C/2009 K5 (McNaught)

- 2010 Oct. 18.18 UT: m1=11.3, Dia.=3', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, N. Spain ).

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2009K5  2010 10 18.18  S 11.3 TK 20.3T10 100   3    2            ICQ XX GON05


C/2009 O2 (Catalina)

- 2010 Mar. 15.20 UT: m1=9.8, Dia.=5', DC=1, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m., León, N. Spain ) [ From dark mountain skies the coma appears large and diffuse, without central condensation. Several stars inside the coma, the brightest being mag. 11.9 (TK)].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2009O2  2010 03 15.20  S  9.8 TK 20.3T10  77   5    1            ICQ XX GON05

C/2009 P1 (Garradd)

- 2010 Nov. 24.79 UT: m1=11.5, Dia.=2.0', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Altitude: 14 deg. ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2009P1  2010 11 24.79  S 11.5 TK 20.3T10 100   2.0  5            ICQ XX GON05


P/2009 R1 (McNaught)

- 2010 June 22.11 UT: m1=5.2, Dia.=--, DC=9, naked eye ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ In 10x50B: m1=5.4, Dia.=4', DC=8, Ion tail: 2.1 deg. in PA 330 deg, dust tail 0.2-deg in p.a. 295 deg. Mountain location, very clear sky. Altitude: 9 deg. ].

- 2010 July 4.87 UT: m1=[5.0, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Comet not observed. Mountain location, very clear sky. Altitude: 6 deg. ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2009R1  2010 06 22.10  M  5.4 TK  5.0B    10   4    8   2.1  330 ICQ XX GON05
   2009R1  2010 06 22.11  I  5.2 TK  0.0E     1        9            ICQ XX GON05
   2009R1  2010 07 04.87  I[ 5.0 TK 10.0B    25                     ICQ XX GON05

C/2009 U3 (Hill)

- 2010 Mar. 8.85 UT: m1=13.3, Dia.=0.8', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Castañedo del Monte, Santo Adriano, alt. 640 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near Z Umi. Motion checked over a 30-min period. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2009U3  2010 03 08.85  S 13.3 HN 20.3T10 133   0.8  3            ICQ XX GON05


C/2009 Y1 (Catalina)

- 2010 Nov. 28.84 UT: m1=12.8, Dia.=1.2', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near V2176 Cyg. Mountain location, very clear sky. ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2009Y1  2010 11 28.84  S 12.8 HN 20.3T10 100   1.2  5            ICQ XX GON05


P/2010 A3 (Hill)

- 2010 May 5.89 UT: m1=13.3, Dia.=0.8', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (160x) ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near AW Gem. Motion checked over a 30-min period. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2010A3  2010 05 05.89  S 13.3 HN 20.3T10 160   0.8  3            ICQ XX GON05


P/2010 A5 (LINEAR)

- 2010 Mar. 15.16 UT: m1=14.5, Dia.=0.6', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (222x) ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m., León, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near GW Lib. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2010A5  2010 03 15.16  S 14.5 HN 20.3T10 222   0.6  6            ICQ XX GON05

C/2010 B1 (Cardinal)

- 2010 Nov. 13.22 UT: m1=13.8, Dia.=0.8', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Collada Llomena - Ponga, alt. 995 m., Asturias, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden near AK Cnc ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2010B1  2010 11 13.22  S 13.8 HN 20.3T10 133   0.8  5            ICQ XX GON05


C/2010 F4 (Machholz)

- 2010 Mar. 27.18 UT: m1=10.7, Dia.=1.5', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) [ Observation made at moonset. Altitude: 11 deg. Very clear sky. Visual astrometry: R.A. = 23h29m.5, Decl. = +32o16'.5 (equinox 2000.0) ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2010F4  2010 03 27.18  S 10.7 TK 20.3T10 100   1.5  4            ICQ XX GON05

C/2010 G1 (Boattini)

- 2010 Apr. 5.91 UT: m1=13.2, Dia.=0.8', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (160x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near V650 Ori. Motion checked over a 60-min period Visual astrometry: R.A.= 4h11m.5, Decl.= +27o05'.5 (equinox 2000.0) ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2010G1  2010 04 05.91  S 13.2 HN 20.3T10 160   0.8  4            ICQ XX GON05

C/2010 J1 (Boattini)

- 2010 May 6.97 UT: m1=[14.2, 20 cm SCT (160x) ( San Mames de Campos, alt. 840 m, Palencia, N. Spain ) [ Comet not observed at the ephemeris position given in NEOCP and later M.P.E.C. 2010-J32. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near Z UMi ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2010J1  2010 05 06.97  I[14.2 HN 20.3T10 160 ! 0.2               ICQ XX GON05


P/2010 H2 (Vales)

- 2010 May 22.06 UT: m1=11.3, Dia.=3', DC=2/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., León, N. Spain ) [ Asymmetric coma elongated in N-S direction. Better observing conditions from a higher mountain location allowed a brighter estimate than five days ago ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2010H2  2010 05 22.06  S 11.3 TK 20.3T10  77   3    2/           ICQ XX GON05

C/2010 V1 (Ikeya-Murakami)

- 2010 Nov. 13.24 UT: m1=8.2, Dia.=10', DC=2, 25x100B ( Collada Llomena - Ponga, alt. 995 m., Asturias, N. Spain ) [ In 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=8.7; parabolic-shaped coma, observable for 8' along the major axis, latus rectum: 1.5'; thin tail ( 0.1º in PA 290º ) embedded in the coma. Altitude: 15 deg. Zodiacal light. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2010V1  2010 11 13.23  S  8.7 TK 20.3T10  77   8    2   0.1  290 ICQ XX GON05
   2010V1  2010 11 13.24  S  8.2 TK 10.0B    25  10    2            ICQ XX GON05



- 2010 Nov. 28.83 UT: m1=10.7, Dia.=6', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Star of mag. 12.1 (Tycho-2) inside the coma ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
 10        2010 11 28.83  S 10.7 TK 20.3T10  77   6    2            ICQ XX GON05


- 2010 June 3.93 UT: m1=11.8, Dia.=1.8', DC=2/, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, N. Spain ).

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
 29        2010 06 03.93  S 11.8 TK 20.3T10 133   1.8  2/           ICQ XX GON05



- 2010 July 18.13 UT: m1=11.5, Dia.=1.5', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Altitude: 15 deg. ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
 65        2010 07 10.07  S 11.5 TK 20.3T10 100   1.5  4            ICQ XX GON05



- 2010 Aug. 6.90 UT: m1=12.2, Dia.=1.2', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, N. Spain ).

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
 81        2010 08 06.90  S 12.2 TK 20.3T10 100   1.2  3            ICQ XX GON05



- 2010 Feb. 2.79 UT: m1=12.0, Dia.=1.5', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Camposagrado, alt. 1135 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Zodiacal light. Altitude: 15 deg ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
 88        2010 02 02.79  S 12.0 TK 20.3T10 133   1.5  4            ICQ XX GON05


- 2011 Jan. 15.16 UT: m1=9.5, Dia.=5', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Several stars inside the coma, the brightest being mag. 10.3 (TK)].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
103        2011 01 15.16  S  9.5 TK 20.3T10  77   5    2            ICQ XX GON05



- 2010 Feb. 2.82 UT: m1=12.3, Dia.=1.0', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Camposagrado, alt. 1135 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
118        2010 02 02.82  S 12.3 TK 20.3T10 100   1.0  3            ICQ XX GON05


- 2010 Feb. 2.88 UT: m1=13.5, Dia.=1.2', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Camposagrado, alt. 1135 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near V650 Ori ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
217        2010 02 02.88  S 13.5 HN 20.3T10 133   1.2  5            ICQ XX GON05


- 2010 Dec. 17.22 UT: m1=14.0, Dia.=0.6', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars for m2 taken from Henden photometry near AK Cnc. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
240        2010 12 17.22  S 14.0 HN 20.3T10 133   0.6  5            ICQ XX GON05

(596) Scheila

- 2010 Dec. 14.09 UT: m1=11.7, Dia.=2.5', DC=s2/, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Cometary appearance. Stellar central condensation, m2=13.8 (HN). Asymmetric coma, with faint outer region. Tail-like feature extending 4' from center, in p.a 290 deg. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars for m2 taken from Henden photometry near AK Cnc. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2010 Dec. 17.17 UT: m1=11.5, Dia.=3.5', DC=s2/, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Cometary appearance. Stellar central condensation, m2=13.9 (HN). Asymmetric coma, with faint outer region. Tail-like feature extending 7' from center, in p.a 290 deg. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars for m2 taken from Henden photometry near AK Cnc. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2011 Jan. 15.21 UT: m1=13.8, Dia.= --, DC=9, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Stellar appearance, without observable post-outburst coma. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near 3C232. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
  (596)    2010 12 14.09  S 11.7 TK 20.3T10 100   2.5 s2/           ICQ XX GON05
  (596)    2010 12 17.17  S 11.5 TK 20.3T10 100   3.5 s2/           ICQ XX GON05
  (596)    2011 01 15.21  I 13.8 HN 20.3T10 100        9            ICQ XX GON05

Archivo de observaciones 2001 - 2010

Cometas no numerados

Cometas periódicos numerados

Objetos relacionados


( Observaciones previas a 2000 : En construcción )

Cometas no numerados :

  C/1999 T1 (McNaught-Hartley)

- 2001 Feb. 18.13 UT: m1=8.6, Dia=5', DC=5, 11x80B.(Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1340 m., Asturias, North Spain) [NE Lim. Mag. at 6.0 near comet].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   1999T1  2001 02 18.13  S  8.6 TJ  8.0B    11   4    5            ICQ XX GON05

  C/2000 WM1 (LINEAR)

- 2001 Nov. 24.06 UT: m1=6.1, Dia.=18', DC=5, 7x50B. (Caldas de Luna, alt. 1100 m., Leon, North Spain) [NE Lim. Mag. at 5.9 near comet].

- 2001 Nov. 30.78 UT: m1=5.7, Dia.=15', DC=4, 7x50B. (Sierra del Aramo, alt. 930 m., Asturias, North Spain) [NE Lim. Mag. at 4.5 near comet. Full Moon influence gives lower Dia. and DC estimates in comparison with my previous Nov. 24.06 observation ].

- 2001 Dec. 3.79 UT: m1=5.3, Dia.=10', DC=6, Tail: 1.5 deg. in PA 30 deg, 7x50B. (Sierra del Aramo, alt. 930 m., Asturias, North Spain) [Naked eye estimate: 5.5; NE Lim. Mag. at 5.8 near comet].

- 2001 Dec. 6.79 UT: m1=5.3, Dia.=12', DC=5, Tail: 1.5 deg. in PA 35 deg, 7x50B. (Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1350 m., Asturias, North Spain) [Comet glimpsed with naked eye ; NE Lim. Mag. at 5.6 near comet].

- 2001 Dec. 8.79 UT: m1=5.4, Dia.=10', DC=5, Tail: 2 deg. in PA 35 deg, 7x50B.(Torrebarrio, alt. 1305 m., Leon, North Spain) [Naked eye estimate: 5.5; NE Lim. Mag. at 5.8 near comet].

- 2001 Dec. 9.79 UT: m1=5.4, Dia.=10', DC=5, Tail: 1.5 deg. in PA 35 deg, 7x50B. (Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1230 m., Asturias, North Spain) [Naked eye estimate: 5.6; NE Lim. Mag. at 5.8 near comet].

- 2001 Dec. 12.79 UT: m1=5.5, Dia.=10', DC=5, Tail: 1 deg. in PA 40 deg, 7x50B. (Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1230 m., Asturias, North Spain) [NE Lim. Mag. at 5.6 near comet].

- 2001 Dec. 16.79 UT: m1=5.5, Dia.=8', DC=5, Tail: 0.5 deg. in PA 45 deg, 7x50B. (Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1350 m., Asturias, North Spain) [NE Lim. Mag. at 5.0 near comet].

- 2001 Dec. 17.80 UT: m1=5.5, Dia.=8', DC=5, 11x80B. (Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1350 m., Asturias, North Spain ) [comparison stars at the same low altitude as the comet].

- 2002 Mar. 22.17 UT: m1=8.8, Dia.=3', DC=3, Tail: 0.3 deg. in PA 235 deg, 11x80B. ( Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1530 m., Leon, North Spain).

- 2002 Mar. 27.19 UT: m1=9.6, Dia.=3', ---, 11x80B. ( Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1530 m., Leon, North Spain).


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2000WM1 2001 11 24.06  S  6.1 TJ  5.0B     7  18    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2000WM1 2001 11 30.78  S  5.7 TJ  5.0B     7  15    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2000WM1 2001 12 03.78  I  5.5 TJ  0.0E     1                     ICQ XX GON05
   2000WM1 2001 12 03.79  S  5.3 TJ  5.0B     7  10    6   1.5   30 ICQ XX GON05
   2000WM1 2001 12 06.79  S  5.3 TJ  5.0B     7  12    5   1.5   35 ICQ XX GON05
   2000WM1 2001 12 08.79  S  5.4 TJ  5.0B     7  10    5   2     35 ICQ XX GON05
   2000WM1 2001 12 09.79  S  5.4 TJ  5.0B     7  10    5   1.5   35 ICQ XX GON05
   2000WM1 2001 12 12.79 wS  5.5 TJ  5.0B     7  10    5   1     35 ICQ XX GON05
   2000WM1 2001 12 16.79 $S  5.5 TJ  5.0B     7   8    5   0.5   35 ICQ XX GON05
   2000WM1 2001 12 17.80 $S  5.5 TJ  8.0B    11   8    5         35 ICQ XX GON05
   2000WM1 2002 03 22.17  S  8.8 TJ  8.0B    11   3    3   0.3  235 ICQ XX GON05
   2000WM1 2002 03 27.19  I  9.6 TJ  8.0B    11   3                 ICQ XX GON05

C/2001 A2 (LINEAR)

- 2001 July 22.01 UT: m1=6.1, Dia=12', DC=4, 7x50B. (Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1250 m., Asturias, North Spain) [NE Lim. Mag. at 5.5 near comet].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2001A2  2001 07 22.01  S  6.1 TJ  5.0B     7  12    4            ICQ XX GON05


- 2003 Jan. 3.95 UT: m1=12.3, Dia.=1', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x). ( Sierra del Aramo, alt.1230 m, Asturias, North Spain). [ First night of 2003 observing with the telescope after three months of bad weather in the Cantabrian Mountains ].

- 2003 Jan. 23.99 UT: m1=11.7, Dia.=1', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x). ( Sierra del Aramo, alt.1005 m, Asturias, North Spain). [ Moonlight ].

- 2003 Jan. 27.99 UT: m1=11.8, Dia.=1', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (133x). ( Camposagrado, alt.1100 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2003 Feb. 20.87 UT: m1=12.0, Dia.=1', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x). ( Sierra del Aramo, alt.1240 m, Asturias, North Spain).

- 2003 Aug. 27.17 UT: m1=12.5, Dia.=1', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (206x). ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain) [ astronomical twilight ].

- 2003 Sept. 25.15 UT: m1=12.1, Dia.=1'.5, DC=2, 20 cm SCT (133x). ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2003 Dec. 16.92 UT: m1=11.8, Dia.=1'.5, DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x). (Villasecino, alt. 1229 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 Jan. 11.88 UT: m1=12.2, Dia.=1'.5, DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x). ( Sierra del Aramo, alt.1240 m, Asturias, North Spain)


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2001HT502003 01 03.95  S 12.3 HS 20.3T10  77   1    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2001HT502003 01 23.99  S 11.7 HS 20.3T10  77   1    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2001HT502003 01 27.99  S 11.8 HS 20.3T10 133   1    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2001HT502003 02 20.87  S 12.0 TJ 20.3T10  77   1    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2001HT502003 08 27.17  S 12.5 HS 20.3T10 206   1    2            ICQ XX GON05
   2001HT502003 09 25.15  S 12.1 TK 20.3T10 133   1.5  2            ICQ XX GON05
   2001HT502003 12 16.92  S 11.8 TK 20.3T10 100   1.5  4            ICQ XX GON05
   2001HT502004 01 11.88  S 12.2 TK 20.3T10 100   1.5  3            ICQ XX GON05

C/2001 Q4 (NEAT)

- 2004 May 08.87 UT: m1=2.9, Dia.=30', DC=7, NE ( Sierra de Guadarrama, Peguerinos, alt. 1670 m, Avila, Spain) [ 7x50B: m1=3.1, Dia.=25', DC=7, Tail: 2.0 deg. in PA 110 deg,..Mountain location, clear sky; astronomical twilight. ].

- 2004 May 11.91 UT: m1=2.8, Dia.=30', DC=6, Tail: 1.5 deg. in PA 115 deg, naked eye. ( Piedrafita de Babia, alt. 1270 m, Leon, North Spain) [ 7x50B: m1=2.9, Tail: 2.5 deg.;.Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2004 May 14.91 UT: m1=3.1, Dia.=25', DC=6, Tail: 2.5 deg. in PA 115 deg, naked eye. ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain) [ 7x50B: m1=3.3, Ion tail: 5 deg, broader dust tail: 1 deg; Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2004 May 16.92 UT: m1=3.3, Dia.=20', DC=6, Tail: 2.0 deg. in PA 115 deg, naked eye, ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain) [ 7x50B: m1=3.5, Ion tail: 5 deg, broader dust tail: 1 deg; Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2004 May 19.92 UT: m1=3.9, Dia.=15', DC=6, Tail: 1.0 deg. in PA 115 deg, naked eye ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1240 m., North Spain) [ 7x50B: m1= 4.1, Dia.=12', DC=7, Tail: 2.5 deg ].

- 2004 May 23.93 UT: m1=4.4, DC=7, naked eye ( Alto de la Degollada, Candamo, alt. 600 m., North Spain) [ 7x50B: m1= 4.5, Dia.=12', DC=7, Tail: 1.5 deg. in PA 115 deg; some moonlight interference ].

- 2004 May 30.92 UT: m1=5.4, Dia.=10', DC=6, 7x50B ( Tenebredo, alt. 595 m, Asturias, North Spain) [ Moonlight ].

- 2004 June 2.93 UT: m1=5.6, Dia.=8', DC=6, 7x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain) [ Moonlight ].

- 2004 June 8.95 UT: m1=5.9, Dia.=8', DC=7, Tail: 1.3 deg. in PA 95 deg, 7x50B ( Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1390 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2004 June 13.02 UT: m1=6.2, Dia.=8', DC=7, Tail: 0.8 deg. in PA 105 deg, 7x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 June 13.94 UT: m1=6.2, Dia.=8', DC=7, Tail: 0.9 deg. in PA 105 deg, 7x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 June 15.96 UT: m1=6.4, Dia.=7', DC=7, Tail: 0.9 deg. in PA 95 deg, 7x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain)[ 15.97 UT: m1=6.6, 25x100B, gas tail 0.9-deg in p.a. 95 deg, dust fanned tail 0.3-deg in p.a. 150 deg ].

- 2004 June 21.92 UT: m1=6.7, Dia.=8', DC=7, Tail: 0.4 deg. in PA 100 deg, 7x50B ( Angliru - Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1550 m, Asturias, North Spain).

- 2004 June 27.10 UT: m1=7.0, Dia.=8', DC=7, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 100 deg, 7x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 June 30.11 UT: m1=7.0, Dia.=8', DC=7, 7x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain) [ 25x100B: Tail 0.2-deg in p.a. 100 deg ].

- 2004 July 12.97 UT: m1=7.4, Dia.=7', DC=7, 7x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain) [ 25x100B: Tail 0.2-deg in p.a. 90 deg ].

- 2004 July 14.94 UT: m1=7.4, Dia.=8', DC=7, 7x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain) [ 25x100B: fanned tail spanning from 90 deg. to 140 deg., 0.2-deg in p.a. 90 deg ].

- 2004 July 20.94 UT: m1=7.5, Dia.=7', DC=5, 7x50B ( Puerto de Navafría, alt. 1773 m, Madrid, Spain).

- 2004 July 25.99 UT: m1=7.7, Dia.=7', DC=5, 7x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain) [ 25x100B: 0.1-deg tail in p.a. 85 deg ].

- 2004 Aug. 4.92 UT: m1=8.2, Dia.=8', DC=4, 7x50B (Villasecino, alt. 1229 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 Aug. 12.91 UT: m1=8.6, Dia.=8', DC=3, 11x80B ( Cordal de las Segadas, alt.898 m, Asturias, North Spain) [ 25x100B: 0.1-deg tail in PA 90 deg ].

- 2004 Aug. 19.97 UT: m1=9.0, Dia.=7', DC=4, 25x100B ( Linares - Proaza, alt. 840 m, Asturias, North Spain).

- 2004 Aug. 21.08 UT: m1=9.2, Dia.=4', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 Aug. 26.09 UT: m1=9.3, Dia.=4', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 Sep. 16.95 UT: m1=10.1, Dia.=3', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 Nov. 15.91 UT: m1=12.5, Dia.=1.5', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (100x). ( Camposagrado, alt.1135 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 Dec. 11.85 UT: m1=12.8, Dia.=1.5', DC=1, 20 cm SCT (100x). ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m, León, North Spain).

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2001Q4  2004 05 08.86  B  3.1 TK  5.0B     7  25    7   2.0  110 ICQ XX GON05
   2001Q4  2004 05 08.87  I  2.9 TK  0.0E     1  30    7            ICQ XX GON05
   2001Q4  2004 05 11.90  B  2.9 TK  5.0B     7  25    6   2.5  115 ICQ XX GON05
   2001Q4  2004 05 11.91  I  2.8 TK  0.0E     1  30    6   1.5  115 ICQ XX GON05
   2001Q4  2004 05 14.90  B  3.3 TK  5.0B     7  17    6   5.0  115 ICQ XX GON05
   2001Q4  2004 05 14.91  I  3.1 TK  0.0E     1  25    6   2.5  115 ICQ XX GON05
   2001Q4  2004 05 16.91  B  3.5 TK  5.0B     7  15    7   5.0  115 ICQ XX GON05
   2001Q4  2004 05 16.92  I  3.3 TK  0.0E     1  20    6   2.0  115 ICQ XX GON05
   2001Q4  2004 05 19.91  B  4.1 TK  5.0B     7  12    7   2.5  115 ICQ XX GON05
   2001Q4  2004 05 19.92  I  3.9 TK  0.0E     1  15    6   1.0  115 ICQ XX GON05
   2001Q4  2004 05 23.92  B  4.5 TK  5.0B     7  12    7   1.5  115 ICQ XX GON05
   2001Q4  2004 05 23.93  I  4.4 TK  0.0E     1        7            ICQ XX GON05
   2001Q4  2004 05 30.92  B  5.4 TK  5.0B     7  10    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2001Q4  2004 06 02.93  B  5.6 TK  5.0B     7   8    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2001Q4  2004 06 08.95  B  5.9 TK  5.0B     7   8    7   1.3   95 ICQ XX GON05
   2001Q4  2004 06 13.02  B  6.2 TK  5.0B     7   8    7   0.8  105 ICQ XX GON05
   2001Q4  2004 06 13.94  B  6.2 TK  5.0B     7   8    7   0.9  105 ICQ XX GON05
   2001Q4  2004 06 15.96  B  6.4 TK  5.0B     7   7    7   0.9   95 ICQ XX GON05
   2001Q4  2004 06 15.97  B  6.6 TK 10.0B    25   6    7   0.9   95 ICQ XX GON05
   2001Q4  2004 06 21.92  B  6.7 TK  5.0B     7   8    7   0.4  100 ICQ XX GON05
   2001Q4  2004 06 27.10  B  7.0 TK  5.0B     7   8    7   0.2  100 ICQ XX GON05
   2001Q4  2004 06 30.11  B  7.0 TK  5.0B     7   8    7            ICQ XX GON05
   2001Q4  2004 06 30.12  B  7.0 TK 10.0B    25   8    6   0.2  100 ICQ XX GON05
   2001Q4  2004 07 12.97  B  7.4 TK  5.0B     7   7    7            ICQ XX GON05
   2001Q4  2004 07 12.98  B  7.6 TK 10.0B    25   6    6   0.2   90 ICQ XX GON05
   2001Q4  2004 07 14.94  B  7.4 TK  5.0B     7   8    7            ICQ XX GON05
   2001Q4  2004 07 14.95  B  7.6 TK 10.0B    25   7    6   0.2   90 ICQ XX GON05
   2001Q4  2004 07 20.94  S  7.5 TK  5.0B     7   7    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2001Q4  2004 07 25.99  S  7.7 TK  5.0B     7   7    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2001Q4  2004 07 26.00  S  7.9 TK 10.0B    25   5    5   0.1   85 ICQ XX GON05
   2001Q4  2004 08 04.92  S  8.2 TK  5.0B     7   8    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2001Q4  2004 08 12.91  S  8.6 TK  8.0B    11   8    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2001Q4  2004 08 12.92  S  8.8 TK 10.0B    25   6    4   0.1   90 ICQ XX GON05
   2001Q4  2004 08 19.97  S  9.0 TK 10.0B    25   7    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2001Q4  2004 08 21.08  S  9.2 TK 20.3T10  77   4    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2001Q4  2004 08 26.09  S  9.3 TK 20.3T10  77   4    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2001Q4  2004 09 16.95  S 10.1 TK 20.3T10  77   3    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2001Q4  2004 11 15.91  S 12.5 TK 20.3T10 100   1.5  2            ICQ XX GON05
   2001Q4  2004 12 11.85  S 12.8 TK 20.3T10 100   1.5  1            ICQ XX GON05

C/2001 RX14 (LINEAR)

- 2003 Jan. 3.98 UT: m1=11.0, Dia.=2', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x). ( Sierra del Aramo, alt.1230 m, Asturias, North Spain).

- 2003 Jan. 23.97 UT: m1=11.2, Dia.=2', DC=6, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 300 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x). ( Sierra del Aramo, alt.1005 m, Asturias, North Spain) [ Fan-shaped tail ].

- 2003 Jan. 27.91 UT: m1=11.2, Dia.=2', DC=6, Tail: 0.1 deg. in PA 300 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x). ( Camposagrado, alt.1100 m, Leon, North Spain) [ Fan-shaped tail ].

- 2003 Feb. 20.91 UT: m1=10.9, Dia.=2', DC=6, Tail: 0.1 deg. in PA 280 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x). ( Sierra del Aramo, alt.1240 m, Asturias, North Spain).

- 2003 Mar. 9.01 UT: m1=10.8, Dia.=4', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x). ( Camposagrado, alt.1135 m, Leon, North Spain) [elongated coma].

- 2003 Mar. 20.89 UT: m1=10.9, Dia.=4', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x). ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2003 Apr. 6.11 UT: m1=10.9, Dia.=2', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x). ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2003 May 3.01 UT: m1=11.8, Dia.=1.5', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (77x). ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2001RX142003 01 03.98  S 11.0 TJ 20.3T10  77   2    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2001RX142003 01 23.97  S 11.2 TJ 20.3T10  77   2    6   0.2  300 ICQ XX GON05
   2001RX142003 01 27.91  S 11.2 TJ 20.3T10  77   2    6   0.1  300 ICQ XX GON05
   2001RX142003 02 20.91  S 10.9 TJ 20.3T10  77   2    6   0.1  280 ICQ XX GON05
   2001RX142003 03 09.01  S 10.8 TJ 20.3T10  77   4    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2001RX142003 03 20.89  S 10.9 TJ 20.3T10  77   4    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2001RX142003 04 06.11  S 10.9 TJ 20.3T10  77   2    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2001RX142003 05 03.01  S 11.8 TJ 20.3T10  77   1.5  2            ICQ XX GON05

C/2002 F1 (Utsunomiya)

- 2002 Mar. 22.20 UT: m1=9.3, Dia.=2', ---, 11x80B. ( Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1530 m., Leon, North Spain).

- 2002 Mar. 27.21 UT: m1=8.7, Dia.=2', ---, 11x80B. ( Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1530 m., Leon, North Spain).

- 2002 Apr. 16.18 UT: m1=4.9, Dia.=2', DC=8, Tail: 0.75 deg. in PA 330 deg, 11x80B. ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1010 m, Asturias, North Spain )

- 2002 Apr. 20.19 UT: m1=5.2, Dia.=2', DC=8, Tail: 0.3 deg. in PA 330 deg, 11x80B. ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 990 m, Asturias, North Spain ) [ Beginning of nautical twilight ]

- 2002 Apr. 20.85 UT: m1=5.5, Dia.=2', DC=8, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 330 deg, 11x80B. ( Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ End of nautical twilight; moonlight ]

- 2002 Apr. 21.86 UT: m1=5.3, Dia.=2', DC=8, Tail: 0.4 deg. in PA 355 deg, 11x80B. ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1760 m, Asturias, North Spain ) [ After the end of nautical twilight; moonlight ]

- 2002 Apr. 22.85 UT: m1=5.5, Dia.=2', DC=8, Tail: 0.4 deg. in PA 355 deg, 11x80B. ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1760 m, Asturias, North Spain ) [ After the end of nautical twilight; moonlight ]

- 2002 Apr. 29.87 UT: m1=5.1, Dia.=2', DC=8, Tail: 0.4 deg., 11x80B. ( Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Observation made after the end of nautical twilight, from a mountain location, under good conditions. Fan-shaped tail between PA 15 deg. and PA 45 deg. ]


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2002F1  2002 03 22.20  S  9.3 TJ  8.0B    11   2                 ICQ XX GON05
   2002F1  2002 03 27.21  I  8.7 TJ  8.0B    11   2                 ICQ XX GON05
   2002F1  2002 04 16.18  S  4.9 TJ  8.0B    11   2    8   0.75 330 ICQ XX GON05
   2002F1  2002 04 20.19  I  5.2 TJ  8.0B    11   2    8   0.3  330 ICQ XX GON05
   2002F1  2002 04 20.85  I  5.5 TJ  8.0B    11   2    8   0.2  330 ICQ XX GON05
   2002F1  2002 04 21.86  S  5.3 TJ  8.0B    11   2    8   0.4  355 ICQ XX GON05
   2002F1  2002 04 22.85  S  5.5 TJ  8.0B    11   2    8   0.4  355 ICQ XX GON05
   2002F1  2002 04 29.87  S  5.1 TJ  8.0B    11   2    8   0.4   45 ICQ XX GON05

C/2002 O4 ( Hönig )

- 2002 July 29.94 UT: m1=9.8, Dia.=6', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (50x). ( Quintanilla, alt. 1110 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2002 July 31.97 UT: m1=9.5, Dia.=3', DC=2, 11x80B. ( Aralla, alt. 1100 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2002 Aug. 1.00 UT: m1=9.7, Dia.=5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (36x).( Aralla, alt. 1100 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2002 Aug. 4.00 UT: m1=9.3, Dia.=6', DC=3, 11x80B. ( Alto del Carballo, alt. 1110 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2002 Aug. 7.00 UT: m1=7.9, Dia.=7', DC=4, 11x80B. (Puerto de Aralla, alt.1720 m, Leon, North Spain) [Comet clearly brighter as time passes] .

- 2002 Aug. 12.01 UT: m1=8.1, Dia.=7', DC=3, 11x80B. ( Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ m1=8.2, Dia.=8', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (36x) ].

- 2002 Aug. 16.00 UT: m1=8.1, Dia.=8', DC=3, 11x80B. ( Alto de Rosales, alt. 1510 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ 16.02 UT: m1=8.2, Dia.=8', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (36x) ]

- 2002 Aug. 18.10 UT: m1=7.9, Dia.=6', DC=3, 11x80B. (Cea, alt.850 m, Leon, North Spain) [ 18.11 UT: m1=8.1, Dia.=6', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (36x) ].

- 2002 Aug. 29.89 UT: m1=7.9, Dia.=10', DC=4, 11x80B. (Puerto de Aralla, alt.1720 m, Leon, North Spain) [ 29.90 UT: m1=8.0, Dia.=10', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (36x) ].

- 2002 Aug. 31.92 UT: m1=8.1, Dia.=9', DC=4, 11x80B. (Quintanilla, alt.1200 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2002 Sep. 1.87 UT: m1=8.1, Dia.=8', DC=5, 11x80B. (Puerto de Aralla, alt.1720 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2002 Sep. 2.86 UT: m1=8.1, Dia.=8', DC=4, 11x80B. (Sierra del Aramo, alt.1180 m, Asturias, North Spain).

- 2002 Sep. 6.93 UT: m1=8.5, Dia.=7', DC=4, 11x80B. (Cotanes, alt.700 m, Zamora, North Spain).

- 2002 Sep. 7.17 UT: m1=8.3, Dia.=7', DC=3, 11x80B. (Puerto de Navafría, alt.1400 m, Segovia, Spain).

- 2002 Sep. 9.87 UT: m1=8.5, Dia.=6', DC=4, 11x80B. (Camposagrado, alt.1100 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2002 Sep. 11.91 UT: m1=8.6, Dia.=5', DC=4, 11x80B. (Puerto de Aralla, alt.1720 m, Leon, North Spain) [ 11.92 UT: m1=8.6, Dia.=4', DC=5, Tail: 0.12 deg. in PA 30 deg, 20 cm SCT (36x) ].

- 2002 Sep. 25.84 UT: m1=9.1, Dia.=3', DC=4, Tail: 0.1 deg. 20 cm SCT (77x). (Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Observation made after the end of astronomical twilight and before moonrise ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2002O4  2002 07 29.94  S  9.8 TJ 20.3T10  50   6    2            ICQ XX GON05
   2002O4  2002 07 31.97  S  9.5 TJ  8.0B    11   3    2            ICQ XX GON05
   2002O4  2002 08 01.00  S  9.7 TJ 20.3T10  36   5    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2002O4  2002 08 04.00  S  9.3 TJ  8.0B    11   6    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2002O4  2002 08 07.00  S  7.9 TJ  8.0B    11   7    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2002O4  2002 08 12.01  S  8.1 TJ  8.0B    11   7    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2002O4  2002 08 12.01  S  8.2 TJ 20.3T10  36   8    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2002O4  2002 08 16.00  S  8.1 TJ  8.0B    11   8    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2002O4  2002 08 16.02  S  8.2 TJ 20.3T10  36   8    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2002O4  2002 08 18.10  S  7.9 TJ  8.0B    11   6    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2002O4  2002 08 18.11  S  8.1 TJ 20.3T10  36   6    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2002O4  2002 08 29.89  S  7.9 TJ  8.0B    11  10    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2002O4  2002 08 29.90  S  8.0 TJ 20.3T10  36  10    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2002O4  2002 08 31.92  S  8.1 TJ  8.0B    11   9    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2002O4  2002 09 01.87  S  8.1 TJ  8.0B    11   8    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2002O4  2002 09 02.86  S  8.1 TJ  8.0B    11   8    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2002O4  2002 09 06.93  S  8.5 TJ  8.0B    11   7    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2002O4  2002 09 07.17  S  8.3 TJ  8.0B    11   7    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2002O4  2002 09 09.87  S  8.5 TJ  8.0B    11   6    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2002O4  2002 09 11.91  S  8.6 TJ  8.0B    11   5    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2002O4  2002 09 11.92  S  8.6 TJ 20.3T10  36   4    5   0.12  30 ICQ XX GON05
   2002O4  2002 09 25.84  S  9.1 TJ 20.3T10  77   3    4   0.1      ICQ XX GON05

C/2002 O6 (SWAN)

- 2002 Aug. 4.13 UT: m1=7.2, Dia.=8', DC=3, 11x80B. ( Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ 4.14 UT: m1=7.4, Dia.=4', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (50x). Moonlight; comparison stars at the same low altitude ( 10º ) as the comet. Observation made before the beginning of astronomical twilight, under good conditions ].

- 2002 Aug. 7.13 UT: m1=7.0, Dia.=9', DC=3, 11x80B. (Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [Observation made before moonrise and beginning of astronomical twilight].

- 2002 Aug. 18.15 UT: m1=6.4, Dia.=8', DC=5, 11x80B. (Cea, alt.850 m, Leon, North Spain) [ 18.16 UT: m1=6.5, Dia.=8', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (36x). Observation made before the beginning of astronomical twilight].

- 2002 Aug. 29.87 UT: m1=7.2, Dia.=8', DC=6, 11x80B. (Puerto de Aralla, alt.1720 m, Leon, North Spain) [ m1=7.2, Dia.=10', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (36x). Comparison stars at the same low altitude ( 6º ) as the comet. Observation made after the end of astronomical twilight in the evening ].

- 2002 Sep. 1.86 UT: m1=7.2, Dia.=7', DC=6, 11x80B. (Puerto de Aralla, alt.1720 m, Leon, North Spain). [NE Lim. Mag. at 5.0 near comet].

- 2002 Sep. 10.18 UT: m1=[9.0, 11x80B. (Puerto de Aralla, alt.1720 m, Leon, North Spain) [Comet not seen, alt. 6 deg. Observation made before the beginning of morning astronomical twilight, under good conditions, from a mountain location ].

- 2002 Sep. 12.18 UT: m1=[11.5, 20 cm SCT (36x). (Puerto de Aralla, alt.1720 m, Leon, North Spain)[Comet not seen, alt. 5 deg. Observation made under good conditions ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2002O6  2002 08 04.13  S  7.2 TJ  8.0B    11   8    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2002O6  2002 08 04.14  S  7.4 TJ 20.3T10  50   4    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2002O6  2002 08 07.13  S  7.0 TJ  8.0B    11   9    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2002O6  2002 08 18.15  S  6.4 TJ  8.0B    11   8    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2002O6  2002 08 18.16  S  6.5 TJ 20.3T10  36   8    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2002O6  2002 08 29.87  S  7.2 TJ  8.0B    11   8    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2002O6  2002 08 29.87  S  7.2 TJ 20.3T10  36  10    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2002O6  2002 09 01.86  S  7.2 TJ  8.0B    11   7    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2002O6  2002 09 10.18   [ 9.0 TJ  8.0B    11                     ICQ XX GON05
   2002O6  2002 09 12.18   [11.5 TJ 20.3T10  36                     ICQ XX GON05

C/2002 O7 (LINEAR)

- 2003 June 18.96 UT: m1=12.5, Dia.=1'.5, DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x). ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain).


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2002O7  2003 06 18.96  S 12.5 HS 20.3T10 100   1.5  3            ICQ XX GON05

C/2002 T7 (LINEAR)

- 2003 Aug. 27.14 UT: m1=12.9, Dia.=0'.5, DC=3, 20 cm SCT (206x). ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2003 Sept. 25.12 UT: m1=11.9, Dia.=0'.8, DC=5, 20 cm SCT (206x). ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2003 Oct. 8.21 UT: m1=11.6, Dia.=0'.9, DC=6, 20 cm SCT (77x). ( Carrocera, alt. 1208 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2003 Nov. 17.88 UT: m1=10.1, Dia.=3', DC=7, 25x100B. ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m, Leon, North Spain) [ Nov. 17.86 UT: m1=10.1, Dia.=3', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (77x). Elongated coma ].

- 2003 Nov. 25.83 UT: m1=9.7, Dia.=2', DC=8, 11x80B. (Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1230 m, Asturias, North Spain) [ Nov. 25.85 UT: m1=9.7, Dia.=3', DC=7, 25x100B. Elongated coma ].

- 2003 Dec. 10.76 UT: m1=9.2, Dia.=3', DC=5, 25x100B. (Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1230 m, Asturias, North Spain) [Moon at low altitude: 3 deg ].

- 2003 Dec. 15.79 UT: m1=8.9, Dia.=4', DC=6, 11x80B. (Alto de la Campa, alt. 450 m, Asturias, North Spain) [ Dec. 15.83 UT: m1=9.1, Dia.=4', DC=5, Tail: 0.1 deg. in PA 70 deg, 10 cm L (65x). Elongated coma ].

- 2003 Dec. 16.82 UT: m1=8.9, Dia.=4', DC=6, 11x80B. (Villasecino, alt. 1229 m, Leon, North Spain) [ Dec. 16.85 UT: m1=9.5, Dia.=3', DC=5, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 80 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x). Elongated coma ].

- 2003 Dec. 20.97 UT: m1=8.6, Dia.=4', DC=5, 25x100B. ( Grandota - Oviedo, alt. 460 m, Asturias, North Spain ) [Elongated coma; suburban sky].

- 2003 Dec. 21.02 UT: m1=8.5, Dia.=5', DC=5, 25x100B. (Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1031 m, Asturias, North Spain) [ Dec. 21.03 UT: m1=8.6, Dia.=4', DC=5, 10 cm L (65x). Elongated coma; rural sky ].

- 2003 Dec. 23.83 UT: m1=8.4, Dia.=6', DC=5, Tail: 0.1 deg. in PA 80 deg, 25x100B. (Collada de la Cobertoria, alt. 1179 m, Asturias, North Spain) [ Dec. 23.79 UT: m1=8.6, Dia.=4', DC=5, Tail: 0.2 deg., 10 cm L (65x)].

- 2003 Dec. 26.97 UT: m1=8.2, Dia.=6', DC=5, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 80 deg, 25x100B. ( La Frecha - Lena, alt. 450 m, Asturias, North Spain).

- 2003 Dec. 27.78 UT: m1=8.2, Dia.=6', DC=5, 11x80B. ( La Foz de Morcin, alt. 370 m, Asturias, North Spain ).

- 2003 Dec. 28.87 UT: m1=8.5, Dia.=4', DC=5, 11x80B. ( Grandota - Oviedo, alt. 460 m, Asturias, North Spain ) [ Moonlight begins to interfere ].

- 2004 Jan. 6.83 UT: m1=8.3, Dia.=4', DC=5, 25x100B. (Sierra del Aramo, alt.1550 m, Asturias, North Spain) [Moonlight].

- 2004 Jan. 9.78 UT: m1=7.4, Dia.=13', DC=5, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 80 deg, 7x50B. (Felguera de Riosa, alt.330 m, Asturias, North Spain) [Before moonrise].

- 2004 Jan. 11.80 UT: m1=7.5, Dia.=13', DC=5, 7x50B. ( Sierra del Aramo, alt.1240 m, Asturias, North Spain) [ Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 80 deg, 11x80B].

- 2004 Jan. 11.83 UT: m1=7.7, Dia.=11', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (36x). ( Sierra del Aramo, alt.1240 m, Asturias, North Spain)

- 2004 Jan. 14.80 UT: m1=7.4, Dia.=13', DC=5, 7x50B & 11x80B. ( Sierra del Aramo, alt.700 m, Asturias, North Spain) [ 14.82 UT: m1=7.5, Dia.=8', DC=5, Tail: 0.6 deg. in PA 70 deg, 25x100B. Coma significantly enhanced through Swan band filter in 25x100 B ].

- 2004 Jan. 16.79 UT: m1=7.4, Dia.=11', DC=5...7x50B...( Cordal de las Segadas, alt.811 m, Asturias, North Spain) [ 16.80 UT: m1=7.4, Dia.=11', DC=5, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 70 deg, 11x80B ].

- 2004 Jan. 18.81 UT: m1=7.4, Dia.=11', DC=5...7x50B...( Sierra del Aramo, alt.700 m, Asturias, North Spain) [ 18.82 UT: Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 70 deg, 11x80B ].

- 2004 Jan. 19.83 UT: m1=7.5, Dia.=11', DC=5, 7x50B & 11x80B. ( Sierra del Aramo, alt.1010 m, Asturias, North Spain) [ 19.84 UT: m1=7.6, Dia.=11', DC=6, Tail: 0.4 deg. in PA 70 deg, 25x100B ].

- 2004 Jan. 21.80 UT: m1=7.5, Dia.=10', DC=5, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 70 deg ...7x50B... ( Sierra del Aramo, alt.980 m, Asturias, North Spain) [ 21.82 UT: m1=7.7, Dia.=9', DC=6, Tail: 0.3 deg. in PA 70 deg, 25x100B ].

- 2004 Jan. 25.92 UT: m1=7.5, Dia.=10', DC=5, 7x50B & 11x80B. ( Sierra del Aramo, alt.700 m, Asturias, North Spain) [ 25.93 UT: m1=7.7, Dia.=8', DC=6, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 70 deg, 25x100B. After moonset ].

- 2004 Jan. 28.80 UT: m1=7.5, Dia.=6', DC=5, 7x50B & 11x80B. ( Cordal de las Segadas, alt.898 m, Asturias, North Spain) [ 28.81 UT: m1=7.6, Dia.=4', DC=6, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 65 deg, 25x100B. Moonlight ].

- 2004 Jan. 30.82 UT: m1=7.4, Dia.=6', DC=5, 11x80B. ( Cordal de las Segadas, alt.898 m, Asturias, North Spain).

- 2004 Jan. 31.83 UT: m1=7.5, Dia.=7', DC=5, 7x50B & 11x80B. ( Sierra de Linares, alt.831 m, Asturias, North Spain) [ 31.85 UT: m1=7.7, Dia.=6', DC=6, Tail: 0.1 deg. in PA 65 deg, 25x100B. Moonlight ].

- 2004 Feb. 04.83 UT: m1=7.5, Dia.=5', DC=5 ...11x80B... ( El Mazo - Panes, alt.75 m, Asturias, North Spain) [ Moonlight ].

- 2004 Feb. 05.81 UT: m1=7.7, Dia.=4', DC=6 ...11x80B... ( Pigurices - Proaza, alt.1080 m, Asturias, North Spain) [ Moonlight ].

- 2004 Feb. 08.82 UT: m1=7.3, Dia.=11', DC=6, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 60 deg...7x50B & 11x80B... ( Sierra del Aramo, alt.980 m, Asturias, North Spain) [ 08.83 UT: m1=7.4, Dia.=9', DC=6, Tail: 0.2 deg., 25x100B].

- 2004 Feb. 10.82 UT: m1=7.1, Dia.=12', DC=6, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 60 deg...7x50B & 11x80B... ( Sierra del Aramo, alt.980 m, Asturias, North Spain) [ Zodiacal Light. Feb. 10.85 UT: m1=7.6, Dia.=6', DC=6, Tail: 0.2 deg., 20 cm SCT (36x)].

- 2004 Feb. 11.82 UT: m1=7.1, Dia.=10', DC=6, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 60 deg...7x50B & 11x80B... ( Sierra del Aramo, alt.1550 m, Asturias, North Spain) [ Zodiacal Light. Feb.11.83 UT: m1=7.5, Dia.=6', DC=6, Tail: 0.3 deg., 25x100B].

- 2004 Feb. 12.81 UT: m1=7.1, Dia.=12', DC=6, Tail: 0.3 deg. in PA 60 deg...7x50B... ( Sierra del Aramo, alt.980 m, Asturias, North Spain) [ Zodiacal Light. Feb.12.82 UT: m1=7.3, Dia.=7', DC=6, Tail: 0.6 deg., 25x100B].

- 2004 Feb. 13.81 UT: m1=7.1, Dia.=12', DC=6, Tail: 0.3 deg. in PA 55 deg...7x50B... ( Puerto de la Cubilla, alt.1689 m, Asturias, North Spain) [ Zodiacal Light. Feb.13.82 UT: m1=7.0, 11x80B].

- 2004 Feb. 18.84 UT: m1=7.0, Dia.=9', DC=6, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 60 deg...7x50B... (Villasecino, alt. 1229 m, Leon, North Spain) [ Feb.18.85 UT: m1=7.0, Tail: 0.4 deg., 11x80B].

- 2004 Feb. 20.81 UT: m1=6.9, Dia.=8', DC=7, Tail: 0.3 deg. in PA 60 deg...7x50B... ( Tenebredo, alt.595 m, Asturias, North Spain) [ 20.83 UT: m1=7.2, Dia.=7', DC=6, Tail: 0.4 deg., 25x100B].

- 2004 Feb. 22.81 UT: m1=6.9, Dia.=8', DC=7, Tail: 0.3 deg. in PA 60 deg...7x50B... ( Cabo Peñas, alt.103 m, Asturias, North Spain) [ 22.82 UT: m1=7.1, Dia.=7', DC=6, Tail: 0.3 deg., 25x100B].

- 2004 Feb. 24.81 UT: m1=6.9, Dia.=7', DC=7...7x50B... ( La Laguna - Corvera, 220 m alt., Asturias, North Spain) [ Moonlight begins to interfere. Feb. 24.82 UT: m1=6.9, Dia.=7', DC=6, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 60 deg, 11x80B]

- 2004 Mar. 1.82 UT: m1=6.7, Dia.=6', DC=7...7x50B... ( Alto de Tenebredo, 554 m alt., Asturias, North Spain) [ Moonlight. Mar. 1.83 UT: m1=6.9, Dia.=5', DC=6, Tail: 0.1 deg. in PA 60 deg, 25x100B].

- 2004 Apr. 25.17 UT: m1=4.4, Dia.=3', DC=7, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 255 deg 11x80B. ( Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1540 m, Leon, North Spain) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Magnitude estimate corrected for atmospheric extinction with ICQ winter table. Low altitude. Beginning of nautical twilight ].

- 2004 Apr. 27.18 UT: m1=4.1, Dia.=3', DC=7, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 255 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x). ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain) [ Mountain location, clear sky. Magnitude estimate corrected for atmospheric extinction with ICQ winter table. Very low altitude. Beginning of nautical twilight ].

- 2004 June 8.91 UT: m1=6.0, Dia.=8', DC=3, 11x80B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt.1720 m, Leon, North Spain )[ Comparison stars at the same low altitude as the comet ].

- 2004 June 13.91 UT: m1=6.3, Dia.=8', DC=4, Tail: 0.4 deg. in PA 120 deg, 11x80B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain)[ Comparison stars at the same low altitude as the comet ].

- 2004 June 15.91 UT: m1=6.7, Dia.=8', DC=4, Tail: 0.4 deg. in PA 120 deg, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain)[ 15.90 UT: m1=6.4, 7x50B. Comparison stars at the same low altitude as the comet ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2002T7  2003 08 27.14  S 12.9 HS 20.3T10 206   0.5  3            ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2003 09 25.12  S 11.9 TK 20.3T10 206   0.8  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2003 10 08.21  S 11.6 TK 20.3T10  77   0.9  6            ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2003 11 17.86  S 10.1 TK 20.3T10  77   3    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2003 11 17.88  S 10.1 TK 10.0B    25   3    7            ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2003 11 25.83  S  9.7 TK 10.0B    25   3    7            ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2003 11 25.85  S  9.7 TK  8.0B    11   2    8            ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2003 12 10.76  S  9.2 TK 10.0B    25   3    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2003 12 15.77  S  8.9 TK 10.0B    25   4    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2003 12 15.79  S  8.9 TK  8.0B    11   4    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2003 12 15.83  S  9.1 TK 10.2M13  65   4    5   0.1   70 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2003 12 16.81  S  8.9 TK 10.0B    25   4    5   0.1   80 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2003 12 16.82  S  8.9 TK  8.0B    11   4    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2003 12 16.85  S  9.5 TK 20.3T10  77   3    5   0.2   80 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2003 12 20.97  S  8.6 TK 10.0B    25   4    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2003 12 21.02  S  8.5 TK 10.0B    25   5    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2003 12 21.03  S  8.6 TK 10.2M13  65   4    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2003 12 23.79  S  8.6 TK 10.2M13  65   4    5   0.2   80 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2003 12 23.81  S  8.5 TK  8.0B    11   6    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2003 12 23.83  S  8.4 TK 10.0B    25   6    5   0.1   80 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2003 12 26.97  S  8.2 TK 10.0B    25   6    5   0.2   80 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2003 12 26.99  S  8.2 TK  8.0B    11   6    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2003 12 27.78  S  8.2 TK  8.0B    11   6    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2003 12 28.87  S  8.5 TK  8.0B    11   4    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 01 06.83  S  8.3 TK 10.0B    25   4    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 01 09.78  S  7.4 TK  5.0B     7  13    5   0.2   80 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 01 11.80  S  7.5 TK  5.0B     7  13    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 01 11.81  S  7.5 TK  8.0B    11  13    5   0.2   80 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 01 11.83  S  7.7 TK 20.3T10  36  11    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 01 14.80  S  7.4 TK  5.0B     7  13    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 01 14.81  S  7.4 TK  8.0B    11  13    5   0.3   70 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 01 14.82  S  7.5 TK 10.0B    25   8    5   0.6   70 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 01 14.84  S  7.7 TK 10.2M13  65   6    6   0.2   70 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 01 16.79  S  7.4 TK  5.0B     7  11    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 01 16.80  S  7.4 TK  8.0B    11  11    5   0.2   70 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 01 18.81  S  7.4 TK  5.0B     7  11    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 01 18.82  S  7.4 TK  8.0B    11  11    5   0.2   70 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 01 19.83  S  7.5 TK  5.0B     7  11    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 01 19.83  S  7.5 TK  8.0B    11  11    5   0.2   70 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 01 19.84  S  7.6 TK 10.0B    25  11    6   0.4   70 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 01 21.80  S  7.5 TK  5.0B     7  10    5   0.2   70 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 01 21.80  S  7.4 TK  8.0B    11  10    5   0.2   70 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 01 21.82  S  7.7 TK 10.0B    25   9    6   0.3   70 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 01 25.92  S  7.5 TK  5.0B     7  10    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 01 25.92  S  7.5 TK  8.0B    11  10    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 01 25.93  S  7.7 TK 10.0B    25   8    6   0.2   70 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 01 28.80  S  7.5 TK  8.0B    11   6    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 01 28.80  S  7.6 TK  5.0B     7   6    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 01 28.81  S  7.6 TK 10.0B    25   4    6   0.2   65 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 01 28.82  S  7.9 TK 10.2M13  65   4    6   0.1   65 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 01 30.82  S  7.4 TK  8.0B    11   6    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 01 30.82  S  7.6 TK 10.0B    25   5    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 01 30.86  S  7.9 TK 10.2M13  65   4    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 01 31.83  S  7.5 TK  8.0B    11   7    5   0.1   65 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 01 31.84  S  7.5 TK  5.0B     7   7    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 01 31.85  S  7.7 TK 10.0B    25   6    6   0.1   65 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 02 04.83  S  7.5 TK  8.0B    11   5    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 02 05.81  S  7.7 TK  8.0B    11   4    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 02 08.82  S  7.3 TK  5.0B     7  11    6   0.2   60 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 02 08.83  S  7.3 TK  8.0B    11  11    6   0.2   60 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 02 08.83  S  7.4 TK 10.0B    25   9    6   0.2   60 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 02 08.84  S  7.6 TK 10.2M13  65   7    6   0.1   60 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 02 10.82  S  7.1 TK  5.0B     7  12    6   0.2   60 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 02 10.83  S  7.1 TK  8.0B    11  12    6   0.2   60 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 02 10.85  S  7.6 TK 20.3T10  36   6    6   0.2   60 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 02 11.82  S  7.1 TK  5.0B     7  10    6   0.2   60 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 02 11.82  S  7.1 TK  8.0B    11  10    6   0.2   60 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 02 11.83  S  7.5 TK 10.0B    25   6    6   0.3   60 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 02 12.81  S  7.1 TK  5.0B     7  12    6   0.3   60 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 02 12.82  S  7.0 TK  8.0B    11  12    6   0.3   60 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 02 12.82  S  7.3 TK 10.0B    25   7    6   0.6   60 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 02 13.81  S  7.1 TK  5.0B     7  12    6   0.3   55 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 02 13.82  S  7.0 TK  8.0B    11  12    6   0.3   55 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 02 18.84  S  7.0 TK  5.0B     7   9    6   0.2   60 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 02 18.85  S  7.0 TK  8.0B    11   9    6   0.4   60 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 02 20.81  S  6.9 TK  5.0B     7   8    7   0.3   60 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 02 20.82  S  7.0 TK  8.0B    11   8    6   0.3   60 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 02 20.83  S  7.2 TK 10.0B    25   7    6   0.4   60 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 02 20.84  S  7.4 TK 10.2M13  65   6    6   0.3   60 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 02 22.81  S  6.9 TK  5.0B     7   8    7   0.3   60 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 02 22.82  S  6.9 TK  8.0B    11   8    6   0.3   60 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 02 22.82  S  7.1 TK 10.0B    25   7    6   0.3   60 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 02 24.81  S  6.9 TK  5.0B     7   7    7            ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 02 24.82  S  6.9 TK  8.0B    11   7    6   0.2   60 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 02 24.82  S  7.1 TK 10.0B    25   6    6   0.2   60 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 03 01.81  S  6.7 TK  8.0B    11   6    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 03 01.82  S  6.7 TK  5.0B     7   6    7            ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 03 01.83  S  6.9 TK 10.0B    25   5    6   0.1   60 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 04 15.20   [ 4.2 TK  8.0B    11                     ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 04 25.17 $B  4.4 TK  8.0B    11   3    7   0.2  255 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 04 27.18 $B  4.1 TK 20.3T10  77   3    7   0.2  255 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 06 08.91  S  6.0 TK  8.0B    11   8    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 06 13.90  S  6.3 TK  5.0B     7   8    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 06 13.91  S  6.3 TK  8.0B    11   8    4   0.4  120 ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 06 15.90  S  6.4 TK  5.0B     7   8    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2002T7  2004 06 15.91  S  6.7 TK 10.0B    25   8    4   0.4  120 ICQ XX GON05

C/2002 V1 (NEAT)

- 2003 Jan. 3.83 UT: m1=7.6, Dia.=13', DC=3, 7x50B. ( Sierra del Aramo, alt.1230 m, Asturias, North Spain).

- 2003 Jan. 6.89 UT: m1=7.3, Dia.=13', DC=3, 7x50B. ( Sierra de Linares, alt.831 m, Asturias, North Spain) [ After moonset ].

- 2003 Jan. 8.80 UT: m1=7.3, Dia.=10', DC=3, 7x50B. ( Sierra del Aramo, alt.570 m, Asturias, North Spain) [Some moonlight interference].

- 2003 Jan. 12.82 UT: m1=6.9, Dia.=7', DC=4, 7x50B. ( Aralla, alt.1130 m, Leon, North Spain) [ 12.83 UT: m1=6.9, Dia.=6', DC=5, 11x80B. Mountain location, clear sky. Moonlight interference].

- 2003 Jan. 14.80 UT: m1=6.8, Dia.=6', DC=5, 7x50B. ( Camposagrado, alt.1100 m, Leon, North Spain). [ 14.81 UT: m1=6.8, Dia.=6', DC=6, 11x80B. Clear sky, moonlight interference].

- 2003 Jan. 16.80 UT: m1=6.8, Dia.=5', DC=5, 7x50B. ( Caldas de Luna, alt.1120 m, Leon, North Spain) [ 16.81 UT: m1=6.8, Dia.=6', DC=6, 11x80B. Mountain location, clear sky. Strong moonlight interference].

- 2003 Jan. 20.79 UT: m1=6.4, Dia.=6', DC=6, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 65 deg, 7x50B. ( Sierra del Aramo, alt.1031 m, Asturias, North Spain) [ 20.80 UT: m1=6.3, Dia.=6', DC=6, Tail: 0.3 deg. in PA 65 deg,11x80B. Observation made after the end of astronomical twilight and before moonrise. Mountain location, clear sky, NELM=5.8 near comet ].

- 2003 Jan. 23.81 UT: m1=6.0, Dia.=7', DC=6, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 60 deg, 11x80B.( Sierra del Aramo, alt.1031 m, Asturias, North Spain) [ 23.80 UT: m1=6.1, Dia.=7', DC=6, 7x50B. Zodiacal Light, NELM=5.9 near comet ].

- 2003 Jan. 27.82 UT: m1=5.8, Dia.=7', DC=7, Tail: 0.7 deg. in PA 65 deg, 7x50B. ( Camposagrado, alt.1100 m, Leon, North Spain). [ Comet near the limit of naked eye visibility. Zodiacal Light, NELM=5.5 near comet ].

- 2003 Jan. 31.80 UT: m1=5.7, Dia.=6', DC=8, Tail: 0.5 deg. in PA 55 deg, 7x50B. ( Buseco - Oviedo, alt.470 m, Asturias, North Spain). [ NELM=5.5 near comet ].

- 2003 Feb. 02.80 UT: m1=5.1, Dia.=6', DC=8, Tail: 1.5 deg. in PA 50 deg, 7x50B. ( Montejos del Camino, alt.950 m, Leon, North Spain) [ Comet visible to naked eye: Feb. 02.81 UT: NE: m1=5.0, DC=9. Very clear sky. Observation made under better conditions and from a higher location than two days ago. Tail appears brighter and longer in 7x50B. NELM=5.7 near comet ].

- 2003 Feb. 07.80 UT: m1=4.6, Dia.=5', DC=8, Tail: 3 deg. in PA 45 deg, 7x50B. ( Pico Fario - Siero, alt.670 m, Asturias, North Spain) [ Moonlight. NELM=4.5 near comet ].

- 2003 Feb. 08.80 UT: m1=4.2, DC=9, NE. ( North Spain ) [ Moonlight. Comet observed from comercial jet aircraft flying at an altitude of 8000 m over Valladolid ].

- 2003 Feb. 16.29 UT: m1= - 0.5:, Dia.=2', DC=9, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 350 deg, 11x80B. ( Sierra del Aramo, alt.1240 m, Asturias, North Spain) [ Mountain location, clear sky. Magnitude estimate corrected for atmospheric extinction with ICQ winter table. Very low altitude: 2 deg; solar elongation 8 deg. Mercury and the comet were clearly visible in the twilight, half an hour before sunrise ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2002V1  2003 01 03.83  S  7.6 TJ  5.0B     7  13    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2002V1  2003 01 06.89  S  7.3 TJ  5.0B     7  13    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2002V1  2003 01 08.80  S  7.3 TJ  5.0B     7  10    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2002V1  2003 01 12.82  S  6.9 TJ  5.0B     7   7    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2002V1  2003 01 12.83  S  6.9 TJ  8.0B    11   6    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2002V1  2003 01 14.80  S  6.8 TJ  5.0B     7   6    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2002V1  2003 01 14.81  S  6.8 TJ  8.0B    11   6    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2002V1  2003 01 16.80  S  6.8 TJ  5.0B     7   5    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2002V1  2003 01 16.81  S  6.8 TJ  8.0B    11   6    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2002V1  2003 01 20.79  S  6.4 TJ  5.0B     7   6    6   0.2   65 ICQ XX GON05
   2002V1  2003 01 20.80  S  6.3 TJ  8.0B    11   6    6   0.3   65 ICQ XX GON05
   2002V1  2003 01 23.80  S  6.1 TJ  5.0B     7   7    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2002V1  2003 01 23.81  S  6.0 TJ  8.0B    11   7    6   0.2   60 ICQ XX GON05
   2002V1  2003 01 27.82  S  5.8 TJ  5.0B     7   7    7   0.7   65 ICQ XX GON05
   2002V1  2003 01 31.80  B  5.7 TJ  5.0B     7   6    8   0.5   55 ICQ XX GON05
   2002V1  2003 02  2.80  B  5.1 TJ  5.0B     7   6    8   1.5   50 ICQ XX GON05
   2002V1  2003 02  2.81  I  5.0 TJ  0.0E     1        9            ICQ XX GON05
   2002V1  2003 02 07.80  B  4.6 TJ  5.0B     7   5    8   3     45 ICQ XX GON05
   2002V1  2003 02 08.80  I  4.2 TJ  0.0E     1        9            ICQ XX GON05
   2002V1  2003 02 16.29 $B -0.5:AE  8.0B    11   2    9   0.2  350 ICQ XX GON05

C/2002 X5 (Kudo-Fujikawa)

- 2002 Dec. 16.21 UT: m1=8.0, Dia.=5', DC=3, 7x50B. ( Covadonga, Picos de Europa, alt.920 m, Asturias, North Spain) [ 16.20 UT: m1=7.9, Dia.=6', DC=3, 11x80B. NELM=5.9 near comet ].

- 2002 Dec. 20.23 UT: m1=7.1, Dia.=5', DC=4, 11x80B. ( Sierra del Aramo, alt.1030 m, Asturias, North Spain) [ moonlight, NELM=5.5 near comet ].

- 2002 Dec. 27.22 UT: m1=6.7, Dia.=6', DC=6, 11x80B. ( Sierra del Aramo, alt.1030 m, Asturias, North Spain) [ 27.22 UT: m1=6.9, Dia.=5', DC=6, 7x50B. Moonlight, NELM=5.5 near comet ].

- 2003 Jan. 3.25 UT: m1=6.4, Dia.=5', DC=6, 7x50B. ( Sierra del Aramo, alt.1005 m, Asturias, North Spain) [ 3.26 UT: m1=6.5, Dia.=6', DC=6, Tail: 0.1 deg. in PA 0 deg, 11x80B. NELM=5.5 near comet ].

- 2003 Jan. 3.80 UT: m1=6.4, Dia.=6', DC=6, 11x80B. ( Sierra del Aramo, alt.1230 m, Asturias, North Spain).

- 2003 Jan. 6.79 UT: m1=6.5, Dia.=6', DC=6, 11x80B. ( Sierra de Linares, alt.831 m, Asturias, North Spain) [ Observation made after the end of astronomical twilight. Comparison stars at the same low altitude ( 4 deg ) as the comet ].

- 2003 Jan. 13.26 UT: m1=5.6, Dia.=4', DC=7, Tail: 0.4 deg. in PA 355 deg, 7x50B. ( Camposagrado, alt.1100 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2003 Jan. 14.77 UT: m1=5.8, Dia.=3', DC=8, 11x80B. ( Camposagrado, alt.1100 m, Leon, North Spain). [ Mountain location, clear sky, slight haze on horizon. Astronomical twilight, moonlight interference. Comparison stars at the same low altitude ( 4 deg ) as the comet ].

- 2003 Jan. 15.26 UT: m1=5.6, Dia.=4', DC=8, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 355 deg, 7x50B. ( Camposagrado, alt.1100 m, Leon, North Spain)[ 15.26 UT: m1=5.6, Dia.=4', DC=7, Tail: 0.4 deg. in PA 355 deg,11x80B. Before the beginning of the astronomical twilight; mountain location, clear sky. Comparison stars at the same low altitude ( 4 deg ) as the comet ].

- 2003 Mar. 20.88 UT: m1=10.3, Dia.=3', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (77x). ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Comparison stars at the same low altitude as the comet ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2002X5  2002 12 16.20  S  7.9 TJ  8.0B    11   6    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2002X5  2002 12 16.21  S  8.0 TJ  5.0B     7   5    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2002X5  2002 12 20.23  S  7.1 TJ  8.0B    11   5    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2002X5  2002 12 27.22  S  6.7 TJ  8.0B    11   6    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2002X5  2002 12 27.22  S  6.9 TJ  5.0B     7   5    6            ICQ XX GON05   
   2002X5  2003 01 03.25  S  6.4 TJ  5.0B     7   5    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2002X5  2003 01 03.26  S  6.5 TJ  8.0B    11   6    6   0.1    0 ICQ XX GON05
   2002X5  2003 01 03.80  S  6.4 TJ  8.0B    11   6    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2002X5  2003 01 06.79  S  6.5 TJ  8.0B    11   6    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2002X5  2003 01 13.26  S  5.6 TJ  5.0B     7   4    7   0.4  355 ICQ XX GON05
   2002X5  2003 01 14.77  S  5.8 TJ  8.0B    11   3    8            ICQ XX GON05
   2002X5  2003 01 15.26  S  5.6 TJ  8.0B    11   4    7   0.4  355 ICQ XX GON05
   2002X5  2003 01 15.26  S  5.6 TJ  5.0B     7   4    8   0.2  355 ICQ XX GON05
   2002X5  2003 03 20.88  S 10.3 TJ 20.3T10  77   3    2            ICQ XX GON05

C/2002 Y1 ( Juels-Holvorcem)

- 2003 Jan. 28.01 UT: m1=10.3, Dia.=3', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x). ( Camposagrado, alt.1100 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2003 Feb. 08.05 UT: m1=8.5, Dia.=6', DC=4, 7x50B. ( Camposagrado, alt.1135 m, Leon, North Spain) [ NELM=6.0 near comet ].

- 2003 Feb. 16.22 UT: m1=7.8, Dia.=4', DC=3, 11x80B. ( Camposagrado, alt.1090 m, Leon, North Spain) [ Moonlight ].

- 2003 Feb. 20.93 UT: m1=7.7, Dia.=6', DC=3, 11x80B. ( Sierra del Aramo, alt.1240 m, Asturias, North Spain) [ Feb. 20.94 UT: m1=8.1, Dia.=5', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x). Before moonrise. ].

- 2003 Mar. 4.01 UT: m1=6.9, Dia.=10', DC=5, 7x50B. (Sierra de Linares, alt.831 m, Asturias, North Spain).

- 2003 Mar. 9.15 UT: m1=6.7, Dia.=8', DC=5, 7x50B. ( Camposagrado, alt.1135 m, Leon, North Spain) [ Mar. 9.15 UT: m1=6.8, Dia.=5', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x)].

- 2003 Mar. 19.84 UT: m1=6.5, Dia.=7', DC=5, 7x50B. ( Camposagrado, alt.1135 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Before moonrise. Comparison stars at the same low altitude as the comet ].

- 2003 Mar. 20.84 UT: m1=6.7, Dia.=5', DC=6, 7x50B. ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Zodiacal Light. Comparison stars at the same low altitude as the comet ].

- 2003 Apr. 1.18 UT: m1=6.2, Dia.=4', DC=6, 7x50B. ( Sierra del Aramo, alt.1005 m, Asturias, North Spain ) [ Comparison stars at the same low altitude as the comet ].

- 2003 Apr. 6.18 UT: m1=6.1, Dia.=3', DC=7, Tail: 0.5 deg. in PA 340 deg, 7x50B. ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Comparison stars at the same low altitude as the comet ].

- 2003 Apr. 8.18 UT: m1=6.1, Dia.=3', DC=8, Tail: 0.5 deg. in PA 340 deg, 7x50B. ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Comparison stars at the same low altitude as the comet ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2002Y1  2003 01 28.01  S 10.3 TJ 20.3T10  77   3    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2002Y1  2003 02 08.05  S  8.5 TJ  5.0B     7   6    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2002Y1  2003 02 16.22  S  7.8 TJ  8.0B    11   4    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2002Y1  2003 02 20.93  S  7.7 TJ  8.0B    11   6    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2002Y1  2003 02 20.94  S  8.1 TJ 20.3T10  77   5    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2002Y1  2003 03 04.01  S  6.9 TJ  5.0B     7  10    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2002Y1  2003 03 09.11  S  6.8 TJ 20.3T10  77   5    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2002Y1  2003 03 09.15  S  6.7 TJ  5.0B     7   8    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2002Y1  2003 03 19.84  S  6.5 TJ  5.0B     7   7    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2002Y1  2003 03 20.84  S  6.7 TJ  5.0B     7   5    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2002Y1  2003 04 01.18  S  6.2 TJ  5.0B     7   4    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2002Y1  2003 04 06.18  B  6.1 TJ  5.0B     7   3    7   0.5  340 ICQ XX GON05
   2002Y1  2003 04 08.18  B  6.1 TJ  5.0B     7   3    8   0.5  340 ICQ XX GON05

C/2003 H1 (LINEAR)

- 2004 Jan. 20.23 UT: m1=13.3, Dia.=1', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (100x). ( Cordal de las Segadas, alt.880 m, Asturias, North Spain).

- 2004 Feb. 01.23 UT: m1=12.7, Dia.=1'.2, DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x). ( Cordal de las Segadas, alt.880 m, Asturias, North Spain).

- 2004 Feb. 17.22 UT: m1=12.5, Dia.=1'.5, DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x). ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 Mar. 15.99 UT: m1=11.4, Dia.=1'.7, DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x). ( Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1560 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 Apr. 14.93 UT: m1=12.4, Dia.=1'.0, DC=5, 20 cm SCT (100x). ( Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1560 m, Leon, North Spain).

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2003H1  2004 01 20.23  S 13.3 TK 20.3T10 100   1    2            ICQ XX GON05
   2003H1  2004 02 01.23  S 12.7 TK 20.3T10 100   1.2  3            ICQ XX GON05
   2003H1  2004 02 17.22  S 12.5 TK 20.3T10  77   1.5  4            ICQ XX GON05
   2003H1  2004 03 15.99  S 11.4 TK 20.3T10  77   1.7  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2003H1  2004 04 14.93  S 12.4 TK 20.3T10 100   1.0  5            ICQ XX GON05

C/2003 K4 (LINEAR)

- 2004 Feb. 17.24 UT: m1=12.7, Dia.=0'.5, DC=5, 20 cm SCT (100x). ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 Mar. 16.18 UT: m1=12.4, Dia.=0'.5, DC=6, 20 cm SCT (100x). ( Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1560 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 Apr. 15.14 UT: m1=11.6, Dia.=0'.7, DC=5, 20 cm SCT (133x). ( Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1560 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 Apr. 25.14 UT: m1=11.4, Dia.=0'.8, DC=5, 20 cm SCT (100x). ( Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1540 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 May 16.05 UT: m1=10.8, Dia.=1'.5, DC=5, 20 cm SCT (100x). ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 May 16.94 UT: m1=10.3, Dia.=2'.5, DC=5, 25x100B. ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 June 2.95 UT: m1=10.2, Dia.=2', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain) [ Moonlight ].

- 2004 June 8.96 UT: m1=8.3, Dia.=5', DC=5, 11x80B ( Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1390 m, Leon, North Spain )[ 8.93 UT: 25x100B: m1= 8.5, Dia.=4', DC=5].

- 2004 June 13.06 UT: m1=8.1, Dia.=5', DC=5, 7x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 June 13.95 UT: m1=8.1, Dia.=6', DC=5, 7x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 June 15.93 UT: m1=8.1, Dia.=8', DC=5, 7x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain)[ 15.94 UT: m1=8.4, 25x100B. Elongated coma ].

- 2004 June 21.93 UT: m1=8.0, Dia.=9', DC=5, 7x50B ( Angliru - Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1550 m, Asturias, North Spain). 

- 2004 June 27.11 UT: m1=7.6, Dia.=11', DC=5, 7x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain) [ 27.12 UT: m1=8.0, Dia.=6', DC=5, fanned tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 150 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x) ].

- 2004 June 30.12 UT: m1=7.3, Dia.=12', DC=5, 7x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain) [ 25x100B: Tail 0.2-deg in p.a. 140 deg ].

- 2004 July 13.00 UT: m1=6.9, Dia.=15', DC=5, 7x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain) [ 25x100B: Asymmetric coma. Dust tail 0.3-deg in p.a. 95 deg ].

- 2004 July 15.01 UT: m1=6.6, DC=7, naked eye ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain) [ Visible with averted vision. NELM=6.8 near comet ] [ 7x50B: m1=6.6, Dia.=16', DC=5] [ 25x100B: fanned tail, 0.4-deg in p.a. 95 deg ].

- 2004 July 20.93 UT: m1=6.7, Dia.=17', DC=5, 7x50B ( Puerto de Navafría, alt. 1773 m, Madrid, Spain).

- 2004 July 26.01 UT: m1=6.7, Dia.=15', DC=5, 7x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain) [ 25x100B: 0.3-deg tail in p.a. 100 deg ].

- 2004 Aug. 4.90 UT: m1=6.4, Dia.=10', DC=6, 7x50B, (Villasecino, alt. 1229 m, Leon, North Spain) [ 25x100B: 0.3-deg tail, double tail extending between PA 75 deg. and 105 deg. ].

- 2004 Aug. 12.89 UT: m1=6.4, Dia.=11', DC=6, 7x50B ( Cordal de las Segadas, alt.898 m, Asturias, North Spain) [ 25x100B: 0.4-deg tail, double tail extending between PA 75 deg. and 100 deg. ].

- 2004 Aug. 19.90 UT: m1=6.4, Dia.=10', DC=6, 7x50B ( Buseco - Santo Adriano, alt.470 m, Asturias, North Spain) [ 25x100B: 0.4-deg tail, double tail extending between PA 65 deg. and 90 deg. ].

- 2005 Jan. 30.87 UT: m1=8.4, Dia.=7', DC=3, 25x100B ( Cordal de las Segadas, alt.895 m, Asturias, North Spain) [ Comparison stars at the same low altitude ( 10º ) as the comet ].

- 2005 Mar. 1.85 UT: m1=9.4, Dia.=4', DC=3, 25x100B ( Camposagrado, alt. 1140 m., León, North Spain).

- 2005 Mar. 7.86 UT: m1=9.9, Dia.=4', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Camposagrado, alt. 1140 m., León, North Spain).

- 2005 Mar. 11.85 UT: m1=10.4, Dia.=4', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Camposagrado, alt. 1135 m., León, North Spain).

- 2005 Sep. 3.18 UT: m1=12.3, Dia.=0.7', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (160x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2005 Sep. 30.14 UT: m1=12.8, Dia.=0.7', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2003K4  2004 02 17.24  S 12.7 TK 20.3T10 100   0.5  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2003K4  2004 03 16.18  S 12.4 TK 20.3T10 100   0.5  6            ICQ XX GON05
   2003K4  2004 04 15.14  S 11.6 TK 20.3T10 133   0.7  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2003K4  2004 04 25.14  S 11.4 TK 20.3T10 100   0.8  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2003K4  2004 05 16.05  S 10.8 TK 20.3T10 100   1.5  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2003K4  2004 05 16.94  S 10.3 TK 10.0B    25   2.5  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2003K4  2004 06 02.95  S 10.2 TK 20.3T10  77   2    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2003K4  2004 06 08.93  S  8.5 TK 10.0B    25   4    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2003K4  2004 06 08.96  S  8.3 TK  8.0B    11   5    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2003K4  2004 06 13.06  S  8.1 TK  5.0B     7   5    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2003K4  2004 06 13.95  S  8.1 TK  5.0B     7   6    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2003K4  2004 06 15.93  S  8.1 TK  5.0B     7   8    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2003K4  2004 06 15.94  S  8.4 TK 10.0B    25   7    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2003K4  2004 06 21.93  S  8.0 TK  5.0B     7   9    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2003K4  2004 06 27.11  S  7.6 TK  5.0B     7  11    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2003K4  2004 06 27.12  S  8.0 TK 20.3T10  77   6    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2003K4  2004 06 30.12  S  7.3 TK  5.0B     7  12    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2003K4  2004 06 30.13  S  7.5 TK 10.0B    25  10    5   0.2  140 ICQ XX GON05
   2003K4  2004 07 13.00  S  6.9 TK  5.0B     7  15    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2003K4  2004 07 13.01  S  7.1 TK 10.0B    25  10    5   0.3   95 ICQ XX GON05
   2003K4  2004 07 15.01  I  6.6 TK  0.0E     1        7            ICQ XX GON05
   2003K4  2004 07 15.02  B  6.6 TK  5.0B     7  16    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2003K4  2004 07 15.03  B  6.9 TK 10.0B    25  10    6   0.4   95 ICQ XX GON05
   2003K4  2004 07 20.93  S  6.7 TK  5.0B     7  17    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2003K4  2004 07 26.01  S  6.7 TK  5.0B     7  15    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2003K4  2004 07 26.02  S  6.9 TK 10.0B    25  10    5   0.3  100 ICQ XX GON05
   2003K4  2004 08 04.90  S  6.4 TK  5.0B     7  10    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2003K4  2004 08 04.91  S  6.6 TK 10.0B    25  10    6   0.3  105 ICQ XX GON05
   2003K4  2004 08 12.89  S  6.4 TK  5.0B     7  11    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2003K4  2004 08 12.90  S  6.6 TK 10.0B    25   8    6   0.4  100 ICQ XX GON05
   2003K4  2004 08 19.90  S  6.4 TK  5.0B     7  10    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2003K4  2004 08 19.91  S  6.5 TK 10.0B    25   7    6   0.4   90 ICQ XX GON05
   2003K4  2005 01 30.87  S  8.4 TK 10.0B    25   7    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2003K4  2005 03 01.85  S  9.4 TK 10.0B    25   4    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2003K4  2005 03 07.86  S  9.9 TK 20.3T10  77   4    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2003K4  2005 03 11.85  S 10.4 TK 20.3T10  77   4    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2003K4  2005 09 03.18  S 12.3 TK 20.3T10 160   0.7  3            ICQ XX GON05
   2003K4  2005 09 30.14  S 12.8 TK 20.3T10 133   0.7  4            ICQ XX GON05

C/2003 T3 (Tabur)

- 2004 Apr. 23.16 UT: m1=9.5, Dia.=3', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x). ( Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1540 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 Apr. 25.16 UT: m1=9.6, Dia.=2', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x). ( Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1540 m, Leon, North Spain) [ Observed through the tail of the close C/2004 F4 (Bradfield) ].

- 2004 May. 16.12 UT: m1=9.7, Dia.=3', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x). ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain) [ Comparison stars at the same low altitude as the comet ].

- 2004 June 13.10 UT: m1=10.1, Dia.=2', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x). ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 June 27.09 UT: m1=10.3, Dia.=3', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 July 13.13 UT: m1=10.9, Dia.=3', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 July 26.09 UT: m1=10.9, Dia.=2', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 Aug. 13.12 UT: m1=11.3, Dia.=2', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 Sep. 17.17 UT: m1=11.7, Dia.=2', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain).


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2003T3  2004 04 23.16  S  9.5 TK 20.3T10  77   3    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2003T3  2004 04 25.16  S  9.6 TK 20.3T10  77   2    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2003T3  2004 05 16.12  S  9.7 TK 20.3T10  77   3    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2003T3  2004 06 13.10  S 10.1 TK 20.3T10  77   2    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2003T3  2004 06 27.09  S 10.3 TK 20.3T10  77   3    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2003T3  2004 07 13.13  S 10.9 TK 20.3T10  77   3    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2003T3  2004 07 26.09  S 10.9 TK 20.3T10  77   2    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2003T3  2004 08 13.12  S 11.3 TK 20.3T10 100   2    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2003T3  2004 09 17.17  S 11.7 TK 20.3T10 100   2    3            ICQ XX GON05

C/2003 T4 (LINEAR)

- 2004 Nov. 15.89 UT: m1=12.3, Dia.=1.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x). ( Camposagrado, alt.1135 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 Dec. 5.85 UT: m1=11.9, Dia.=1.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Camposagrado, alt.1135 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 Dec. 12.81 UT: m1=11.9, Dia.=1.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (160x). ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1240 m, Asturias, North Spain ).

- 2005 Jan. 7.78 UT: m1=11.1, Dia.=2', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (77x). ( Aralla, alt. 1360 m., León, North Spain).

- 2005 Jan. 17.23 UT: m1=10.9, Dia.=2'.0, DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Sierra del Aramo, 1340 m alt., Asturias, North Spain ).

- 2005 Mar. 10.22 UT: m1=8.4, Dia.=3', DC=6, 7x50B ( Camposagrado, alt. 1135 m., León, North Spain) [ 25x100B: m1= 8.6, tail: 0.15 deg in p.a. 290 deg ].

- 2005 Mar. 18.20 UT: m1=8.2, Dia.=4', DC=5, 25x100B ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1275 m., Asturias, North Spain) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1= 8.5, tail: 0.1 deg in p.a. 290 deg ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2003T4  2004 11 15.89  S 12.3 TK 20.3T10 100   1.5  3            ICQ XX GON05
   2003T4  2004 12 05.85  S 11.9 TK 20.3T10  77   1.5  3            ICQ XX GON05
   2003T4  2004 12 12.81  S 11.9 TK 20.3T10 160   1.5  3            ICQ XX GON05
   2003T4  2005 01 07.78  S 11.1 TK 20.3T10  77   2    2            ICQ XX GON05
   2003T4  2005 01 17.23  S 10.9 TK 20.3T10 100   2.0  3            ICQ XX GON05
   2003T4  2005 03 10.20  S  8.6 TK 10.0B    25   3    5   0.15 290 ICQ XX GON05
   2003T4  2005 03 10.22  S  8.4 TK  5.0B     7   3    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2003T4  2005 03 18.19  S  8.5 TK 20.3T10  77   4    5   0.1  290 ICQ XX GON05
   2003T4  2005 03 18.20  S  8.2 TK 10.0B    25   4    5            ICQ XX GON05

C/2003 WT42 (LINEAR)

- 2005 Dec. 10.14 UT: m1=13.3, Dia.=0.7', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ).

- 2005 Dec. 22.98 UT: m1=13.2, Dia.=0.7', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Villasecino, alt. 1229 m, Leon, North Spain ).


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2003WT422005 12 10.14  S 13.3 HS 20.3T10 100   0.7  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2003WT422005 12 22.98  S 13.2 TK 20.3T10 133   0.7  5            ICQ XX GON05

C/2004 B1 (LINEAR)

- 2006 Apr. 23.16 UT: m1=12.8, Dia.=0.7', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Bonella - Riello, alt.1190 m, León, North Spain ) [ Motion checked during a 45-min period ].

- 2006 May 19.00 UT: m1=13.0, Dia.=0.5', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (160x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2006 May 25.96 UT: m1=12.8, Dia.=0.7', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2006 June 5.07 UT: m1=12.8, Dia.=1.0', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2004B1  2006 04 23.16  S 12.8 TK 20.3T10 100   0.7  3            ICQ XX GON05
   2004B1  2006 05 19.00  S 13.0 TK 20.3T10 160   0.5  4            ICQ XX GON05
   2004B1  2006 05 25.96  S 12.8 TK 20.3T10 100   0.7  4            ICQ XX GON05
   2004B1  2006 06 05.07  S 12.8 TK 20.3T10 100   1.0  3            ICQ XX GON05

C/2004 F4 (Bradfield)

- 2004 Apr. 23.21 UT: m1=3.9, Dia.=0'.5, DC=8, Tail: 0.1 deg. in PA 290 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x). ( Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1540 m, Leon, North Spain) [ Mountain location, clear sky. Magnitude estimate corrected for atmospheric extinction with ICQ winter table. Very low altitude: 5 deg. Short dust fanned tail visible in nautical twilight ].

- 2004 Apr. 25.15 UT: m1=3.7, Dia.=2', DC=8, Tail: 11.5 deg. in PA 300 deg, ...7x50B.... ( Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1540 m, Leon, North Spain) [ Naked eye: m1=4.0, Tail: 8.5 deg.. Impressive sight in 7x50B. Mountain location, very clear sky. Magnitude estimate corrected for atmospheric extinction with ICQ winter table. Low altitude. Beginning of astronomical twilight. ]

- 2004 Apr. 27.16 UT: m1=5.1, Dia.=2', DC=8, Tail: 8 deg. in PA 305 deg, ...7x50B.... ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain) [ Mountain location, clear sky. Astronomical twilight. Comet visible to naked eye. Comparison stars at the same low altitude as the comet ].

- 2004 May 16.11 UT: m1=8.1, Dia.=3', DC=7, Tail: 0.7 deg. in PA 310 deg, 11x80B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain) [May. 16.10 UT: m1=8.3, Dia.=3', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (77x), Tail: 0.7 deg ].

- 2004 June 13.08 UT: m1=11.5, Dia.=1'.2, DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain).


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2004F4  2004 04 23.21 $B  3.9 TK 20.3T10  77   0.5  8   0.1  290 ICQ XX GON05
   2004F4  2004 04 25.15 $B  3.7 TK  5.0B     7   2    8  11.5  300 ICQ XX GON05
   2004F4  2004 04 25.15 $I  4.0 TK  0.0E     1        9   8.5  300 ICQ XX GON05
   2004F4  2004 04 27.16  B  5.1 TK  5.0B     7   2    8   8.0  305 ICQ XX GON05
   2004F4  2004 05 16.10  S  8.3 TK 20.3T10  77   3    6   0.5  310 ICQ XX GON05
   2004F4  2004 05 16.11  S  8.1 TK  8.0B    11   3    7   0.7  310 ICQ XX GON05
   2004F4  2004 06 13.08  S 11.5 TK 20.3T10 100   1.2  3            ICQ XX GON05

C/2004 H6 (SWAN)

- 2004 July 13.08 UT: m1=8.9, Dia.=5', DC=2, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain) [ Diffuse. Coma enhanced with Swan band filter ].

- 2004 July 15.14 UT: m1=8.6, Dia.=6', DC=2, 11x80B, ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain) [ Diffuse. Astronomical twilight ].

- 2004 July 21.05 UT: m1=8.7, Dia.=6', DC=2, 11x80B (Cotanes, alt.700 m, Zamora, Spain).

- 2004 July 26.08 UT: m1=10.5, Dia.=6', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 Aug. 21.06 UT: m1=12.2, Dia.=2', DC=0, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain) [ Very diffuse ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2004H6  2004 07 13.08  S  8.9 TK 10.0B    25   5    2            ICQ XX GON05
   2004H6  2004 07 15.13  S  8.8 TK 10.0B    25   6    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2004H6  2004 07 15.14  S  8.6 TK  8.0B    11   6    2            ICQ XX GON05
   2004H6  2004 07 15.14  S  9.2 TK 20.3T10  77   6    2            ICQ XX GON05
   2004H6  2004 07 21.05  S  8.7 TK  8.0B    11   6    2            ICQ XX GON05
   2004H6  2004 07 26.08  S 10.5 TK 20.3T10  77   6    2            ICQ XX GON05
   2004H6  2004 08 21.06  S 12.2 TK 20.3T10  77   2    0            ICQ XX GON05

C/2004 Q1 (Tucker)

- 2004 Aug. 26.14 UT: m1=12.9, Dia.=1.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 Sep. 17.01 UT: m1=12.1, Dia.=2.2', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 Nov. 13.04 UT: m1=10.4, Dia.=2.5', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Camposagrado, alt.1135 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 Nov. 16.10 UT: m1=10.1, Dia.=3', DC=4, 25x100B ( Camposagrado, alt.1135 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 Nov. 18.02 UT: m1=10.2, Dia.=2.5', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Aralla, alt.1440 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 Dec. 6.00 UT: m1=10.7, Dia.=2.5', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Camposagrado, alt.1135 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 Dec. 12.90 UT: m1=11.1, Dia.=2.5', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x). ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1240 m, Asturias, North Spain).

- 2005 Jan. 6.93 UT: m1=11.3, Dia.=2.0', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x). ( Aralla, alt. 1360 m., León, North Spain).

- 2005 Jan. 7.91 UT: m1=11.1, Dia.=2.0', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x). ( Aralla, alt. 1360 m., León, North Spain).

- 2005 Jan. 30.88 UT: m1=11.5, Dia.=2.0', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Cordal de las Segadas, alt.895 m, Asturias, North Spain).

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2004Q1  2004 08 26.14  S 12.9 TK 20.3T10 100   1.5  3            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q1  2004 09 17.01  S 12.1 TK 20.3T10  77   2.2  3            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q1  2004 11 13.04  S 10.4 TK 20.3T10  77   2.5  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q1  2004 11 16.09  S 10.4 TK 20.3T10  77   2.5  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q1  2004 11 16.10  S 10.1 TK 10.0B    25   3    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q1  2004 11 18.02  S 10.2 TK 20.3T10  77   2.5  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q1  2004 12 06.00  S 10.7 TK 20.3T10  77   2.5  4            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q1  2004 12 12.90  S 11.1 TK 20.3T10  77   2.5  4            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q1  2005 01 06.93  S 11.3 TK 20.3T10  77   2.0  3            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q1  2005 01 07.91  S 11.1 TK 20.3T10  77   2.0  3            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q1  2005 01 30.88  S 11.5 TK 20.3T10  77   2.0  3            ICQ XX GON05

C/2004 Q2 (Machholz)

- 2004 Aug. 28.16 UT: m1=10.9, Dia.=2.3', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain) [ Mountain location, clear sky. Zodiacal light near the ecliptic plane. Comet's altitude: 17 deg. Motion evident after 1 hour. Magnitude of nuclear condensation: 14.5. Visual astrometry: Aug. 28.163: R.A. = 4h17m .1, Decl. = -22o25'.5 (equinox 2000.0)].

- 2004 Sep. 17.18 UT: m1=10.0, Dia.=2.5', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 Nov. 13.10 UT: m1=6.9, Dia.=8', DC=5, 7x50B ( Camposagrado, alt.1135 m, Leon, North Spain) [ 25x100B: 0.2-deg tail in p.a. 285 deg ].

- 2004 Nov. 16.11 UT: m1=6.6, Dia.=12', DC=5, 7x50B ( Camposagrado, alt.1135 m, Leon, North Spain) [ 25x100B: 0.6-deg tail in p.a. 285 deg ].

- 2004 Nov. 18.06 UT: m1=6.2, Dia.=20', DC=6, naked eye ( Aralla, alt.1440 m, Leon, North Spain) [ 7x50B: m1= 6.2, Dia.=15', DC=5; Mountain location, very clear sky. Ion tail: 0.9 deg in p.a. 325 deg, broader dust tail: 0.6 deg in p.a. 285 deg ].

- 2004 Dec. 5.98 UT: m1=5.2, Dia.=20', DC=7, naked eye ( Camposagrado, alt.1135 m, Leon, North Spain) [ 7x50B: m1= 5.3, Dia.=19', DC=6; 11x80B: Ion tail: 0.9 deg in p.a. 355 deg, broader dust tail: 0.6 deg in p.a. 285 deg ].

- 2004 Dec. 9.01 UT: m1=5.0, Dia.=20', DC=7, naked eye ( Aralla, alt.1440 m, Leon, North Spain) [ 7x50B: m1= 5.1, Dia.=20', DC=6; Ion tail: 0.8 deg in p.a. 355 deg, dust tail: 0.6 deg in p.a. 285 deg ].

- 2004 Dec. 12.04 UT: m1=4.6, Dia.=25', DC=7, naked eye ( Caldas de Luna, alt. 1250 m, León, North Spain) [ 7x50B: m1= 4.7, Dia.=22', DC=6; Mountain location, very clear sky. Ion tail: 2.0 deg in p.a. 10 deg, dust tail: 0.6 deg in p.a. 285 deg ].

- 2004 Dec. 13.01 UT: m1=4.6, Dia.=25', DC=7, naked eye ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1240 m, Asturias, North Spain) [ 7x50B: m1= 4.7, Dia.=25', DC=6; Ion tail: 1.5 deg in p.a. 10 deg, dust tail: 0.6 deg in p.a. 285 deg ].

- 2004 Dec. 15.00 UT: m1=4.5, Dia.=25', DC=7, naked eye( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1240 m, Asturias, North Spain) [ 7x50B: m1= 4.6, Dia.=25', DC=6; Ion tail: 2.0 deg in p.a. 20 deg, dust tail: 1.1 deg in p.a. 275 deg ].

- 2004 Dec. 23.88 UT: m1=4.0, Dia.=15', DC=7, naked eye ( Camposagrado, alt.1135 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ 7x50B: m1= 4.2, Dia.=15', DC=6; strong moonlight interference ].

- 2004 Dec. 30.82 UT: m1=3.7, Dia.=30', DC=7, naked eye ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 930 m, Asturias, North Spain) [ 7x50B: m1= 3.9, Dia.=25', DC=6; Ion tail: 2.0 deg in p.a. 65 deg, dust tail: 1.2 deg in p.a. 205 deg ].

- 2004 Dec. 31.78 UT: m1=3.7, Dia.=30', DC=7, naked eye ( Aralla, alt. 1380 m., León, North Spain) [ 7x50B: m1= 3.9, Dia.=25', DC=6; Ion tail: 2.5 deg in p.a. 65 deg, dust tail: 1.3 deg in p.a. 205 deg ].

- 2005 Jan. 3.80 UT: m1=3.7, Dia.=30', DC=7, naked eye ( Aralla, alt. 1360 m., León, North Spain) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Zodiacal light. 7x50B: m1= 3.9, Dia.=27', DC=6; forked ion tail: 3.2 deg in p.a. 70 deg, dust tail: 1.6 deg in p.a. 190 deg ].

- 2005 Jan. 6.80 UT: m1=3.5, Dia.=32', DC=7, naked eye ( Aralla, alt. 1360 m., León, North Spain) [ 7x50B: m1= 3.7, Dia.=27', DC=6; Ion tail: 3.3 deg in p.a. 80 deg, dust tail: 1.6 deg in p.a. 185 deg ].

- 2005 Jan. 7.83 UT: m1=3.5, Dia.=32', DC=7, naked eye ( Aralla, alt. 1360 m., León, North Spain) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Zodiacal light. 7x50B: m1= 3.7, Dia.=27', DC=6; Ion tail: 2.6 deg in p.a. 80 deg, dust tail: 1.0 deg in p.a. 185 deg ].

- 2005 Jan. 9.81 UT: m1=3.4, Dia.=32', DC=7, naked eye ( El Fito - Sierra del Sueve, 570 m alt., Asturias, North Spain ) [ 7x50B: m1= 3.6, Dia.=27', DC=6; ion tail: 2.5 deg in p.a. 85 deg, dust tail: 1.5 deg in p.a.180 deg ].

- 2005 Jan. 15.01 UT: m1=3.8, Dia.=25', DC=7, naked eye ( La Vara - Morcín, 510 m alt., Asturias, North Spain ) [ Rural location. 7x50B: m1= 3.9, Dia.=22', DC=6; ion tail: 1.5 deg in p.a. 95 deg, dust tail: 0.6 deg in p.a.150 deg ].

- 2005 Jan. 17.07 UT: m1=3.7, Dia.=25', DC=7, naked eye ( Sierra del Aramo, 1340 m alt., Asturias, North Spain ) [ 7x50B: m1= 3.9, Dia.=22', DC=6; ion tail: 2.5 deg in p.a. 98 deg, dust tail: 0.6 deg in p.a.150 deg ].

- 2005 Jan. 22.80 UT: m1=4.1, Dia.=20', DC=7, naked eye ( Sierra del Aramo, 980 m alt., Asturias, North Spain ) [ 7x50B: m1= 4.2, Dia.=17', DC=6. Strong moonlight interference ].

- 2005 Jan. 24.82 UT: m1=4.2, Dia.=20', DC=7, naked eye ( Grandota - Oviedo, 460 m alt., Asturias, North Spain ) [ 7x50B: m1= 4.2, Dia.=17', DC=6, ion tail: 0.4 deg in p.a. 90 deg. Strong moonlight interference ].

- 2005 Jan. 30.84 UT: m1=4.2, Dia.=15', DC=8, naked eye [ 7x50B: m1= 4.3, Dia.=15', DC=7 ] ( Cordal de las Segadas, alt.895 m, Asturias, North Spain).

- 2005 Jan. 31.95 UT: m1=4.3, Dia.=15', DC=8, naked eye ( Soto y Amío, alt. 1200 m, León ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. 7x50B: m1= 4.4, Dia.=15', DC=7, Ion tail: 0.6 deg in p.a. 95 deg, dust tail: 0.4 deg in p.a.140 deg ].

- 2005 Feb. 2.91 UT: m1=4.4, Dia.=15', DC=8, naked eye ( Grandota - Oviedo, 460 m alt., North Spain ) [ 7x50B: m1= 4.5, Dia.=13', DC=7, Ion tail: 1.2 deg in p.a. 95 deg, dust tail: 0.4 deg in p.a.145 deg ].

- 2005 Feb. 7.81 UT: m1=4.8, Dia.=17', DC=8, naked eye ( Anayo - Piloña, 533 m alt., Asturias, North Spain ) [ 7x50B: m1= 4.9, Dia.=17', DC=7, Ion tail: 0.8 deg in p.a. 90 deg, dust tail: 0.4 deg in p.a.145 deg ].

- 2005 Feb. 9.84 UT: m1=5.0, Dia.=17', DC=8, ( Soto y Amío, 1190 m alt., León, North Spain ) [ 7x50B: m1= 5.2, Dia.=17', DC=7, Ion tail: 1.8 deg in p.a. 85 deg, dust tail: 1.3 deg in p.a.145 deg ].

- 2005 Feb. 18.82 UT: m1=5.5, Dia.=15', DC=7, 7x50B ( Linares - Proaza, 750 m alt., Asturias, North Spain ) [ Moonlight interference ].

- 2005 Mar. 1.87 UT: m1=5.6, Dia.=15', DC=8, naked eye ( Camposagrado, alt. 1140 m., León, North Spain) [ 7x50B: m1= 5.8, Dia.=13', DC=6, Ion tail: 0.9 deg in p.a. 90 deg, dust tail: 0.5 deg in p.a.150 deg ].

- 2005 Mar. 4.83 UT: m1=6.0, Dia.=13', DC=6, 7x50B ( Soterraña - Lena, 650 m alt., Asturias, North Spain).

- 2005 Mar. 7.97 UT: m1=6.0, Dia.=12', DC=5, 7x50B ( Camposagrado, alt. 1140 m., León, North Spain) [ Ion tail: 0.9 deg in p.a. 110 deg, dust tail: 0.5 deg in p.a.170 deg ].

- 2005 Mar. 10.23 UT: m1=5.9, Dia.=15', DC=8, naked eye ( Camposagrado, alt. 1135 m., León, North Spain) [ 7x50B: m1=6.0, Dia.=12', DC=6 ].

- 2005 Mar. 11.91 UT: m1=6.1, Dia.=12', DC=6, 7x50B ( Camposagrado, alt. 1135 m., León, North Spain) [ Ion tail: 0.6 deg in p.a. 140 deg, dust tail: 0.5 deg in p.a.190 deg ].

- 2005 Mar. 18.17 UT: m1=6.5, Dia.=11', DC=6, 7x50B ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1275 m., Asturias, North Spain).

- 2005 Apr. 10.02 UT: m1=7.2, Dia.=12', DC=3, 7x50B ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain).

- 2005 Apr. 12.13 UT: m1=7.3, Dia.=10', DC=4, 7x50B ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain).

- 2005 Apr. 28.98 UT: m1=7.9, Dia.=9', DC=3, 7x50B ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1230 m, Asturias, North Spain ).

- 2005 May 2.07 UT: m1=8.0, Dia.=9', DC=3, 7x50B ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1280 m, Asturias, North Spain ).

- 2005 May 7.03 UT: m1=8.3, Dia.=8', DC=3, 7x50B ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1230 m, Asturias, North Spain ) [ 25x100B: m1=8.4 ].

- 2005 May 18.13 UT: m1=8.6, Dia.=8', DC=3, 7x50B ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ) [ After moonset ].

- 2005 May 25.92 UT: m1=8.8, Dia.=6', DC=3, 25x100B ( Gamoniteiro - Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1680 m., Asturias, North Spain ) [ Before moonrise ].

- 2005 May 26.94 UT: m1=8.8, Dia.=8', DC=3, 25x100B ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1230 m, Asturias, North Spain ) [ Short tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 280 deg ].

- 2005 May 30.94 UT: m1=9.3, Dia.=6', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Gamoniteiro - Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1680 m., Asturias,

North Spain ).

- 2005 June 1.97 UT: m1=9.2, Dia.=7', DC=3, 25x100B ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=9.4 ].

- 2005 June 5.95 UT: m1=9.4, Dia.=7', DC=3, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=9.6 ].

- 2005 June 8.95 UT: m1=9.5, Dia.=7', DC=3, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=9.7 ].

- 2005 June 10.03 UT: m1=9.4, Dia.=6', DC=3, 11x80B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=9.8 ].

- 2005 June 16.06 UT: m1=9.9, Dia.=6', DC=2, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=10.2. After moonset ].

- 2005 June 26.98 UT: m1=10.6, Dia.=3.5', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2005 July 1.98 UT: m1=10.6, Dia.=3', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2005 July 3.02 UT: m1=10.6, Dia.=3', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2005 July 6.00 UT: m1=10.7, Dia.=3', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ).

- 2005 July 7.97 UT: m1=10.7, Dia.=3', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ).

- 2005 July 12.02 UT: m1=10.7, Dia.=3', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ).

- 2005 July 29.93 UT: m1=10.9, Dia.=3', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ).

- 2005 Aug. 02.97 UT: m1=11.1, Dia.=2.5', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2005 Aug. 28.92 UT: m1=11.5, Dia.=2', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2004Q2  2004 08 28.16  S 10.9 TK 20.3T10  77   2.3  4            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2004 09 17.18  S 10.0 TK 20.3T10  77   2.5  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2004 11 13.07  S  7.4 TK 20.3T10  77   5    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2004 11 13.08  S  7.1 TK 10.0B    25   6    5   0.2  285 ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2004 11 13.10  S  6.9 TK  5.0B     7   8    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2004 11 16.11  S  6.6 TK  5.0B     7  12    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2004 11 16.12  S  6.6 TK 10.0B    25   8    5   0.6  285 ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2004 11 18.03  S  6.2 TK  5.0B     7  15    5   0.9  325 ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2004 11 18.06  I  6.2 TK  0.0E     1  20    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2004 12 05.97  S  5.3 TK  5.0B     7  19    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2004 12 05.98  I  5.2 TK  0.0E     1  20    7            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2004 12 05.99  S  5.4 TK  8.0B    11  14    6   0.9  355 ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2004 12 09.01  I  5.0 TK  0.0E     1  20    7            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2004 12 12.02  S  4.7 TK  5.0B     7  22    6   2.0   10 ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2004 12 12.04  I  4.6 TK  0.0E     1  25    7            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2004 12 13.01  I  4.6 TK  0.0E     1  25    7            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2004 12 13.02  S  4.7 TK  5.0B     7  25    6   1.5   10 ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2004 12 15.00  I  4.5 TK  0.0E     1  25    7            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2004 12 15.01  S  4.6 TK  5.0B     7  25    6   2.0   20 ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2004 12 23.87  S  4.2 TK  5.0B     7  15    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2004 12 23.88  I  4.0 TK  0.0E     1  15    7            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2004 12 30.82  I  3.7 TK  0.0E     1  30    7            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2004 12 30.84  S  3.9 TK  5.0B     7  25    6   2.0   65 ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2004 12 31.78  I  3.7 TK  0.0E     1  30    7            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2004 12 31.79  S  3.9 TK  5.0B     7  25    6   2.5   65 ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 01 03.79  S  3.9 TK  5.0B     7  27    6   3.2   70 ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 01 03.80  I  3.7 TK  0.0E     1  30    7            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 01 06.80  I  3.5 TK  0.0E     1  32    7            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 01 06.81  S  3.7 TK  5.0B     7  27    6   3.3   80 ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 01 07.83  I  3.5 TK  0.0E     1  32    7            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 01 07.84  S  3.7 TK  5.0B     7  27    6   2.6   80 ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 01 09.81  I  3.4 TK  0.0E     1  32    7            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 01 09.82  S  3.6 TK  5.0B     7  27    6   2.5   85 ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 01 15.01  I  3.8 TK  0.0E     1  25    7            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 01 15.02  S  3.9 TK  5.0B     7  22    6   1.5   95 ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 01 17.07  I  3.7 TK  0.0E     1  25    7            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 01 17.08  S  3.9 TK  5.0B     7  22    6   2.5   98 ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 01 22.80  I  4.1 TK  0.0E     1  20    7            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 01 22.81  S  4.2 TK  5.0B     7  17    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 01 24.81  S  4.2 TK  5.0B     7  17    6   0.4   90 ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 01 24.82  I  4.2 TK  0.0E     1  20    7            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 01 30.84  I  4.2 TK  0.0E     1  15    8            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 01 30.86  B  4.3 TK  5.0B     7  15    7            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 01 31.95  I  4.3 TK  0.0E     1  15    8            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 01 31.96  B  4.4 TK  5.0B     7  15    7   0.6   95 ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 02 02.91  I  4.4 TK  0.0E     1  15    8            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 02 02.92  B  4.5 TK  5.0B     7  13    7   1.2   95 ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 02 07.81  I  4.8 TK  0.0E     1  17    8            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 02 07.82  B  4.9 TK  5.0B     7  17    7   0.8   90 ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 02 09.84  I  5.0 TK  0.0E     1  17    8            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 02 09.85  B  5.2 TK  5.0B     7  17    7   1.8   85 ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 02 18.82  B  5.5 TK  5.0B     7  15    7            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 03 01.87  I  5.6 TK  0.0E     1  15    8            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 03 01.88  B  5.8 TK  5.0B     7  13    6   0.9   90 ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 03 04.83  B  6.0 TK  5.0B     7  13    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 03 07.97  B  6.0 TK  5.0B     7  12    5   0.9  110 ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 03 10.19  B  6.0 TK  5.0B     7  12    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 03 10.23  I  5.9 TK  0.0E     1  15    8            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 03 11.91  B  6.1 TK  5.0B     7  12    6   0.6  140 ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 03 18.17  B  6.5 TK  5.0B     7  11    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 04 10.02  S  7.2 TK  5.0B     7  12    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 04 12.13  S  7.3 TK  5.0B     7  10    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 04 28.98  S  7.9 TK  5.0B     7   9    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 05 02.07  S  8.0 TK  5.0B     7   9    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 05 07.02  S  8.4 TK 10.0B    25   7    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 05 07.03  S  8.3 TK  5.0B     7   8    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 05 18.13  S  8.6 TK  5.0B     7   8    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 05 25.92  S  8.8 TK 10.0B    25   6    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 05 26.94  S  8.8 TK 10.0B    25   8    3   0.2  280 ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 05 30.94  S  9.3 TK 20.3T10  77   6    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 06 01.96  S  9.4 TK 20.3T10  77   6    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 06 01.97  S  9.2 TK 10.0B    25   7    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 06 05.94  S  9.6 TK 20.3T10  77   6    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 06 05.95  S  9.4 TK 10.0B    25   7    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 06 08.94  S  9.7 TK 20.3T10  77   6    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 06 08.95  S  9.5 TK 10.0B    25   7    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 06 10.02  S  9.8 TK 20.3T10  77   5    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 06 10.03  S  9.4 TK  8.0B    11   6    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 06 16.05  S 10.2 TK 20.3T10  77   5    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 06 16.06  S  9.9 TK 10.0B    25   6    2            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 06 26.98  S 10.6 TK 20.3T10  77   3.5  4            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 07 01.98  S 10.6 TK 20.3T10  77   3    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 07 03.02  S 10.6 TK 20.3T10  77   3    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 07 06.00  S 10.7 TK 20.3T10  77   3    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 07 07.97  S 10.7 TK 20.3T10  77   3    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 07 12.02  S 10.7 TK 20.3T10  77   3    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 07 29.93  S 10.9 TK 20.3T10 100   3    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 08 02.97  S 11.1 TK 20.3T10 100   2.5  4            ICQ XX GON05
   2004Q2  2005 08 28.92  S 11.5 TK 20.3T10 133   2    3            ICQ XX GON05


- 2004 Nov. 15.95 UT: m1=13.4, Dia.=1.1', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x). ( Camposagrado, alt.1135 m, Leon, North Spain).


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2004T1  2004 11 15.95  S 13.4 TK 20.3T10 100   1.1  3            ICQ XX GON05

C/2004 U1 (LINEAR)

- 2004 Dec. 9.23 UT: m1=13.3, Dia.=0.7', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (160x) ( Aralla, alt.1440 m, Leon, North Spain) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Limiting stellar magnitude: 15.5. Comet in outburst. Motion checked during a 3-hour period ].

- 2004 Dec. 13.04 UT: m1=13.1, Dia.=0.6', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (133x). ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1240 m, Asturias, North Spain) [ Motion checked during a 1-hour period ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2004U1  2004 12 09.23  S 13.3 HS 20.3T10 160   0.7  3            ICQ XX GON05
   2004U1  2004 12 13.04  S 13.1 HS 20.3T10 133   0.6  3            ICQ XX GON05

C/2004 V13 (SWAN)

- 2005 Jan. 3.78 UT: m1=10.8, Dia.=1.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Aralla, alt. 1360 m., León, North Spain) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Zodiacal light. Difficult observation at low altitude ].

- 2005 Jan. 6.78 UT: m1=11.5, Dia.=1.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (160x) ( Aralla, alt. 1360 m., León, North Spain).

- 2005 Jan. 7.80 UT: m1=11.5, Dia.=2', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Aralla, alt. 1360 m., León, North Spain).


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2004V13 2005 01 03.78  S 10.8 TK 20.3T10  77   1.5  3            ICQ XX GON05
   2004V13 2005 01 06.78  S 11.5 TK 20.3T10 160   1.5  3            ICQ XX GON05
   2004V13 2005 01 07.80  S 11.5 TK 20.3T10 100   2    3            ICQ XX GON05  

C/2005 A1 (LINEAR)

- 2005 Jan. 17.25 UT: m1=11.6, Dia.=2'.5, DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Sierra del Aramo, 1340 m alt., Asturias, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Elongated coma ].

- 2005 July 2.10 UT: m1=11.1, Dia.=2', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, clear sky. Altitude: 14 deg.. Moonlight interference. Coma enhanced through Swan band filter ].

- 2005 July 3.10 UT: m1=10.9, Dia.=3', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, clear sky. Altitude: 14 deg. ].

- 2005 July 6.09 UT: m1=10.8, Dia.=3', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Elongated inner coma ].

- 2005 July 16.10 UT: m1=11.2, Dia.=3', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, clear sky. Inner coma elongated in p.a. 210 deg. ].

- 2005 July 19.12 UT: m1=11.3, Dia.=2', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2005 Aug. 02.06 UT: m1=11.8, Dia.=2', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2005 Aug. 15.11 UT: m1=12.1, Dia.=1.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2005 Aug. 28.96 UT: m1=12.5, Dia.=1.0', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2005A1  2005 01 17.25  S 11.6 TK 20.3T10 100   2.5  3            ICQ XX GON05
   2005A1  2005 07 02.10  S 11.1 TK 20.3T10 100   2    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2005A1  2005 07 03.10  S 10.9 TK 20.3T10  77   3    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2005A1  2005 07 06.09  S 10.8 TK 20.3T10 100   3    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2005A1  2005 07 16.10  S 11.2 TK 20.3T10 100   3    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2005A1  2005 07 19.12  S 11.3 TK 20.3T10 133   2    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2005A1  2005 08 02.06  S 11.8 TK 20.3T10 100   2    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2005A1  2005 08 15.11  S 12.1 TK 20.3T10 100   1.5  3            ICQ XX GON05
   2005A1  2005 08 28.96  S 12.5 TK 20.3T10 133   1.0  3            ICQ XX GON05

C/2005 E2 (McNaught)

- 2005 Aug. 03.00 UT: m1=12.2, Dia.=0.8', DC=4. 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Altitude: 7 deg. ].

- 2005 Aug. 28.89 UT: m1=11.8, Dia.=0.8', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Altitude: 8 deg. ].

- 2005 Sep. 2.90 UT: m1=11.5, Dia.=1.0', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Altitude: 9 deg. ].

- 2005 Sep. 7.92 UT: m1=11.5, Dia.=1.0', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ) [ Altitude: 8 deg. ].

- 2005 Sep. 8.89 UT: m1=11.4, Dia.=1.0', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ) [ Altitude: 9 deg. ].

- 2005 Sep. 21.83 UT: m1=11.2, Dia.=1.0', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Altitude: 11 deg. ].

- 2005 Sep. 25.84 UT: m1=11.4, Dia.=1.0', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ) [ Altitude: 12 deg. ].

- 2005 Oct. 26.84 UT: m1=11.3, Dia.=1.2', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Altitude: 11 deg. ].

- 2005 Nov. 4.86 UT: m1=11.3, Dia.=1.5', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ) [ Altitude: 6 deg. ].

- 2005 Nov. 22.79 UT: m1=11.2, Dia.=1.5', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ) [ Altitude: 17 deg. ].

- 2005 Dec. 4.81 UT: m1=10.9, Dia.=2.0', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Sierra del Aramo, alt.980 m, Asturias, North Spain ) [ Altitude: 13 deg. ].

- 2005 Dec. 18.79 UT: m1=10.5, Dia.=2', DC=5, 25x100B ( Villasecino, alt. 1229 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Zodiacal light. Altitude: 17 deg. 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=10.8 ].

- 2005 Dec. 19.77 UT: m1=10.4, Dia.=2', DC=4, 25x100B ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 980 m, Asturias, North Spain ) [ Zodiacal light. Altitude: 20 deg ].

- 2005 Dec. 22.79 UT: m1=10.4, Dia.=2', DC=4, 25x100B ( Villasecino, alt. 1229 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Zodiacal light. Altitude: 17 deg. 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=10.8 ].

- 2005 Dec. 30.80 UT: m1=10.5, Dia.=2.5', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Sierra del Aramo, alt.980 m, Asturias, North Spain ) [ Zodiacal light. Altitude: 15 deg. ].

- 2006 Jan. 1.78 UT: m1=10.2, Dia.=3', DC=5, 25x100B ( Camposagrado, alt. 1135 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Altitude: 19 deg. ].

- 2005 Jan. 16.80 UT: m1=10.0, Dia.=3', DC=4, 25x100B( Cordal de las Segadas - Riosa, alt.1005 m, Asturias, North Spain; Zodiacal light, Altitude: 17 deg ).

- 2005 Jan. 21.80 UT: m1=9.9, Dia.=3', DC=4, 25x100B ( Sierra del Aramo, alt.1550 m, Asturias, North Spain ) [ Bright zodiacal light. Altitude: 18 deg. ].

- 2006 Jan. 30.81 UT: m1=10.3, Dia.=3', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Robledo de Babia, alt. 1200 m., León, North Spain ) [ Bright zodiacal light. Altitude: 14 deg. Comet close to star of mag. 11.2 (Tycho-2) ].

- 2006 Feb. 16.82 UT: m1=9.8, Dia.=3', DC=4, 25x100B ( Caldas de Luna, alt.1120 m, León, North Spain ) [ Bright zodiacal light. Altitude: 14 deg.].

- 2006 Feb. 22.82 UT: m1=10.3, Dia.=2.0', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Dosango - Santo Adriano, alt. 590 m., Asturias, North Spain ) [ Bright zodiacal light. Altitude: 14 deg. ].

- 2006 Mar. 23.84 UT: m1=10.5, Dia.=2', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Ferrerinos - Ribera de Arriba, alt. 370 m., Asturias, North Spain ) [ Suburban location. Observed during a gap in the clouds. Altitude: 11 deg. ]

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2005E2  2005 08 03.00  S 12.2 TK 20.3T10 133   0.8  4            ICQ XX GON05
   2005E2  2005 08 28.89  S 11.8 TK 20.3T10 133   0.8  4            ICQ XX GON05
   2005E2  2005 09 02.90  S 11.5 TK 20.3T10 100   1.0  4            ICQ XX GON05
   2005E2  2005 09 07.92  S 11.5 TK 20.3T10 133   1.0  4            ICQ XX GON05
   2005E2  2005 09 08.89  S 11.4 TK 20.3T10 133   1.0  4            ICQ XX GON05
   2005E2  2005 09 21.83  S 11.2 TK 20.3T10 100   1.0  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2005E2  2005 09 25.84  S 11.4 TK 20.3T10 133   1.0  4            ICQ XX GON05
   2005E2  2005 10 26.84  S 11.3 TK 20.3T10 133   1.2  4            ICQ XX GON05
   2005E2  2005 11 04.86  S 11.3 TK 20.3T10 100   1.5  4            ICQ XX GON05
   2005E2  2005 11 22.79  S 11.2 TK 20.3T10 100   1.5  4            ICQ XX GON05
   2005E2  2005 12 04.81  S 10.9 TK 20.3T10 100   2.0  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2005E2  2005 12 18.78  S 10.8 TK 20.3T10  77   2.0  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2005E2  2005 12 18.79  S 10.5 TK 10.0B    25   2    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2005E2  2005 12 19.77  S 10.4 TK 10.0B    25   2    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2005E2  2005 12 22.78  S 10.8 TK 20.3T10  77   2.5  4            ICQ XX GON05
   2005E2  2005 12 22.79  S 10.4 TK 10.0B    25   2    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2005E2  2005 12 30.80  S 10.5 TK 20.3T10  77   2.5  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2005E2  2006 01 01.78  S 10.2 TK 10.0B    25   3    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2005E2  2006 01 16.80  S 10.0 TK 10.0B    25   3    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2005E2  2006 01 21.80  S  9.9 TK 10.0B    25   3    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2005E2  2006 01 30.81  S 10.3 TK 20.3T10 100   3    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2005E2  2006 02 16.82  S  9.8 TK 10.0B    25   3    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2005E2  2006 02 22.82  S 10.3 TK 20.3T10  77   2.0  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2005E2  2006 03 23.84  S 10.5 TK 20.3T10 100   2    4            ICQ XX GON05

P/2005 JQ5 (Catalina)

- 2005 June 25.94 UT: m1=10.3, Dia.=4', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, clear sky. Observation made after the end of astronomical twilight. Altitude: 11 deg.. Motion checked during a 20-min period. Coma must be undoubtedly greater, but very difficult to observe visually in low altitude ].

- 2005 June 26.94 UT: m1=10.5, Dia.=4', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, clear sky. Altitude: 8 deg.. Motion checked during a 30-min period. Coma enhanced through Swan band filter ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2005JQ5 2005 06 25.94  S 10.3 TK 20.3T10  77   4    2            ICQ XX GON05
   2005JQ5 2005 06 26.94  S 10.5 TK 20.3T10  77   4    2            ICQ XX GON05

C/2005 K2 (LINEAR)

- 2005 May 30.98 UT: m1=12.1, Dia.=1.8', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Gamoniteiro - Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1680 m., Asturias, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Motion checked during a 45-min period ].

- 2005 June 6.10 UT: m1=11.6, Dia.=2.5', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2005 June 9.08 UT: m1=9.8, Dia.=4', DC=3, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Possible outburst ].

- 2005 June 9.95 UT: m1=8.9, Dia.=6', DC=4, 11x80B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ 25x100B: m1=9.1; 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=9.5. The brightening trend continues ].

- 2005 June 17.91 UT: m1=9.2, Dia.=3', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Caldas de Luna, alt. 1120 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Elongated inner coma. Astronomical twilight. Moonlight interference ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2005K2  2005 05 30.98  S 12.1 TK 20.3T10 100   1.8  2            ICQ XX GON05
   2005K2  2005 06 06.10  S 11.6 TK 20.3T10  77   2.5  2            ICQ XX GON05
   2005K2  2005 06 09.08  S  9.8 TK 10.0B    25   4    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2005K2  2005 06 09.93  S  9.5 TK 20.3T10  77   4.5  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2005K2  2005 06 09.94  S  9.1 TK 10.0B    25   6    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2005K2  2005 06 09.95  S  8.9 TK  8.0B    11   6    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2005K2  2005 06 17.91  S  9.2 TK 20.3T10  77   3    3            ICQ XX GON05

C/2005 L3 (McNaught)

- 2007 June 20.05 UT: m1=13.8, Dia.=0.5', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near RS Oph. ].

- 2007 July 14.06 UT: m1=13.2, Dia.=0.8', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2007 July 25.05 UT: m1=13.5, Dia.=0.7', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near RS Oph.].

- 2007 Sep. 7.91 UT: m1=14.3, Dia.=0.2', DC=7, 20 cm SCT (206x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Nearby field stars checked in DSS ].

- 2008 July 7.99 UT: m1=12.7, Dia.=1.5', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Aug. 1.93 UT: m1=12.7, Dia.=1.5', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Aug. 8.98 UT: m1=12.8, Dia.=0.5', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (222x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [Comet close to star of mag. 6.5 (Tycho-2)].

- 2008 Sep. 6.93 UT: m1=12.6, Dia.=0.8', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (160x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amio, alt. 1190 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Comet close to star of mag. 12.5 (GSC) ].

- 2009 Mar. 20.94 UT: m1=13.3, Dia.=1.2', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (160x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near NY Ser ].

- 2009 Mar. 22.08 UT: m1=13.5, Dia.=1.2', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Mar. 26.96 UT: m1=13.0, Dia.=1.2', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near NY Ser ].

- 2009 Apr. 21.04 UT: m1=13.7, Dia.=0.8', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near NY Ser ].

- 2009 June 1.06 UT: m1=13.7, Dia.=0.7', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near Z Umi ].

- 2009 June 21.01 UT: m1=14.0, Dia.=0.5', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (160x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near Z Umi ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2005L3  2007 06 20.05  S 13.8 HN 20.3T10 100   0.5  6            ICQ XX GON05
   2005L3  2007 07 14.06  S 13.2 TA 20.3T10 133   0.8  6            ICQ XX GON05
   2005L3  2007 07 25.05  S 13.5 HN 20.3T10 133   0.7  6            ICQ XX GON05
   2005L3  2007 09 07.91  I 14.3 HN 20.3T10 206   0.2  7            ICQ XX GON05
   2005L3  2008 07 07.99  S 12.7 TK 20.3T10 133   1.5  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2005L3  2008 08 01.93  S 12.7 TK 20.3T10 133   1.5  4            ICQ XX GON05
   2005L3  2008 08 08.98  S 12.8 TK 20.3T10 222   0.5  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2005L3  2008 09 06.93  S 12.6 TK 20.3T10 160   0.8  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2005L3  2009 03 20.94  S 13.3 HN 20.3T10 160   1.2  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2005L3  2009 03 22.08  S 13.5 HN 20.3T10 100   1.2  6            ICQ XX GON05
   2005L3  2009 03 26.96  S 13.0 HN 20.3T10 100   1.2  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2005L3  2009 04 21.04  S 13.7 HN 20.3T10 100   0.8  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2005L3  2009 06 01.06  S 13.7 HN 20.3T10 133   0.7  6            ICQ XX GON05
   2005L3  2009 06 21.01  S 14.0 HN 20.3T10 160   0.5  6            ICQ XX GON05

C/2005 N1 (Juels-Holvorcem)

- 2005 July 8.10 UT: m1=12.4, Dia.=0.8', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Altitude: 21 deg.. Motion checked during a 30-min period. ].

- 2005 July 12.11 UT: m1=12.3, Dia.=0.8', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Altitude: 24 deg.. Motion checked during a 30-min period. ].

- 2005 July 19.10 UT: m1=12.3, Dia.=0.8', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2005 Aug. 02.12 UT: m1=11.6, Dia.=1.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2005 Aug. 12.15 UT: m1=11.4, Dia.=1.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (160x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2005 Aug. 15.15 UT: m1=11.4, Dia.=1.5', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2005 Sep. 3.16 UT: m1=11.3, Dia.=2.0', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2005 Sep. 8.85 UT: m1=11.2, Dia.=2', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ) [ Altitude: 6 deg.].

- 2005 Sep. 14.18 UT: m1=11.3, Dia.=2.2', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Altitude: 13 deg. ].

- 2005 Sep. 30.20 UT: m1=11.5, Dia.=2', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Some moonlight interference. Altitude: 13 deg. ].

- 2005 Oct. 7.21 UT: m1=11.8, Dia.=1.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Observation made at the beginning of the morning astronomical twilight. Altitude: 16 deg. ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2005N1  2005 07 08.10  S 12.4 TK 20.3T10 133   0.8  3            ICQ XX GON05
   2005N1  2005 07 12.11  S 12.3 TK 20.3T10 133   0.8  3            ICQ XX GON05
   2005N1  2005 07 19.10  S 12.3 TK 20.3T10 133   0.8  3            ICQ XX GON05
   2005N1  2005 08 02.12  S 11.6 TK 20.3T10 100   1.5  3            ICQ XX GON05
   2005N1  2005 08 12.15  S 11.4 TK 20.3T10 160   1.5  3            ICQ XX GON05
   2005N1  2005 08 15.15  S 11.4 TK 20.3T10 133   1.5  4            ICQ XX GON05
   2005N1  2005 09 03.16  S 11.3 TK 20.3T10  77   2.0  3            ICQ XX GON05
   2005N1  2005 09 08.85  S 11.2 TK 20.3T10  77   2    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2005N1  2005 09 14.18  S 11.3 TK 20.3T10 100   2.2  3            ICQ XX GON05
   2005N1  2005 09 30.20  S 11.5 TK 20.3T10 100   2    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2005N1  2005 10 07.21  S 11.8 TK 20.3T10 133   1.5  3            ICQ XX GON05

C/2005 P3 (SWAN)

- 2005 Aug. 28.86 UT: m1=9.8, Dia.=2.5', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, clear sky. Altitude: 15 deg.. Slightly enhanced through Swan Band filter ].

- 2005 Aug. 29.88 UT: m1=9.7, Dia.=3', DC=3, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=10.0. Altitude: 13 deg.].

- 2005 Sep. 2.85 UT: m1=9.8, Dia.=3', DC=3, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=10.1 ].

- 2005 Sep. 7.86 UT: m1=11.2, Dia.=2.0', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, clear sky. Altitude: 14 deg.].

- 2005 Sep. 8.87 UT: m1=11.1, Dia.=2.0', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, clear sky. Altitude: 14 deg.].

- 2005 Sep. 14.17 UT: m1=11.6, Dia.=2', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Altitude: 16 deg. ].

- 2005 Sep. 21.84 UT: m1=12.2, Dia.=1.5', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2005P3  2005 08 28.86  S  9.8 TK 20.3T10  77   2.5  4            ICQ XX GON05
   2005P3  2005 08 29.87  S 10.0 TK 20.3T10  77   2.5  4            ICQ XX GON05
   2005P3  2005 08 29.88  S  9.7 TK 10.0B    25   3    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2005P3  2005 09 02.85  S  9.8 TK 10.0B    25   3    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2005P3  2005 09 02.86  S 10.1 TK 20.3T10  77   2.5  3            ICQ XX GON05
   2005P3  2005 09 07.86  S 11.2 TK 20.3T10  77   2.0  3            ICQ XX GON05
   2005P3  2005 09 08.87  S 11.1 TK 20.3T10  77   2.0  3            ICQ XX GON05
   2005P3  2005 09 14.17  S 11.6 TK 20.3T10 100   2    2            ICQ XX GON05
   2005P3  2005 09 21.84  S 12.2 TK 20.3T10 133   1.5  2            ICQ XX GON05

P/2005 R2 (Van Ness)

- 2005 Oct. 7.18 UT: m1=13.3, Dia.=0.5', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2005 Nov. 4.91 UT: m1=12.6, Dia.=0.8', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ).

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2005R2  2005 10 07.18  S 13.3 TK 20.3T10 133   0.5  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2005R2  2005 11 04.91  S 12.6 TK 20.3T10 133   0.8  5            ICQ XX GON05

C/2005 T4 (SWAN)

- 2005 Oct. 26.80 UT: m1=12.0, Dia.=2', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Altitude: 8 deg. ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2005T4  2005 10 26.80  S 12.0 TK 20.3T10 100   2    3            ICQ XX GON05

C/2006 A1 (Pojmanski)

- 2006 Feb. 27.24 UT: m1=5.4, Dia.=4', DC=7/, 7x50B ( Camposagrado, alt.1120 m, León, North Spain ) [ 25x100B: m1=5.6, Tail: 0.6 deg. in PA 250 deg. Astronomical twilight. Altitude: 6 deg. Comparison stars at the same low altitude as the comet ].

- 2006 Feb. 28.24 UT: m1=5.2, Dia.= --, DC=9, naked eye ( Bonella - Riello, alt.1180 m, León, North Spain ) [ 7x50B: m1=5.4, Tail: 1.6 deg. in PA 255 deg. Mountain location, very clear sky. Astronomical twilight. Altitude: 8 deg. ].

- 2006 Mar. 1.23 UT: m1=5.3, Dia.=4', DC=7/, Tail: 3.2 deg. in PA 260 deg, 7x50B ( Bonella - Riello, alt.1180 m, León, North Spain ) [ Altitude: 9 deg ].

- 2006 Mar. 8.22 UT: m1=5.3, Dia.= --, DC=9, naked eye ( Bonella - Riello, alt.1180 m, León, North Spain ) [ 7x50B: m1=5.4, Tail: 2.5 deg. in PA 285 deg.].

- 2006 Mar. 15.21 UT: m1=5.9, Dia.=4', DC=7/, 7x50B ( Sierra del Aramo, alt.1160 m, Asturias, North Spain ) [ Moonlight ].

- 2006 Mar. 28.18 UT: m1=7.3, Dia.= 4', DC=7, 11x80B ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ) [ 25x100B: Tail: 0.4 deg. in PA 295 deg.].

- 2006 Apr. 2.19 UT: m1=7.6, Dia.=3.5' , DC=6, Tail: 0.3 deg. in PA 305 deg, 25x100B ( La Cortina - Lena, alt. 910 m., Asturias, North Spain ).

- 2006 Apr. 11.17 UT: m1=9.0, Dia.=3.0', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Cubillas de Arbás, alt. 1450 m., León, North Spain ) [ Strong moonlight. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2006 Apr. 23.10 UT: m1=10.2, Dia.=3', DC=2/, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Bonella - Riello, alt.1190 m, León, North Spain ).

- 2006 May 19.01 UT: m1=11.9, Dia.=1.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2006 May 25.99 UT: m1=12.2, Dia.=1.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2006A1  2006 02 27.23  M  5.6 TK 10.0B    25   4    7   0.6  250 ICQ XX GON05
   2006A1  2006 02 27.24  M  5.4 TK  5.0B     7   4    7/           ICQ XX GON05
   2006A1  2006 02 28.23  M  5.4 TK  5.0B     7   4    7/  1.6  255 ICQ XX GON05
   2006A1  2006 02 28.24  I  5.2 TK  0.0E     1        9            ICQ XX GON05
   2006A1  2006 03 01.23  M  5.3 TK  5.0B     7   4    7/  3.2  260 ICQ XX GON05
   2006A1  2006 03 08.21  M  5.4 TK  5.0B     7   4    7/  2.5  285 ICQ XX GON05
   2006A1  2006 03 08.22  I  5.3 TK  0.0E     1        9            ICQ XX GON05
   2006A1  2006 03 15.21  M  5.9 TK  5.0B     7   4    7/           ICQ XX GON05
   2006A1  2006 03 28.17  M  7.3 TK 10.0B    25   3.5  6   0.4  295 ICQ XX GON05
   2006A1  2006 03 28.18  M  7.3 TK  8.0B    11   4    7            ICQ XX GON05
   2006A1  2006 04 02.19  M  7.6 TK 10.0B    25   3.5  6   0.3  305 ICQ XX GON05
   2006A1  2006 04 11.17  S  9.0 TK 20.3T10  77   3.0  3            ICQ XX GON05
   2006A1  2006 04 23.10  S 10.2 TK 20.3T10 100   3    2/           ICQ XX GON05
   2006A1  2006 05 19.01  S 11.9 TK 20.3T10 100   1.5  3            ICQ XX GON05
   2006A1  2006 05 25.99  S 12.2 TK 20.3T10 100   1.5  3            ICQ XX GON05

P/2006 HR30 (Siding Spring)

- 2006 Aug. 5.12 UT: m1=[14.7, 20 cm SCT (222x) ( Cueto Rosales - Riello, alt. 1550 m, León, North Spain ) [ Nearby field stars were checked previously in DSS. The comet was searched for during a 60-min period as a faint stellar object with motion, but was not unambiguously seen. Mountain location, very clear sky. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near Y Peg ].

- 2006 Dic. 14.87 UT: m1=14.2, DC=9, 20 cm SCT (206x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1600 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Faint stellar object. Motion evident after 50 minutes. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near Y Peg ].

- 2007 Feb. 12.86 UT: m1=14.4, Dia.= --, DC=9, 20 cm SCT (160x) ( Caña Valles - Macizo Occidental - Picos de Europa, alt. 787 m, Asturias, N. Spain ). [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Motion checked during a 45-min period. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near PQ And ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2006HR302006 08 05.12  I[14.7 HN 20.3T10 222                     ICQ XX GON05
   2006HR302006 12 14.87  I 14.2 HN 20.3T10 206        9            ICQ XX GON05
   2006HR302007 02 12.86  I 14.4 HN 20.3T10 160        9            ICQ XX GON05

C/2006 L1 (Garradd)

- 2006 Oct. 27.21 UT: m1=9.8, Dia.=4', DC=2/, 25x100B ( Collada del Fresno - Sierra del Aramo, 1230 m, Asturias, N. Spain )[ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=10.3. Mountain location, very clear sky. Zodiacal light.].

- 2006 Nov. 14.03 UT: m1=9.4, Dia.=4', DC=2/, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=9.7 ].

- 2006 Nov. 26.03 UT: m1=9.1, Dia.=5', DC=2/, 25x100B ( Collada de la Cobertoria, Lena, alt. 1179 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=9.3 ].

- 2006 Dec. 10.83 UT: m1=8.8, Dia.=5', DC=2/, 25x100B ( Villamarcel, Quirós, alt. 680 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2006 Dec. 13.81 UT: m1=8.9, Dia.=6', DC=3, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1600 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2006 Dec. 14.82 UT: m1=9.1, Dia.=6', DC=3, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1600 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=9.7 ].

- 2006 Dec. 20.80 UT: m1=9.2, Dia.=6', DC=3, 25x100B ( Camposagrado, alt. 1125 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=9.9 ].

- 2006 Dec. 21.80 UT: m1=9.4, Dia.=5', DC=3, 25x100B ( Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1480 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=10.0 ].

- 2007 Jan. 19.85 UT: m1=12.5, Dia.=1', DC=2/, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro, alt.1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2006L1  2006 10 27.20  S 10.3 TK 20.3T10  77   4    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2006L1  2006 10 27.21  S  9.8 TK 10.0B    25   4    2/           ICQ XX GON05
   2006L1  2006 11 14.02  S  9.7 TK 20.3T10  77   4    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2006L1  2006 11 14.03  S  9.4 TK 10.0B    25   4    2/           ICQ XX GON05
   2006L1  2006 11 26.00  S  9.3 TK 20.3T10  77   4    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2006L1  2006 11 26.03  S  9.1 TK 10.0B    25   5    2/           ICQ XX GON05
   2006L1  2006 12 10.83  S  8.8 TK 10.0B    25   5    2/           ICQ XX GON05
   2006L1  2006 12 13.81  S  8.9 TK 10.0B    25   6    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2006L1  2006 12 14.81  S  9.7 TK 20.3T10  77   5    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2006L1  2006 12 14.82  S  9.1 TK 10.0B    25   6    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2006L1  2006 12 20.79  S  9.9 TK 20.3T10  77   5    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2006L1  2006 12 20.80  S  9.2 TK 10.0B    25   6    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2006L1  2006 12 21.79  S 10.0 TK 20.3T10  77   4    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2006L1  2006 12 21.80  S  9.4 TK 10.0B    25   5    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2006L1  2007 01 19.85  S 12.5 TK 20.3T10 100   1    2/           ICQ XX GON05

C/2006 L2 (McNaught)

- 2006 June 21.94 UT: m1=12.6, Dia.=1.0', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Altitude: 10 deg. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2006 Oct. 14.82 UT: m1=11.5, Dia.=1.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Cueto Rosales - Riello, 1550 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Altitude: 6 deg. ].

- 2006 Dec. 28.26 UT: m1=12.2, Dia.=1.0', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Collada de la Cobertoria, Lena, alt. 1179 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2006L2  2006 06 21.94  S 12.6 TK 20.3T10 133   1.0  4            ICQ XX GON05
   2006L2  2006 10 14.82  S 11.5 TK 20.3T10 100   1.5  3            ICQ XX GON05
   2006L2  2006 12 28.26  S 12.2 TK 20.3T10 133   1.0  5            ICQ XX GON05

C/2006 M4 (SWAN)

- 2006 Sep. 19.19 UT: m1=7.1, Dia.=4', DC=7, 25x100B ( Cueto Rosales - Riello, alt. 1420 m, León, North Spain ) [ Mountain location. Comparison stars at the same low altitude ( 7º ) as the comet ].

- 2006 Sep. 26.20 UT: m1=6.4, Dia.=5', DC=7, Tail: 0.5 deg. in PA 345 deg, 7x50B ( Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1500 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Zodiacal light. Altitude: 10 deg. ] [ 25x100B: Tail: 1.2 deg.].

- 2006 Oct. 1.20 UT: m1=5.7, Dia.=6', DC=7, Tail: 0.8 deg. in PA 350 deg, 7x50B ( Buelna - Llanes, alt. 1500 m, Asturias, North Spain ) [ Altitude: 13 deg. ].

- 2006 Oct. 12.83 UT: m1=5.9, Dia.=7', DC=7, 7x50B ( Collada del Fresno - Sierra del Aramo, 1221 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ 25x100B: Tail: 0.9 deg. in PA 5 deg ].

- 2006 Oct. 14.81 UT: m1=5.8, Dia.=8', DC=8, naked eye ( Cueto Rosales - Riello, 1550 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2006 Oct. 20.79 UT: m1=5.9, Dia.=10', DC=7, 7x50B ( Collada del Fresno - Sierra del Aramo, 1221 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ 25x100B: Tail: 1.0 deg. in PA 20 deg ].

- 2006 Oct. 24.82 UT: m1=4.3, Dia.=10', DC=8, naked eye ( Armada - Sierra del Aramo, 900 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ 7x50B: m1=4.5, Dia.=8', DC=8, Tail: 1.8 deg. in PA 25 deg.. Mountain location, very clear sky. The comet is obviously in outburst.].

- 2006 Oct. 25.80 UT: m1=4.2, Dia.=10', DC=8, naked eye ( Alto del Cordal - Riosa, 794 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ 7x50B: m1=4.3, Tail: 3.0 deg. in PA 30 deg.. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2006 Oct. 26.81 UT: m1=4.9, Dia.=8', DC=8, Tail: 4.0 deg. in PA 35 deg, naked eye ( Campomanes - Lena, 380 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ 7x50B: m1=5.2, Tail: 4.5 deg.].

- 2006 Oct. 27.83 UT: m1=4.8, Dia.=8', DC=8, Tail: 5.0 deg. in PA 35 deg, naked eye ( Sierra de Linares, Proaza, alt.831 m, Asturias, North Spain ) [ 7x50B: m1=5.2, Tail: 5.5 deg.].

- 2006 Nov. 8.79 UT: m1=6.4, Dia.=6', DC=7, 7x50B ( Tenebredo - Santo Adriano, alt. 595 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ 25x100B: m1=6.6, Ion tail 0.8 deg in PA 50 deg, broader dust tail 0.1 deg in PA 0 deg ].

- 2006 Nov. 9.81 UT: m1=6.6, Dia.=7', DC=7, 7x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ 25x100B: m1=6.7, Ion tail 0.3 deg in PA 50 deg, dust tail 0.3 deg in PA 5 deg. Ion tail appears shorter and fainter than yesterday's observation ].

- 2006 Nov. 13.79 UT: m1=6.9, Dia.=6', DC=7, 7x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ 25x100B: m1=7.2, Dust tail 0.3 deg in PA 5 deg. Very faint ion tail ].

- 2006 Nov. 16.82 UT: m1=7.0, Dia.=7', DC=6, 7x50B ( Alto de Bustellán, Tineo, alt.1020 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2006 Nov. 25.80 UT: m1=7.5, Dia.=7', DC=5, 7x50B ( Collada de la Cobertoria, Lena, alt. 1179 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ 25x100B: m1=7.7 ].

- 2006 Dec. 10.77 UT: m1=8.9, Dia.=4', DC=4, 25x100B ( Sierra de Linares, Proaza, alt. 831 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2006 Dec. 13.78 UT: m1=8.9, Dia.=4', DC=4, Tail: 0.1 deg. in PA 20 deg, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1600 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Zodiacal light ].

- 2006 Dec. 14.78 UT: m1=9.1, Dia.=3', DC=4, Tail: 0.1 deg. in PA 20 deg, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1600 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=9.5. Mountain location, very clear sky. Zodiacal light ].

- 2006 Dec. 20.78 UT: m1=9.5, Dia.=3', DC=4, Tail: 0.1 deg. in PA 15 deg, 25x100B ( Camposagrado, alt. 1125 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=10.2. Zodiacal light ].

- 2006 Dec. 21.78 UT: m1=9.3, Dia.=3', DC=4, Tail: 0.1 deg. in PA 20 deg, 25x100B ( Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1480 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=9.9. Mountain location, very clear sky. Zodiacal light ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2006M4  2006 09 19.19  M  7.1 TK 10.0B    25   4    7            ICQ XX GON05
   2006M4  2006 09 26.19  M  6.5 TK 10.0B    25   5    7   1.2  345 ICQ XX GON05
   2006M4  2006 09 26.20  M  6.4 TK  5.0B     7   5    7   0.5  345 ICQ XX GON05
   2006M4  2006 10 01.20  M  5.7 TK  5.0B     7   6    7   0.8  350 ICQ XX GON05
   2006M4  2006 10 12.83  M  5.9 TK  5.0B     7   7    7            ICQ XX GON05
   2006M4  2006 10 12.84  M  6.0 TK 10.0B    25   7    7   0.9    5 ICQ XX GON05
   2006M4  2006 10 14.81  I  5.8 TK  0.0E     1   8    8            ICQ XX GON05
   2006M4  2006 10 20.79  M  5.9 TK  5.0B     7  10    7            ICQ XX GON05
   2006M4  2006 10 20.80  M  6.0 TK 10.0B    25   8    7   1.0   20 ICQ XX GON05
   2006M4  2006 10 24.81  M  4.5 TK  5.0B     7   8    8   1.8   25 ICQ XX GON05
   2006M4  2006 10 24.82  I  4.3 TK  0.0E     1  10    8            ICQ XX GON05
   2006M4  2006 10 25.80  I  4.2 TK  0.0E     1  10    8            ICQ XX GON05
   2006M4  2006 10 25.81  M  4.3 TK  5.0B     7  10    8   3.0   30 ICQ XX GON05
   2006M4  2006 10 26.80  M  5.2 TK  5.0B     7   8    8   4.5   35 ICQ XX GON05
   2006M4  2006 10 26.81  I  4.9 TK  0.0E     1   8    8   4.0   35 ICQ XX GON05
   2006M4  2006 10 27.83  I  4.8 TK  0.0E     1   8    8   5.0   35 ICQ XX GON05
   2006M4  2006 10 27.84  M  5.2 TK  5.0B     7   8    8   5.5   35 ICQ XX GON05
   2006M4  2006 11 08.79  M  6.4 TK  5.0B     7   6    7            ICQ XX GON05
   2006M4  2006 11 08.80  M  6.6 TK 10.0B    25   6    6   0.8   50 ICQ XX GON05
   2006M4  2006 11 09.81  M  6.6 TK  5.0B     7   7    7            ICQ XX GON05
   2006M4  2006 11 09.82  M  6.7 TK 10.0B    25   7    6   0.3   50 ICQ XX GON05
   2006M4  2006 11 13.79  M  6.9 TK  5.0B     7   6    7            ICQ XX GON05
   2006M4  2006 11 13.80  M  7.2 TK 10.0B    25   6    6   0.3    5 ICQ XX GON05
   2006M4  2006 11 16.82  M  7.0 TK  5.0B     7   7    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2006M4  2006 11 25.78  S  7.7 TK 10.0B    25   6    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2006M4  2006 11 25.80  S  7.5 TK  5.0B     7   7    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2006M4  2006 12 10.77  S  8.9 TK 10.0B    25   4    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2006M4  2006 12 13.78  S  8.9 TK 10.0B    25   4    4   0.1   20 ICQ XX GON05
   2006M4  2006 12 14.77  S  9.5 TK 20.3T10  77   3    5   0.1   20 ICQ XX GON05
   2006M4  2006 12 14.78  S  9.1 TK 10.0B    25   3    4   0.1   20 ICQ XX GON05
   2006M4  2006 12 20.77  S 10.2 TK 20.3T10  77   3    5   0.1   15 ICQ XX GON05
   2006M4  2006 12 20.78  S  9.5 TK 10.0B    25   3    4   0.1   15 ICQ XX GON05
   2006M4  2006 12 21.77  S  9.9 TK 20.3T10  77   3    5   0.1   20 ICQ XX GON05
   2006M4  2006 12 21.78  S  9.3 TK 10.0B    25   3    4   0.1   20 ICQ XX GON05

C/2006 OF2 (Broughton)

- 2007 Aug. 10.12 UT: m1=14.2, Dia.=0.3', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (200x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near HU Aqr ].

- 2007 Sep. 7.87 UT: m1=13.9, Dia.=0.3', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (200x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near HU Aqr ].

- 2007 Sep. 9.96 UT: m1=13.8, Dia.=0.4', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (133x) [ Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near HU Aqr ].

- 2007 Oct. 11.88 UT: m1=13.5, Dia.=0.6', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amio, alt. 1190 m., Leon, North Spain ) [ Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near HU Aqr ].

- 2007 Nov. 13.90 UT: m1=13.5, Dia.=0.5', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (222x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near HU Aqr ].

- 2008 June 28.02 UT: m1=11.9, Dia.=1.3', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 July 15.10 UT: m1=11.7, Dia.=1.3', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Aug. 2.07 UT: m1=11.5, Dia.=1.3', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Aug. 9.06 UT: m1=10.8, Dia.=3.5', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Aug. 28.05 UT: m1=10.3, Dia.=4', DC=3/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Sep. 6.98 UT: m1=9.9, Dia.=6', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amio, alt. 1190 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Several stars inside the coma, the brightest being mag. 12.8 (GSC) ].

- 2008 Sep. 24.95 UT: m1=10.2, Dia.=4', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Aralla, alt. 1360 m., Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Sep. 29.15 UT: m1=10.0, Dia.=4', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Star of mag. 12.4 (Tycho-2) inside the coma ].

- 2008 Oct. 1.95 UT: m1=10.2, Dia.=4', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Oct. 9.12 UT: m1=10.7, Dia.=2.0', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amio, alt. 1190 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Comet close to star of mag. 7.1 (Tycho-2) ].

- 2008 Oct. 26.14 UT: m1=10.5, Dia.=2.5', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Nov. 6.01 UT: m1=10.4, Dia.=3.5', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Nov. 16.82 UT: m1=10.2, Dia.=3.5', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Nov. 19.96 UT: m1=10.4, Dia.=3.0', DC=4/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amio, alt. 1190 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Dec. 20.84 UT: m1=10.2, Dia.=3.0', DC=5/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Garaño - La Magdalena, alt. 980 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Dec. 28.81 UT: m1=9.8, Dia.=3.5', DC=5/, 25x100B ( Alto de la Colladiella, San Martín del Rey Aurelio, alt. 860 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Jan. 16.84 UT: m1=9.8, Dia.=4', DC=4/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto de la Colladiella, Mieres, alt. 860 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Feb. 13.92 UT: m1=10.9, Dia.=1.5', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Star of mag. 12.2 (GSC) inside the coma ].

- 2009 Feb. 22.93 UT: m1=11.2, Dia.=2.0', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Feb. 25.93 UT: m1=11.2, Dia.=1.5', DC=4/, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Mar. 13.89 UT: m1=11.5, Dia.=1.0', DC=6/, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Mar. 21.06 UT: m1=11.9, Dia.=1.0', DC=6/, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain )

- 2009 Mar. 21.92 UT: m1=11.3, Dia.=1.3', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Mar. 26.97 UT: m1=11.5, Dia.=1.5', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Apr. 20.94 UT: m1=12.0, Dia.=1.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 May 26.94 UT: m1=12.5, Dia.=1.0', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2006OF2 2007 08 10.12  S 14.2 HN 20.3T10 200   0.3  6            ICQ XX GON05
   2006OF2 2007 09 07.87  S 13.9 HN 20.3T10 200   0.3  6            ICQ XX GON05   
   2006OF2 2007 09 09.96  S 13.8 HN 20.3T10 133   0.4  6            ICQ XX GON05
   2006OF2 2007 10 11.88  S 13.5 HN 20.3T10 133   0.6  6            ICQ XX GON05
   2006OF2 2007 11 13.90  S 13.5 HN 20.3T10 222   0.5  6            ICQ XX GON05
   2006OF2 2008 06 28.02  S 11.9 TK 20.3T10 133   1.3  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2006OF2 2008 07 15.10  S 11.7 TK 20.3T10 100   1.3  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2006OF2 2008 08 02.07  S 11.5 TK 20.3T10 100   1.3  4            ICQ XX GON05
   2006OF2 2008 08 09.06  S 10.8 TK 20.3T10  77   3.5  4            ICQ XX GON05
   2006OF2 2008 08 28.05  S 10.3 TK 20.3T10  77   4    3/           ICQ XX GON05
   2006OF2 2008 09 06.98  S  9.9 TK 20.3T10  77   6    2            ICQ XX GON05
   2006OF2 2008 09 24.95  S 10.2 TK 20.3T10  77   4    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2006OF2 2008 09 29.15  S 10.0 TK 20.3T10  77   4    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2006OF2 2008 10 01.95  S 10.2 TK 20.3T10  77   4    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2006OF2 2008 10 09.12  S 10.7 TK 20.3T10  77   2.0  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2006OF2 2008 10 26.14  S 10.5 TK 20.3T10  77   2.5  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2006OF2 2008 11 06.01  S 10.4 TK 20.3T10  77   3.5  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2006OF2 2008 11 16.82  S 10.2 TK 20.3T10  77   3.5  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2006OF2 2008 11 19.96  S 10.4 TK 20.3T10  77   3.0  4/           ICQ XX GON05
   2006OF2 2008 12 20.84  S 10.2 TK 20.3T10  77   3.0  5/           ICQ XX GON05
   2006OF2 2008 12 28.81  S  9.8 TK 10.0B    25   3.5  5/           ICQ XX GON05
   2006OF2 2009 01 16.84  S  9.8 TK 20.3T10  77   4    4/           ICQ XX GON05
   2006OF2 2009 02 13.92  S 10.9 TK 20.3T10 133   1.5  6            ICQ XX GON05
   2006OF2 2009 02 22.93  S 11.2 TK 20.3T10 100   2.0  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2006OF2 2009 02 25.93  S 11.2 TK 20.3T10 100   1.5  4/           ICQ XX GON05
   2006OF2 2009 03 13.89  S 11.5 TK 20.3T10 100   1.0  6/           ICQ XX GON05
   2006OF2 2009 03 21.06  S 11.9 TK 20.3T10 133   1.0  6/           ICQ XX GON05
   2006OF2 2009 03 21.92  S 11.3 TK 20.3T10 100   1.3  6            ICQ XX GON05
   2006OF2 2009 03 26.97  S 11.5 TK 20.3T10 133   1.5  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2006OF2 2009 04 20.94  S 12.0 TK 20.3T10  77   1.5  3            ICQ XX GON05
   2006OF2 2009 05 26.94  S 12.5 TK 20.3T10 100   1.0  3            ICQ XX GON05

C/2006 P1 (McNaught)

- 2006 Oct. 12.81 UT: m1=11.7, Dia.=2', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Collada del Fresno - Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1221 m., Asturias, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, clear sky. Altitude: 10 deg. ].

- 2006 Nov. 9.79 UT: m1=9.8, Dia.=2', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, clear sky; alt. 5 deg; zodiacal light ].

- 2006 Nov. 13.77 UT: m1=9.3, Dia.=3', DC=5, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=9.6. Mountain location, very clear sky; alt. 6 deg; zodiacal light ].

- 2006 Nov. 16.77 UT: m1=9.1:, Dia.=3', DC=5, 25x100B ( Alto de Bustellán, Tineo, alt.1020 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky; alt. 5 deg. ].

- 2006 Dec. 13.74 UT: m1=[6.5, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1600 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Not visible. Mountain location, very clear sky; nautical twilight; alt. 3 deg ].

- 2006 Dec. 14.74 UT: m1=[6.0, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1600 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Not visible. Mountain location, very clear sky; nautical twilight; alt. 3 deg ].

- 2006 Dec. 21.74 UT: m1=[5.0 ... 25x100B ( Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1480 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Not visible. Mountain location, very clear sky; nautical twilight; alt. 3 deg ].

- 2007 Jan. 2.30 UT: m1= 2.7*, Dia.=1.5', DC=8, Tail: 0.1 deg. in PA 0 deg, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro, alt.1720 m, Leon, N. Spain) [ Mountain location, clear sky. Magnitude estimate corrected for atmospheric extinction with ICQ winter table. Very low altitude: 3 deg; solar elongation: 15 deg. Short dust tail. The comet remained visible for 15 minutes in nautical twilight ].

- 2007 Jan. 11.73 UT: m1= -2.5:*, DC=9, Tail: 1 deg. in PA 10 deg, naked eye ( Villalverde, alt. 980 m, Zamora, Spain ) [ 25x100B: Dia.=1', DC=8/. Mountain location. Magnitude estimate corrected for atmospheric extinction ( comparison object: Venus ). Alt. 3.5 deg. Solar elongation: 9 deg. Upper section of the curved dust tail obscured by cirrus clouds. The comet remained visible for 25 minutes in nautical and astronomical twilight until it set behind the horizon ].

- 2007 Jan. 12.73 UT: m1= -3.2:*, DC=9, Tail: 1 deg. in PA 35 deg, naked eye ( Alto del Castro, alt.1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ 25x100B: Dia.=0.7', DC=8/. Mountain location, very clear sky ( strong zodiacal light visible after the end of twilight ). Magnitude estimate corrected for atmospheric extinction with ICQ winter table ( comparison object: Venus ). Alt. 3 deg. Solar elongation: 7 deg. The comet remained visible for 35 minutes until it set behind the horizon ].

- 2007 Jan. 14.71 UT: m1= -6:*, DC=8, Tail: 1.5 deg. in PA 50 deg, naked eye ( Colunga, alt. 20 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ Comet observed from near sea level, just before sunset; magnitude estimate corrected for atmospheric extinction ].

- 2007 Jan. 19.79 UT: Mountain location, very clear sky. Tail: Several striae were observed with naked eye after the end of evening nautical twilight, between Jan. 19.77 and 19.84 UT, extending up into the cone of zodiacal light. At the end of astronomical twilight ( Jan. 19.79 ) four brightest striae were clearly visible between PA 20 deg and PA 50 deg, measuring about 0.5 to 1 deg in width, the longer one spanning more than 22 deg up from the horizon in PA 30 deg.

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2006P1  2006 10 12.81  S 11.7 TK 20.3T10 133   2    2            ICQ XX GON05
   2006P1  2006 11 09.79  S  9.8 TK 20.3T10  77   2    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2006P1  2006 11 13.77  S  9.3 TK 10.0B    25   3    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2006P1  2006 11 13.78  S  9.6 TK 20.3T10  77   3.0  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2006P1  2006 11 16.77  S  9.1 TK 10.0B    25   3    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2006P1  2006 12 13.74  I[ 6.5 TK 20.3T10  77                     ICQ XX GON05
   2006P1  2006 12 14.74  I[ 6.0 TK 10.0B    25                     ICQ XX GON05
   2006P1  2006 12 21.74  I[ 5.0 TK 10.0B    25                     ICQ XX GON05
   2006P1  2007 01 02.30 $B  2.7 TK 10.0B    25   1.5  8   0.1    0 ICQ XX GON05
   2006P1  2007 01 11.73 !I -2.5:AE 10.0B    25   1    8/  1     10 ICQ XX GON05
   2006P1  2007 01 11.73 !I -2.5:AE  0.0E     1        9   1     10 ICQ XX GON05
   2006P1  2007 01 12.73 $I -3.2 AE 10.0B    25   0.7  8/  1     35 ICQ XX GON05
   2006P1  2007 01 12.73 $I -3.2 AE  0.0E     1        9   1     35 ICQ XX GON05
   2006P1  2007 01 14.71 !I -6  :AE  0.0E     1        8   1.5   50 ICQ XX GON05

C/2006 Q1 (McNaught)

- 2008 Apr. 3.92 UT: m1=10.7, Dia.=2.0', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1280 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ Altitude: 10 deg. ].

- 2009 Mar. 21.00 UT: m1=13.5, Dia.=0.8', DC=7, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near NY Ser ].

- 2009 Mar. 22.11 UT: m1=13.7, Dia.=0.8', DC=7, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Apr. 21.07 UT: m1=13.5, Dia.=0.8', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near NY Ser ].

- 2009 June 1.11 UT: m1=13.4, Dia.=0.5', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near NY Ser ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2006Q1  2008 04 03.92  S 10.7 TK 20.3T10  77   2.0  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2006Q1  2009 03 21.00  S 13.5 HN 20.3T10 133   0.8  7            ICQ XX GON05
   2006Q1  2009 03 22.11  S 13.7 HN 20.3T10 133   0.8  7            ICQ XX GON05
   2006Q1  2009 04 21.07  S 13.5 HN 20.3T10 133   0.8  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2006Q1  2009 06 01.11  S 13.4 HN 20.3T10 133   0.5  6            ICQ XX GON05

C/2006 S5 (Hill)

- 2007 Nov. 17.08 UT: m1=13.3, Dia.=0.8', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (160x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near U Gem ].

- 2008 Jan. 27.93 UT: m1=13.5, Dia.=0.8', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (222x), ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near U Gem ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2006S5  2007 11 17.08  S 13.3 HN 20.3T10 160   0.8  4            ICQ XX GON05
   2006S5  2008 01 27.93  S 13.5 HN 20.3T10 222   0.8  5            ICQ XX GON05

C/2006 T1 (Levy)

- 2006 Oct. 4.17 UT: m1=9.4, Dia.=3', DC=5, 25x100B ( Sahagún, alt. 815 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=9.7 ].

- 2006 Oct. 5.18 UT: m1=9.4, Dia.=3', DC=5, 25x100B ( Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1530 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Zodiacal light. ].

- 2006 Oct. 27.22 UT: m1=10.5:, Dia.=2', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Collada del Fresno - Sierra del Aramo, 1221 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Bright zodiacal light. Comet very close to galaxy NGC 3521 ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2006T1  2006 10 04.17  S  9.4 TK 10.0B    25   3    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2006T1  2006 10 04.19  S  9.7 TK 20.3T10  77   2.5  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2006T1  2006 10 05.18  S  9.4 TK 10.0B    25   3    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2006T1  2006 10 27.22  S 10.5:TK 20.3T10 100   2    3            ICQ XX GON05

C/2006 U6 (Spacewatch)

- 2009 Mar. 22.00 UT: m1=14.7, Dia.=0.3', DC=7, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near TT Crt ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2006U6  2009 03 22.00  I 14.7 HN 20.3T10 133   0.3  7            ICQ XX GON05

C/2006 VZ13 (LINEAR)

- 2007 June 4.97 UT: m1=11.7, Dia.=2.0', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2007 June 5.97 UT: m1=11.1, Dia.=2.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2007 June 12.05 UT: m1=10.3, Dia.=3', DC=3/, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2007 June 17.95 UT: m1=9.8, Dia.=3', DC=3/, 25x100B ( Collada de la Cobertoria, Lena, alt. 1179 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2007 June 20.00 UT: m1=9.8, Dia.=3.5', DC=3/, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=10.2 ].

- 2007 June 23.03 UT: m1=9.4, Dia.=5', DC=3, 25x100B ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ).

- 2007 June 26.11 UT: m1=8.8, Dia.=5', DC=3/, 25x100B ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=9.2 ].

- 2007 July 4.91 UT: m1=7.9, Dia.=8', DC=4, 7x50B ( Aralla, alt. 1405 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ 25x100B: m1=8.1 ].

- 2007 July 5.94 UT: m1=7.8, Dia.=8', DC=4, 10x50B ( Porto da Xesta, alt. 530 m, Lugo, North Spain ).

- 2007 July 10.01 UT: m1=7.3, Dia.=10', DC=4, 7x50B ( Mirantes de Luna, alt. 1140 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2007 July 14.03 UT: m1=7.2, Dia.=13', DC=4, 7x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2007 July 17.00 UT: m1=7.3, Dia.=12', DC=4, 7x50B ( Collada de la Cobertoria, Lena, alt. 1179 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2007 July 21.97 UT: m1=7.6, Dia.=8', DC=5, 10x50B ( Puerto del Manzanal, alt. 1230 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2007 July 25.02 UT: m1=7.8, Dia.=8', DC=5, 10x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2007 Aug. 3.90 UT: m1=8.1, Dia.=7', DC=5, 10x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2007 Aug. 7.90 UT: m1=8.2, Dia.=6', DC=4, 25x100B ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ).

- 2007 Aug. 9.90 UT: m1=8.4, Dia.=5', DC=4, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2006VZ132007 06 04.97  S 11.7 TK 20.3T10 133   2.0  3            ICQ XX GON05
   2006VZ132007 06 05.97  S 11.1 TK 20.3T10  77   2.5  3            ICQ XX GON05
   2006VZ132007 06 12.05  S 10.3 TK 10.0B    25   3    3/           ICQ XX GON05
   2006VZ132007 06 17.95  S  9.8 TK 10.0B    25   3    3/           ICQ XX GON05
   2006VZ132007 06 20.00  S  9.8 TK 10.0B    25   3.5  3/           ICQ XX GON05
   2006VZ132007 06 20.01  S 10.2 TK 20.3T10  77   3.5  3/           ICQ XX GON05
   2006VZ132007 06 23.03  S  9.4 TK 10.0B    25   5    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2006VZ132007 06 26.10  S  9.2 TK 20.3T10  77   4    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2006VZ132007 06 26.11  S  8.8 TK 10.0B    25   5    3/           ICQ XX GON05
   2006VZ132007 07 04.90  S  8.1 TK 10.0B    25   7    3/           ICQ XX GON05
   2006VZ132007 07 04.91  S  7.9 TK  5.0B     7   8    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2006VZ132007 07 05.94  S  7.8 TK  5.0B    10   8    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2006VZ132007 07 10.01  S  7.3 TK  5.0B     7  10    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2006VZ132007 07 14.03  S  7.2 TK  5.0B     7  13    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2006VZ132007 07 17.00  S  7.3 TK  5.0B     7  12    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2006VZ132007 07 21.97  S  7.6 TK  5.0B    10   8    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2006VZ132007 07 25.02  S  7.8 TK  5.0B    10   8    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2006VZ132007 08 03.90  S  8.1 TK  5.0B    10   7    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2006VZ132007 08 07.90  S  8.2 TK 10.0B    25   6    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2006VZ132007 08 09.90  S  8.4 TK 10.0B    25   5    4            ICQ XX GON05

C/2006 W3 (Christensen)

- 2007 Dec. 4.97 UT: m1=14.3, Dia.=0.4', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (222x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Motion checked during a 90-min period. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near BY Cam. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2008 July 8.03 UT: m1=13.2, Dia.=0.7', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near BL Cam. Comet close to star of mag. 11.6 (Tycho-2) ].

- 2008 Aug. 2.06 UT: m1=12.3, Dia.=1.0', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Aug. 9.05 UT: m1=11.1, Dia.=4.0', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Aug. 28.06 UT: m1=10.5, Dia.=5', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Star of mag. 12.0 (Tycho-2) inside the coma ].

- 2008 Sep. 6.99 UT: m1=10.1, Dia.=5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amio, alt. 1190 m., Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Sep. 24.93 UT: m1=10.3, Dia.=3', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Aralla, alt. 1360 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Star of mag. 12.4 (Tycho-2) inside the coma ].

- 2008 Oct. 9.11 UT: m1=10.4, Dia.=2.5', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amio, alt. 1190 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Oct. 19.82 UT: m1=10.3, Dia.=2.5', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Oct. 26.12 UT: m1=10.1, Dia.=3.5', DC=4/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Nov. 6.02 UT: m1=10.1, Dia.=4', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Nov. 16.83 UT: m1=10.4, Dia.=3.0', DC=5/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Nov. 19.97 UT: m1=10.3, Dia.=2.0', DC=5/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amio, alt. 1190 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Star of mag. 10.8 (Tycho-2) inside the coma ].

- 2008 Dec. 20.85 UT: m1=9.9, Dia.=3.0', DC=4/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Garaño - La Magdalena, alt. 980 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Jan. 1.80 UT: m1=9.7, Dia.=3', DC=4, 25x100B ( Sierra de Fario, Sariego, alt. 735 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Jan. 16.83 UT: m1=9.8, Dia.=4', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto de la Colladiella, Mieres, alt. 860 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Feb. 13.84 UT: m1=9.9, Dia.=3.5', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Feb. 22.82 UT: m1=9.5, Dia.=3.5', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Feb. 25.82 UT: m1=9.4, Dia.=4.5', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Mar. 3.23 UT: m1=9.6, Dia.=2.5', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Several stars in coma, the brightest being mag 12.0 (TK) ].

- 2009 Mar. 21.15 UT: m1=9.3, Dia.=4', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain )

- 2009 Mar. 22.20 UT: m1=9.2, Dia.=4', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Apr. 6.18 UT: m1=9.3, Dia.=4', DC=6, 15 cm L (50x) ( Sasamón, alt. 820 m, Burgos, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Apr. 20.17 UT: m1=9.2, Dia.=3', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Apr. 21.09 UT: m1=8.9, Dia.=4', DC=6, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 May 2.17 UT: m1=8.9, Dia.=3', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Astronomical twilight ].

- 2009 May 19.06 UT: m1=8.7, Dia.=4.5', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 May 27.06 UT: m1=8.8, Dia.=4', DC=5/, Tail: 0.1 deg. in PA 280 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 June 1.08 UT: m1=9.0, Dia.=4', DC=5, Tail: 0.1 deg. in PA 290 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 June 11.93 UT: m1=8.9, Dia.=4', DC=5/, Tail: 0.1 deg. in PA 290 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Cueto Rosales - Riello, alt. 1420 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Mag. 10.6 (Tycho-2) star in coma ].

- 2009 June 17.99 UT: m1=8.8, Dia.=4', DC=5/, Tail: 0.1 deg. in PA 280 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 June 21.04 UT: m1=8.7, Dia.=4', DC=5/, Tail: 0.1 deg. in PA 260 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 July 3.08 UT: m1=8.6, Dia.=4', DC=5/, Tail: 0.1 deg. in PA 260 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 July 14.99 UT: m1=8.5, Dia.=4', DC=5/, Tail: 0.1 deg. in PA 250 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 July 17.93 UT: m1=8.7, Dia.=4', DC=5/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Mag. 10.4 (Tycho-2) star in coma ].

- 2009 July 19.08 UT: m1=8.6, Dia.=4', DC=5/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 July 24.09 UT: m1=8.4, Dia.=4.5', DC=5/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 July 25.00 UT: m1=8.3, Dia.=6', DC=6, 10x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Aug. 11.90 UT: m1=8.0, Dia.=7', DC=6, 10x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Aug. 19.00 UT: m1=8.2, Dia.=6', DC=5, 10x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Aug. 21.89 UT: m1=8.2, Dia.=7', DC=5, 10x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Aug. 29.01 UT: m1=8.4, Dia.=7', DC=5, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Aug. 31.09 UT: m1=8.3, Dia.=7', DC=5, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Sep. 11.87 UT: m1=9.0, Dia.=4', DC=5/, 25x100B ( Aralla, alt. 1360 m, León, N. Spain ) [ In 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=9.3 ].

- 2009 Sep. 14.84 UT: m1=9.3, Dia.=4', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Sep. 22.92 UT: m1=9.2, Dia.=5', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Oct. 11.81 UT: m1=9.3, Dia.=5', DC=5/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Nov. 8.82 UT: m1=9.3, Dia.=4', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Trascastro de Luna, alt. 1010 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Nov. 18.79 UT: m1=9.2, Dia.=5', DC=4/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Pico Cueto - Busfrío - Cudillero, alt. 770 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Dec. 4.77 UT: m1=9.4, Dia.=5', DC=3/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Camposagrado, alt. 1110 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Altitude: 15 deg ].

- 2010 May 22.14 UT: m1=10.5, Dia.=3', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., León, N. Spain ) [ Comet close to star of mag. 11.4 (Tycho-2). Astronomical twilight. Mountain location, very clear sky. Altitude: 9 deg ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2006W3  2007 12 04.97  S 14.3 HN 20.3T10 222   0.4  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2006W3  2008 07 08.03  S 13.2 HN 20.3T10 133   0.7  6            ICQ XX GON05
   2006W3  2008 08 02.06  S 12.3 TK 20.3T10 133   1.0  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2006W3  2008 08 09.05  S 11.1 TK 20.3T10  77   4.0  4            ICQ XX GON05
   2006W3  2008 08 28.06  S 10.5 TK 20.3T10  77   5    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2006W3  2008 09 06.99  S 10.1 TK 20.3T10  77   5    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2006W3  2008 09 24.93  S 10.3 TK 20.3T10 100   3    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2006W3  2008 10 09.11  S 10.4 TK 20.3T10  77   2.5  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2006W3  2008 10 19.82  S 10.3 TK 20.3T10  77   2.5  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2006W3  2008 10 26.12  S 10.1 TK 20.3T10  77   3.5  4/           ICQ XX GON05
   2006W3  2008 11 06.02  S 10.1 TK 20.3T10  77   4    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2006W3  2008 11 16.83  S 10.4 TK 20.3T10  77   3.0  5/           ICQ XX GON05
   2006W3  2008 11 19.97  S 10.3 TK 20.3T10  77   2.0  5/           ICQ XX GON05
   2006W3  2008 12 20.85  S  9.9 TK 20.3T10  77   3.0  4/           ICQ XX GON05
   2006W3  2009 01 01.80  S  9.7 TK 10.0B    25   3    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2006W3  2009 01 16.83  S  9.8 TK 20.3T10  77   4    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2006W3  2009 02 13.84  S  9.9 TK 20.3T10  77   3.5  5            ICQ XX GON05 
   2006W3  2009 02 22.82  S  9.5 TK 20.3T10  77   3.5  5            ICQ XX GON05 
   2006W3  2009 02 25.82  S  9.4 TK 20.3T10  77   4.5  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2006W3  2009 03 03.23  S  9.6 TK 20.3T10  77   2.5  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2006W3  2009 03 21.15  S  9.3 TK 20.3T10  77   4    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2006W3  2009 03 22.20  S  9.2 TK 20.3T10  77   4    5            ICQ XX GON05 
   2006W3  2009 04 06.18  S  9.3 TK 15.2S5   50   4    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2006W3  2009 04 20.17  S  9.2 TK 20.3T10  77   3    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2006W3  2009 04 21.09  S  8.9 TK 10.0B    25   4    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2006W3  2009 05 02.17  S  8.9 TK 20.3T10  77   3    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2006W3  2009 05 19.06  S  8.7 TK 20.3T10  77   4.5  6            ICQ XX GON05
   2006W3  2009 05 27.06  S  8.8 TK 20.3T10  77   4    5/  0.1  280 ICQ XX GON05
   2006W3  2009 06 01.08  S  9.0 TK 20.3T10  77   4    5   0.1  290 ICQ XX GON05
   2006W3  2009 06 11.93  S  8.9 TK 20.3T10  77   4    5/  0.1  290 ICQ XX GON05
   2006W3  2009 06 17.99  S  8.8 TK 20.3T10  77   4    5/  0.1  280 ICQ XX GON05
   2006W3  2009 06 21.04  S  8.7 TK 20.3T10  77   4    5/  0.1  260 ICQ XX GON05 
   2006W3  2009 07 03.08  S  8.6 TK 20.3T10  77   4    5/  0.1  260 ICQ XX GON05
   2006W3  2009 07 14.99  S  8.5 TK 20.3T10  77   4    5/  0.1  250 ICQ XX GON05 
   2006W3  2009 07 17.93  S  8.7 TK 20.3T10  77   4    5/           ICQ XX GON05
   2006W3  2009 07 19.08  S  8.6 TK 20.3T10  77   4    5/           ICQ XX GON05
   2006W3  2009 07 24.09  S  8.4 TK 20.3T10  77   4.5  5/           ICQ XX GON05
   2006W3  2009 07 25.00  S  8.3 TK  5.0B    10   6    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2006W3  2009 08 11.90  S  8.0 TK  5.0B    10   7    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2006W3  2009 08 19.00  S  8.2 TK  5.0B    10   6    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2006W3  2009 08 21.89  S  8.2 TK  5.0B    10   7    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2006W3  2009 08 29.01  S  8.4 TK 10.0B    25   7    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2006W3  2009 08 31.09  S  8.3 TK 10.0B    25   7    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2006W3  2009 09 11.86  S  9.3 TK 20.3T10  77   4    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2006W3  2009 09 11.87  S  9.0 TK 10.0B    25   4    5/           ICQ XX GON05
   2006W3  2009 09 14.84  S  9.3 TK 20.3T10  77   4    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2006W3  2009 09 22.92  S  9.2 TK 20.3T10  77   5    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2006W3  2009 10 11.81  S  9.3 TK 20.3T10  77   5    5/           ICQ XX GON05
   2006W3  2009 11 08.82  S  9.3 TK 20.3T10  77   4    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2006W3  2009 11 18.79  S  9.2 TK 20.3T10  77   5    4/           ICQ XX GON05
   2006W3  2009 12 04.77  S  9.4 TK 20.3T10  77   5    3/           ICQ XX GON05
   2006W3  2010 05 22.14  S 10.5 TK 20.3T10 100   3    3            ICQ XX GON05

C/2006 WD4 (Lemmon)

- 2007 June 5.93 UT: m1=13.2, Dia.=0.8', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (160x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Motion checked during a 25-min period. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2006WD4 2007 06 05.93  S 13.2 TK 20.3T10 160   0.8  3            ICQ XX GON05

C/2006 XA1 (LINEAR)

- 2007 Mar. 16.91 UT: m1=13.7, Dia.=1.2', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (160x) ( Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1480 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Motion checked during a 90-min period. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near RW Per ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2006XA1 2007 03 16.91  S 13.7 HN 20.3T10 160   1.2  3            ICQ XX GON05

C/2007 B2 (Skiff)

- 2008 Feb. 10.08 UT: m1=14.2, Dia.=0.6', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m., León, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near GP Com. Limiting star magnitude near comet : 15.2 (HN) ].

- 2008 Apr. 3.94 UT: m1=12.8, Dia.=1.2', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1280 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near GP Com ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2007B2  2008 02 10.08  S 14.2 HN 20.3T10 133   0.6  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2007B2  2008 04 03.94  S 12.8 HN 20.3T10 100   1.2  6            ICQ XX GON05

C/2007 E1 (Garradd)

- 2007 Apr. 7.88 UT: m1=9.3, Dia.=7', DC=2, 25x100B ( Alto de Cogollo - Candamo, alt. 530 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2007 Apr. 9.86 UT: m1=9.4, Dia.=7', DC=2, 25x100B ( Los Veneros - Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1340 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2007 Apr. 17.87 UT: m1=9.5, Dia.=7', DC=2, 25x100B ( Alto del Gamoniteiro - Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1755 m., Asturias, North Spain ).

- 2007 May 5.91 UT: m1=10.2, Dia.=4', DC=1, 25x100B ( Los Veneros - Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1340 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2007 May 8.91 UT: m1=10.2, Dia.=4', DC=1/, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=10.6 ].

- 2007 May 16.93 UT: m1=10.6, Dia.=3', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2007E1  2007 04 07.88  S  9.3 TK 10.0B    25   7    2            ICQ XX GON05
   2007E1  2007 04 09.86  S  9.4 TK 10.0B    25   7    2            ICQ XX GON05
   2007E1  2007 04 17.87  S  9.5 TK 10.0B    25   7    2            ICQ XX GON05
   2007E1  2007 05 05.91  S 10.2 TK 10.0B    25   4    1            ICQ XX GON05
   2007E1  2007 05 08.90  S 10.6 TK 20.3T10  77   3    2            ICQ XX GON05
   2007E1  2007 05 08.91  S 10.2 TK 10.0B    25   4    1/           ICQ XX GON05
   2007E1  2007 05 16.93  S 10.6 TK 20.3T10  77   3    2            ICQ XX GON05

C/2007 E2 (Lovejoy)

- 2007 Apr. 12.17 UT: m1=7.7, Dia.=8', DC=4, 25x100B (Collada de la Cobertoria, alt. 1179 m, Asturias, North Spain) [ Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2007 Apr. 13.17 UT: m1=7.8, Dia.=8', DC=4, 7x50B ( Alto de Rosales, alt. 1400 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2007 Apr. 18.15 UT: m1=7.6, Dia.=10', DC=4, 7x50B ( Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1530 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2007 Apr. 22.15 UT: m1=7.5, Dia.=10', DC=4, 7x50B ( Collada de la Cobertoria, Lena, alt. 1179 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2007 May 5.92 UT: m1=7.8, Dia.=7', DC=3, 25x100B ( Los Veneros - Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1340 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2007 May 8.94 UT: m1=8.3, Dia.=8', DC=3/, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (36x): m1=8.6 ].

- 2007 May 16.97 UT: m1=9.2, Dia.=8', DC=3/, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (36x): m1=9.6 ].

- 2007 June 5.95 UT: m1=11.2, Dia.=2.5', DC=3, Tail: 0.1 deg. in PA 140 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2007E2  2007 04 12.17  S  7.7 TK 10.0B    25   8    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2007E2  2007 04 13.17  S  7.8 TK  5.0B     7   8    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2007E2  2007 04 18.14  S  7.7 TK 10.0B    25   8    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2007E2  2007 04 18.15  S  7.6 TK  5.0B     7  10    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2007E2  2007 04 22.14  S  7.7 TK 10.0B    25   8    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2007E2  2007 04 22.15  S  7.5 TK  5.0B     7  10    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2007E2  2007 05 05.92  S  7.8 TK 10.0B    25   7    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2007E2  2007 05 08.93  S  8.6 TK 20.3T10  36   8    3/           ICQ XX GON05
   2007E2  2007 05 08.94  S  8.3 TK 10.0B    25   8    3/           ICQ XX GON05
   2007E2  2007 05 16.95  S  9.8 TK 20.3T10  77   6    3/           ICQ XX GON05
   2007E2  2007 05 16.97  S  9.2 TK 10.0B    25   8    3/           ICQ XX GON05
   2007E2  2007 05 16.99  S  9.6 TK 20.3T10  36   6    3/           ICQ XX GON05
   2007E2  2007 06 05.95  S 11.2 TK 20.3T10  77   2.5  3   0.1  140 ICQ XX GON05

C/2007 F1 (LONEOS)

- 2007 Sep. 15.20 UT: m1=[10.0, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ) [ Comet not observed. Astronomical twilight, altitude: 5 deg. Mountain location, very clear sky, latitude: 43 deg ].

- 2007 Sep. 20.20 UT: m1=9.3, Dia.=2.5', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky, astronomical twilight; Altitude: 6 deg ].

- 2007 Sep. 23.20 UT: m1=8.7, Dia.=4', DC=5, 25x100 B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky, astronomical twilight; Altitude: 7 deg ] [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=8.9, Dia.=3.0' ].

- 2007 Oct. 5.20 UT: m1=6.9, Dia.=6', DC=5, 10x50B ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amio, alt. 1190 m., Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Zodiacal light. Altitude: 8 deg ] [ 25x100B: m1=7.2 ].

- 2007 Oct. 12.20 UT: m1=6.7, Dia.=3', DC=7, 10x50 B ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amio, alt. 1190 m., Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Zodiacal light. Altitude: 7 deg ] [ 25x100B: m1=6.9, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 345 deg ].

- 2007 Oct. 13.80 UT: m1=6.6, Dia.=3', DC=7, 10x50 B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Altitude: 7 deg ] [ 25x100B: m1=6.8, Tail: 1.1 deg. in PA 350 deg ].

- 2007 Oct. 14.80 UT: m1=6.5, Dia.=3', DC=7, 10x50 B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Altitude: 6 deg ] [ 25x100B: m1=6.8, Tail: 1.0 deg. in PA 350 deg ].

- 2007 Oct. 19.79 UT: m1=6.1, Dia.=2', DC=8, 10x50 B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Moonlight. Altitude: 7 deg ] [ 25x100B: m1=6.2, Tail: 0.8 deg. in PA 10 deg ].

- 2007 Oct. 20.79 UT: m1=5.9, Dia.=2', DC=8, 10x50 B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Moonlight. Altitude: 7 deg ].

- 2007 Oct. 24.79 UT: m1=5.6, Dia.=2', DC=8, 10x50 B ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amio, alt. 1190 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Moonlight. Altitude: 5 deg ].

- 2007 Oct. 25.78 UT: m1=5.3, Dia.=1.5', DC=8, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 30 deg, 10x50 B ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amio, alt. 1190 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, clear sky. Astronomical twilight. Moonlight. Altitude: 6 deg ].

- 2007 Oct. 27.78 UT: m1=5.2*, Dia.=1.5', DC=8, 10x50 B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, clear sky. Astronomical twilight. Moonlight. Altitude: 6 deg ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2007F1  2007 09 15.20  S[10.0 TK 20.3T10  77 ! 1.0               ICQ XX GON05
   2007F1  2007 09 20.20  S  9.3 TK 20.3T10  77   2.5  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2007F1  2007 09 23.19  S  8.9 TK 20.3T10  77   3.0  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2007F1  2007 09 23.20  S  8.7 TK 10.0B    25   4    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2007F1  2007 10 05.19  S  7.2 TK 10.0B    25   6    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2007F1  2007 10 05.20  S  6.9 TK  5.0B    10   6    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2007F1  2007 10 12.20  M  6.7 TK  5.0B    10   3    7            ICQ XX GON05
   2007F1  2007 10 12.21  M  6.9 TK 10.0B    25   3    7   0.2  345 ICQ XX GON05
   2007F1  2007 10 13.80  M  6.6 TK  5.0B    10   3    7            ICQ XX GON05
   2007F1  2007 10 13.81  M  6.8 TK 10.0B    25   3    7   1.1  350 ICQ XX GON05
   2007F1  2007 10 14.80  M  6.5 TK  5.0B    10   3    7            ICQ XX GON05
   2007F1  2007 10 14.81  M  6.8 TK 10.0B    25   3    7   1.0  350 ICQ XX GON05
   2007F1  2007 10 19.79  M  6.1 TK  5.0B    10   2    8            ICQ XX GON05
   2007F1  2007 10 19.80  M  6.2 TK 10.0B    25   2    7   0.8   10 ICQ XX GON05
   2007F1  2007 10 20.79  M  5.9 TK  5.0B    10   2    8            ICQ XX GON05
   2007F1  2007 10 24.79  M  5.6 TK  5.0B    10   2    8            ICQ XX GON05
   2007F1  2007 10 25.78  M  5.3 TK  5.0B    10   1.5  8   0.2   30 ICQ XX GON05
   2007F1  2007 10 27.78 $M  5.2 TK  5.0B    10   1.5  8            ICQ XX GON05

C/2007 G1 (LINEAR)

- 2008 May 12.09 UT: m1=13.0, Dia.=0.7', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (160x) ( Puerto de las Señales, alt. 1627 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry of K3_9 field ].

- 2008 June 7.06 UT: m1=11.5, Dia.=1.8', DC=3/, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Outeiro - Castro do Rei, alt. 450 m, Lugo, N. Spain ).

- 2008 June 27.95 UT: m1=11.3, Dia.=2.2', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Aug. 1.90 UT: m1=10.8, Dia.=2.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Altitude: 9 deg ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2007G1  2008 05 12.09  S 13.0 HN 20.3T10 160   0.7  4            ICQ XX GON05
   2007G1  2008 06  7.06  S 11.5 TK 20.3T10 100   1.8  3/           ICQ XX GON05
   2007G1  2008 06 27.95  S 11.3 TK 20.3T10 100   2.2  4            ICQ XX GON05
   2007G1  2008 08 01.90  S 10.8 TK 20.3T10 100   2.5  3            ICQ XX GON05

P/2007 H1 (McNaught)

- 2007 July 14.11 UT: m1=14.7, Dia.=--, DC=9 ... 20 cm SCT (133x), ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near TX Tri. ].

- 2007 Aug. 16.16 UT: m1=13.5, Dia.=0.7', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Escuredo, alt. 1150 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near WW Cet ].

- 2007 Sep. 8.10 UT: m1=13.2, Dia.=0.8', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near WW Cet ].

- 2007 Sep. 10.02 UT: m1=13.2, Dia.=0.8', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (133x) [ Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near WW Cet ].

- 2007 Sep. 15.16 UT: m1=13.0, Dia.=0.8', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ) [ Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near WW Cet ].

- 2007 Sep. 20.16 UT: m1=13.0, Dia.=0.8', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near WW Cet ].

- 2007 Sep. 23.17 UT: m1=12.8, Dia.=1.0', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near WW Cet ].

- 2007 Oct. 11.91 UT: m1=12.7, Dia.=1.0', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amio, alt. 1190 m., Leon, North Spain ).

- 2007 Nov. 3.91 UT: m1=13.2, Dia.=1.5', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near WW Cet ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2007H1  2007 07 14.11  I 14.7 HN 20.3T10 133        9            ICQ XX GON05
   2007H1  2007 08 16.16  S 13.5 HN 20.3T10 133   0.7  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2007H1  2007 09 08.10  S 13.2 HN 20.3T10 133   0.8  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2007H1  2007 09 10.02  S 13.2 HN 20.3T10 133   0.8  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2007H1  2007 09 15.16  S 13.0 HN 20.3T10 133   0.8  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2007H1  2007 09 20.16  S 13.0 HN 20.3T10 133   0.8  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2007H1  2007 09 23.17  S 12.8 HN 20.3T10 133   1.0  4            ICQ XX GON05
   2007H1  2007 10 11.91  S 12.7 TK 20.3T10 133   1.0  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2007H1  2007 11 03.91  S 13.2 HN 20.3T10 100   1.5  2            ICQ XX GON05

C/2007 N3 (Lulin)

- 2008 May 12.13 UT: m1=13.8, Dia.=0.7', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Puerto de las Señales, alt. 1627 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 June 28.00 UT: m1=10.6, Dia.=3.5', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 July 8.06 UT: m1=11.5, Dia.=1.7', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Comet clearly fainter than it was ten days ago ].

- 2008 July 15.09 UT: m1=11.3, Dia.=1.8', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 July 26.93 UT: m1=11.0, Dia.=1.5', DC=6, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ In 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=11.1 ].

- 2008 Aug. 1.91 UT: m1=10.6, Dia.=2.0', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Elongated coma ].

- 2008 Aug. 4.99 UT: m1=10.3, Dia.=2.5', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Aug. 5.93 UT: m1=10.3, Dia.=2.0', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Aug. 8.97 UT: m1=9.8, Dia.=3.5', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [Comet close to star of mag. 8.3 (Tycho-2)].

- 2008 Aug. 23.92 UT: m1=9.7, Dia.=4', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Sep. 6.92 UT: m1=9.5, Dia.=5', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amio, alt. 1190 m., Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Sep. 24.85 UT: m1=9.3, Dia.=4', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Aralla, alt. 1360 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Altitude: 9 deg ].

- 2008 Oct. 3.81 UT: m1=8.8, Dia.=5', DC=3, 25x100B ( Herreros de Jamuz, alt. 805 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Altitude: 12 deg. Some interference, just before moonset. Moon's altitude: 3 deg ].

- 2008 Oct. 18.79 UT: m1=8.5, Dia.=3', DC=4, 25x100B ( Gamoniteiro - Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1650 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ Altitude: 8 deg. Astronomical twilight; zodiacal light.].

- 2008 Oct. 19.79 UT: m1=8.3, Dia.=4', DC=4, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Altitude: 7 deg. Astronomical twilight; zodiacal light. Mountain location, very clear sky.].

- 2008 Dec. 21.27 UT: m1=7.6, Dia.=2.5', DC=5, 25x100B ( Santibáñez - Cuadros, alt. 1010 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Beginning of astronomical twilight; some moonlight interference. Altitude: 7 deg.].

- 2008 Dec. 24.26 UT: m1=7.3, Dia.=3.5', DC=5, 25x100B ( Sierra del Aramo - Armada - Lena, alt. 1010 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Beginning of astronomical twilight. Altitude: 7 deg.].

- 2009 Jan. 4.25 UT: m1=7.1, Dia.=5', DC=6, 10x50B ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Feb. 1.22 UT: m1=6.4, Dia.=9', DC=5/, Tail: 0.3 deg. in PA 290 deg, 10x50B ( Puerto de la Braguía, alt. 704 m, Cantabria, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2009 Feb. 16.03 UT: m1=5.3, Dia.=25', DC=7, naked eye ( Collada de Cármenes, alt. 1339 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ In 10x50B: m1=5.4, Dia.=17', DC=6; Ion tail: 1.5 deg in p.a. 290 deg, dust tail (antitail): 0.7 deg in p.a. 105 deg. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2009 Feb. 21.03 UT: m1=4.9, Dia.=30', DC=7, naked eye ( Golpejar de la Tercia, alt. 1150 m, León, N. Spain ) [ In 10x50B: m1=5.0, Dia.=18', DC=6; Ion tail: 1.7 deg in p.a. 295 deg, brighter dust tail (antitail): 1.2 deg in p.a. 110 deg. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2009 Feb. 23.00 UT: m1=4.8, Dia.=30', DC=6/, naked eye ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, León, N. Spain ) [ In 10x50B: m1=4.9, Dia.=20', DC=6; Ion tail: 1.5 deg in p.a. 300 deg, brighter dust tail (antitail): 1.5 deg in p.a. 110 deg. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2009 Feb. 23.90 UT: m1=4.8, Dia.=30', DC=6/, naked eye ( Alto de la Colladiella, Mieres, alt. 860 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ In 10x50B: m1=4.9, Dia.=20', DC=6; Ion tail: 1.2 deg in p.a. 305 deg, brighter dust tail 1.2 deg in p.a. 110 deg ].

- 2009 Feb. 25.87 UT: m1=4.7, Dia.=30', DC=6/, naked eye ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, León, N. Spain ) [ In 10x50B: m1=4.9, Dia.=20', DC=6; Dust tail 1.5 deg in p.a. 110 deg ].

- 2009 Mar. 3.14 UT: m1=5.3, Dia.=25', DC=6, naked eye ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, León, N. Spain ) [ In 10x50B: m1=5.6, Dia.=18', DC=5; Dust tail: 1.2 deg in p.a. 105 deg ].

- 2009 Mar. 12.83 UT: m1=6.0, Dia.=15', DC=6, naked eye ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 980 m, Asturias, N. [ In 10x50B: m1=6.2, Dia.=12', DC=5; Dust tail 0.8 deg in p.a. 100 deg ].

- 2009 Mar. 13.90 UT: m1=6.3, Dia.=13', DC=5, Tail: 0.8 deg. in PA 95 deg, 10x50B ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Mar. 14.86 UT: m1=6.2, Dia.=13', DC=5, Tail: 0.5 deg. in PA 95 deg, 10x50B ( Aralla, alt. 1380 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Mar. 15.93 UT: m1=6.5, Dia.=12', DC=5, Tail: 0.5 deg. in PA 95 deg, 10x50B ( Aralla, alt. 1380 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Mar. 21.05 UT: m1=6.8, Dia.=8', DC=4, Tail: 0.3 deg. in PA 95 deg, 10x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Mar. 22.01 UT: m1=6.9, Dia.=8', DC=4, Tail: 0.3 deg. in PA 95 deg, 10x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Mar. 26.90 UT: m1=7.9, Dia.=5', DC=5, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 95 deg, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Mar. 30.89 UT: m1=8.1, Dia.=5', DC=4, 25x100B ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Apr. 12.89 UT: m1=8.7, Dia.=5', DC=4, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Apr. 20.91 UT: m1=9.7, Dia.=5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2007N3  2008 05 12.13  S 13.8 TA 20.3T10 133   0.7  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2007N3  2008 06 28.00  S 10.6 TK 20.3T10  77   3.5  4            ICQ XX GON05
   2007N3  2008 07 08.06  S 11.5 TK 20.3T10  77   1.7  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2007N3  2008 07 15.09  S 11.3 TK 20.3T10  77   1.8  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2007N3  2008 07 26.92  S 11.1 TK 20.3T10  77   1.8  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2007N3  2008 07 26.93  S 11.0 TK 10.0B    25   1.5  6            ICQ XX GON05
   2007N3  2008 08 01.91  S 10.6 TK 20.3T10 100   2.0  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2007N3  2008 08 04.99  S 10.3 TK 20.3T10 100   2.5  4            ICQ XX GON05
   2007N3  2008 08 05.93  S 10.3 TK 20.3T10 100   2.0  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2007N3  2008 08 08.97  S  9.8 TK 20.3T10  77   3.5  4            ICQ XX GON05
   2007N3  2008 08 23.92  S  9.7 TK 20.3T10  77   4    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2007N3  2008 09 06.92  S  9.5 TK 20.3T10  77   5    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2007N3  2008 09 24.85  S  9.3 TK 20.3T10  77   4    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2007N3  2008 10 03.81  S  8.8 TK 10.0B    25   5    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2007N3  2008 10 18.79  S  8.5 TK 10.0B    25   3    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2007N3  2008 10 19.79  S  8.3 TK 10.0B    25   4    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2007N3  2008 12 21.27  S  7.6 TK 10.0B    25   2.5  5            ICQ XX GON05 
   2007N3  2008 12 24.26  S  7.3 TK 10.0B    25   3.5  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2007N3  2009 01 04.25  S  7.1 TK  5.0B    10   5    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2007N3  2009 02 01.22  S  6.4 TK  5.0B    10   9    5/  0.3  290 ICQ XX GON05 
   2007N3  2009 02 16.03  I  5.3 TK  0.0E     1  25    7            ICQ XX GON05
   2007N3  2009 02 16.04  S  5.4 TK  5.0B    10  17    6   1.5  290 ICQ XX GON05
   2007N3  2009 02 21.03  I  4.9 TK  0.0E     1  30    7            ICQ XX GON05
   2007N3  2009 02 21.04  M  5.0 TK  5.0B    10  18    6   1.7  295 ICQ XX GON05
   2007N3  2009 02 23.00  S  4.8 TK  0.0E     1  30    6/           ICQ XX GON05
   2007N3  2009 02 23.01  M  4.9 TK  5.0B    10  20    6   1.5  300 ICQ XX GON05
   2007N3  2009 02 23.90  S  4.8 TK  0.0E     1  30    6/           ICQ XX GON05
   2007N3  2009 02 23.91  M  4.9 TK  5.0B    10  20    6   1.2  305 ICQ XX GON05 
   2007N3  2009 02 25.87  S  4.7 TK  0.0E     1  30    6/           ICQ XX GON05
   2007N3  2009 02 25.89  M  4.9 TK  5.0B    10  20    6   1.5  110 ICQ XX GON05
   2007N3  2009 03 03.14  S  5.3 TK  0.0E     1  25    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2007N3  2009 03 03.15  M  5.6 TK  5.0B    10  18    5   1.2  105 ICQ XX GON05
   2007N3  2009 03 12.83  S  6.0 TK  0.0E     1  15    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2007N3  2009 03 12.84  M  6.2 TK  5.0B    10  12    5   0.8  100 ICQ XX GON05
   2007N3  2009 03 13.90  M  6.3 TK  5.0B    10  13    5   0.8   95 ICQ XX GON05
   2007N3  2009 03 14.86  M  6.2 TK  5.0B    10  13    5   0.5   95 ICQ XX GON05 
   2007N3  2009 03 15.93  M  6.5 TK  5.0B    10  12    5   0.5   95 ICQ XX GON05
   2007N3  2009 03 21.05  S  6.8 TK  5.0B    10   8    4   0.3   95 ICQ XX GON05
   2007N3  2009 03 22.01  S  6.9 TK  5.0B    10   8    4   0.3   95 ICQ XX GON05
   2007N3  2009 03 26.90  S  7.9 TK 10.0B    25   5    5   0.2   95 ICQ XX GON05 
   2007N3  2009 03 30.89  S  8.1 TK 10.0B    25   5    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2007N3  2009 04 12.89  S  8.7 TK 10.0B    25   5    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2007N3  2009 04 20.91  S  9.7 TK 20.3T10  77   5    3            ICQ XX GON05

C/2007 Q3 (Siding Spring)

- 2009 Mar. 13.83 UT: m1=10.6, Dia.=3', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Altitude: 10 deg ].

- 2009 Mar. 20.85 UT: m1=10.2, Dia.=3', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Altitude: 10 deg ].

- 2009 Mar. 21.87 UT: m1=9.8, Dia.=4', DC=3/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Altitude: 6 deg ].

- 2009 Mar. 26.87 UT: m1=9.2, Dia.=6', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Altitude: 6 deg ].

- 2009 Sep. 29.21 UT: m1=8.7, Dia.=5', DC=2/, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Astronomical twilight. Altitude: 10 deg ].

- 2009 Oct. 16.20 UT: m1=8.7, Dia.=5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Zodiacal light. Altitude: 15 deg ].

- 2009 Oct. 26.22 UT: m1=9.5, Dia.=4', DC=3/, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 250 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Zodiacal light ].

- 2009 Nov. 18.17 UT: m1=9.2, Dia.=5', DC=3/, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 260 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Nov. 24.18 UT: m1=9.4, Dia.=4', DC=4/, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 270 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Dec. 12.17 UT: m1=9.9, Dia.=4', DC=5, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 270 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Dec. 20.18 UT: m1=9.6, Dia.=3.5', DC=5/, Tail: 0.1 deg. in PA 270 deg, 10 cm MCT (65x) ( La Cortina - Lena, alt. 910 m., Asturias, N. Spain ) [ In evolution after the recent little outburst. Near-stellar central condensation, m2=11.8 (Tycho-2). Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2010 Jan. 13.10 UT: m1=9.5, Dia.=3', DC=4, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 270 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Grandota - Oviedo, alt. 430 m, N. Spain ) [ Near-stellar central condensation ].

- 2010 Feb. 10.06 UT: m1=11.3, Dia.=1.7', DC=6, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 270 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Caldas de Luna, alt. 1120 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2010 Feb. 20.19 UT: m1=11.1, Dia.=2.5', DC=6, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 260 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Armada - Lena, alt. 700 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2010 Mar. 1.82 UT: m1=11.0, Dia.=1.2', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Sierra de Fario, Sariego, alt. 660 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ Estimate made before moonrise, at low altitude: 11º ].

- 2010 Mar. 10.13 UT: m1=11.3, Dia.=2.5', DC=5, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 250 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ).

- 2010 Mar. 15.18 UT: m1=11.4, Dia.=2.0', DC=5, Tail: 0.1 deg. in PA 250 deg, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m., León, N. Spain ).

- 2010 Apr. 4.86 UT: m1=11.3, Dia.=1.3', DC=5, Tail: 0.1 deg. in PA 270 deg, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ).

- 2010 May 5.99 UT: m1=12.3, Dia.=1.5', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2010 May 17.05 UT: m1=12.8, Dia.=1.0', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Cueto Rosales - Riello, alt. 1420 m., León, N. Spain ) [ Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near Z UMi ].

- 2010 June 4.01 UT: m1=12.3, Dia.=1.2', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, N. Spain ) [ Elongated coma ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2007Q3  2009 03 13.83  S 10.6 TK 20.3T10 100   3    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2007Q3  2009 03 20.85  S 10.2 TK 20.3T10  77   3    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2007Q3  2009 03 21.87  S  9.8 TK 20.3T10  77   4    3/           ICQ XX GON05 
   2007Q3  2009 03 26.87  S  9.2 TK 20.3T10  77   6    2            ICQ XX GON05
   2007Q3  2009 09 29.21  S  8.7 TK 20.3T10 100   5    2/           ICQ XX GON05
   2007Q3  2009 10 16.20  S  8.7 TK 20.3T10  77   5    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2007Q3  2009 10 26.22  S  9.5 TK 20.3T10  77   4    3/  0.2  250 ICQ XX GON05 
   2007Q3  2009 11 18.17  S  9.2 TK 20.3T10  77   5    3/  0.2  260 ICQ XX GON05
   2007Q3  2009 11 24.18  S  9.4 TK 20.3T10  77   4    4/  0.2  270 ICQ XX GON05
   2007Q3  2009 12 12.17  S  9.9 TK 20.3T10  77   4    5   0.2  270 ICQ XX GON05
   2007Q3  2009 12 20.18  S  9.6 TK 10.2M13  65   3.5 S5/  0.1  270 ICQ XX GON05
   2007Q3  2010 01 13.10  S  9.5 TK 20.3T10  77   3   S4   0.2  270 ICQ XX GON05
   2007Q3  2010 02 10.06  M 11.3 TK 20.3T10  77   1.7 S6   0.2  270 ICQ XX GON05
   2007Q3  2010 02 20.19  M 11.1 TK 20.3T10  77   2.5 S6   0.2  260 ICQ XX GON05
   2007Q3  2010 03 01.82  M 11.0 TK 20.3T10  77   1.2 S6            ICQ XX GON05
   2007Q3  2010 03 10.13  S 11.3 TK 20.3T10  77   2.5  5   0.2  250 ICQ XX GON05
   2007Q3  2010 03 15.18  S 11.4 TK 20.3T10 100   2.0  5   0.1  250 ICQ XX GON05  
   2007Q3  2010 04 04.86  S 11.3 TK 20.3T10 100   1.3  5   0.1  270 ICQ XX GON05
   2007Q3  2010 05 05.99  S 12.3 TK 20.3T10 133   1.5  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2007Q3  2010 05 17.05  S 12.8 HN 20.3T10 100   1.0  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2007Q3  2010 06 04.01  S 12.3 TK 20.3T10 100   1.2  5            ICQ XX GON05

C/2007 T1 (McNaught)

- 2007 Oct. 11.83 UT: m1=10.8, Dia.=4', DC=4, 25x100 B ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amio, alt. 1190 m., Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Zodiacal light ] [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=11.1, Dia.=3' ].

- 2007 Oct. 13.82 UT: m1=10.5, Dia.=4', DC=4, 25x100 B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Zodiacal light ].

- 2007 Oct. 14.82 UT: m1=10.3, Dia.=4', DC=3, 25x100 B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Zodiacal light ].

- 2008 Mar. 1.83 UT: m1=10.3, Dia.=3', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Altitude: 8 deg ].

- 2008 Mar. 5.84 UT: m1=10.5, Dia.=3', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amio, alt. 1190 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Altitude: 13 deg ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2007T1  2007 10 11.82  S 11.1 TK 20.3T10  77   3    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2007T1  2007 10 11.83  S 10.8 TK 10.0B    25   4    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2007T1  2007 10 13.82  S 10.5 TK 10.0B    25   4    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2007T1  2007 10 14.82  S 10.3 TK 10.0B    25   4    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2007T1  2008 03 01.83  S 10.3 TK 20.3T10  77   3    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2007T1  2008 03 05.84  S 10.5 TK 20.3T10  77   3    3            ICQ XX GON05

C/2007 U1 (LINEAR)

- 2008 Sep. 29.06 UT: m1=13.7, Dia.=1.2', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near IK Tau ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
  2007U1  2008 09 29.06  S 13.7 HN 20.3T10 100   1.2  5            ICQ XX GON05

C/2007 W1 (Boattini)

- 2008 Feb. 7.13 UT: m1=14.3, Dia.=0.8', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Aralla, alt. 1360 m., León, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry - G020305. Limiting star magnitude near comet : 15.3 (HN) ].

- 2008 Mar. 6.08 UT: m1=12.7, Dia.=2.2', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amio, alt. 1190 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry - G020305 ].

- 2008 Mar. 29.01 UT: m1=10.1, Dia.=6', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Sierra de Penouta - Boal, alt. 870 m., Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Mar. 30.90 UT: m1=9.7, Dia.=6', DC=4, 25x100B ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 980 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Apr. 2.09 UT: m1=9.5, Dia.=6', DC=4, 25x100B ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m., León, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Apr. 3.98 UT: m1=8.9, Dia.=10', DC=3, 10x50B ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1280 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ 25x100B: m1=9.1, Dia.=8', DC=3 ].

- 2008 Apr. 6.11 UT: m1=8.6, Dia.=12', DC=3, 10x50B ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 920 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ 25x100B: m1=8.9, Dia.=12', DC=3 ].

- 2008 Apr. 12.07 UT: m1=8.2, Dia.=12', DC=3, 25x100B ( Sahagún, alt. 830 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Estimate made after the moonset. Altitude: 17 deg ].

- 2008 Apr. 23.88 UT: m1=7.6, Dia.=15', DC=3, 10x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ in 25x100B: m1=7.8 ].

- 2008 Apr. 28.94 UT: m1=7.2, Dia.=17', DC=3, 10x50B ( Puerto del Manzanal, alt. 1180 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Mag. 8.6 and 9.3 (TK) stars in coma ].

- 2008 May 2.94 UT: m1=6.9, Dia.=20', DC=3, 10x50B ( Gallinero, Salas, alt. 420 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2008 May 11.93 UT: m1=6.3, Dia.=25', DC=3, 25x100B ( Valdoré, alt. 980 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Difficult estimate in 10x50 binoculars due to moonlight interference and low altitude ( 12 deg ) ].

- 2008 July 8.12 UT: m1=5.3, Dia.=15', DC=5, 10x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Astronomical twilight; altitude: 8 deg ].

- 2008 July 15.11 UT: m1=5.8, Dia.=15', DC=5, 10x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Aug. 2.08 UT: m1=7.2, Dia.=8', DC=5, 10x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Aug. 5.05 UT: m1=7.3, Dia.=12', DC=3, 10x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Aug. 6.06 UT: m1=7.0, Dia.=15', DC=3, 10x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Aug. 9.07 UT: m1=7.2, Dia.=15', DC=3, 10x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Aug. 13.11 UT: m1=8.0, Dia.=10', DC=4, 25x100B ( Tabara, alt. 740 m, Zamora, N. Spain ) [ Comet close to star of mag. 8.6 (Tycho-2) ].

- 2008 Aug. 28.04 UT: m1=9.4, Dia.=6', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Stars of mag. 11.9 and 12.2 (GSC) inside the coma ].

- 2008 Sep. 7.00 UT: m1=10.2, Dia.=6', DC=1, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amio, alt. 1190 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Star of mag. 10.8 (Tycho-2) inside the coma ].

- 2008 Oct. 1.96 UT: m1=10.7, Dia.=4', DC=1, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2007W1  2008 02 07.13  S 14.3 HN 20.3T10 133   0.8  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2007W1  2008 03 06.08  S 12.7 HN 20.3T10 133   2.2  4            ICQ XX GON05
   2007W1  2008 03 29.01  S 10.1 TK 20.3T10  77   6    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2007W1  2008 03 30.90  S  9.7 TK 10.0B    25   6    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2007W1  2008 04 02.09  S  9.5 TK 10.0B    25   6    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2007W1  2008 04 03.97  S  9.1 TK 10.0B    25   8    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2007W1  2008 04 03.98  S  8.9 TK  5.0B    10  10    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2007W1  2008 04 06.10  S  8.8 TK 10.0B    25  10    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2007W1  2008 04 06.11  S  8.6 TK  5.0B    10  12    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2007W1  2008 04 12.07  S  8.2 TK 10.0B    25  12    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2007W1  2008 04 23.88  S  7.6 TK  5.0B    10  15    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2007W1  2008 04 23.89  S  7.8 TK 10.0B    25  15    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2007W1  2008 04 28.94  S  7.2 TK  5.0B    10  17    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2007W1  2008 05 02.94  S  6.9 TK  5.0B    10  20    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2007W1  2008 05 11.93  S  6.3 TK 10.0B    25  25    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2007W1  2008 07 08.12  S  5.3 TK  5.0B    10  15    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2007W1  2008 07 15.11  S  5.8 TK  5.0B    10  15    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2007W1  2008 08 02.08  S  7.2 TK  5.0B    10   8    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2007W1  2008 08 05.05  S  7.3 TK  5.0B    10  12    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2007W1  2008 08 06.06  S  7.0 TK  5.0B    10  15    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2007W1  2008 08 09.07  S  7.2 TK  5.0B    10  15    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2007W1  2008 08 13.11  S  8.0 TK 10.0B    25  10    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2007W1  2008 08 28.04  S  9.4 TK 20.3T10  77   6    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2007W1  2008 09 07.00  S 10.2 TK 20.3T10  77   6    1            ICQ XX GON05
   2007W1  2008 10 01.96  S 10.7 TK 20.3T10 100   4    1            ICQ XX GON05

C/2008 A1 (McNaught)

- 2008 Oct. 3.79 UT: m1=7.0, Dia.=3', DC=6, 25x100B ( Herreros de Jamuz, alt. 805 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ End of nautical twilight. Altitude: 5 deg. Moonlight interference, Moon's altitude: 6 deg. Only the brighter region of the coma was observable in the twilight. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2008 Oct. 18.80 UT: m1=7.2, Dia.=8', DC=5, 10x50B ( Gamoniteiro - Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1650 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ Altitude: 10 deg. Zodiacal light. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2008 Oct. 19.80 UT: m1=7.1, Dia.=10', DC=5, 10x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Altitude: 10 deg. Zodiacal light. ].

- 2008 Oct. 24.79 UT: m1=7.2, Dia.=10', DC=5, 10x50B ( Collada de Carmenes - Barrio de la Tercia, alt. 1310 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Altitude: 12 deg ].

- 2008 Nov. 8.81 UT: m1=7.7, Dia.=5', DC=5, 25x100B ( Las Cortes - Morcín, alt. 450 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ Rural location. Moonlight interference. Altitude: 8 deg ].

- 2008 Nov. 15.77 UT: m1=7.8, Dia.=8', DC=4, 10x50B ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Nov. 16.77 UT: m1=7.8, Dia.=8', DC=4/, 10x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Nov. 19.78 UT: m1=8.0, Dia.=8', DC=4, 10x50B ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amio, alt. 1190 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Dec. 19.79 UT: m1=9.0, Dia.=6', DC=3, 25x100B ( Bobia - Soto y Amio, alt. 1090 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Dec. 28.78 UT: m1=9.2, Dia.=5', DC=3, 25x100B ( Alto de la Colladiella, San Martín del Rey Aurelio, alt. 860 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Jan. 4.27 UT: m1=9.8, Dia.=3.5', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Mar. 21.10 UT: m1=11.0, Dia.=3.5', DC=1/, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Mar. 22.19 UT: m1=11.2, Dia.=4', DC=1, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Star of mag. 11.9 (Tycho-2) inside the coma ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2008A1  2008 10 03.79  M  7.0 TK 10.0B    25   3    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2008A1  2008 10 18.80  S  7.2 TK  5.0B    10   8    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2008A1  2008 10 19.80  S  7.1 TK  5.0B    10  10    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2008A1  2008 10 24.79  S  7.2 TK  5.0B    10  10    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2008A1  2008 11 08.81  S  7.7 TK 10.0B    25   5    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2008A1  2008 11 15.77  S  7.8 TK  5.0B    10   8    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2008A1  2008 11 16.77  S  7.8 TK  5.0B    10   8    4/           ICQ XX GON05
   2008A1  2008 11 19.78  S  8.0 TK  5.0B    10   8    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2008A1  2008 12 19.79  S  9.0 TK 10.0B    25   6    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2008A1  2008 12 28.78  S  9.2 TK 10.0B    25   5    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2008A1  2009 01 04.27  S  9.8 TK 20.3T10 100   3.5  2            ICQ XX GON05
   2008A1  2009 03 21.10  S 11.0 TK 20.3T10 100   3.5  1/           ICQ XX GON05
   2008A1  2009 03 22.19  S 11.2 TK 20.3T10 100   4    1            ICQ XX GON05

C/2008 C1 (Chen-Gao)

- 2008 Feb. 4.89 UT: m1=12.8, Dia.=1.2', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Linares - Proaza, alt. 840 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ Motion checked during a 85-min period. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2008 Feb. 6.96 UT: m1=12.2, Dia.=1.5', DC=2/, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Aralla, alt. 1360 m., León, N. Spain ) [ Comet significantly brighter than two days ago, showing the faint outer coma ].

- 2008 Feb. 9.91 UT: m1=11.6, Dia.=1.7', DC=2/, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m., León, N. Spain ) [ Brightening trend continues ].

- 2008 Feb. 13.05 UT: m1=11.3:, Dia.=2.0', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Cueto Rosales - Riello, alt. 1330 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Estimate made after the moonset ].

- 2008 Feb. 22.81 UT: m1=10.9, Dia.=2.5', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m., León, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Estimate made before moonrise ].

- 2008 Mar. 1.85 UT: m1=10.2, Dia.=4', DC=2, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=10.4. Faint, diffuse outer coma. ].

- 2008 Mar. 5.95 UT: m1=10.1, Dia.=5', DC=1/, 25x100B ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amio, alt. 1190 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=10.2 ].

- 2008 Mar. 10.95 UT: m1=9.8, Dia.=5', DC=2/, 25x100B ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 980 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2008 Mar. 28.95 UT: m1=9.5, Dia.=5', DC=3, 25x100B ( Sierra de Penouta - Boal, alt. 870 m., Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Mar. 30.89 UT: m1=9.5, Dia.=5', DC=3, 25x100B ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 980 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ Zodiacal light. Comet close to star of mag. 10.7 (TK) ].

- 2008 Apr. 3.96 UT: m1=9.6, Dia.=5', DC=3, 25x100B ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1280 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ Zodiacal light ].

- 2008 Apr. 23.90 UT: m1=10.0, Dia.=3.5', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Zodiacal light ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2008C1  2008 02 04.89  S 12.8 TK 20.3T10 133   1.2  3            ICQ XX GON05
   2008C1  2008 02 06.96  S 12.2 TK 20.3T10 133   1.5  2/           ICQ XX GON05
   2008C1  2008 02 09.91  S 11.6 TK 20.3T10 133   1.7  2/           ICQ XX GON05
   2008C1  2008 02 13.05  S 11.3:TK 20.3T10 133   2.0  2            ICQ XX GON05
   2008C1  2008 02 22.81  S 10.9 TK 20.3T10  77   2.5  2            ICQ XX GON05
   2008C1  2008 03 01.84  S 10.4 TK 20.3T10  77   4.0  2            ICQ XX GON05
   2008C1  2008 03 01.85  S 10.2 TK 10.0B    25   4    2            ICQ XX GON05
   2008C1  2008 03 05.94  S 10.2 TK 20.3T10  77   4    2            ICQ XX GON05
   2008C1  2008 03 05.95  S 10.1 TK 10.0B    25   5    1/           ICQ XX GON05
   2008C1  2008 03 10.95  S  9.8 TK 10.0B    25   5    2/           ICQ XX GON05
   2008C1  2008 03 28.95  S  9.5 TK 10.0B    25   5    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2008C1  2008 03 30.89  S  9.5 TK 10.0B    25   5    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2008C1  2008 04 03.96  S  9.6 TK 10.0B    25   5    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2008C1  2008 04 23.90  S 10.0 TK 20.3T10  77   3.5  2            ICQ XX GON05

C/2008 FK75 (Lemmon-Siding Spring)

- 2010 Apr. 10.17 UT: m1=14.5, Dia.=0.8', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (160x) ( Cueto Rosales - Riello, alt. 1420 m., León, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry - HS687 ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2008FK752010 04 10.17  S 14.5 HN 20.3T10 160   0.8  6            ICQ XX GON05


C/2008 J1 (Boattini)

- 2008 May 12.11 UT: m1=12.3, Dia.=2.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Puerto de las Señales, alt. 1627 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Faint outer coma is difficult to observe with higher magnifications ].

- 2008 June 7.08 UT: m1=11.1, Dia.=2.8', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Outeiro - Castro do Rei, alt. 450 m, Lugo, N. Spain ).

- 2008 June 27.98 UT: m1=10.3, Dia.=4.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ... Juan Jose Gonzalez ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 July 7.98 UT: m1=9.8, Dia.=5', DC=3, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ In 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=10.2 ].

- 2008 July 15.08 UT: m1=10.2, Dia.=4', DC=3, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 July 26.96 UT: m1=10.3, Dia.=5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Aug. 1.96 UT: m1=10.2, Dia.=4', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Aug. 5.02 UT: m1=10.3, Dia.=4', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Aug. 6.00 UT: m1=9.8, Dia.=4', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Aug. 9.01 UT: m1=9.5, Dia.=6', DC=3, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Aug. 13.10 UT: m1=9.7, Dia.=5', DC=3, 25x100B ( Tabara, alt. 740 m, Zamora, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Aug. 23.93 UT: m1=9.8, Dia.=6', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Aug. 28.12 UT: m1=10.2, Dia.=5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Comet close to star of mag. 9.9 (Tycho-2) ].

- 2008 Sep. 6.97 UT: m1=10.2, Dia.=5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amio, alt. 1190 m., Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Sep. 24.94 UT: m1=10.6, Dia.=4', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Aralla, alt. 1360 m., Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Sep. 29.17 UT: m1=11.0, Dia.=4', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2008J1  2008 05 12.11  S 12.3 TK 20.3T10 100   2.5  3            ICQ XX GON05
   2008J1  2008 06  7.08  S 11.1 TK 20.3T10 100   2.8  3            ICQ XX GON05
   2008J1  2008 06 27.98  S 10.3 TK 20.3T10  77   4.5  3            ICQ XX GON05 
   2008J1  2008 07 07.97  S 10.2 TK 20.3T10  77   4.5  3            ICQ XX GON05
   2008J1  2008 07 07.98  S  9.8 TK 10.0B    25   5    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2008J1  2008 07 15.08  S 10.2 TK 10.0B    25   4    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2008J1  2008 07 26.96  S 10.3 TK 20.3T10  77   5    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2008J1  2008 08 01.96  S 10.2 TK 20.3T10  77   4    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2008J1  2008 08 05.02  S 10.3 TK 20.3T10  77   4    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2008J1  2008 08 06.00  S  9.8 TK 20.3T10  77   4    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2008J1  2008 08 09.01  S  9.5 TK 10.0B    25   6    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2008J1  2008 08 13.10  S  9.7 TK 10.0B    25   5    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2008J1  2008 08 23.93  S  9.8 TK 20.3T10  77   6    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2008J1  2008 08 28.12  S 10.2 TK 20.3T10  77   5    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2008J1  2008 09 06.97  S 10.2 TK 20.3T10  77   5    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2008J1  2008 09 24.94  S 10.6 TK 20.3T10  77   4    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2008J1  2008 09 29.17  S 11.0 TK 20.3T10  77   4    2            ICQ XX GON05

P/2008 J2 (Beshore)

- 2008 May 12.07 UT: m1=12.7, Dia.=1.2', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Puerto de las Señales, alt. 1627 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2008J2  2008 05 12.07  S 12.7 HN 20.3T10 133   1.2  4            ICQ XX GON05

C/2008 J4 (McNaught)

- 2008 June 7.10 UT: m1=11.7, Dia.=2.0', DC=0, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Outeiro - Castro do Rei, alt. 450 m, Lugo, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Motion checked during a 30-min period. Faint, very diffuse coma, without central condensation ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2008J4  2008 06  7.10  S 11.7 TK 20.3T10 133   2.0  0            ICQ XX GON05

P/2008 L2 (Hill)

- 2008 Sep. 29.19 UT: m1=14.8, Dia.=0.2', DC=7, 20 cm SCT (160x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near IK Tau. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2008L2  2008 09 29.19  I 14.8 HN 20.3T10 160   0.2  7            ICQ XX GON05

C/2008 P1 (Garradd)

- 2009 Sep. 23.01 UT: m1=15.2, Dia.= --, DC=9, 20 cm SCT (206x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near DZ Psc. Motion checked over a 60-min period ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2008P1  2009 09 23.01  I 15.2 HN 20.3T10 206        9            ICQ XX GON05

P/2008 Q2 (Ory)

- 2008 Sep. 29.03 UT: m1=14.6, Dia.=0.2', DC=7, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near IK Tau ].

- 2008 Oct. 26.03 UT: m1=14.4, Dia.=0.3', DC=7, 20 cm SCT (160x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Comet close to star of mag. 8.6 (Tycho-2). Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near IK Tau. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
  2008Q2  2008 09 29.03  I 14.6 HN 20.3T10 133   0.2  7            ICQ XX GON05
  2008Q2  2008 10 26.03  I 14.4 HN 20.3T10 160   0.3  7            ICQ XX GON05

C/2008 Q3 (Garradd)

- 2009 June 11.92 UT: m1=6.8, Dia.=15', DC=3, 10x50B ( Cueto Rosales - Riello, alt. 1420 m, León, N. Spain ) [ End of astronomical twilight. Altitude: 5 deg ].

- 2009 June 17.92 UT: m1=7.0, Dia.=12', DC=4, 10x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ End of astronomical twilight. Altitude: 10 deg ].

- 2009 June 20.92 UT: m1=7.1, Dia.=10', DC=4, 10x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Mag. 8.7 (Tycho-2) star in coma. End of astronomical twilight. Altitude: 11 deg ].

- 2009 July 14.90 UT: m1=9.1, Dia.=5', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Astronomical twilight ].

- 2009 July 17.90 UT: m1=9.2, Dia.=5', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Astronomical twilight ].

- 2009 July 24.90 UT: m1=9.4, Dia.=5', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Astronomical twilight ].

- 2009 Aug. 11.88 UT: m1=9.7, Dia.=3', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Astronomical twilight. Altitude: 8 deg ].

- 2009 Aug. 21.86 UT: m1=9.5, Dia.=5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Astronomical twilight. Altitude: 7 deg ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2008Q3  2009 06 11.92  S  6.8 TK  5.0B    10  15    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2008Q3  2009 06 17.92  S  7.0 TK  5.0B    10  12    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2008Q3  2009 06 20.92  S  7.1 TK  5.0B    10  10    4            ICQ XX GON05 
   2008Q3  2009 07 14.90  S  9.1 TK 20.3T10  77   5    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2008Q3  2009 07 17.90  S  9.2 TK 20.3T10  77   5    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2008Q3  2009 07 24.90  S  9.4 TK 20.3T10  77   5    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2008Q3  2009 08 11.88  S  9.7 TK 20.3T10  77   3    3            ICQ XX GON05 
   2008Q3  2009 08 21.86  S  9.5 TK 20.3T10 100   5    3            ICQ XX GON05

C/2008 T2 (Cardinal)

- 2008 Oct. 9.17 UT: m1=14.3, Dia.=0.3', DC=7, 20 cm SCT (160x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amio, alt. 1190 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near Z Umi. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2008 Oct. 26.09 UT: m1=14.5, Dia.=0.3', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near Z Umi ].

- 2009 Jan. 16.91 UT: m1=13.3, Dia.=0.8', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto de la Colladiella, Mieres, alt. 860 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near Z Umi ].

- 2009 Feb. 13.87 UT: m1=12.4, Dia.=1.2', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near CG Cam ].

- 2009 Feb. 21.02 UT: m1=12.2, Dia.=1.2', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (133x)( Golpejar de la Tercia, alt. 1150 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Feb. 22.95 UT: m1=11.9, Dia.=1.7', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Feb. 25.84 UT: m1=11.3, Dia.=4.0', DC=3/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Comet significantly brighter than three days ago, showing the faint outer coma ].

- 2009 Mar. 13.87 UT: m1=11.1, Dia.=3', DC=3/, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Mar. 15.90 UT: m1=10.2, Dia.=4.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Aralla, alt. 1380 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Comet significantly brighter than two days ago ].

- 2009 Mar. 20.92 UT: m1=10.1, Dia.=5', DC=2/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Mar. 21.91 UT: m1=10.1, Dia.=5', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Several stars inside the coma, the brightest being mag. 11.7 (Tycho-2) ].

- 2009 Mar. 26.92 UT: m1=9.5, Dia.=8', DC=2, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Apr. 12.90 UT: m1=9.2, Dia.=6', DC=2, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Apr. 20.90 UT: m1=9.1, Dia.=6', DC=2, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 May 18.90 UT: m1=8.6, Dia.=8', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Coma elongated in PA 80 deg. Zodiacal light. Altitude: 12 deg ].

- 2009 May 26.90 UT: m1=8.5, Dia.=5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Astronomical twilight. Altitude: 5 deg ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2008T2  2008 10 09.17  I 14.3 HN 20.3T10 160   0.3  7            ICQ XX GON05
   2008T2  2008 10 26.09  I 14.5 HN 20.3T10 133   0.3  6            ICQ XX GON05
   2008T2  2009 01 16.91  S 13.3 HN 20.3T10 133   0.8  6            ICQ XX GON05
   2008T2  2009 02 13.87  S 12.4 HN 20.3T10 133   1.2  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2008T2  2009 02 21.02  S 12.2 TK 20.3T10 133   1.2  4            ICQ XX GON05
   2008T2  2009 02 22.95  S 11.9 TK 20.3T10 133   1.7  4            ICQ XX GON05
   2008T2  2009 02 25.84  S 11.3 TK 20.3T10  77   4.0  3/           ICQ XX GON05
   2008T2  2009 03 13.87  S 11.1 TK 20.3T10 100   3    3/           ICQ XX GON05
   2008T2  2009 03 15.90  S 10.2 TK 20.3T10  77   4.5  3            ICQ XX GON05
   2008T2  2009 03 20.92  S 10.1 TK 20.3T10  77   5    2/           ICQ XX GON05
   2008T2  2009 03 21.91  S 10.1 TK 20.3T10  77   5    2            ICQ XX GON05
   2008T2  2009 03 26.91  S  9.7 TK 20.3T10  77   7    2/           ICQ XX GON05
   2008T2  2009 03 26.92  S  9.5 TK 10.0B    25   8    2            ICQ XX GON05
   2008T2  2009 04 12.90  S  9.2 TK 10.0B    25   6    2            ICQ XX GON05
   2008T2  2009 04 20.90  S  9.1 TK 10.0B    25   6    2            ICQ XX GON05
   2008T2  2009 05 18.90  S  8.6 TK 20.3T10  77   8    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2008T2  2009 05 26.90  S  8.5 TK 20.3T10  77   5    3            ICQ XX GON05

C/2009 E1 (Itagaki)

- 2009 Mar. 14.85 UT: m1=9.6, Dia.=4.5', DC=3/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Aralla, alt. 1380 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Brighter than expected. Mountain location, very clear sky. Zodiacal light. Altitude: 21 deg. Visual astrometry: R.A. = 2h 47m.0, Decl. = +8º 57'.3 (equinox 2000.0) ].

- 2009 Mar. 15.85 UT: m1=9.5, Dia.=4', DC=4, 25x100B ( Aralla, alt. 1380 m, León, N. Spain ) [ In 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=9.6, Dia.=4.5', DC=3/. Elongated coma. Zodiacal light ].

- 2009 Mar. 20.86 UT: m1=9.2, Dia.=4', DC=4/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Zodiacal light ].

- 2009 Mar. 21.86 UT: m1=9.1, Dia.=5', DC=4/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Zodiacal light ].

- 2009 Mar. 26.86 UT: m1=8.2, Dia.=6', DC=5, 10x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Zodiacal light. 20 cm SCT (77x): Altitude: 15 deg ].

- 2009 Mar. 29.85 UT: m1=8.1, Dia.=4', DC=6, 25x100B ( Sierra del Naranco, Lampaya - Oviedo, alt. 410 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ Suburban sky. Altitude: 12 deg ].

- 2009 Mar. 30.86 UT: m1=8.0, Dia.=4', DC=6, 25x100B ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Some moonlight interference. Altitude: 11 deg ].

- 2009 Apr. 2.85 UT: m1=7.8, Dia.=3', DC=6, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Some moonlight interference. Altitude: 10 deg ].

- 2009 Apr. 5.84 UT: m1=7.5, Dia.=3', DC=6, 25x100B ( Piedrafita de Babia, alt. 1270 m, Leon, N. Spain )[ Mountain location, very clear sky. Moonlight interference. Astronomical twilight. Altitude: 10 deg ].

- 2009 May 2.15 UT: m1=8.8, Dia.=3', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Altitude: 12 deg ].

- 2009 May 19.07 UT: m1=9.7, Dia.=5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Altitude: 10 deg ].

- 2009 May 27.08 UT: m1=10.2, Dia.=5', DC=2/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 June 1.09 UT: m1=10.3, Dia.=5', DC=1, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 June 21.08 UT: m1=10.8, Dia.=5', DC=1, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Diffuse wide coma. Motion observed over a 35-min period ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2009E1  2009 03 14.85  S  9.6 TK 20.3T10  77   4.5  3/           ICQ XX GON05
   2009E1  2009 03 15.84  S  9.6 TK 20.3T10  77   4.5  3/           ICQ XX GON05
   2009E1  2009 03 15.85  S  9.5 TK 10.0B    25   4    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2009E1  2009 03 20.86  S  9.2 TK 20.3T10  77   4    4/           ICQ XX GON05
   2009E1  2009 03 21.86  S  9.1 TK 20.3T10  77   5    4/           ICQ XX GON05
2009E1 2009 03 26.85 S 8.5 TK 20.3T10 77 5 6 ICQ XX GON05 2009E1 2009 03 26.86 S 8.2 TK 5.0B 10 6 5 ICQ XX GON05 2009E1 2009 03 29.85 S 8.1 TK 10.0B 25 4 6 ICQ XX GON05 2009E1 2009 03 30.86 S 8.0 TK 10.0B 25 4 6 ICQ XX GON05 2009E1 2009 04 02.85 S 7.8 TK 10.0B 25 3 6 ICQ XX GON05
   2009E1  2009 04 05.84  S  7.5 TK 10.0B    25   3    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2009E1  2009 05 02.15  S  8.8 TK 20.3T10  77   3    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2009E1  2009 05 19.07  S  9.7 TK 20.3T10  77   5    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2009E1  2009 05 27.08  S 10.2 TK 20.3T10  77   5    2/           ICQ XX GON05
   2009E1  2009 06 01.09  S 10.3 TK 20.3T10  77   5    1            ICQ XX GON05
   2009E1  2009 06 21.08  S 10.8 TK 20.3T10  77   5    1            ICQ XX GON05

C/2009 F5 (McNaught)

- 2009 May 2.10 UT: m1=14.8, Dia.=0.3', DC=7, 20 cm SCT (206x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near HS Vir ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2009F5  2009 05 02.10  I 14.8 HN 20.3T10 206   0.3  7            ICQ XX GON05

C/2009 F6 (Yi-SWAN)

- 2009 Apr. 6.16 UT: m1=8.1, Dia.=7', DC=5, 25x100B ( Sasamón, alt. 820 m, Burgos, N. Spain )[ 6.15 UT: m1=8.2, Dia.=6', DC=4, 15 cm L (50x). Mountain location, very clear sky. Altitude: 28 deg. Clear motion observed over 60 min period. Visual astrometry: R.A. = 23h54m.0, Decl. = +54o41'.5 (equinox 2000.0) ].

- 2009 Apr. 12.86 UT: m1=8.2, Dia.=6', DC=5, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Apr. 20.15 UT: m1=9.3, Dia.=4', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Apr. 20.88 UT: m1=9.2, Dia.=4', DC=4, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 May 2.13 UT: m1=9.2, Dia.=3.5', DC=3/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Altitude: 12 deg ].

- 2009 May 18.92 UT: m1=9.1, Dia.=6', DC=3/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Altitude: 11 deg ].

- 2009 May 26.91 UT: m1=9.3:, Dia.=5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Several stars in coma, the brightest being mag 10.9 (Tycho-2). Astronomical twilight. Altitude: 9 deg ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2009F6  2009 04 06.15  S  8.2 TK 15.2S5   50   6    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2009F6  2009 04 06.16  S  8.1 TK 10.0B    25   7    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2009F6  2009 04 12.86  S  8.2 TK 10.0B    25   6    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2009F6  2009 04 20.15  S  9.3 TK 20.3T10  77   4    3            ICQ XX GON05 
   2009F6  2009 04 20.88  S  9.2 TK 10.0B    25   4    4            ICQ XX GON05 
   2009F6  2009 05 02.13  S  9.2 TK 20.3T10  77   3.5  3/           ICQ XX GON05
   2009F6  2009 05 18.92  S  9.1 TK 20.3T10  77   6    3/           ICQ XX GON05
   2009F6  2009 05 26.91  S  9.3:TK 20.3T10 100   5    3            ICQ XX GON05

C/2009 G1 (STEREO)

- 2009 Apr. 21.18 UT: m1=9.0, Dia.=2', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Astronomical twilight. Altitude: 7 deg ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2009G1  2009 04 21.18  S  9.0 TK 20.3T10 100   2    4            ICQ XX GON05

C/2009 K4 (Gibbs)

- 2009 June 11.95 UT: m1=14.0, Dia.=1.2', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (160x) ( Cueto Rosales - Riello, alt. 1420 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near UV Lyn ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2009K4  2009 06 11.95  S 14.0 HN 20.3T10 160   1.2  5            ICQ XX GON05

P/2009 L2 (Yang-Gao)

- 2009 June 17.97 UT: m1=12.9, Dia.=0.6', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (206x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near RY Ser. Motion observed over a 20-min period ].

- 2009 June 20.99 UT: m1=12.8, Dia.=0.7', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (206x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near RY Ser. Motion observed over a 30-min period ].

- 2009 July 3.09 UT: m1=13.2, Dia.=0.8', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near RY Ser ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2009L2  2009 06 17.97  S 12.9 HN 20.3T10 206   0.6  6            ICQ XX GON05
   2009L2  2009 06 20.99  S 12.8 HN 20.3T10 206   0.7  6            ICQ XX GON05
   2009L2  2009 07 03.09  S 13.2 HN 20.3T10 100   0.8  5            ICQ XX GON05

C/2009 K5 (McNaught)

- 2010 Feb. 20.22 UT: m1=10.2, Dia.=2.2', DC=3/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Armada - Lena, alt. 700 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ Altitude: 15 deg ].

- 2010 Mar. 10.15 UT: m1=9.3, Dia.=4', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ) [ Several stars inside the coma, the brightest being mag. 12.2 (GSC). Altitude: 15 deg ].

- 2010 Mar. 15.19 UT: m1=9.1, Dia.=5', DC=3/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m., León, N. Spain ).

- 2010 Mar. 27.19 UT: m1=8.5, Dia.=6', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Gulpiyuri-Naves, Llanes, alt. 20 m., Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2010 Apr. 5.04 UT: m1=8.3, Dia.=7', DC=3, 25x100B ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ) [ In 20 cm SCT (77x): Coma elongated in PA 250 deg ].

- 2010 Apr. 10.12 UT: m1=8.2, Dia.=6', DC=4, Tail: 0.5 deg. in PA 260 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Cueto Rosales - Riello, alt. 1420 m., León, N. Spain ) [ Wide faint tail ].

- 2010 Apr. 17.07 UT: m1=7.9, Dia.=7', DC=4, 10x50B ( La Cruz - Lieres, alt. 520 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ In 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=8.1. Faint tail: 0.3 deg in PA 270 deg ].

- 2010 May 5.98 UT: m1=7.9, Dia.=8', DC=5/, 10x50B ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ In 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=8.2 ].

- 2010 May 7.02 UT: m1=8.0, Dia.=8', DC=5/, 10x50B ( San Mamés de Campos, alt. 840 m, Palencia, N. Spain ).

- 2010 May 17.03 UT: m1=8.1, Dia.=6', DC=6, 10x50B ( Cueto Rosales - Riello, alt. 1420 m., León, N. Spain ) [ In 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=8.5, Tail: 0.3 deg. in PA 310 deg ].

- 2010 May 22.09 UT: m1=8.1, Dia.=8', DC=6, 10x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., León, N. Spain ) [ In 20 cm SCT (77x): Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 340 deg ].

- 2010 June 4.02 UT: m1=8.3, Dia.=4', DC=6, 10x50B ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, N. Spain ) [ In 20 cm SCT (77x): Tail: 0.4 deg. in PA 20 deg ].

- 2010 June 7.04 UT: m1=8.2, Dia.=6', DC=5/, 10x50B ( El Portillo - Castrocontrigo, alt. 1047 m., León, N. Spain ) [ In 25x100B: Tail: 0.4 deg. in PA 20 deg ].

- 2010 June 15.07 UT: m1=8.4, Dia.=5', DC=5/, 10x50B ( Alto de Carmona - Tábara, alt. 970 m., Zamora, N. Spain ) [ In 25x100B: Tail: 0.3 deg. in PA 20 deg ].

- 2010 June 18.09 UT: m1=8.5, Dia.=6', DC=5/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2010 June 22.08 UT: m1=8.4, Dia.=5', DC=5/, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 20 deg, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2010 July 4.96 UT: m1=9.1, Dia.=4', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2010 July 18.03 UT: m1=9.4, Dia.=4', DC=4/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2010 Aug. 3.90 UT: m1=10.3, Dia.=3.5', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Altitude: 14 deg. ].

- 2010 Aug. 6.91 UT: m1=10.2, Dia.=3', DC=3/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Altitude: 12 deg. ].

- 2010 Aug. 20.17 UT: m1=10.8, Dia.=3', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m., Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2010 Sep. 5.08 UT: m1=11.0, Dia.=2', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2010 Sep. 10.08 UT: m1=11.0, Dia.=2.5', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2010 Oct. 14.01 UT: m1=11.5, Dia.=3', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m., Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2010 Oct. 18.18 UT: m1=11.3, Dia.=3', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, N. Spain ).


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2009K5  2010 02 20.22  S 10.2 TK 20.3T10  77   2.2  3/           ICQ XX GON05
   2009K5  2010 03 10.15  S  9.3 TK 20.3T10  77   4    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2009K5  2010 03 15.19  S  9.1 TK 20.3T10  77   5    3/           ICQ XX GON05
   2009K5  2010 03 27.19  S  8.5 TK 20.3T10  77   6    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2009K5  2010 04 05.03  S  8.4 TK 20.3T10  77   5    3/           ICQ XX GON05
   2009K5  2010 04 05.04  S  8.3 TK 10.0B    25   7    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2009K5  2010 04 10.12  S  8.2 TK 20.3T10  77   6    4   0.5  260 ICQ XX GON05
   2009K5  2010 04 17.07  S  7.9 TK  5.0B    10   7    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2009K5  2010 04 17.08  S  8.1 TK 20.3T10  77   5    5   0.3  270 ICQ XX GON05
   2009K5  2010 05 05.97  S  8.2 TK 20.3T10  77   6    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2009K5  2010 05 05.98  S  7.9 TK  5.0B    10   8    5/           ICQ XX GON05
   2009K5  2010 05 07.02  S  8.0 TK  5.0B    10   8    5/           ICQ XX GON05
   2009K5  2010 05 17.01  S  8.5 TK 20.3T10  77   5    5/  0.3  310 ICQ XX GON05
   2009K5  2010 05 17.03  S  8.1 TK  5.0B    10   6    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2009K5  2010 05 22.08  S  8.2 TK 20.3T10  77   5.5  5/  0.2  340 ICQ XX GON05
   2009K5  2010 05 22.09  S  8.1 TK  5.0B    10   8    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2009K5  2010 06 04.02  S  8.3 TK  5.0B    10   4    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2009K5  2010 06 07.04  S  8.2 TK  5.0B    10   6    5/           ICQ XX GON05
   2009K5  2010 06 15.07  S  8.4 TK  5.0B    10   5    5/           ICQ XX GON05
   2009K5  2010 06 18.09  S  8.5 TK 20.3T10  77   6    5/           ICQ XX GON05
   2009K5  2010 06 22.08  S  8.4 TK 10.0B    25   5    5/  0.2   20 ICQ XX GON05
   2009K5  2010 07 04.96  S  9.1 TK 20.3T10  77   4    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2009K5  2010 07 18.03  S  9.4 TK 20.3T10  77   4    4/           ICQ XX GON05
   2009K5  2010 08 03.90  S 10.3 TK 20.3T10  77   3.5  4            ICQ XX GON05
   2009K5  2010 08 06.91  S 10.2 TK 20.3T10  77   3    3/           ICQ XX GON05
   2009K5  2010 08 20.17  S 10.8 TK 20.3T10  77   3    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2009K5  2010 09 05.08  S 11.0 TK 20.3T10 100   2    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2009K5  2010 09 10.08  S 11.0 TK 20.3T10 100   2.5  2            ICQ XX GON05
   2009K5  2010 10 14.01  S 11.5 TK 20.3T10 100   3    2            ICQ XX GON05
   2009K5  2010 10 18.18  S 11.3 TK 20.3T10 100   3    2            ICQ XX GON05

C/2009 O2 (Catalina)

- 2010 Feb. 20.24 UT: m1=11.9, Dia.=1.2', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Armada - Lena, alt. 700 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Motion checked over a 25-min period. Altitude: 22 deg ].

- 2010 Mar. 10.16 UT: m1=10.2, Dia.=3', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ) [ Altitude: 14 deg ].

- 2010 Mar. 15.20 UT: m1=9.8, Dia.=5', DC=1, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m., León, N. Spain ) [ From dark mountain skies the coma appears large and diffuse, without central condensation. Several stars inside the coma, the brightest being mag. 11.9 (TK)].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2009O2  2010 02 20.24  S 11.9 TK 20.3T10 133   1.2  4            ICQ XX GON05
   2009O2  2010 03 10.16  S 10.2 TK 20.3T10  77   3    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2009O2  2010 03 15.20  S  9.8 TK 20.3T10  77   5    1            ICQ XX GON05

C/2009 O4 (Hill)

- 2009 Aug. 19.08 UT: m1=15.2, Dia.= --, DC=9, 20 cm SCT (222x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near UU Aqr. Motion checked over a 40-min period ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2009O4  2009 08 19.08  I 15.2 HN 20.3T10 222        9            ICQ XX GON05

C/2009 P1 (Garradd)

- 2010 Aug. 20.10 UT: m1=12.8, Dia.=0.7', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Altitude: 10 deg. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry, Neptune-7 field near Upsilon Cap ].

- 2010 Nov. 24.79 UT: m1=11.5, Dia.=2.0', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Altitude: 14 deg. ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2009P1  2010 08 20.10  S 12.8 HN 20.3T10 133   0.7  4            ICQ XX GON05
   2009P1  2010 11 24.79  S 11.5 TK 20.3T10 100   2.0  5            ICQ XX GON05

P/2009 Q4 (Boattini)

- 2009 Oct. 26.12 UT: m1=13.8, Dia.=0.3', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (206x) ( Alto del Castro, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near V650 Ori. Motion checked over a 20-min period ].

- 2009 Nov. 18.15 UT: m1=13.3, Dia.=0.8', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (160x) ( Alto del Castro, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Elongated coma. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near AK Cnc. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2009 Nov. 24.15 UT: m1=12.8, Dia.=1.3', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (160x) ( Alto del Castro, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Elongated coma. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near AK Cnc ].

- 2009 Dec. 12.08 UT: m1=11.8, Dia.=2.5', DC=3/, Tail: 0.1 deg. in PA 290 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2009Q4  2009 10 26.12  S 13.8 HN 20.3T10 206   0.3  6            ICQ XX GON05
   2009Q4  2009 11 18.15  S 13.3 HN 20.3T10 160   0.8  5            ICQ XX GON05
   2009Q4  2009 11 24.15  S 12.8 HN 20.3T10 160   1.3  5            ICQ XX GON05 
   2009Q4  2009 12 12.08  S 11.8 TK 20.3T10  77   2.5  3/  0.1  290 ICQ XX GON05

P/2009 Q5 (McNaught)

- 2009 Sep. 23.08 UT: m1=14.7, Dia.= 0.2', DC=7, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Significantly brighter than expected. Mountain location, very clear sky. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near WX Cet. Motion checked over a 45-min period ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2009Q5  2009 09 23.08  I 14.7 HN 20.3T10 133   0.2  7            ICQ XX GON05 

P/2009 R1 (McNaught)

- 2010 Apr. 10.20 UT: m1=10.2, Dia.=1.5', DC=5/ ... 20 cm SCT (100x) ... Juan Jose Gonzalez ( Cueto Rosales - Riello, alt. 1420 m., León, N. Spain ) [ Brighter than expected. Mountain location, very clear sky. Astronomical twilight. Altitude: 8 deg ].

- 2010 May 17.14 UT: m1=7.8, Dia.=8', DC=5, 10x50B ( Cueto Rosales - Riello, alt. 1420 m., León, N. Spain ) [ In 20 cm SCT (77x): coma clearly enhanced with Swan band filter. Brighter than expected. Mountain location, very clear sky. Beginning of astronomical twilight. Altitude: 18 deg ].

- 2010 May 22.10 UT: m1=7.2, Dia.=9', DC=6 ... 10x50B ... Juan Jose Gonzalez ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., León, N. Spain ) [ In 20 cm SCT (77x): 0.6 deg faint tail in PA 260 deg. Star of mag. 9.3 (Tycho-2) inside the coma. Mountain location, very clear sky. Altitude: 18 deg ].

- 2010 June 4.04 UT: m1=6.4, Dia.=7', DC=6, 25x100B( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, N. Spain ) [ Some moonlight interference. Altitude: 7 deg. ].

- 2010 June 7.05 UT: m1=5.4, Dia.=7', DC=7, 10x50B ( El Portillo - Castrocontrigo, alt. 1047 m., León, N. Spain ) [ In 25x100B: Tail: 1.3 deg. in PA 280 deg. Obviously brighter than three days ago. Comet close to naked eye visibility. Estimate made before moonrise. Mountain location, clear sky. Altitude: 10 deg. ].

- 2010 June 15.10 UT: m1=5.4, Dia.=3.5', DC=7/, Tail: 2.2 deg. in PA 305 deg, 10x50B ( Alto de Carmona - Tábara, alt. 970 m., Zamora, N. Spain ) [ The comet shows a smaller coma diameter, providing a similar magnitude estimate as a week ago in my previous observation. In 25x100 binoculars: short dust tail 0.2-deg in p.a. 270 deg. Mountain location, very clear sky. Altitude: 15 deg. ].

- 2010 June 18.10 UT: m1=5.5, Dia.=4', DC=7/, Tail: 1.5 deg. in PA 320 deg, 10x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ In 25x100 binoculars: dust tail 0.2-deg in p.a. 290 deg. Mountain location, very clear sky. Altitude: 13 deg. ].

- 2010 June 22.11 UT: m1=5.2, Dia.=--, DC=9, naked eye ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ In 10x50B: m1=5.4, Dia.=4', DC=8, Ion tail: 2.1 deg. in PA 330 deg, dust tail 0.2-deg in p.a. 295 deg. Mountain location, very clear sky. Altitude: 9 deg. ].

- 2010 July 4.87 UT: m1=[5.0, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Comet not observed. Mountain location, very clear sky. Altitude: 6 deg. ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2009R1  2010 04 10.20  S 10.2 TK 20.3T10 100   1.5  5/           ICQ XX GON05
   2009R1  2010 05 17.13  S  8.1 TK 10.0B    25   7    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2009R1  2010 05 17.14  S  7.8 TK  5.0B    10   8    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2009R1  2010 05 22.10  S  7.2 TK  5.0B    10   9    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2009R1  2010 06 04.04  M  6.4 TK 10.0B    25   7    6            ICQ XX GON05
   2009R1  2010 06 07.05  M  5.4 TK  5.0B    10   7    7            ICQ XX GON05
   2009R1  2010 06 07.06  M  5.7 TK 10.0B    25   7    6/  1.3  280 ICQ XX GON05
   2009R1  2010 06 15.10  M  5.4 TK  5.0B    10   3.5  7/  2.2  305 ICQ XX GON05
   2009R1  2010 06 18.10  M  5.5 TK  5.0B    10   4    7/  1.5  320 ICQ XX GON05
   2009R1  2010 06 22.10  M  5.4 TK  5.0B    10   4    8   2.1  330 ICQ XX GON05
   2009R1  2010 06 22.11  I  5.2 TK  0.0E     1        9            ICQ XX GON05
   2009R1  2010 07 04.87  I[ 5.0 TK 10.0B    25                     ICQ XX GON05

P/2009 T2 (La Sagra)

- 2009 Oct. 26.19 UT: m1=15.3, Dia.=0.2', DC=8, 20 cm SCT (200x) ( Alto del Castro, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near DZ Psc. Motion checked over a 30-min period ].

- 2009 Dec. 4.79 UT: m1=14.8, Dia.=--, DC=9, 20 cm SCT (206x) ( Camposagrado, alt. 1110 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near DZ Psc ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2009T2  2009 10 26.19  I 15.3 HN 20.3T10 200   0.2  8            ICQ XX GON05
   2009T2  2009 12 04.79  I 14.8 HN 20.3T10 206        9            ICQ XX GON05 

C/2009 U3 (Hill)

- 2010 Mar. 8.85 UT: m1=13.3, Dia.=0.8', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Castañedo del Monte, Santo Adriano, alt. 640 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near Z Umi. Motion checked over a 30-min period. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
2009U3 2010 03 08.85 S 13.3 HN 20.3T10 133 0.8 3 ICQ XX GON05

C/2009 Y1 (Catalina)

- 2010 Oct. 18.13 UT: m1=13.3, Dia.=0.7', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry - GSC4414 field ].

- 2010 Nov. 28.84 UT: m1=12.8, Dia.=1.2', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near V2176 Cyg. Mountain location, very clear sky. ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
2009Y1 2010 10 18.13 S 13.3 HN 20.3T10 100 0.7 4 ICQ XX GON05 2009Y1 2010 11 28.84 S 12.8 HN 20.3T10 100 1.2 5 ICQ XX GON05

P/2010 A3 (Hill)

- 2010 May 5.89 UT: m1=13.3, Dia.=0.8', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (160x) ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near AW Gem. Motion checked over a 30-min period. Mountain location, very clear sky ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2010A3  2010 05 05.89  S 13.3 HN 20.3T10 160   0.8  3            ICQ XX GON05

P/2010 A5 (LINEAR)

- 2010 Mar. 15.16 UT: m1=14.5, Dia.=0.6', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (222x) ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m., León, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near GW Lib. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2010A5  2010 03 15.16  S 14.5 HN 20.3T10 222   0.6  6            ICQ XX GON05

C/2010 B1 (Cardinal)

- 2010 Nov. 13.22 UT: m1=13.8, Dia.=0.8', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Collada Llomena - Ponga, alt. 995 m., Asturias, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden near AK Cnc ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2010B1  2010 11 13.22  S 13.8 HN 20.3T10 133   0.8  5            ICQ XX GON05

C/2010 F4 (Machholz)

- 2010 Mar. 27.18 UT: m1=10.7, Dia.=1.5', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) [ Observation made at moonset. Altitude: 11 deg. Very clear sky. Visual astrometry: R.A. = 23h29m.5, Decl. = +32o16'.5 (equinox 2000.0) ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2010F4  2010 03 27.18  S 10.7 TK 20.3T10 100   1.5  4            ICQ XX GON05

C/2010 G1 (Boattini)

- 2010 Apr. 5.91 UT: m1=13.2, Dia.=0.8', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (160x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near V650 Ori. Motion checked over a 60-min period Visual astrometry: R.A.= 4h11m.5, Decl.= +27o05'.5 (equinox 2000.0) ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2010G1  2010 04 05.91  S 13.2 HN 20.3T10 160   0.8  4            ICQ XX GON05

P/2010 H2 (Vales)

- 2010 Apr. 16.98 UT: m1=12.7, Dia.=--, DC=9, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( La Cruz - Lieres, alt. 520 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ Stellar appearance. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry - HS618 ].

- 2010 May 5.94 UT: m1=11.6, Dia.=1.7', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Elongated asymmetric coma ].

- 2010 May 16.99 UT: m1=11.5, Dia.=2.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Cueto Rosales - Riello, alt. 1420 m., León, N. Spain ) [ Asymmetric coma elongated in N-S direction ].

- 2010 May 22.06 UT: m1=11.3, Dia.=3', DC=2/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., León, N. Spain ) [ Asymmetric coma elongated in N-S direction. Better observing conditions from a higher mountain location allowed a brighter estimate than five days ago ].

- 2010 June 3.95 UT: m1=11.8, Dia.=2.5', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, N. Spain ) [ Asymmetric coma elongated in N-S direction ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2010H2  2010 04 16.98  I 12.7 HN 20.3T10 100        9            ICQ XX GON05
   2010H2  2010 05 05.94  S 11.6 TA 20.3T10 100   1.7  4            ICQ XX GON05
   2010H2  2010 05 16.99  S 11.5 TK 20.3T10  77   2.5  3            ICQ XX GON05
   2010H2  2010 05 22.06  S 11.3 TK 20.3T10  77   3    2/           ICQ XX GON05
   2010H2  2010 06 03.95  S 11.8 TK 20.3T10  77   2.5  2            ICQ XX GON05

C/2010 J1 (Boattini)

- 2010 May 6.97 UT: m1=[14.2, 20 cm SCT (160x) ( San Mames de Campos, alt. 840 m, Palencia, N. Spain ) [ Comet not observed at the ephemeris position given in NEOCP and later M.P.E.C. 2010-J32. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near Z UMi ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2010J1  2010 05 06.97  I[14.2 HN 20.3T10 160 ! 0.2               ICQ XX GON05

C/2010 V1 (Ikeya-Murakami)

- 2010 Nov. 4.23 UT: m1=7.6, Dia.=5', DC=5, 10x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Altitude: 14 deg. Zodiacal light. Mountain location, very clear sky. Visual astrometry: R.A. = 12h36m.0, Decl. = -2o09'.3 (equinox 2000.0) ].

- 2010 Nov. 13.24 UT: m1=8.2, Dia.=10', DC=2, 25x100B ( Collada Llomena - Ponga, alt. 995 m., Asturias, N. Spain ) [ In 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=8.7; parabolic-shaped coma, observable for 8' along the major axis, latus rectum: 1.5'; thin tail ( 0.1º in PA 290º ) embedded in the coma. Altitude: 15 deg. Zodiacal light. Mountain location, very clear sky ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2010V1  2010 11 04.22  S  7.8 TK 20.3T10  77   4.5  4/           ICQ XX GON05
   2010V1  2010 11 04.23  S  7.6 TK  5.0B    10   5    5            ICQ XX GON05
   2010V1  2010 11 13.23  S  8.7 TK 20.3T10  77   8    2   0.1  290 ICQ XX GON05
   2010V1  2010 11 13.24  S  8.2 TK 10.0B    25  10    2            ICQ XX GON05

Cometas periódicos numerados :



- 2003 Nov. 17.91 UT: m1=7.9, Dia.=9', DC=1, 7x50B. ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m, Leon, North Spain) [ Nov. 17.90UT: m1=8.1, Dia.=12', DC=1; 11x80B ] [ Nov. 17.93 UT: m1=8.4, Dia.=9', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (36x)].

- 2003 Nov. 25.80 UT: m1=6.9, Dia.=15', DC=2, 7x50B. (Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1230 m, Asturias, North Spain).

- 2003 Dec. 24.28 UT: m1=4.7:, Dia.= --, DC=9, 25x100B. (Collada de la Cobertoria, alt. 1179 m, Asturias, North Spain) [ Mountain location, clear sky. Difficult observation made at the start of nautical twilight. Comet apperared virtually stellar, at 3.3 deg altitude and 17.1 deg elongation. Comparison stars at the same low altitude as the comet ].


- 2007 Feb. 14.82 UT: m1=13.3, Dia.=2.5', DC=2/, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Collada de la Cobertoria, Lena, alt. 1179 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Zodiacal light ].

- 2007 Mar. 11.83 UT: m1=11.3, Dia.=2.5', DC=2/, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1480 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Zodiacal light. Altitude: 10 deg ].

- 2007 Apr. 13.85 UT: m1=7.7, Dia.=2', DC=6, 25x100B ( Alto del Gamoniteiro - Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1755 m., Asturias, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky, astronomical twilight; Altitude: 6 deg ].

- 2007 Apr. 17.85 UT: m1=6.7, Dia.=2', DC=6, 25x100B ( Alto del Gamoniteiro - Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1755 m., Asturias, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, clear sky, astronomical twilight; Altitude: 5 deg ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
  2        2003 11 17.89  S  8.3 TK 10.0B    25  12    2            ICQ XX GON05
  2        2003 11 17.90  S  8.1 TK  8.0B    11  12    1            ICQ XX GON05
  2        2003 11 17.91  S  7.9 TK  5.0B     7   9    1            ICQ XX GON05
  2        2003 11 17.93  S  8.4 TK 20.3T10  36   9    2            ICQ XX GON05
  2        2003 11 25.80  S  6.9 TK  5.0B     7  15    2            ICQ XX GON05
  2        2003 12 24.28  I  4.7:TK 10.0B    25        9            ICQ XX GON05
  2        2007 02 14.82  S 13.3 TK 20.3T10 100   2.5  2/           ICQ XX GON05
  2        2007 03 11.83  S 11.3 TK 20.3T10 100   2.5  2/           ICQ XX GON05
  2        2007 04 13.85  M  7.7 TK 10.0B    25   2    6            ICQ XX GON05
  2        2007 04 17.85  S  6.7 TK 10.0B    25   2    6            ICQ XX GON05


- 2006 July 23.10 UT: m1=12.6, Dia.=0.8', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Cueto Rosales - Riello, alt. 1550 m, León, North Spain ).

- 2006 Aug. 4.10 UT: m1=11.9, Dia.=1.0', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2006 Aug. 5.09 UT: m1=11.8, Dia.=1.5', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Cueto Rosales - Riello, alt. 1550 m, León, North Spain ).

- 2006 Aug. 21.09 UT: m1=11.7, Dia.=1.8', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Cueto Rosales - Riello, alt. 1550 m, León, North Spain ).

- 2006 Aug. 27.98 UT: m1=11.7, Dia.=2.0', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Cueto Rosales - Riello, alt. 1550 m, León, North Spain ).

- 2006 Aug. 29.06 UT: m1=11.5, Dia.=2.0', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1480 m., Asturias, North Spain ).

- 2006 Sep. 19.18 UT: m1=10.7, Dia.=3', DC=5, 25x100B ( Cueto Rosales - Riello, alt. 1420 m, León, North Spain ).

- 2006 Sep. 26.15 UT: m1=10.6, Dia.=3', DC=5, 25x100B ( Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1500 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2006 Oct. 12.88 UT: m1=10.2, Dia.=2.0', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Collada del Fresno - Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1221 m., Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2006 Oct. 14.91 UT: m1=9.6, Dia.=5', DC=4, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 260 deg, 25x100B ( Cueto Rosales - Riello, 1550 m, León, N. Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=10.1 ].

- 2006 Oct. 20.82 UT: m1=9.4, Dia.=4', DC=4, Tail: 0.1 deg. in PA 260 deg, 25x100B ( Collada del Fresno - Sierra del Aramo, 1221 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2006 Oct. 27.16 UT: m1=9.3, Dia.=4', DC=5, Tail: 0.1 deg. in PA 260 deg, 25x100B ( Collada del Fresno - Sierra del Aramo, 1230 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=9.7 ].

- 2006 Oct. 27.89 UT: m1=9.3, Dia.=4', DC=5, Tail: 0.1 deg. in PA 260 deg, 25x100B ( Sierra de Linares, Proaza, alt.831 m, Asturias, North Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=9.6 ].

- 2006 Nov. 9.84 UT: m1=9.3, Dia.=4', DC=4, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 280 deg, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=9.7 ].

- 2006 Nov. 14.01 UT: m1=9.5, Dia.=4', DC=4, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 280 deg, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=9.9 ].

- 2006 Nov. 16.85 UT: m1=10.1, Dia.=3.0', DC=5, Tail: 0.1 deg. in PA 280 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto de Bustellán, Tineo, alt.1020 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2006 Nov. 25.88 UT: m1=9.8, Dia.=3', DC=5, 25x100B ( Collada de la Cobertoria, Lena, alt. 1179 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2006 Dec. 10.79 UT: m1=10.5, Dia.=3', DC=3, 25x100B ( Sierra de Linares, Proaza, alt.831 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2006 Dec. 13.79 UT: m1=10.4, Dia.=3', DC=4, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1600 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2006 Dec. 14.80 UT: m1=10.4, Dia.=3', DC=4, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1600 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=10.7 ].

- 2006 Dec. 21.82 UT: m1=11.1, Dia.=2', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1480 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2007 Jan. 11.85 UT: m1= 11.3, Dia.=2', DC=5, 25x100B ( Villalverde, alt. 980 m, Zamora, Spain ).

- 2007 Jan. 19.83 UT: m1=11.6, Dia.=2', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro, alt.1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2007 Feb. 4.81 UT: m1=11.7, Dia.=1.5', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Argañosa - Illas, alt.400 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2007 Feb. 12.81 UT: m1=11.9, Dia.=1.7', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Caña Valles - Macizo Occidental - Picos de Europa, alt. 787 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2007 Feb. 14.84 UT: m1=11.8, Dia.=1.7', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Collada de la Cobertoria, Lena, alt. 1179 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2007 Mar. 10.87 UT: m1=12.7, Dia.=1.2', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1480 m, Leon, North Spain ).

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
  4        2006 07 23.10  S 12.6 TK 20.3T10 100   0.8  5            ICQ XX GON05
  4        2006 08 04.10  S 11.9 TK 20.3T10  77   1.0  5            ICQ XX GON05
  4        2006 08 05.09  S 11.8 TK 20.3T10  77   1.5  5            ICQ XX GON05
  4        2006 08 21.09  S 11.7 TK 20.3T10  77   1.8  5            ICQ XX GON05
  4        2006 08 27.98  S 11.7 TK 20.3T10 100   2.0  5            ICQ XX GON05
  4        2006 08 29.06  S 11.5 TK 20.3T10 100   2.0  5            ICQ XX GON05
  4        2006 09 19.18  S 10.7 TK 10.0B    25   3    5            ICQ XX GON05
  4        2006 09 26.15  S 10.6 TK 10.0B    25   3    5            ICQ XX GON05
  4        2006 10 12.88  S 10.2 TK 20.3T10  77   2.0  5            ICQ XX GON05
  4        2006 10 14.89  S 10.1 TK 20.3T10  77   3    5   0.2  260 ICQ XX GON05
  4        2006 10 14.91  S  9.6 TK 10.0B    25   5    4   0.2  260 ICQ XX GON05
  4        2006 10 20.82  S  9.4 TK 10.0B    25   4    4   0.1  260 ICQ XX GON05
  4        2006 10 27.16  S  9.3 TK 10.0B    25   4    5   0.1  260 ICQ XX GON05
  4        2006 10 27.18  S  9.7 TK 20.3T10  77   3    5   0.1  260 ICQ XX GON05
  4        2006 10 27.87  S  9.6 TK 20.3T10  77   3    5   0.1  260 ICQ XX GON05
  4        2006 10 27.89  S  9.3 TK 10.0B    25   4    5   0.1  260 ICQ XX GON05
  4        2006 11 09.83  S  9.7 TK 20.3T10  77   3.5  5   0.2  280 ICQ XX GON05
  4        2006 11 09.84  S  9.3 TK 10.0B    25   4    4   0.2  280 ICQ XX GON05
  4        2006 11 14.00  S  9.9 TK 20.3T10  77   3.5  5   0.2  280 ICQ XX GON05
  4        2006 11 14.01  S  9.5 TK 10.0B    25   4    4   0.2  280 ICQ XX GON05
  4        2006 11 16.85  S 10.1 TK 20.3T10  77   3.0  5   0.1  280 ICQ XX GON05
  4        2006 11 25.88  S  9.8 TK 10.0B    25   3    5            ICQ XX GON05
  4        2006 12 10.79  S 10.5 TK 10.0B    25   3    3            ICQ XX GON05
  4        2006 12 13.79  S 10.4 TK 10.0B    25   3    4            ICQ XX GON05
  4        2006 12 14.79  S 10.7 TK 20.3T10  77   2    5            ICQ XX GON05
  4        2006 12 14.80  S 10.4 TK 10.0B    25   3    4            ICQ XX GON05
  4        2006 12 21.82  S 11.1 TK 20.3T10  77   2    5            ICQ XX GON05
  4        2007 01 11.85  S 11.3 TK 10.0B    25   2    5            ICQ XX GON05
  4        2007 01 19.83  S 11.6 TK 20.3T10  77   2    5            ICQ XX GON05
  4        2007 02 04.81  S 11.7 TK 20.3T10 100   1.5  5            ICQ XX GON05
  4        2007 02 12.81  S 11.9 TK 20.3T10 100   1.7  5            ICQ XX GON05
  4        2007 02 14.84  S 11.8 TK 20.3T10 100   1.7  5            ICQ XX GON05
  4        2007 03 10.87  S 12.7 AU 20.3T10 100   1.2  3            ICQ XX GON05


- 2008 July 26.98 UT: m1=12.7, Dia.=0.4', DC=7, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Motion checked during a 60-min period. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2008 Aug. 1.95 UT: m1=10.8, Dia.=4', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Clearly brighter than a week ago. Large, diffuse outer coma surrounding the central condensation area ].

- 2008 Aug. 5.00 UT: m1=9.6, Dia.=8', DC=1, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ In 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=9.8 ].

- 2008 Aug. 5.95 UT: m1=9.0, Dia.=8', DC=1/, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ In 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=9.3 ].

- 2008 Aug. 9.03 UT: m1=8.9, Dia.=7', DC=2/, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Aug. 13.08 UT: m1=8.7, Dia.=12', DC=2/, 25x100B ( Tabara, alt. 740 m, Zamora, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Aug. 19.86 UT: m1=8.3, Dia.=7', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amio, alt. 1190 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Estimate made after yesterday's little outburst. Starlike nucleus: m2=12.5 (Tycho-2) at 100x, surrounded by an assymetric condensation of about 0.7'. Astronomical twilight; some moonlight interference, moon's altitude: 4 deg. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2008 Aug. 23.91 UT: m1=8.1, Dia.=12', DC=2/, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Aug. 28.00 UT: m1=8.0, Dia.=12', DC=2, 10x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Several stars inside the coma, the brightest being mag. 10.2 (Tycho-2) ].

- 2008 Sep. 6.96 UT: m1=8.2, Dia.=10', DC=2, 25x100B ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amio, alt. 1190 m., Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Sep. 24.97 UT: m1=8.5, Dia.=8', DC=3, 25x100B ( Aralla, alt. 1480 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Altitude: 7 deg ].

- 2008 Oct. 1.86 UT: m1=8.5, Dia.=7', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Altitude: 8 deg ].

- 2008 Oct. 3.86 UT: m1=8.3, Dia.=7', DC=3, 25x100B ( El Portillo - Castrocontrigo, alt. 1047 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Altitude: 8 deg ].

- 2008 Oct. 19.90 UT: m1=8.8, Dia.=4', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Altitude: 11 deg. Moonlight interference.].

- 2008 Oct. 25.99 UT: m1=9.3, Dia.=7', DC=2/, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Altitude: 5 deg. ].

- 2008 Nov. 5.98 UT: m1=9.5, Dia.=6', DC=1/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Altitude: 6 deg. ].

- 2008 Nov. 15.78 UT: m1=9.3, Dia.=5', DC=2, 25x100B ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Altitude: 13 deg. ].

- 2008 Nov. 16.78 UT: m1=9.7, Dia.=5', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Altitude: 13 deg. ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
  6        2008 07 26.98  S 12.7 TA 20.3T10 133   0.4  7            ICQ XX GON05
  6        2008 08 01.95  S 10.8 TK 20.3T10 100   4    2            ICQ XX GON05
  6        2008 08 05.00  S  9.6 TK 10.0B    25   8    1            ICQ XX GON05
  6        2008 08 05.01  S  9.8 TK 20.3T10  77   7    2            ICQ XX GON05
  6        2008 08 05.94  S  9.3 TK 20.3T10  77   7    2            ICQ XX GON05
  6        2008 08 05.95  S  9.0 TK 10.0B    25   8    1/           ICQ XX GON05
  6        2008 08 09.03  S  8.9 TK 10.0B    25   7    2/           ICQ XX GON05
  6        2008 08 13.08  S  8.7 TK 10.0B    25  12    2/           ICQ XX GON05
  6        2008 08 19.86  S  8.3 TK 20.3T10  77   7    3            ICQ XX GON05
  6        2008 08 23.91  S  8.1 TK 10.0B    25  12    2/           ICQ XX GON05
  6        2008 08 28.00  S  8.0 TK  5.0B    10  12    2            ICQ XX GON05
  6        2008 09 06.96  S  8.2 TK 10.0B    25  10    2            ICQ XX GON05
  6        2008 09 24.97  S  8.5 TK 10.0B    25   8    3            ICQ XX GON05
  6        2008 10 01.86  S  8.5 TK 20.3T10  77   7    2            ICQ XX GON05
  6        2008 10 03.86  S  8.3 TK 10.0B    25   7    3            ICQ XX GON05
  6        2008 10 19.90  S  8.8 TK 20.3T10  77   4    2            ICQ XX GON05
  6        2008 10 25.99  S  9.3 TK 20.3T10 100   7    2/           ICQ XX GON05
  6        2008 11 05.98  S  9.5 TK 20.3T10  77   6    1/           ICQ XX GON05
  6        2008 11 15.78  S  9.3 TK 10.0B    25   5    2            ICQ XX GON05
  6        2008 11 16.78  S  9.7 TK 20.3T10  77   5    2            ICQ XX GON05


- 2008 Aug. 23.86 UT: m1=12.2, Dia.=2.5', DC=2/, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ End of astronomical twilight; altitude: 14 deg ].

- 2008 Sep. 19.82 UT: m1=11.7, Dia.=2', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Cospedal, alt. 1205 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Astronomical twilight; altitude: 10 deg ].

- 2008 Sep. 24.82 UT: m1=11.0, Dia.=2', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Aralla, alt. 1360 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Astronomical twilight; altitude: 8 deg. Mountain location, very clear sky. ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
  7        2008 08 23.86  S 12.2 TK 20.3T10 100   2.5  2/           ICQ XX GON05
  7        2008 09 19.82  S 11.7 TK 20.3T10 100   2    4            ICQ XX GON05
  7        2008 09 24.82  S 11.0 TK 20.3T10 100   2    4            ICQ XX GON05


- 2007 Nov. 3.85 UT: m1=12.1, Dia.=3.5', DC=2/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ From dark mountain skies the coma appears large and diffuse ].

- 2007 Nov. 7.94 UT: m1=11.8, Dia.=4', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2007 Nov. 9.92 UT: m1=11.3, Dia.=4', DC=2/, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2007 Nov. 13.85 UT: m1=10.5, Dia.=6', DC=2, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2007 Nov. 27.79 UT: m1=9.3, Dia.=11', DC=2/, 25x100B ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ) [ In 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=9.5 ].

- 2007 Dec. 5.01 UT: m1=8.6, Dia.=12', DC=2, 10x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ In 25x100B: m1=8.8 ].

- 2007 Dec. 8.80 UT: m1=8.3, Dia.=10', DC=2, 25x100B ( Grandota, Oviedo, alt. 480 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2007 Dec. 11.79 UT: m1=7.6, Dia.=10', DC=2/, 10x50B ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 980 m, Asturias, North Spain ).

- 2007 Dec. 26.77 UT: m1=6.1, Dia.=15', DC=3, 6x30B ( Quintanilla - La Magdalena, alt. 1050 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2007 Dec. 30.79 UT: m1=5.6, Dia.=25', DC=5, naked eye ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m, León, N. Spain) [ In 6x30B: m1=5.8. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2008 Jan. 1.03 UT: m1=5.6, Dia.=27', DC=4, 4x30 monocular ( Dosango - Santo Adriano, alt. 590 m., Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Jan. 3.79 UT: m1=5.1, Dia.=30', DC=5, naked eye ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 980 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ In 4x30 monocular: m1=5.2, Dia.=35', DC=4. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2008 Jan. 6.78 UT: m1=5.2, Dia.=30', DC=4, 4x30 monocular ( San Miguel de Reinante, alt. 10 m, Lugo, N. Spain ) [ Near sea level location, clear sky ].

- 2008 Jan. 9.84 UT: m1=5.3, Dia.=30', DC=5, naked eye ( Cueto Rosales - Riello, alt. 1330 m, León, N. Spain ) [ In 4x30 monocular: m1=5.4, Dia.=25', DC=4. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2008 Jan. 10.83 UT: m1=5.5, Dia.=25', DC=4, 4x30 monocular ( Grandota, Oviedo, alt. 480 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Jan. 13.78 UT: m1=5.6, Dia.=25', DC=5, 4x30 monocular ( Los Veneros - Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1340 m, Asturias ).

- 2008 Jan. 26.80 UT: m1=6.3, Dia.=15', DC=4, 10x50B ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 980 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Jan. 27.79 UT: m1=6.4, Dia.=13', DC=4, 10x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Jan. 29.79 UT: m1=6.5, Dia.=12', DC=4, 10x50B ( Los Veneros - Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1320 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
  8        2007 11 03.85  S 12.1 TK 20.3T10  77   3.5  2/           ICQ XX GON05
  8        2007 11 07.94  S 11.8 TK 20.3T10  77   4    2            ICQ XX GON05
  8        2007 11 09.92  S 11.3 TK 10.0B    25   4    2/           ICQ XX GON05
  8        2007 11 13.85  S 10.5 TK 10.0B    25   6    2            ICQ XX GON05
  8        2007 11 27.78  S  9.5 TK 20.3T10  77   8    2/           ICQ XX GON05
  8        2007 11 27.79  S  9.3 TK 10.0B    25  11    2/           ICQ XX GON05
  8        2007 12 05.00  S  8.8 TK 10.0B    25  10    2/           ICQ XX GON05
  8        2007 12 05.01  S  8.6 TK  5.0B    10  12    2            ICQ XX GON05
  8        2007 12 08.80  S  8.3 TK 10.0B    25  10    2            ICQ XX GON05
  8        2007 12 11.79  S  7.6 TK  5.0B    10  10    2/           ICQ XX GON05
  8        2007 12 26.77  S  6.1 TK  3.0B     6  15    3            ICQ XX GON05
  8        2007 12 30.79  S  5.6 TK  0.0E     1  25    5            ICQ XX GON05
  8        2007 12 30.80  S  5.8 TK  3.0B     6  25    4            ICQ XX GON05
  8        2008 01 01.03  S  5.6 TK  3.0R     4  27    4            ICQ XX GON05
  8        2008 01 03.78  S  5.2 TK  3.0R     4  35    4            ICQ XX GON05
  8        2008 01 03.79  S  5.1 TK  0.0E     1  30    5            ICQ XX GON05
  8        2008 01 06.78  S  5.2 TK  3.0R     4  30    4            ICQ XX GON05
  8        2008 01 09.84  S  5.3 TK  0.0E     1  30    5            ICQ XX GON05
  8        2008 01 09.86  S  5.4 TK  3.0R     4  25    4            ICQ XX GON05
  8        2008 01 10.83  S  5.5 TK  3.0R     4  25    4            ICQ XX GON05
  8        2008 01 13.78  S  5.6 TK  3.0R     4  25    5            ICQ XX GON05
  8        2008 01 26.80  S  6.3 TK  5.0B    10  15    4            ICQ XX GON05
  8        2008 01 27.79  S  6.4 TK  5.0B    10  13    4            ICQ XX GON05
  8        2008 01 29.79  S  6.5 TK  5.0B    10  12    4            ICQ XX GON05


- 2005 Mar. 1.99 UT: m1=13.3, Dia.=0.6', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Camposagrado, alt. 1140 m., León, North Spain).

- 2005 Mar. 8.01 UT: m1=13.1, Dia.=0.7', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Camposagrado, alt. 1140 m., León, North Spain).

- 2005 Mar. 11.94 UT: m1=12.7, Dia.=1.2', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Camposagrado, alt. 1135 m., León, North Spain).

- 2005 Mar. 18.18 UT: m1=12.4, Dia.=1.2', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1275 m., Asturias, North Spain).

- 2005 Apr. 10.00 UT: m1=11.6, Dia.=1.8', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain).

- 2005 Apr. 12.14 UT: m1=11.6, Dia.=1.8', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain).

- 2005 Apr. 28.97 UT: m1=10.9, Dia.=3', DC=5, 25x100B ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1230 m, Asturias, North Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (100x): m1=11.3 ].

- 2005 May 2.08 UT: m1=11.2, Dia.=3.0', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1280 m, Asturias, North Spain ).

- 2005 May 7.01 UT: m1=10.4, Dia.=3', DC=5, 25x100B ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1230 m, Asturias, North Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (100x): m1=10.9 ].

- 2005 May 18.10 UT: m1=10.2, Dia.=3', DC=5, 25x100B ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (100x): m1=10.5; After moonset ].

- 2005 May 25.94 UT: m1=10.2, Dia.=3', DC=4, 25x100B ( Gamoniteiro - Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1680 m., Asturias, North Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (100x): m1=10.4; Estimates were made before moonrise ].

- 2005 May 26.92 UT: m1=10.2, Dia.=3.5', DC=4, 25x100B ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1230 m, Asturias, North Spain ).

- 2005 May 30.93 UT: m1=10.4, Dia.=3.5', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Gamoniteiro - Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1680 m., Asturias, North Spain ).

- 2005 June 2.02 UT: m1=10.2, Dia.=3.5', DC=4, 25x100B ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=10.4 ].

- 2005 June 5.97 UT: m1=10.1, Dia.=3.5', DC=4, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=10.3 ].

- 2005 June 9.00 UT: m1=10.1, Dia.=3.5', DC=4, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=10.3 ].

- 2005 June 25.97 UT: m1=9.8, Dia.=6', DC=3, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=10.1 ].

- 2005 June 26.97 UT: m1=9.9, Dia.=6', DC=3, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=10.2 ].

- 2005 July 1.97 UT: m1=10.1, Dia.=4', DC=3, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=10.3 ].

- 2005 July 2.97 UT: m1=10.3, Dia.=3', DC=2, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=10.5 ].

Después del encuentro con la sonda Deep Impact ( Jul. 4.24 UT ):

- 2005 July 4.94 UT: m1=9.9, Dia.=5', DC=4, 25x100B, ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=10.1, Dia.=4', DC=6. Mountain location, clear sky. Altitude: 20 deg. Asymmetric coma with bright inner region. Near-stellar central condensation, m2~12.5 ].

- 2005 July 5.94 UT: m1=9.9, Dia.=5', DC=4, 25x100B ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=10.2, Dia.=4', DC=5 ].

- 2005 July 7.94 UT: m1=10.0, Dia.=5', DC=4, 25x100B ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=10.2, Dia.=4', DC=5 ].

- 2005 July 11.95 UT: m1=10.4, Dia.=3', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ).

- 2005 July 29.91 UT: m1=10.8, Dia.=3', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ).

- 2005 Aug. 02.92 UT: m1=10.9, Dia.=2.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Altitude: 9 deg. ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
  9        2005 03 01.99  S 13.3 TK 20.3T10 100   0.6  4            ICQ XX GON05
  9        2005 03 08.01  S 13.1 TK 20.3T10 100   0.7  4            ICQ XX GON05
  9        2005 03 11.94  S 12.7 TK 20.3T10 100   1.2  3            ICQ XX GON05
  9        2005 03 18.18  S 12.4 TK 20.3T10 100   1.2  4            ICQ XX GON05
  9        2005 04 10.00  S 11.6 TK 20.3T10 100   1.8  4            ICQ XX GON05
  9        2005 04 12.14  S 11.6 TK 20.3T10 100   1.8  4            ICQ XX GON05
  9        2005 04 28.95  S 11.3 TK 20.3T10 100   3.0  5            ICQ XX GON05
  9        2005 04 28.97  S 10.9 TK 10.0B    25   3    5            ICQ XX GON05
  9        2005 05 02.08  S 11.2 TK 20.3T10 100   3.0  5            ICQ XX GON05
  9        2005 05 06.97  S 10.9 TK 20.3T10 100   3.0  5            ICQ XX GON05
  9        2005 05 07.01  S 10.4 TK 10.0B    25   3    5            ICQ XX GON05
  9        2005 05 18.10  S 10.2 TK 10.0B    25   3    5            ICQ XX GON05
  9        2005 05 18.11  S 10.5 TK 20.3T10 100   3.5  5            ICQ XX GON05
  9        2005 05 25.93  S 10.4 TK 20.3T10 100   3.5  4            ICQ XX GON05
  9        2005 05 25.94  S 10.2 TK 10.0B    25   3    4            ICQ XX GON05
  9        2005 05 30.93  S 10.4 TK 20.3T10  77   3.5  5            ICQ XX GON05
  9        2005 06 02.01  S 10.4 TK 20.3T10  77   3.5  4            ICQ XX GON05
  9        2005 06 02.02  S 10.2 TK 10.0B    25   3.5  4            ICQ XX GON05
  9        2005 06 05.96  S 10.3 TK 20.3T10  77   3.5  4            ICQ XX GON05
  9        2005 06 05.97  S 10.1 TK 10.0B    25   3.5  4            ICQ XX GON05
  9        2005 06 08.99  S 10.3 TK 20.3T10  77   3.5  4            ICQ XX GON05
  9        2005 06 09.00  S 10.1 TK 10.0B    25   3.5  4            ICQ XX GON05
  9        2005 06 25.96  S 10.1 TK 20.3T10  77   5    4            ICQ XX GON05
  9        2005 06 25.97  S  9.8 TK 10.0B    25   6    3            ICQ XX GON05
  9        2005 06 26.96  S 10.2 TK 20.3T10  77   5    4            ICQ XX GON05
  9        2005 06 26.97  S  9.9 TK 10.0B    25   6    3            ICQ XX GON05
  9        2005 07 01.96  S 10.3 TK 20.3T10  77   3    3            ICQ XX GON05
  9        2005 07 01.97  S 10.1 TK 10.0B    25   4    3            ICQ XX GON05
  9        2005 07 02.96  S 10.5 TK 20.3T10  77   3    3            ICQ XX GON05
  9        2005 07 02.97  S 10.3 TK 10.0B    25   3    2            ICQ XX GON05

Después del encuentro con la sonda Deep Impact ( Jul. 4.24 UT ):

  9        2005 07 04.93  S 10.1 TK 20.3T10  77   4    6            ICQ XX GON05
  9        2005 07 04.94  S  9.9 TK 10.0B    25   5    4            ICQ XX GON05
  9        2005 07 05.93  S 10.2 TK 20.3T10  77   4    5            ICQ XX GON05
  9        2005 07 05.94  S  9.9 TK 10.0B    25   5    4            ICQ XX GON05
  9        2005 07 07.93  S 10.2 TK 20.3T10  77   4    5            ICQ XX GON05
  9        2005 07 07.94  S 10.0 TK 10.0B    25   5    4            ICQ XX GON05
  9        2005 07 11.95  S 10.4 TK 20.3T10  77   3    4            ICQ XX GON05
  9        2005 07 29.91  S 10.8 TK 20.3T10 100   3    3            ICQ XX GON05
  9        2005 08 02.92  S 10.9 TK 20.3T10 100   2.5  3            ICQ XX GON05


- 2010 May 17.11 UT: m1=11.8, Dia.=1.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (160x) ( Cueto Rosales - Riello, alt. 1420 m., León, N. Spain ).

- 2010 June 18.08 UT: m1=9.1, Dia.=7', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Asymmetric coma ].

- 2010 June 22.07 UT: m1=8.8, Dia.=8', DC=3, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Asymmetric coma ].

- 2010 July 10.11 UT: m1=8.2, Dia.=8', DC=3/, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2010 July 18.12 UT: m1=8.6, Dia.=8', DC=3/, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Asymmetric coma ].

- 2010 Aug. 7.04 UT: m1=8.7, Dia.=8', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Asymmetric coma ].

- 2010 Aug. 20.16 UT: m1=8.7, Dia.=6', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Asymmetric coma ].

- 2010 Sep. 5.06 UT: m1=8.8, Dia.=7', DC=4, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2010 Sep. 10.07 UT: m1=8.7, Dia.=8', DC=3/, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2010 Sep. 15.01 UT: m1=8.6, Dia.=10', DC=3, 25x100B ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m., Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2010 Sep. 20.17 UT: m1=8.5, Dia.=10', DC=3/, 25x100B ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m., Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2010 Oct. 14.00 UT: m1=9.7, Dia.=5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m., Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2010 Oct. 18.11 UT: m1=9.6, Dia.=5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2010 Nov. 24.78 UT: m1=10.7, Dia.=7', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m., Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2010 Nov. 28.83 UT: m1=10.7, Dia.=6', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Star of mag. 12.1 (Tycho-2) inside the coma ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
 10        2010 05 17.11  S 11.8 TK 20.3T10 160   1.5  3            ICQ XX GON05
 10        2010 06 18.08  S  9.1 TK 20.3T10  77   7    3            ICQ XX GON05
 10        2010 06 22.07  S  8.8 TK 10.0B    25   8    3            ICQ XX GON05
 10        2010 07 10.11  S  8.2 TK 10.0B    25   8    3/           ICQ XX GON05
 10        2010 07 18.12  S  8.6 TK 10.0B    25   8    3/           ICQ XX GON05
 10        2010 08 07.04  S  8.7 TK 20.3T10  77   8    4            ICQ XX GON05
 10        2010 08 20.16  S  8.7 TK 20.3T10  77   6    4            ICQ XX GON05
 10        2010 09 05.06  S  8.8 TK 10.0B    25   7    4            ICQ XX GON05
 10        2010 09 10.07  S  8.7 TK 10.0B    25   8    3/           ICQ XX GON05
 10        2010 09 15.01  S  8.6 TK 10.0B    25  10    3            ICQ XX GON05
 10        2010 09 20.17  S  8.5 TK 10.0B    25  10    3/           ICQ XX GON05
 10        2010 10 14.00  S  9.7 TK 20.3T10  77   5    3            ICQ XX GON05
 10        2010 10 18.11  S  9.6 TK 20.3T10  77   5    3            ICQ XX GON05
 10        2010 11 24.78  S 10.7 TK 20.3T10  77   7    2            ICQ XX GON05
 10        2010 11 28.83  S 10.7 TK 20.3T10  77   6    2            ICQ XX GON05


- 2008 July 8.11 UT: m1=9.7, Dia.=2.5', DC=3/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Beginning of astronomical twilight; altitude: 9 deg ].

- 2008 July 15.13 UT: m1=9.2, Dia.=4', DC=3, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ In 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=9.6. Mountain location, very clear sky. Beginning of astronomical twilight; altitude: 12 deg ].

- 2008 Aug. 2.12 UT: m1=11.2, Dia.=2.0', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Altitude: 13 deg ].

- 2008 Aug. 9.14 UT: m1=10.9, Dia.=2.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
 15        2008 07 08.11  S  9.7 TK 20.3T10  77   2.5  3/           ICQ XX GON05
 15        2008 07 15.12  S  9.6 TK 20.3T10  77   3    4            ICQ XX GON05
 15        2008 07 15.13  S  9.2 TK 10.0B    25   4    3            ICQ XX GON05
 15        2008 08 02.12  S 11.2 TK 20.3T10  77   2.0  3            ICQ XX GON05
 15        2008 08 09.14  S 10.9 TK 20.3T10 100   2.5  3            ICQ XX GON05


- 2007 July 14.09 UT: m1=[14.5, 20 cm SCT (222x), ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Comet not observed. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near TX Tri. ].

- 2007 July 25.12 UT: m1=14.7, Dia.=0.4', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (160x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near WY Tri. ].

- 2007 Oct. 24.80 UT: m1=2.7, Dia.=--, DC=9, naked eye ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amio, alt. 1190 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ 25x100B: Dia.=0.5'. In outburst. Mountain location, very clear sky. Moonlight ].

- 2007 Oct. 25.08 UT: m1=2.4, Dia.=--, DC=9, naked eye ( Aralla de Luna, alt. 1150 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Moonlight ].

- 2007 Oct. 25.80 UT: m1=2.6, Dia.=--, DC=9, naked eye ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amio, alt. 1190 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ 10x50B: Dia.=1.7'. Moonlight ].

- 2007 Oct. 27.16 UT: m1=2.4, Dia.=4', DC=8/, naked eye ( Ferrerinos - Oviedo, alt. 380 m., Asturias, N. Spain ) [ 10x50B: m1=2.5, Dia.=4', DC=8. Moonlight ].

- 2007 Oct. 27.85 UT: m1=2.4, Dia.=4', DC=8/, naked eye ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain) [ 25x100B: m1=2.8, Dia.=11', DC=7 ] [ In 20 cm SCT (77x): Faint outer coma diameter: 11' ( without filter ); inner disk: 4'.0; starlike central condensation: m2=9.8; broad fan ext. 0.8' from center, on p.a. 220 deg. Outer coma is clearly enhanced with Swan band filter. Mountain location, very clear sky. Moonlight. ].

- 2007 Oct. 31.78 UT: m1=2.3, Dia.=25', DC=7, naked eye ( Aralla, alt. 1360 m, Leon, North Spain) [ 25x100B: m1=2.8, Dia.=28', DC=D6/ ] [ In 25x100B: Faint outer coma diameter: 28' ( without Swan band filter ); inner disk: 9'; starlike central condensation: m2=9.5; broad fan ext. 2.3' from center, on p.a. 220 deg. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2007 Nov. 1.79 UT: m1=2.3, Dia.=25', DC=7, naked eye ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ 25x100B: m1=2.8, Dia.=30', DC=D6/ ] [ In 20 cm SCT (77x): Faint outer coma diameter: 33' ( without Swan band filter ); inner disk: 12'; starlike central condensation: m2=10.8; bright oval region ext. 2.3' from center, on p.a. 220 deg. Three main tail-like radial features were visible, extending 0.6 deg from center, in p.a 170, 210 and 270 deg. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2007 Nov. 3.78 UT: m1=2.3, Dia.=30', DC=7, naked eye ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ 25x100B: m1=2.8, Dia.=35', DC=D6 ] [ In 20 cm SCT (77x): Faint outer coma diameter: 35'; inner disk: 16'; starlike central condensation: m2=11.0; bright oval region ext. 2.5' from center, on p.a. 220 deg. Inner coma disk's boundary from p.a. 140 to 290 deg is becoming diffuse compared to the distinct northern boundary. Three main tail-like radial features were visible: in p.a 170 deg ( extending 0.9 deg from center ), p.a. 210 deg ( ext. 0.9 deg ) and 270 deg ( ext. 0.6 deg ). Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2007 Nov. 7.80 UT: m1=2.4, Dia.=25', DC=7, naked eye ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ In 25x100B: m1=3.0; outer coma surface brightness appears much fainter than four days ago; estimated diameter: 55'; inner disk: 21'; bright oval region ext. 6.5' from center, on p.a. 220 deg. Three main tail-like features were visible: in p.a 195 deg ( extending 1.7 deg from center ), p.a. 210 deg ( ext. 1.7 deg ) and 240 deg ( ext. 1.3 deg ). In 20 cm SCT (77x): starlike central condensation: m2=12.2. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2007 Nov. 9.95 UT: m1=3.0, Dia.=55', DC=D6, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ In 25x100 binoculars: Faint outer coma diameter: 55'; inner disk: 25' ( elongated towards the diffuse southern boundary ); bright oval region ext. 7' from center, on p.a. 210 deg. The morphology of the tail is complex after the recent disconnection event. The old radial features are detached from the coma, the longest one extending 2.2 deg from center towards p.a 190 deg. In 10 cm Maksutov reflector (65x): starlike central condensation: m2=12.5. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2007 Nov. 10.00 UT: m1=2.4, Dia.=25', DC=7, naked eye ( Aralla de Luna, alt. 1150 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2007 Nov. 14.03 UT: m1=2.6, Dia.=30', DC=6, naked eye ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ In 25x100B: m1=3.0; faint outer coma was not perceptible; inner disk: 31' ( elongated towards the diffuse southern boundary ); bright oval region ext. 11' from center, on p.a. 205 deg; tail-like radial feature extending 0.6 deg from center in p.a 200 deg. In 20 cm SCT (77x): starlike central condensation: m2=12.7. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2007 Nov. 17.00 UT: m1=2.7, Dia.=35', DC=6, naked eye ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ In 4x30 opera-glasses: m1=2.9 ] [ In 20 cm SCT (77x): Faint outer coma was not perceptible; inner disk: 35' ( elongated towards the diffuse southern boundary ); bright oval region ext. 17' from center, on p.a. 205 deg; tail-like feature extending 0.7 deg from center in p.a 200 deg; starlike central condensation: m2=12.5. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2007 Nov. 20.87 UT: m1=3.1, Dia.=37', DC=4, 4x30 opera-glasses ( Oviedo, alt. 255 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ In 25x100B: Coma 37x48' ( elongated towards the diffuse southern boundary ); inner brighter region ext. 23' from central condensation, on p.a. 195 deg; tail-like feature extending 1.2 deg from center in p.a 195 deg. Urban light pollution; moonlight ].

- 2007 Nov. 22.84 UT: m1=3.1, Dia.=37', DC=3, 4x30 opera-glasses ( Oviedo, alt. 255 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ Urban light pollution; moonlight ].

- 2007 Nov. 27.81 UT: m1=2.9, Dia.=40', DC=3, 4x30 opera-glasses ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ) [ In 25x100B: Coma 40x48' ( elongated towards the diffuse southern boundary ); inner brighter region ext. 23' from central condensation, on p.a. 190 deg; broad tail-like feature extending 1.2 deg from center in p.a. 190 deg. Observation made after the end of astronomical twilight and before moonrise. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2007 Nov. 30.78 UT: m1=2.9, Dia.=45', DC=2, 4x30 opera-glasses ( Casorvida, Lena, alt. 570 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ In 10x50B: Coma 45x53' ( elongated towards the diffuse southern boundary ); inner brighter region ext. 23' from central condensation, on p.a. 190 deg. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2007 Dec. 1.79 UT: m1=2.9, Dia.=45', DC=2, 4x30 opera-glasses ( Grandota, Oviedo, alt. 480 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ In 25x100B: Coma 45x55' ( elongated towards the diffuse southern boundary ); inner brighter region ext. 23' from central condensation, on p.a. 185 deg. Suburban location, clear sky ].

- 2007 Dec. 4.78 UT: m1=3.1, Dia.=50', DC=2/, 4x30 opera-glasses ( Manzaneda, Oviedo, alt. 300 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2007 Dec. 5.02 UT: m1=3.1, Dia.=50', DC=2/, 4x30 opera-glasses ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ In 25x100B: Coma 47x65' ( elongated towards the diffuse southern boundary ); inner brighter region ext. 30' from central condensation, on p.a. 180 deg; broad tail-like feature extending 1.2 deg from center in p.a. 180 deg. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2007 Dec. 8.78 UT: m1=3.3, Dia.=50', DC=2/, 4x30 opera-glasses ( Grandota, Oviedo, alt. 480 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ In 25x100B: Coma 52x70' ( elongated towards the diffuse southern boundary ); inner brighter region ext. 30' from central condensation, on p.a. 175 deg; broad tail-like feature extending 1.2 deg from center in p.a. 175 deg. Suburban location, clear sky ].

- 2007 Dec. 11.81 UT: m1=3.0, Dia.=60', DC=3, naked eye ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 980 m, Asturias, North Spain ) [ In 25x100B: Coma 52x70' ( elongated towards the diffuse southern boundary ); inner brighter region ext. 35' from central condensation, on p.a. 170 deg; broad tail-like feature extending 1.2 deg from center in p.a. 170 deg. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2007 Dec. 26.78 UT: m1=3.2, Dia.=70', DC=2/, 4x30 monocular ( Quintanilla - La Magdalena, alt. 1050 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ In 25x100B: Coma 65x90' ( elongated towards the diffuse southern boundary ); inner brighter region ext. 38' from central condensation, on p.a. 150 deg; broad tail-like feature extending 2.2 deg from center in p.a. 150 deg. Observation made before moonrise. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2007 Dec. 30.81 UT: m1=3.1, Dia.=75', DC=2, 4x30 monocular ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m, León, N. Spain) [ In 25x100B: Coma 75x95' ( elongated towards the diffuse southern boundary ); inner brighter region ext. 50' from central condensation, on p.a. 145 deg; broad tail-like feature extending 2.5 deg from center in p.a. 145 deg. ].

- 2008 Jan. 1.04 UT: m1=3.2, Dia.=75', DC=2, 4x30 monocular ( Dosango - Santo Adriano, alt. 590 m., Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Jan. 3.80 UT: m1=3.4, Dia.=80', DC=2, 4x30 monocular ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 980 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ In 25x100B: Coma 80x100' ( elongated towards the diffuse southern boundary ); inner brighter region ext. 50' from central condensation, on p.a. 140 deg; broad tail-like feature extending 2.5 deg from center in p.a. 140 deg. ].

- 2008 Jan. 6.81 UT: m1=3.3, Dia.=80', DC=2, 4x30 monocular ( Barres - Castropol, alt. 30 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ Near sea level location, clear sky ].

- 2008 Jan. 9.92 UT: m1=3.4, Dia.=90', DC=2, 4x30 monocular ( Cueto Rosales - Riello, alt. 1330 m, León, N. Spain ) [ In 25x100B: Coma 70x90' ( elongated towards the diffuse S.E. boundary ); inner brighter region ext. 35' from central condensation, on p.a. 130 deg; broad tail-like feature extending 1.8 deg from center in p.a. 130 deg ].

- 2008 Jan. 10.80 UT: m1=3.4, Dia.=70', DC=1/, 4x30 monocular ( Grandota, Oviedo, alt. 480 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ Suburban location, clear sky. In 25x100B: Coma 70x80' ( elongated towards the diffuse S.E. boundary ); inner brighter region ext. 30' from central condensation, on p.a. 130 deg ].

- 2008 Jan. 13.00 UT: m1=3.4, Dia.=70', DC=2, 4x30 monocular ( La Cortina - Lena, alt. 910 m., Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Jan. 26.83 UT: m1=3.7, Dia.=65', DC=1, 4x30 monocular ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 980 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. In 25x100B: Coma 80x105' ( elongated towards the diffuse S.E. boundary ); inner brighter region ext. 40' from central condensation, on p.a. 120 deg ].

- 2008 Jan. 27.87 UT: m1=3.7, Dia.=65', DC=1, 4x30 monocular ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Jan. 29.83 UT: m1=3.8, Dia.=65', DC=1, 4x30 monocular ( Los Veneros - Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1320 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Feb. 2.81 UT: m1=3.9, Dia.=70', DC=1, 4x30 monocular ( Para - Peñamellera Baja, alt. 160 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Feb. 4.94 UT: m1=3.9, Dia.=70', DC=1, 4x30 monocular ( Linares - Proaza, alt. 840 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Feb. 6.94 UT: m1=3.8, Dia.=70', DC=1/, 4x30 monocular ( Aralla, alt. 1360 m., León, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Feb. 9.89 UT: m1=3.9, Dia.=70', DC=1/, 4x30 monocular ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m., León, N. Spain ) [ In 25x100B: Coma diameter: 90' ( elongated towards the very diffuse S.E. boundary ); inner brighter region ext. 30' from central condensation, on p.a. 110 deg ].

- 2008 Feb. 13.02 UT: m1=4.1, Dia.=70', DC=1/, 4x30 monocular ( Cueto Rosales - Riello, alt. 1330 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Comet still visible with naked eye. Estimate made after the moonset. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2008 Feb. 22.83 UT: m1=4.3, Dia.=70', DC=1, naked eye ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m., León, N. Spain ) [ 4x30 monocular: m1=4.2. Estimate made before moonrise ].

- 2008 Mar. 1.88 UT: m1=4.4, Dia.=70', DC=1/, 4x30 monocular ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Naked eye: comet faintly seen with direct vision ].

- 2008 Mar. 5.89 UT: m1=4.6, Dia.=70', DC=1/, 4x30 monocular ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amio, alt. 1190 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Naked eye: comet faintly seen with direct vision ].

- 2008 Mar. 6.98 UT: m1=4.8, Dia.=55', DC=1, 4x30 monocular ( Sierra del Naranco-Oviedo, alt. 440 m., Asturias, N. Spain ) [ Suburban location, very clear sky ].

- 2008 Mar. 10.94 UT: m1=4.5:, Dia.=&60', DC=1, naked eye ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 980 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ 4x30 monocular: m1=4.7, Dia.=70', DC=1. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2008 Mar. 28.93 UT: m1=5.2, Dia.=60', DC=0, 4x30 monocular ( Sierra de Penouta - Boal, alt. 870 m., Asturias, N. Spain ) [ Suburban location, clear sky. Some light pollution in the area of the comet ( NELM about 5.5 ). Comet not visible with the naked eye. Altitude: 27 deg ].

- 2008 Mar. 30.87 UT: m1=5.2, Dia.=60', DC=0, 4x30 monocular ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 980 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Zodiacal light; NELM about 6.0 near comet. Naked eye: comet faintly seen with direct vision; m1 was difficult to estimate due to stars inside the coma ( mag. 6.4 and 6.8, TK ) ].

- 2008 Apr. 3.90 UT: m1=5.4, Dia.=60', DC=0, 4x30 monocular ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1280 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Zodiacal light; NELM about 6.5 near comet. Naked eye: comet faintly seen with direct vision ].

- 2008 Apr. 23.92 UT: m1= [ 6.2, 6x50 monocular ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Comet not seen with 6x50 monocular and 10x50 binoculars, washed out by the zodiacal light. Notwithstanding this, in 25x100 binoculars the observed diameter of the very faint coma was approximately 40' ( not allowing a magnitude estimate ), with a somewhat brighter area of about 15' ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
 17        2007 07 14.09  S[14.5 HN 20.3T10 222 ! 0.5               ICQ XX GON05
 17        2007 07 25.12  S 14.7 HN 20.3T10 160   0.4  4            ICQ XX GON05
 17        2007 10 24.80  I  2.7 TK  0.0E     1        9            ICQ XX GON05
 17        2007 10 25.08  I  2.4 TK  0.0E     1        9            ICQ XX GON05
 17        2007 10 25.80  I  2.6 TK  0.0E     1        9            ICQ XX GON05
 17        2007 10 25.81  M  2.7 TK  5.0B    10   1.7  8            ICQ XX GON05
 17        2007 10 27.16  I  2.4 TK  0.0E     1   4    8/           ICQ XX GON05
 17        2007 10 27.17  M  2.5 TK  5.0B    10   4    8            ICQ XX GON05
 17        2007 10 27.81  M  2.8 TK 10.0B    25  11    7            ICQ XX GON05
 17        2007 10 27.85  I  2.4 TK  0.0E     1   4    8/           ICQ XX GON05
 17        2007 10 31.78  I  2.3 TK  0.0E     1  25    7            ICQ XX GON05
 17        2007 10 31.81  M  2.8 TK 10.0B    25  28   D6/           ICQ XX GON05
 17        2007 11 01.79  I  2.3 TK  0.0E     1  25    7            ICQ XX GON05
 17        2007 11 01.83  M  2.8 TK 10.0B    25  30   D6/           ICQ XX GON05
 17        2007 11 01.85  M  3.0 TK 20.3T10  77  33   D6   0.6  210 ICQ XX GON05
 17        2007 11 03.78  I  2.3 TK  0.0E     1  30    7            ICQ XX GON05
 17        2007 11 03.81  M  2.8 TK 10.0B    25  35   D6            ICQ XX GON05
 17        2007 11 03.82  M  3.1 TK 20.3T10  77  35   D6   0.9  210 ICQ XX GON05
 17        2007 11 07.80  B  2.4 TK  0.0E     1  25    7            ICQ XX GON05
 17        2007 11 07.82  M  3.0 TK 10.0B    25  55   D6   1.7  210 ICQ XX GON05
 17        2007 11 09.95  M  3.0 TK 10.0B    25  55   D6   2.2  190 ICQ XX GON05
 17        2007 11 10.00  B  2.4 TK  0.0E     1  25    7            ICQ XX GON05
 17        2007 11 13.94  M  3.0 TK 10.0B    25  31    5   0.6  200 ICQ XX GON05
 17        2007 11 14.03  M  2.6 TK  0.0E     1  30    6            ICQ XX GON05
 17        2007 11 17.00  S  2.7 TK  0.0E     1  35    6            ICQ XX GON05
 17        2007 11 17.01  S  2.9 TK  3.0O     4  35    5            ICQ XX GON05
 17        2007 11 20.87  S  3.1 TK  3.0O     4  37    4            ICQ XX GON05
 17        2007 11 22.84  S  3.1 TK  3.0O     4  37    3            ICQ XX GON05
 17        2007 11 27.81  S  2.9 TK  3.0O     4  40    3            ICQ XX GON05
 17        2007 11 30.78  S  2.9 TK  3.0O     4  45    2            ICQ XX GON05
 17        2007 12 01.79  S  2.9 TK  3.0O     4  45    2            ICQ XX GON05
 17        2007 12 04.78  S  3.1 TK  3.0O     4  50    2/           ICQ XX GON05
 17        2007 12 05.02  S  3.1 TK  3.0O     4  50    2/           ICQ XX GON05
 17        2007 12 08.78  S  3.3 TK  3.0O     4  50    2/           ICQ XX GON05
 17        2007 12 11.81  S  3.0 TK  0.0E     1  60    3            ICQ XX GON05
 17        2007 12 26.78  S  3.2 TK  3.0R     4  70    2/           ICQ XX GON05
 17        2007 12 30.81  S  3.1 TK  3.0R     4  75    2            ICQ XX GON05
 17        2008 01 01.04  S  3.2 TK  3.0R     4  75    2            ICQ XX GON05
 17        2008 01 03.80  S  3.4 TK  3.0R     4  80    2            ICQ XX GON05
 17        2008 01 06.81  S  3.3 TK  3.0R     4  80    2            ICQ XX GON05
 17        2008 01 09.92  S  3.4 TK  3.0R     4  90    2            ICQ XX GON05
 17        2008 01 10.80  S  3.4 TK  3.0R     4  70    1/           ICQ XX GON05
 17        2008 01 09.92  S  3.4 TK  3.0R     4  90    2            ICQ XX GON05
 17        2008 01 10.80  S  3.4 TK  3.0R     4  70    1/           ICQ XX GON05
 17        2008 01 13.00  S  3.4 TK  3.0R     4  70    2            ICQ XX GON05
 17        2008 01 26.83  S  3.7 TK  3.0R     4  65    1            ICQ XX GON05
 17        2008 01 27.87  S  3.7 TK  3.0R     4  65    1            ICQ XX GON05
 17        2008 01 29.83  S  3.8 TK  3.0R     4  65    1            ICQ XX GON05
 17        2008 02 02.81  S  3.9 TK  3.0R     4  70    1            ICQ XX GON05
 17        2008 02 04.94  S  3.9 TK  3.0R     4  70    1            ICQ XX GON05
 17        2008 02 06.94  S  3.8 TK  3.0R     4  70    1/           ICQ XX GON05
 17        2008 02 09.89  S  3.9 TK  3.0R     4  70    1/           ICQ XX GON05
 17        2008 02 13.02  S  4.1 TK  3.0R     4  70    1/           ICQ XX GON05
 17        2008 02 22.82  S  4.2 TK  3.0R     4  70    1/           ICQ XX GON05
 17        2008 02 22.83  S  4.3 TK  0.0E     1  70    1            ICQ XX GON05
 17        2008 03 01.88  S  4.4 TK  3.0R     4  70    1/           ICQ XX GON05
 17        2008 03 05.89  S  4.6 TK  3.0R     4  70    1/           ICQ XX GON05
 17        2008 03 06.98  S  4.8 TK  3.0R     4  55    1            ICQ XX GON05
 17        2008 03 10.93  S  4.7 TK  3.0R     4  70    1            ICQ XX GON05
 17        2008 03 10.94  S  4.5:TK  0.0E     1 &60    1            ICQ XX GON05
 17        2008 03 28.93  S  5.2 TK  3.0R     4  60    0            ICQ XX GON05
 17        2008 03 30.87  S  5.2 TK  3.0R     4  60    0            ICQ XX GON05
 17        2008 04 03.90  S  5.4 TK  3.0R     4  60    0            ICQ XX GON05
 17        2008 04 23.92  S[ 6.2 TK  5.0R     6 !60                 ICQ XX GON05


- 2008 Aug. 2.15 UT: m1=9.6, Dia.=2.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Zodiacal light. Beginning of astronomical twilight. Altitude: 9 deg ].

- 2008 Aug. 9.15 UT: m1=9.1, Dia.=6', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Zodiacal light. Beginning of astronomical twilight; altitude: 9 deg. Star of mag. 11.0 (Tycho-2) inside the coma ].

- 2008 Aug. 28.17 UT: m1=9.3, Dia.=8', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Sep. 7.18 UT: m1=9.7, Dia.=4', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Elongated coma. Comet close to star of mag. 8.8 (Tycho-2). Zodiacal light. ].

- 2008 Sep. 29.20 UT: m1=10.8, Dia.=2', DC=3/, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Zodiacal light ].

- 2008 Oct. 9.19 UT: m1=10.9, Dia.=2.2', DC=3/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amio, alt. 1190 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Zodiacal light ].

- 2008 Oct. 26.18 UT: m1=11.1, Dia.=2.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Nov. 6.20 UT: m1=10.9, Dia.=2.5', DC=2/, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Mar. 22.16 UT: m1=12.8, Dia.=1.5', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
 19        2008 08 02.15  S  9.6 TK 20.3T10  77   2.5  3            ICQ XX GON05
 19        2008 08 09.15  S  9.1 TK 20.3T10  77   6    3            ICQ XX GON05
 19        2008 08 28.17  S  9.3 TK 20.3T10  77   8    3            ICQ XX GON05
 19        2008 09 07.18  S  9.7 TK 20.3T10  77   4    5            ICQ XX GON05
 19        2008 09 29.20  S 10.8 TK 20.3T10 100   2    3/           ICQ XX GON05
 19        2008 10 09.19  S 10.9 TK 20.3T10  77   2.2  3/           ICQ XX GON05
 19        2008 10 26.18  S 11.1 TK 20.3T10 100   2.5  3            ICQ XX GON05
 19        2008 11 06.20  S 10.9 TK 20.3T10 100   2.5  2/           ICQ XX GON05
 19        2009 03 22.16  S 12.8 TK 20.3T10 133   1.5  2            ICQ XX GON05


- 2005 May 2.15 UT: m1=12.3, Dia.=0.8', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1280 m, Asturias, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Some moonlight interference. Motion checked during a 1-hour period ].

- 2005 May 7.14 UT: m1=11.8, Dia.=2.3', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1230 m, Asturias, North Spain ).

- 2005 May 18.12 UT: m1=11.2, Dia.=2.5', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ) [ After moonset ].

- 2005 June 2.09 UT: m1=10.5, Dia.=2.5', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ).

- 2005 June 6.11 UT: m1=10.2, Dia.=3.0', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2005 June 16.10 UT: m1=9.6, Dia.=3.5', DC=4, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=9.9. After moonset ].

- 2005 July 2.12 UT: m1=9.7, Dia.=3', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, clear sky. Altitude: 12 deg.. Strong interference from the nearby Moon. Coma enhanced through Swan band filter ].

- 2005 July 3.11 UT: m1=9.4, Dia.=4', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, clear sky. Altitude: 11 deg. ].

- 2005 July 6.11 UT: m1=9.4, Dia.=4', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Short tail: 0.1 deg. in PA 280 deg ].

- 2005 July 16.12 UT: m1=9.8, Dia.=4', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2005 July 19.13 UT: m1=9.8, Dia.=4', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2005 Aug. 02.14 UT: m1=10.4, Dia.=3', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
 21        2005 05 02.15  B 12.3 TK 20.3T10 100   0.8  6            ICQ XX GON05
 21        2005 05 07.14  S 11.8 TK 20.3T10 100   2.3  5            ICQ XX GON05
 21        2005 05 18.12  S 11.2 TK 20.3T10 100   2.5  5            ICQ XX GON05
 21        2005 06 02.09  S 10.5 TK 20.3T10  77   2.5  4            ICQ XX GON05
 21        2005 06 06.11  S 10.2 TK 20.3T10  77   3.0  4            ICQ XX GON05
 21        2005 06 16.09  S  9.9 TK 20.3T10  77   3.0  5            ICQ XX GON05
 21        2005 06 16.10  S  9.6 TK 10.0B    25   3.5  4            ICQ XX GON05
 21        2005 07 02.12  S  9.7 TK 20.3T10  77   3    4            ICQ XX GON05
 21        2005 07 03.11  S  9.4 TK 20.3T10  77   4    4            ICQ XX GON05
 21        2005 07 06.11  S  9.4 TK 20.3T10  77   4    4   0.1  280 ICQ XX GON05
 21        2005 07 16.12  S  9.8 TK 20.3T10  77   4    4            ICQ XX GON05
 21        2005 07 19.13  S  9.8 TK 20.3T10  77   4    4            ICQ XX GON05
 21        2005 08 02.14  S 10.4 TK 20.3T10 100   3    4            ICQ XX GON05


- 2009 Mar. 3.22 UT: m1=12.3, Dia.=1.3', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Mar. 22.18 UT: m1=10.8, Dia.=3.5', DC=2/, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Apr. 6.17 UT: m1=9.7, Dia.=7', DC=2/, 15 cm L (50x) ( Sasamón, alt. 820 m, Burgos, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Apr. 21.15 UT: m1=9.1, Dia.=6', DC=2/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 May 2.14 UT: m1=9.0, Dia.=6', DC=2/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Elongated coma. Star of mag. 9.6 (Tycho-2) inside the coma ].

- 2009 May 19.08 UT: m1=8.8, Dia.=7', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Elongated coma. Altitude: 12 deg ].

- 2009 May 27.09 UT: m1=9.0, Dia.=7', DC=2/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Elongated coma ].

- 2009 June 1.10 UT: m1=9.3, Dia.=6', DC=2/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Elongated coma ].

- 2009 June 21.09 UT: m1=9.4, Dia.=8', DC=2/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Elongated coma ].

- 2009 July 3.10 UT: m1=9.8, Dia.=6', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Coma elongated in PA 250 deg ].

- 2009 July 18.01 UT: m1=10.3, Dia.=4', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Mag. 11.4 (Tycho-2) star in coma ].

- 2009 July 19.06 UT: m1=10.3, Dia.=4.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 July 24.08 UT: m1=10.4, Dia.=4', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 July 25.08 UT: m1=10.4, Dia.=4', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Aug. 11.91 UT: m1=10.2, Dia.=4', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Aug. 19.01 UT: m1=10.3, Dia.=4', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Aug. 21.97 UT: m1=10.4, Dia.=3', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Aug. 29.02 UT: m1=10.4, Dia.=3', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Aug. 31.10 UT: m1=10.4, Dia.=4', DC=3/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Sep. 11.91 UT: m1=10.7, Dia.=3', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Aralla, alt. 1360 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Sep. 22.93 UT: m1=11.1, Dia.=3', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Sep. 29.07 UT: m1=11.0, Dia.=3', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Oct. 11.82 UT: m1=11.2, Dia.=3', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Nov. 8.83 UT: m1=11.7, Dia.=3', DC=1, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Trascastro de Luna, alt. 1010 m, León, N. Spain ).

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
 22        2009 03 03.22  S 12.3 TK 20.3T10 100   1.3  4            ICQ XX GON05 
 22        2009 03 22.18  S 10.8 TK 20.3T10 100   3.5  2/           ICQ XX GON05 
 22        2009 04 06.17  S  9.7 TK 15.2S5   50   7    2/           ICQ XX GON05
 22        2009 04 21.15  S  9.1 TK 20.3T10  77   6    2/           ICQ XX GON05
 22        2009 05 02.14  S  9.0 TK 20.3T10  77   6    2/           ICQ XX GON05 
 22        2009 05 19.08  S  8.8 TK 20.3T10  77   7    2            ICQ XX GON05
 22        2009 05 27.09  S  9.0 TK 20.3T10  77   7    2/           ICQ XX GON05
 22        2009 06 01.10  S  9.3 TK 20.3T10  77   6    2/           ICQ XX GON05
 22        2009 06 21.09  S  9.4 TK 20.3T10  77   8    2/           ICQ XX GON05 
 22        2009 07 03.10  S  9.8 TK 20.3T10  77   6    3            ICQ XX GON05 
 22        2009 07 18.01  S 10.3 TK 20.3T10  77   4    3            ICQ XX GON05
 22        2009 07 19.06  S 10.3 TK 20.3T10  77   4.5  3            ICQ XX GON05
 22        2009 07 24.08  S 10.4 TK 20.3T10  77   4    3            ICQ XX GON05
 22        2009 07 25.08  S 10.4 TK 20.3T10  77   4    3            ICQ XX GON05
 22        2009 08 11.91  S 10.2 TK 20.3T10  77   4    3            ICQ XX GON05
 22        2009 08 19.01  S 10.3 TK 20.3T10  77   4    3            ICQ XX GON05  
 22        2009 08 21.97  S 10.4 TK 20.3T10  77   3    3            ICQ XX GON05
 22        2009 08 29.02  S 10.4 TK 20.3T10  77   3    3            ICQ XX GON05
 22        2009 08 31.10  S 10.4 TK 20.3T10  77   4    3/           ICQ XX GON05
 22        2009 09 11.91  S 10.7 TK 20.3T10 100   3    3            ICQ XX GON05 
 22        2009 09 22.93  S 11.1 TK 20.3T10  77   3    3            ICQ XX GON05 
 22        2009 09 29.07  S 11.0 TK 20.3T10 100   3    3            ICQ XX GON05
 22        2009 10 11.82  S 11.2 TK 20.3T10  77   3    2            ICQ XX GON05
 22        2009 11 08.83  S 11.7 TK 20.3T10 100   3    1            ICQ XX GON05


- 2008 Apr. 6.18 UT: m1=11.3, Dia.=2.8', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1210 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Motion checked during a 50-min period. Faint, diffuse outer coma, slightly enhanced through Swan Band filter. Limiting star magnitude near comet : 14.5 (Henden). Mountain location, very clear sky. Altitude: 28 deg ].

- 2008 Apr. 12.17 UT: m1=11.4, Dia.=2.5', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( San Mamés de Campos, alt. 840 m, Palencia, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Motion checked during a 60-min period. Faint outer coma is difficult to observe with higher magnifications. Limiting star magnitude near comet : 14.5 (Henden). Rural location, very clear sky. Altitude: 32 deg ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
 26        2008 04 06.18  S 11.3 TK 20.3T10 100   2.8  2            ICQ XX GON05
 26        2008 04 12.17  S 11.4 TK 20.3T10 100   2.5  2            ICQ XX GON05


- 2002 Aug. 7.05 UT: m1=12.3, Dia.=1.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (133x) . (Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2002 Aug. 12.08 UT: m1=12.2, Dia.=1', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (133x). (Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2002 Aug. 29.92 UT: m1=12.7, Dia.=1', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (77x) . (Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2003 July 23.02 UT: m1=13.1, Dia.=1', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (133x) . ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2003 July 29.04 UT: m1=13.3 Dia.=1', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (133x) . ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2003 Aug. 27.12 UT: m1=12.7 Dia.=1', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (206x) . ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 June 27.08 UT: m1=11.8, Dia.=1'.2, DC=6, 20 cm SCT (77x). ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain) [ Clearly in outburst ].

- 2004 June 30.10 UT: m1=11.5, Dia.=1'.5, DC=6, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain) [ Outburst continues ].

- 2004 July 13.10 UT: m1=12.2, Dia.=1'.2, DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain) [ Comet seems to fade after the outburst ].

- 2004 July 15.08 UT: m1=12.3, Dia.=1', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x). ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 July 26.11 UT: m1=12.3, Dia.=1', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 Aug. 13.09 UT: m1=12.8, Dia.=1', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 Aug. 21.11 UT: m1=12.8, Dia.=1.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 Aug. 26.11 UT: m1=12.8, Dia.=2', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 Sep. 17.11 UT: m1=12.2, Dia.=0.5', DC=7, 20 cm SCT (160x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain) [ Strongly condensed. Outburst ].

- 2004 Nov. 13.01 UT: m1=11.8, Dia.=1.5', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x). ( Camposagrado, alt.1135 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 Nov. 15.98 UT: m1=11.9, Dia.=1.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Camposagrado, alt.1135 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 Nov. 18.01 UT: m1=11.9, Dia.=2', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Aralla, alt.1440 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 Dec. 5.87 UT: m1=12.2, Dia.=1.5', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Camposagrado, alt.1135 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 Dec. 12.84 UT: m1=12.3, Dia.=1.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x). ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1240 m, Asturias, North Spain ).

- 2005 Jan. 6.88 UT: m1=12.1, Dia.=1.5', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Aralla, alt. 1360 m., León, North Spain) [ Possible beginning of a new outburst ].

- 2005 Jan. 7.82 UT: m1=11.9, Dia.=1.5', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Aralla, alt. 1360 m., León, North Spain) [ New outburst ].

- 2005 Jan. 30.83 UT: m1=12.5, Dia.=1', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (133x). [ Zodiacal light ].

- 2005 Sep. 14.05 UT: m1=13.5, Dia.=0.3', DC=7, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Strongly condensed. In evolution after the recent outburst ].

- 2005 Nov. 4.94 UT: m1=13.3, Dia.=0.7', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (160x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ) [ Possible new outburst ].

- 2006 Jan. 30.84 UT: m1=13.2, Dia.=0.5', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Robledo de Babia, alt. 1200 m., León, North Spain ) [ In evolution after the recent outburst ].

- 2006 Feb. 22.85 UT: m1=12.5, Dia.=0.8', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Dosango - Santo Adriano, alt. 590 m., Asturias, North Spain ) [ In evolution after the recent new outburst ].

- 2006 July 23.12 UT: m1=12.2, Dia.=1.2', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Cueto Rosales - Riello, alt. 1550 m, León, North Spain ) [ In evolution after the recent outburst ].

- 2006 Aug. 4.11 UT: m1=12.4, Dia.=1.5', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2006 Aug. 21.11 UT: m1=12.5, Dia.=1.5', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Cueto Rosales - Riello, alt. 1550 m, León, North Spain ).

- 2006 Oct. 14.97 UT: m1=11.8, Dia.=1.3', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Cueto Rosales - Riello, 1550 m, León, N. Spain ) [ In evolution after the recent outburst ].

- 2007 Feb. 4.84 UT: m1=12.5, Dia.=0.8', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Argañosa - Illas, alt.400 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ In evolution after the recent outburst ].

- 2007 Mar. 11.86 UT: m1=12.7, Dia.=1.2', DC=2/, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1480 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2007 Mar. 16.89 UT: m1=12.3, Dia.=1.2', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (160x) ( Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1480 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ New outburst ].

- 2008 Jan. 3.87 UT: m1=12.2, Dia.=0.7', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (160x) ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 980 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ In evolution after the recent outburst. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near CD Gem ].

- 2008 Jan. 13.85 UT: m1=11.2, Dia.=1.0', DC=8, 25x100B ( Los Veneros - Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1340 m, Asturias ) [ In 20 cm SCT (100x): m1=11.4, Dia.=0.8', DC=7. New outburst. Strongly condensed. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2008 Jan. 27.89 UT: m1=11.6, Dia.=1.7', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Interesting coma, in evolution after the last three consecutive outbursts ].

- 2008 Feb. 7.08 UT: m1=11.5:, Dia.=2.0', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Aralla, alt. 1360 m., León, N. Spain ) [ Several stars in coma, the brightest being mag 12.4 ( GSC ) ].

- 2008 Feb. 9.93 UT: m1=11.3, Dia.=2.0', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m., León, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Mar. 1.92 UT: m1=12.5, Dia.=2.0', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Mar. 5.91 UT: m1=12.7, Dia.=1.5', DC=1, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amio, alt. 1190 m., Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Sep. 25.10 UT: m1=10.9, Dia.=0.8', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ In evolution after the recent outburst. Some moonlight interference, moon's altitude: 8 deg ].

- 2008 Sep. 29.14 UT: m1=10.7, Dia.=1.1', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Oct. 9.10 UT: m1=10.5, Dia.=2.5', DC=4/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amio, alt. 1190 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Oct. 26.11 UT: m1=10.4, Dia.=4', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Several stars inside the coma, the brightest being 11.8 (Tycho-2) ].

- 2008 Nov. 6.03 UT: m1=10.3, Dia.=4', DC=1/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Nov. 19.98 UT: m1=11.5:, Dia.=3', DC=1, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amio, alt. 1190 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Dec. 21.23 UT: m1=12.9, Dia.=--, DC=8, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Santibáñez - Cuadros, alt. 1010 m, León, N. Spain ) [ New outburst. Strongly condensed. Some moonlight interference. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near CD Gem ].

- 2008 Dec. 24.23 UT: m1=12.1, Dia.=0.7', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Sierra del Aramo - Armada - Lena, alt. 1010 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ In evolution after the recent outburst ].

- 2009 Jan. 4.24 UT: m1=11.1, Dia.=1.5', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Jan. 16.88 UT: m1=11.2, Dia.=2.0', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto de la Colladiella, Mieres, alt. 860 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Feb. 13.85 UT: m1=10.8, Dia.=2.5', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, León, N. Spain ) [ In evolution after the recent new outburst. Starlike central condensation: m2=13.5 (GSC) ].

- 2009 Feb. 21.00 UT: m1=11.0, Dia.=2.5', DC=3/, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Golpejar de la Tercia, alt. 1150 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Feb. 22.94 UT: m1=10.8, Dia.=3.0', DC=3/, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Feb. 25.91 UT: m1=11.0, Dia.=3.0', DC=3/, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Several stars in coma, the brightest being mag 11.0 (TK) ].

- 2009 Mar. 13.85 UT: m1=11.2, Dia.=2.5', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Mar. 15.91 UT: m1=11.3, Dia.=2.5', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Aralla, alt. 1380 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Mar. 21.03 UT: m1=11.3, Dia.=3', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Mar. 21.93 UT: m1=11.1, Dia.=3', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Mar. 26.95 UT: m1=11.5, Dia.=2', DC=1, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Apr. 20.96 UT: m1=11.8, Dia.=2', DC=1, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ The observed 2' coma is a remnant of the old outburst ].

- 2009 Sep. 23.19 UT: m1=11.7, Dia.=0.7', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (206x) ( Alto del Castro, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ In evolution after a recent outburst. Zodiacal light. Altitude: 20 deg ].

- 2009 Sep. 29.20 UT: m1=11.5, Dia.=1.5', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Oct. 26.21 UT: m1=11.3, Dia.=3', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ The observed 3' coma is a remnant of the previous outburst. Zodiacal light ].

- 2009 Nov. 18.11 UT: m1=11.8, Dia.=0.6', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ In evolution after the recent new outburst ].

- 2009 Nov. 24.14 UT: m1=11.9, Dia.=1.5', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Dec. 12.15 UT: m1=12.0, Dia.=2', DC=1/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2010 Feb. 10.04 UT: m1=11.1, Dia.=1.2', DC=7, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Caldas de Luna, alt. 1120 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ More symmetrical evolution of the visible coma than in previous typical outbursts of 29P ].

- 2010 Mar. 1.81 UT: m1=10.8, Dia.=1.5', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Sierra de Fario, Sariego, alt. 660 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ Astronomical twilight ].

- 2010 Mar. 8.89 UT: m1=11.2, Dia.=2.5', DC=2/, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Castañedo del Monte, Santo Adriano, alt. 640 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2010 Mar. 15.12 UT: m1=11.7, Dia.=1.5', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m., León, N. Spain ).

- 2010 Apr. 4.89 UT: m1=11.8, Dia.=2.5', DC=1, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ).

- 2010 Apr. 17.00 UT: m1=11.7, Dia.=2.0', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( La Cruz - Lieres, alt. 520 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ New outburst. Starlike central condensation: m2=12.8 (comparison stars from Henden field HS618). The observed 2' coma is a remnant of the previous outburst].

- 2010 May 5.93 UT: m1=11.2, Dia.=2.5', DC=2/, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Several stars inside the coma, the brightest being mag. 13.5 (GSC)].

- 2010 May 16.98 UT: m1=11.2, Dia.=2.5', DC=2/, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Cueto Rosales - Riello, alt. 1420 m., León, N. Spain ).

- 2010 June 3.93 UT: m1=11.8, Dia.=1.8', DC=2/, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, N. Spain ).

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
 29        2002 08 07.05  S 12.3 TJ 20.3T10 133   1.5  3            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2002 08 12.08  S 12.2 TJ 20.3T10 133   1    3            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2002 08 29.92  S 12.7 TJ 20.3T10  77   1    2            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2003 07 23.02  S 13.1 HS 20.3T10 133   1    2            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2003 07 29.04  S 13.3 HS 20.3T10 133   1    2            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2003 08 27.12  S 12.7 HS 20.3T10 206   1    5            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2004 06 27.08  S 11.8 TK 20.3T10  77   1.2  6            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2004 06 30.10  S 11.5 TK 20.3T10  77   1.5  6            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2004 07 13.10  S 12.2 TK 20.3T10 100   1.2  4            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2004 07 15.08  S 12.3 TK 20.3T10 100   1    4            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2004 07 26.11  S 12.3 TK 20.3T10 100   1    3            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2004 08 13.09  S 12.8 TK 20.3T10 100   1    3            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2004 08 21.11  S 12.8 TK 20.3T10 100   1.5  3            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2004 08 26.11  S 12.8 TK 20.3T10  77   2    2            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2004 09 17.11  B 12.2 TK 20.3T10 160   0.5  7            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2004 11 13.01  S 11.8 TK 20.3T10 100   1.5  4            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2004 11 15.98  S 11.9 TK 20.3T10 100   1.5  3            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2004 11 18.01  S 11.9 TK 20.3T10 100   2    3            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2004 12 05.87  S 12.2 TK 20.3T10 100   1.5  2            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2004 12 12.84  S 12.3 TK 20.3T10 100   1.5  3            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2005 01 06.88  S 12.1 TK 20.3T10 100   1.5  4            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2005 01 07.82  S 11.9 TK 20.3T10 100   1.5  4            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2005 01 30.83  S 12.5 TK 20.3T10 133   1    2            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2005 09 14.05  B 13.5 AU 20.3T10 133   0.3  7            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2005 11 04.94  S 13.3 AU 20.3T10 160   0.7  3            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2006 01 30.84  S 13.2 AU 20.3T10 133   0.5  4            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2006 02 22.85  S 12.5 AU 20.3T10 133   0.8  6            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2006 07 23.12  S 12.2 TA 20.3T10 100   1.2  5            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2006 08 04.11  S 12.4 TA 20.3T10 100   1.5  2            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2006 08 21.11  S 12.5 TA 20.3T10 100   1.5  2            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2006 10 14.97  S 11.8 TK 20.3T10  77   1.3  4            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2007 02 04.84  S 12.5 TK 20.3T10 133   0.8  5            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2007 03 11.86  S 12.7 AU 20.3T10 133   1.2  2/           ICQ XX GON05
 29        2007 03 16.89  S 12.3 AU 20.3T10 160   1.2  4            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2008 01 03.87  M 12.2 HN 20.3T10 160   0.7  6            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2008 01 13.83  M 11.4 TK 20.3T10 100   0.8  7            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2008 01 13.85  B 11.2 TK 10.0B    25   1.0  8            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2008 01 27.89  S 11.6 TK 20.3T10 133   1.7  4            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2008 02 07.08  S 11.5:TK 20.3T10 133   2.0  3            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2008 02 09.93  S 11.3 TK 20.3T10 133   2.0  3            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2008 03 01.92  S 12.5 TK 20.3T10 133   2.0  2            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2008 03 05.91  S 12.7 TK 20.3T10 133   1.5  1            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2008 09 25.10  M 10.9 TK 20.3T10 133   0.8  6            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2008 09 29.14  S 10.7 TK 20.3T10 100   1.1  5            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2008 10 09.10  S 10.5 TK 20.3T10  77   2.5  4/           ICQ XX GON05
 29        2008 10 26.11  S 10.4 TK 20.3T10 100   4    2            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2008 11 06.03  S 10.3 TK 20.3T10  77   4    1/           ICQ XX GON05
 29        2008 11 19.98  S 11.5:TK 20.3T10  77   3    1            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2008 12 21.23  I 12.9 HN 20.3T10 133        8            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2008 12 24.23  S 12.1 TK 20.3T10 133   0.7  6            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2009 01 04.24  S 11.1 TK 20.3T10 100   1.5  6            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2009 01 16.88  S 11.2 TK 20.3T10 133   2.0  5            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2009 02 13.85  S 10.8 TK 20.3T10 100   2.5  4            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2009 02 21.00  S 11.0 TK 20.3T10 100   2.5  3/           ICQ XX GON05
 29        2009 02 22.94  S 10.8 TK 20.3T10 100   3.0  3/           ICQ XX GON05
 29        2009 02 25.91  S 11.0 TK 20.3T10 100   3.0  3/           ICQ XX GON05
 29        2009 03 13.85  S 11.2 TK 20.3T10 100   2.5  2            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2009 03 15.91  S 11.3 TK 20.3T10  77   2.5  2            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2009 03 21.03  S 11.3 TK 20.3T10 100   3    2            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2009 03 21.93  S 11.1 TK 20.3T10 100   3    2            ICQ XX GON05 
 29        2009 03 26.95  S 11.5 TK 20.3T10 100   2    1            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2009 04 20.96  S 11.8 TK 20.3T10 100   2    1            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2009 09 23.19  S 11.7 TK 20.3T10 206   0.7  5            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2009 09 29.20  S 11.5 TK 20.3T10 100   1.5  5            ICQ XX GON05 
 29        2009 10 26.21  S 11.3 TK 20.3T10  77   3    2            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2009 11 18.11  S 11.8 TK 20.3T10 133   0.6  6            ICQ XX GON05 
 29        2009 11 24.14  S 11.9 TK 20.3T10 100   1.5  5            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2009 12 12.15  S 12.0 TK 20.3T10  77   2    1/           ICQ XX GON05
 29        2010 02 10.04  M 11.1 TK 20.3T10 133   1.2  7            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2010 03 01.81  S 10.8 TK 20.3T10  77   1.5  5            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2010 03 08.89  S 11.2 TK 20.3T10 100   2.5  2/           ICQ XX GON05
 29        2010 03 15.12  S 11.7 TK 20.3T10 133   1.5  2            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2010 04 04.89  S 11.8 TK 20.3T10 100   2.5  1            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2010 04 17.00  S 11.7 TK 20.3T10 100   2.0  2            ICQ XX GON05
 29        2010 05 05.93  S 11.2 TK 20.3T10 100   2.5  2/           ICQ XX GON05
 29        2010 05 16.98  S 11.2 TK 20.3T10 100   2.5  2/           ICQ XX GON05
 29        2010 06 03.93  S 11.8 TK 20.3T10 133   1.8  2/           ICQ XX GON05


- 2009 Nov. 24.08 UT: m1=15.2, Dia.=0.2', DC=7, 20 cm SCT (200x) ( Alto del Castro, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near V650 Ori. Motion checked over a 45-min period. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
 30        2009 11 24.08  I 15.2 HN 20.3T10 200   0.2  7            ICQ XX GON05

32P/Comas Solá

- 2004 Nov. 16.02 UT: m1=12.3, Dia.=1.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x). ( Camposagrado, alt.1135 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 Dec. 5.93 UT: m1=12.6, Dia.=1.0', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Camposagrado, alt.1135 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2005 Jan. 7.88 UT: m1=12.8, Dia.=1.0', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Aralla, alt. 1360 m., León, North Spain).

- 2005 Jan. 31.94 UT: m1=12.5, Dia.=1.0', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Soto y Amío, alt. 1200 m, León ).

- 2005 Mar. 7.94 UT: m1=13.2, Dia.=0.8', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Camposagrado, alt. 1140 m., León, North Spain).

- 2005 Apr. 9.94 UT: m1=12.9, Dia.=0.8', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain).


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
 32        2004 11 16.02  S 12.3 TK 20.3T10 100   1.5  3            ICQ XX GON05
 32        2004 12 05.93  S 12.6 TK 20.3T10 100   1.0  4            ICQ XX GON05
 32        2005 01 07.88  S 12.8 TK 20.3T10 100   1.0  3            ICQ XX GON05
 32        2005 01 31.94  S 12.5 TK 20.3T10 100   1.0  3            ICQ XX GON05
 32        2005 03 07.94  S 13.2 HS 20.3T10 100   0.8  3            ICQ XX GON05
 32        2005 04 09.94  S 12.9 TK 20.3T10 100   0.8  4            ICQ XX GON05


- 2009 Feb. 20.91 UT: m1=14.4, Dia.=0.4', DC=7, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Golpejar de la Tercia, alt. 1150 m, León, N. Spain ) [ In outburst. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry of J1131 field. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2009 Feb. 22.87 UT: m1=13.5, Dia.=1.2', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Coma in evolution after the recent outburst. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry of J1131 field. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2009 Feb. 25.85 UT: m1=13.7, Dia.=0.7', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (160x) ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry of J1131 field. Mountain location, very clear sky ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
 33        2009 02 20.91  S 14.4 HN 20.3T10 133   0.4  7            ICQ XX GON05
 33        2009 02 22.87  S 13.5 HN 20.3T10 133   1.2  5            ICQ XX GON05
 33        2009 02 25.85  S 13.7 HN 20.3T10 160   0.7  6            ICQ XX GON05 


- 2005 June 8.97 UT: m1=12.2, Dia.=0.7', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Low altitude ].

- 2005 Aug. 02.94 UT: m1=12.2, Dia.=0.8', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (160x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Altitude: 8 deg. ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
 37        2005 06 08.97  S 12.2 TK 20.3T10 133   0.7  3            ICQ XX GON05
 37        2005 08 02.94  S 12.2 TK 20.3T10 160   0.8  3            ICQ XX GON05


- 2006 Apr. 28.94 UT: m1=12.2, Dia.=0.8', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, clear sky. Motion checked during a 30-min period ].

- 2006 May 18.93 UT: m1=11.4, Dia.=2.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2006 May. 25.94 UT: m1=10.2, Dia.=4', DC=3, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=10.6 ].

- 2006 May. 30.94 UT: m1=9.8, Dia.=5', DC=3, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=10.1 ].

- 2006 June 21.97 UT: m1=9.7, Dia.=5', DC=3, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=10.1 ].

- 2006 June 28.94 UT: m1=10.3, Dia.=3', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ).

- 2006 July 16.92 UT: m1=10.5, Dia.=2.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Villanueva de Carrizo, alt. 880 m., León, North Spain ).

- 2006 Aug. 27.89 UT: m1=12.7, Dia.=2', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Cueto Rosales - Riello, alt. 1550 m, León, North Spain ).

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
 41        2006 04 28.94  S 12.2 TK 20.3T10 100   0.8  3            ICQ XX GON05
 41        2006 05 18.93  S 11.4 TK 20.3T10 100   2.5  3            ICQ XX GON05
 41        2006 05 25.92  S 10.6 TK 20.3T10  77   3.0  3            ICQ XX GON05
 41        2006 05 25.94  S 10.2 TK 10.0B    25   4    3            ICQ XX GON05
 41        2006 05 30.92  S 10.1 TK 20.3T10  77   4.0  3            ICQ XX GON05
 41        2006 05 30.94  S  9.8 TK 10.0B    25   5    3            ICQ XX GON05
 41        2006 06 21.95  S 10.1 TK 20.3T10  77   4    3            ICQ XX GON05
 41        2006 06 21.97  S  9.7 TK 10.0B    25   5    3            ICQ XX GON05
 41        2006 06 28.94  S 10.3 TK 20.3T10  77   3    3            ICQ XX GON05
 41        2006 07 16.92  S 10.5 TK 20.3T10  77   2.5  3            ICQ XX GON05
 41        2006 08 27.89  S 12.7 TK 20.3T10 100   2    3            ICQ XX GON05


- 2003 Dec. 16.91 UT: m1=12.5, Dia.=1', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x). (Villasecino, alt. 1229 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 Jan. 19.90 UT: m1=12.6, Dia.=1'.5, DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x). ( Sierra del Aramo, alt.1010 m, Asturias, North Spain).

- 2004 Feb. 10.87 UT: m1=12.1, Dia.=1'.5, DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x). ( Sierra del Aramo, alt.980 m, Asturias, North Spain).

- 2004 Mar. 15.86 UT: m1=11.8, Dia.=2', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x). ( Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1560 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 Apr. 14.87 UT: m1=12.0, Dia.=1'.5, DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x). ( Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1560 m, Leon, North Spain) [ Zodiacal Light ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
 43        2003 12 16.91  S 12.5 TK 20.3T10 100   1    3            ICQ XX GON05
 43        2004 01 19.90  S 12.6 TK 20.3T10 100   1.5  3            ICQ XX GON05
 43        2004 02 10.87  S 12.1 TK 20.3T10  77   1.5  3            ICQ XX GON05
 43        2004 03 15.86  S 11.8 TK 20.3T10  77   2    3            ICQ XX GON05
 43        2004 04 14.87  S 12.0 TK 20.3T10  77   1.5  3            ICQ XX GON05



- 2002 Sep. 26.19 UT: m1=8.7, Dia.=4', DC=3, 11x80B. (Puerto de Aralla, alt.1720 m, Leon, North Spain) [ 26.18 UT: m1=8.8, Dia.=5', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (36x). Possibly in outburst. Moonlight, observation made under good conditions, from a mountain location].

- 2002 Oct. 2.19 UT: m1=9.2, Dia.=4', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x). (Puerto de la Cubilla, alt. 1610 m, Asturias, North Spain ) [ Moonlight ].


- 2007 Nov. 7.92 UT: m1=12.7, Dia.=1.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Motion checked during a 90-min period ].

- 2007 Nov. 13.87 UT: m1=12.3, Dia.=1.8', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2007 Nov. 27.77 UT: m1=11.7, Dia.=4', DC=2/, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ).

- 2007 Dec. 4.86 UT: m1=10.5, Dia.=4', DC=2, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ In 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=10.7 ].

- 2007 Dec. 11.82 UT: m1=10.2, Dia.=4', DC=2, 25x100B ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 980 m, Asturias, North Spain ).

- 2007 Dec. 26.80 UT: m1=9.6, Dia.=6', DC=3, 25x100B ( Quintanilla - La Magdalena, alt. 1050 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Elongated coma ].

- 2007 Dec. 30.83 UT: m1=9.3, Dia.=6', DC=3, 25x100B ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m, León, N. Spain).

- 2008 Jan. 3.82 UT: m1=8.9, Dia.=8', DC=2/, 25x100B ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 980 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Jan. 10.84 UT: m1=8.8, Dia.=7', DC=3, 25x100B ( Grandota, Oviedo, alt. 480 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Jan. 26.81 UT: m1=8.6, Dia.=7', DC=4, 25x100B ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 980 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ Zodiacal light ].

- 2008 Jan. 27.80 UT: m1=8.7, Dia.=6', DC=4, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Zodiacal light ].

- 2008 Jan. 29.81 UT: m1=8.4, Dia.=8', DC=3 ... 10x50B ... ( Los Veneros - Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1320 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ In 25x100B: m1=8.6. Mountain location, very clear sky. Zodiacal light ].

- 2008 Feb. 2.80 UT: m1=8.6, Dia.=7', DC=5, 25x100B ( Para - Peñamellera Baja, alt. 160 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ Very clear sky. Zodiacal light ].

- 2008 Feb. 4.92 UT: m1=8.5, Dia.=7', DC=5, 25x100B ( Linares - Proaza, alt. 840 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Feb. 6.92 UT: m1=8.3, Dia.=7', DC=5, 10x50B ( Aralla, alt. 1360 m., León, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Feb. 9.88 UT: m1=8.5, Dia.=7', DC=5, 25x100B ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m., León, N. Spain ) [ Zodiacal light ].

- 2008 Feb. 22.80 UT: m1=8.7, Dia.=6', DC=5, 25x100B ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m., León, N. Spain ) [ Zodiacal light. Estimate made before moonrise ].

- 2008 Mar. 1.86 UT: m1=8.9, Dia.=6', DC=4, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Mar. 5.87 UT: m1=9.0, Dia.=5', DC=4, 25x100B ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amio, alt. 1190 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Zodiacal light ].

- 2008 Mar. 28.99 UT: m1=10.4, Dia.=4', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Sierra de Penouta - Boal, alt. 870 m., Asturias, N. Spain ).


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
 46        2002 09 26.18  S  8.8 TJ 20.3T10  36   5    5            ICQ XX GON05
 46        2002 09 26.19  S  8.7 TJ  8.0B    11   4    3            ICQ XX GON05
 46        2002 10 02.19  S  9.2 TJ 20.3T10  77   4    3            ICQ XX GON05
 46        2007 11 07.92  S 12.7 TK 20.3T10 100   1.5  3            ICQ XX GON05
 46        2007 11 13.87  S 12.3 TK 20.3T10 133   1.8  2            ICQ XX GON05
 46        2007 11 27.77  S 11.7 TK 20.3T10 100   4    2/           ICQ XX GON05
 46        2007 12 04.85  S 10.7 TK 20.3T10  77   4    2/           ICQ XX GON05
 46        2007 12 04.86  S 10.5 TK 10.0B    25   4    2            ICQ XX GON05
 46        2007 12 11.82  S 10.2 TK 10.0B    25   4    2            ICQ XX GON05
 46        2007 12 26.80  S  9.6 TK 10.0B    25   6    3            ICQ XX GON05
 46        2007 12 30.83  S  9.3 TK 10.0B    25   6    3            ICQ XX GON05
 46        2008 01 03.82  S  8.9 TK 10.0B    25   8    2/           ICQ XX GON05
 46        2008 01 10.84  S  8.8 TK 10.0B    25   7    3            ICQ XX GON05
 46        2008 01 26.81  S  8.6 TK 10.0B    25   7    4            ICQ XX GON05
 46        2008 01 27.80  S  8.7 TK 10.0B    25   6    4            ICQ XX GON05
 46        2008 01 29.81  S  8.4 TK  5.0B    10   8    3            ICQ XX GON05
 46        2008 01 29.82  S  8.6 TK 10.0B    25   7    4            ICQ XX GON05
 46        2008 02 02.80  S  8.6 TK 10.0B    25   7    5            ICQ XX GON05
 46        2008 02 04.92  S  8.5 TK 10.0B    25   7    5            ICQ XX GON05
 46        2008 02 06.92  S  8.3 TK  5.0B    10   7    5            ICQ XX GON05
 46        2008 02 09.88  S  8.5 TK 10.0B    25   7    5            ICQ XX GON05
 46        2008 02 22.80  S  8.7 TK 10.0B    25   6    5            ICQ XX GON05
 46        2008 03 01.86  S  8.9 TK 10.0B    25   6    4            ICQ XX GON05
 46        2008 03 05.87  S  9.0 TK 10.0B    25   5    4            ICQ XX GON05
 46        2008 03 28.99  S 10.4 TK 20.3T10  77   4    2            ICQ XX GON05


- 2008 Aug. 6.02 UT: m1=14.6, Dia.=0.2', DC=7, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near GRB030723. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
  47        2008 08 06.02  I 14.6 HN 20.3T10 133   0.2  7            ICQ XX GON05


- 2005 Mar. 11.87 UT: m1=12.8, Dia.=1.0', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Camposagrado, alt. 1135 m., León, North Spain).

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
 49        2005 03 11.87  S 12.8 TK 20.3T10 100   1.0  3            ICQ XX GON05


- 2008 Aug. 9.12 UT: m1=14.7, Dia.=0.2', DC=8, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near IK Tau. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2008 Sep. 7.15 UT: m1=14.0, Dia.=0.3', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (160x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near IK Tau. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
 51        2008 08 09.12  I 14.7 HN 20.3T10 133   0.2  8            ICQ XX GON05
 51        2008 09 07.15  S 14.0 HN 20.3T10 160   0.3  5            ICQ XX GON05


- 2008 Nov. 6.17 UT: m1=13.7, Dia.=0.7', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near IK Tau. Mountain location, very clear sky ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
 61        2008 11 06.17  S 13.7 HN 20.3T10 100   0.7  6            ICQ XX GON05


- 2004 Nov. 16.16 UT: m1=12.8, Dia.=1.7', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (77x). ( Camposagrado, alt.1135 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 Dec. 9.16 UT: m1=12.2, Dia.=2', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (77x)z ( Aralla, alt.1440 m, Leon, North Spain).


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
 62        2004 11 16.16  S 12.8 TK 20.3T10  77   1.7  2            ICQ XX GON05
 62        2004 12 09.16  S 12.2 TK 20.3T10  77   2    2            ICQ XX GON05


- 2009 July 25.15 UT: m1=12.8, Dia.=0.4', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (222x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near FS Aur. Motion checked over a 30-min period. Astronomical twilight. Altitude: 13 deg ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
 64        2009 07 25.15  S 12.8 HN 20.3T10 222   0.4  6            ICQ XX GON05 



- 2003 June 20.01 UT: m1=12.5, Dia.=0'.3, DC=5, 20 cm SCT (206x). ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2003 July 8.03 UT: m1=11.8, Dia.=0'.5, DC=5, 20 cm SCT (206x). ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2003 July 22.96 UT: m1=11.8, Dia.=0'.5, DC=4, 20 cm SCT (206x). ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain).

2009 - 2010:

- 2009 Mar. 3.19 UT: m1=13.4, Dia.=0.8', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near GP Com ].

- 2009 Mar. 22.12 UT: m1=13.2, Dia.=0.8', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near GP Com ].

- 2009 Mar. 26.99 UT: m1=13.2, Dia.=0.8', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near GP Com ].

- 2009 Apr. 20.98 UT: m1=13.1, Dia.=1.0', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near GP Com ].

- 2009 May 2.08 UT: m1=12.9, Dia.=1.2', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near GP Com ].

- 2009 June 1.05 UT: m1=12.7, Dia.=1.2', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 June 20.93 UT: m1=12.7, Dia.=1.2', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 July 14.91 UT: m1=12.7, Dia.=0.6', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (206x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ End of astronomical twilight. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near 3C279 ].

- 2009 July 24.91 UT: m1=12.5, Dia.=1.0', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ End of astronomical twilight ].

- 2010 May 22.12 UT: m1=12.3, Dia.=1.2', DC=3/, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., León, N. Spain ) [ Altitude: 14 deg ].

- 2010 June 18.07 UT: m1=11.9, Dia.=1.2', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Altitude: 13 deg. ].

- 2010 July 10.07 UT: m1=11.5, Dia.=1.5', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Altitude: 17 deg. ].

- 2010 July 18.13 UT: m1=11.5, Dia.=1.5', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Altitude: 15 deg. ].

- 2010 Aug. 6.98 UT: m1=11.7, Dia.=1.2', DC=3/, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Altitude: 14 deg. ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
 65        2003 06 20.01  S 12.5 HS 20.3T10 206   0.3  5            ICQ XX GON05
 65        2003 07 08.03  S 11.8 HS 20.3T10 206   0.5  5            ICQ XX GON05
 65        2003 07 22.96  S 11.8 TJ 20.3T10 206   0.5  4            ICQ XX GON05
2009 - 2010:
 65        2009 03 03.19  S 13.4 HN 20.3T10 133   0.8  5            ICQ XX GON05
 65        2009 03 22.12  S 13.2 HN 20.3T10 133   0.8  6            ICQ XX GON05
 65        2009 03 26.99  S 13.2 HN 20.3T10 133   0.8  6            ICQ XX GON05  
 65        2009 04 20.98  S 13.1 HN 20.3T10 133   1.0  6            ICQ XX GON05
 65        2009 05 02.08  S 12.9 HN 20.3T10 133   1.2  5            ICQ XX GON05
 65        2009 06 01.05  S 12.7 TK 20.3T10 133   1.2  6            ICQ XX GON05
 65        2009 06 20.93  S 12.7 TK 20.3T10 133   1.2  5            ICQ XX GON05
 65        2009 07 14.91  S 12.7 HN 20.3T10 206   0.6  5            ICQ XX GON05
 65        2009 07 24.91  S 12.5 TK 20.3T10 133   1.0  5            ICQ XX GON05
 65        2010 05 22.12  S 12.3 TK 20.3T10 133   1.2  3/           ICQ XX GON05
 65        2010 06 18.07  S 11.9 TK 20.3T10 133   1.2  4            ICQ XX GON05
 65        2010 07 10.07  S 11.5 TK 20.3T10 100   1.5  4            ICQ XX GON05
 65        2010 07 18.13  S 11.5 TK 20.3T10 133   1.5  4            ICQ XX GON05
 65        2010 08 06.98  S 11.7 TK 20.3T10 100   1.2  3/           ICQ XX GON05


- 2008 Aug. 6.04 UT: m1=[14.8, 20 cm SCT (222x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Comet not observed. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near GRB030723 ].

- 2008 Oct. 1.91 UT: m1=14.7, Dia.=0.2', DC=7, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near GRB030723. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2008 Dec. 20.80 UT: m1=12.5, Dia.=1.7', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Garaño - La Magdalena, alt. 980 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Jan. 16.81 UT: m1=11.5, Dia.=1.5', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto de la Colladiella, Mieres, alt. 860 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Feb. 13.82 UT: m1=10.8, Dia.=2.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Elongated coma. Zodiacal light ].

- 2009 Feb. 22.83 UT: m1=10.4, Dia.=3.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Elongated coma with faint outer region. Zodiacal light ].

- 2009 Feb. 25.83 UT: m1=10.2, Dia.=4.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Elongated coma with faint outer region. Zodiacal light ].

- 2009 Mar. 13.84 UT: m1=9.8, Dia.=7', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Elongated wide coma with faint outer region. Zodiacal light ].

- 2009 Mar. 15.87 UT: m1=9.7, Dia.=6', DC=2, 25x100B ( Aralla, alt. 1380 m, León, N. Spain ) [ In 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=9.8, Dia.=6', DC=2/. Elongated wide coma with faint outer region. Star of mag. 12.4 (GSC) inside the coma. Zodiacal light ].

- 2009 Mar. 20.87 UT: m1=9.7, Dia.=7', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Elongated wide coma with faint outer region. Zodiacal light ].

- 2009 Mar. 21.89 UT: m1=9.5, Dia.=8', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Elongated wide coma with faint outer region. Zodiacal light ].

- 2009 Mar. 26.88 UT: m1=9.3, Dia.=7', DC=2/, Tail: 0.1 deg. in PA 75 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Elongated wide coma with faint outer region. Zodiacal light ].

- 2009 Apr. 20.89 UT: m1=9.6, Dia.=6', DC=2/, Tail: 0.1 deg. in PA 70 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Elongated wide coma with faint outer region. Zodiacal light ].

- 2009 May 18.91 UT: m1=9.8, Dia.=5', DC=1/, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Zodiacal light. Altitude: 15 deg ].

- 2009 May 26.92 UT: m1=9.7, Dia.=7', DC=1/, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Zodiacal light. Altitude: 12 deg ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
  67        2008 08 06.04  I[14.8 HN 20.3T10 222 ! 0.2               ICQ XX GON05
  67        2008 10 01.91  I 14.7 HN 20.3T10 133   0.2  7            ICQ XX GON05
  67        2008 12 20.80  S 12.5 TK 20.3T10 100   1.7  4            ICQ XX GON05
  67        2009 01 16.81  S 11.5 TK 20.3T10 100   1.5  4            ICQ XX GON05
  67        2009 02 13.82  S 10.8 TK 20.3T10 100   2.5  3            ICQ XX GON05
  67        2009 02 22.83  S 10.4 TK 20.3T10 100   3.5  3            ICQ XX GON05
  67        2009 02 25.83  S 10.2 TK 20.3T10  77   4.5  3            ICQ XX GON05 
  67        2009 03 13.84  S  9.8 TK 20.3T10  77   7    3            ICQ XX GON05
  67        2009 03 15.86  S  9.8 TK 20.3T10  77   6    2/           ICQ XX GON05
  67        2009 03 15.87  S  9.7 TK 10.0B    25   6    2            ICQ XX GON05
  67        2009 03 20.87  S  9.7 TK 20.3T10  77   7    2            ICQ XX GON05
  67        2009 03 21.89  S  9.5 TK 20.3T10  77   8    2            ICQ XX GON05
  67        2009 03 26.88  S  9.3 TK 20.3T10  77   7    2/  0.1   75 ICQ XX GON05
  67        2009 04 20.89  S  9.6 TK 20.3T10  77   6    2/  0.1   70 ICQ XX GON05  
  67        2009 05 18.91  S  9.8 TK 20.3T10 100   5    1/           ICQ XX GON05 
  67        2009 05 26.92  S  9.7 TK 20.3T10 100   7    1/           ICQ XX GON05   


- 2006 May 26.10 UT: m1=11.7, Dia.=1.2', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2006 June 5.12 UT: m1=10.9, Dia.=1.7', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2006 July 7.05 UT: m1=10.3, Dia.=2.0', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Altitude: 6 deg. ].

- 2006 Aug. 27.92 UT: m1=11.8, Dia.=1.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Cueto Rosales - Riello, alt. 1550 m, León, North Spain ) [ Altitude: 7 deg. ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
 71        2006 05 26.10  S 11.7 TK 20.3T10 100   1.2  4            ICQ XX GON05
 71        2006 06 05.12  S 10.9 TK 20.3T10 100   1.7  4            ICQ XX GON05
 71        2006 07 07.05  S 10.3 TK 20.3T10  77   2.0  5            ICQ XX GON05
 71        2006 08 27.92  S 11.8 TK 20.3T10 100   1.5  3            ICQ XX GON05

73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann - comp. C

- 2006 Jan. 4.19 UT: m1=15.2, DC=9, 20 cm SCT (160x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Limiting stellar magnitude: 15.5. Faint object, stellar appearance. Motion checked during a 90-min period ].

- 2006 Jan. 31.22 UT: m1=14.2, Dia.=0.3', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Sena de Luna, alt. 1130 m., León, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Limiting stellar magnitude: 15.0. Motion checked during a 60-min period. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near GP Com ].

- 2006 Feb. 4.24 UT: m1=14.0, Dia.=0.3', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Pobladura de Luna, alt. 1140 m., León, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near GP Com ].

- 2006 Feb. 7.24 UT: m1=13.8, Dia.=0.3', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Pobladura de Luna, alt. 1140 m., León, North Spain ) [ Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near GP Com ].

- 2006 Feb. 28.19 UT: m1=12.8, Dia.=1.5', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Bonella - Riello, alt.1180 m., León, North Spain ).

- 2006 Mar. 8.19 UT: m1=11.9, Dia.=1.7', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Bonella - Riello, alt.1180 m., León, North Spain ).

- 2006 Mar. 28.15 UT: m1=10.2, Dia.=3.0', DC=5, Tail: 0.3 deg. in PA 255 deg, 25x100B ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=10.7, Dia.=2.5', DC=5, Tail: 0.15 deg. ].

- 2006 Apr. 2.18 UT: m1=9.9, Dia.=3.0', DC=7, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 260 deg, 25x100B ( La Cortina - Lena, alt. 910 m., Asturias, North Spain ).

- 2006 Apr. 3.15 UT: m1=10.1, Dia.=2.5', DC=S7, 0.15 deg. in PA 260 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ).

- 2006 Apr. 11.18 UT: m1=8.8, Dia.=3.0', DC=5, Tail: 0.15 deg. in PA 250 deg, 25x100B ( Cubillas de Arbás, alt. 1450 m., León, North Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=9.4, Dia.=2.0', DC=6, Tail: 0.1 deg. ] [ Strong moonlight. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2006 Apr. 22.96 UT: m1=7.8, Dia.=4', DC=7, Tail: 0.4 deg. in PA 230 deg, 7x50B ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ) [ Apr. 22.90: 25x100B: m1=8.1 ].

- 2006 Apr. 29.03 UT: m1=7.2, Dia.=6', DC=7, Tail: 0.4 deg. in PA 230 deg, 7x50B ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ) [ Apr. 28.90: 25x100B: m1=7.6].

- 2006 May 1.01 UT: m1=6.8, Dia.=8', DC=S7, Tail: 0.8 deg. in PA 230 deg, 7x50B ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m, León, North Spain) [ Apr. 30.97: 25x100B: m1=7.2; near-stellar central condensation (m2~8.0) ].

- 2006 May 5.11 UT: m1=6.2, Dia.=10', DC=8, Tail: 0.5 deg. in PA 245 deg, naked eye ( Puerto de la Magdalena, alt. 1437 m, León, North Spain) [ 7x50B: m1=6.4, Dia.=8', DC=7, Tail: 0.8 deg. in PA 245 deg. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2006 May 11.01 UT: m1=6.0, Dia.=6', DC=7, Tail: 0.5 deg. in PA 255 deg, 7x50B ... ( Santa María del Páramo, León, alt. 800 m., North Spain ) [ Moonlight interference ].

- 2006 May. 19.08 UT: m1=6.7, Dia.=4', DC=S7, Tail: 0.5 deg. in PA 260 deg, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Altitude: 8 deg; moonlight interference.].

- 2006 May 26.13 UT: m1=6.4, Dia.=7', DC=6, 7x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Observation made at the beginning of the morning astronomical twilight. Comparison stars at the same low altitude ( 6º ) as the comet ] [ May 26.11: 25x100B: m1=6.7; Tail: 0.4 deg. in PA 250 deg ].

- 2006 July 7.12 UT: m1=10.5, Dia.=2', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Astronomical twilight. Altitude: 7 deg. ].

- 2006 July 23.13 UT: m1=10.7, Dia.=2', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Cueto Rosales - Riello, alt. 1550 m, León, North Spain ).

- 2006 Aug. 4.13 UT: m1=11.3, Dia.=2', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2006 Aug. 29.16 UT: m1=12.8, Dia.=1.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1480 m., Asturias, North Spain ).


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
 73        2006 01 04.19  I 15.2 HS 20.3T10 160        9            ICQ XX GON05
 73      C 2006 01 31.22  S 14.2 HN 20.3T10 133   0.3  6            ICQ XX GON05
 73      C 2006 02 04.24  S 14.0 HN 20.3T10 100   0.3  6            ICQ XX GON05
 73      C 2006 02 07.24  S 13.8 HN 20.3T10 133   0.3  6            ICQ XX GON05
 73      C 2006 02 28.19  S 12.8 TK 20.3T10 100   1.5  4            ICQ XX GON05
 73      C 2006 03 08.19  S 11.9 TK 20.3T10 133   1.7  5            ICQ XX GON05
 73      C 2006 03 28.05  S 10.7 TK 20.3T10  77   2.5  5   0.15 255 ICQ XX GON05
 73      C 2006 03 28.15  S 10.2 TK 10.0B    25   3.0  5   0.3  255 ICQ XX GON05
 73      C 2006 04 02.18  M  9.9 TK 10.0B    25   3.0  7   0.2  260 ICQ XX GON05
 73      C 2006 04 03.15  M 10.1 TK 20.3T10  77   2.5 S7   0.15 260 ICQ XX GON05
 73      C 2006 04 11.15  M  9.4 TK 20.3T10  77   2.0  6   0.1  250 ICQ XX GON05
 73      C 2006 04 11.18  M  8.8 TK 10.0B    25   3.0  5   0.15 250 ICQ XX GON05
 73      C 2006 04 22.90  M  8.1 TK 10.0B    25   4    7   0.4  230 ICQ XX GON05
 73      C 2006 04 22.96  M  7.8 TK  5.0B     7   4    7   0.4  230 ICQ XX GON05
 73      C 2006 04 28.90  M  7.6 TK 10.0B    25   5    6   0.4  230 ICQ XX GON05
 73      C 2006 04 29.03  M  7.2 TK  5.0B     7   6    7   0.4  230 ICQ XX GON05
 73      C 2006 04 30.97  M  7.2 TK 10.0B    25   6   S7   0.8  230 ICQ XX GON05
 73      C 2006 05 01.01  M  6.8 TK  5.0B     7   8   S7   0.8  230 ICQ XX GON05
 73      C 2006 05 05.10  M  6.4 TK  5.0B     7   8    7   0.8  245 ICQ XX GON05
 73      C 2006 05 05.11  I  6.2 TK  0.0E     1  10    8   0.5  245 ICQ XX GON05
 73      C 2006 05 11.01  M  6.0 TK  5.0B     7   6    7   0.5  255 ICQ XX GON05
 73      C 2006 05 19.08  M  6.7 TK 10.0B    25   4   S7   0.5  260 ICQ XX GON05
 73      C 2006 05 26.11  M  6.7 TK 10.0B    25   5    6   0.4  250 ICQ XX GON05
 73      C 2006 05 26.13  M  6.4 TK  5.0B     7   7    6            ICQ XX GON05
 73      C 2006 07 07.12  S 10.5 TK 20.3T10 100   2    5            ICQ XX GON05
 73      C 2006 07 23.13  S 10.7 TK 20.3T10 100   2    4            ICQ XX GON05
 73      C 2006 08 04.13  S 11.3 TK 20.3T10 100   2    4            ICQ XX GON05
 73      C 2006 08 29.16  S 12.8 TK 20.3T10 100   1.5  3            ICQ XX GON05

73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann - comp. B

- 2006 Mar. 8.20 UT: m1=13.7, Dia.=0.5', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Bonella - Riello, alt.1180 m., León, North Spain ) [ Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near GP Com ].

- 2006 Mar. 28.07 UT: m1=12.1, Dia.=2.0', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ).

- 2006 Apr. 3.16 UT: m1=10.8, Dia.=3', DC=S8, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ) [ Component B in outburst. Near-stellar central condensation (m2~11.2), wide faint halo-like coma ].

- 2006 Apr. 11.18 UT: m1=9.0, Dia.=3.0', DC=4, 25x100B ( Cubillas de Arbás, alt. 1450 m., León, North Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=9.5, Dia.=2.5', DC=5 ] [ Strong moonlight. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2006 Apr. 22.91 UT: m1=8.4, Dia.=4', DC=3, Tail: 0.3 deg. in PA 230 deg, 25x100B ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ).

- 2006 Apr. 29.04 UT: m1=7.2, Dia.=12', DC=3, 7x50B ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ) [ Apr. 28.91: m1=7.6, Dia.=8', DC=S4, Tail: 0.3 deg. in PA 230 deg ] [ Component B in evolution after the recent new outburst ].

- 2006 May 1.02 UT: m1=7.0, Dia.=12', DC=S4, 7x50B ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m, León, North Spain).

- 2006 May 5.12 UT: m1=6.8, Dia.=10', DC=6, Tail: 0.6 deg. in PA 235 deg, 7x50B ( Puerto de la Magdalena, alt. 1437 m, León, North Spain).

- 2006 May 11.14 UT: m1=5.2, Dia.=10', DC=7, naked eye ( Santa María del Páramo, León, alt. 800 m., North Spain ) [ Some moonlight interference, a half hour before moonset. May 11.02: 7x50B: m1=5.3, Dia.=8', DC=6, Tail: 0.3 deg. in PA 245 deg, moonlight interference ].

- 2006 May 19.05 UT: m1=5.8, Dia.=10', DC=6, Tail: 0.7 deg. in PA 260 deg, 7x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Observed in 7x50B during moonrise. Comparison stars at the same low altitude ( 7º ) as the comet ] [ May 19.07: 25x100B: m1=6.5; altitude: 11 deg; moonlight interference.].

- 2006 May 26.13 UT: m1=6.5, Dia.=10', DC=4, 7x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Observation made at the beginning of the morning astronomical twilight. Comparison stars at the same low altitude ( 7º ) as the comet ] [ May 26.12: 25x100B: m1=6.9; Tail: 0.3 deg. in PA 250 deg ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
 73      B 2006 03 08.20  S 13.7 HN 20.3T10 133   0.5  6            ICQ XX GON05
 73      B 2006 03 28.07  S 12.1 TK 20.3T10  77   2.0  5            ICQ XX GON05
 73      B 2006 04 03.16  M 10.8 TK 20.3T10  77   3   S8            ICQ XX GON05
 73      B 2006 04 11.16  M  9.5 TK 20.3T10  77   2.5  5            ICQ XX GON05
 73      B 2006 04 11.18  S  9.0 TK 10.0B    25   3.0  4            ICQ XX GON05
 73      B 2006 04 22.91  S  8.4 TK 10.0B    25   4    3   0.3  230 ICQ XX GON05
 73      B 2006 04 28.91  S  7.6 TK 10.0B    25   8   S4   0.3  230 ICQ XX GON05
 73      B 2006 04 29.04  S  7.2 TK  5.0B     7  12    3            ICQ XX GON05
 73      B 2006 05 01.02  S  7.0 TK  5.0B     7  12   S4            ICQ XX GON05
 73      B 2006 05 05.12  M  6.8 TK  5.0B     7  10    6   0.6  235 ICQ XX GON05
 73      B 2006 05 11.02  M  5.3 TK  5.0B     7   8    6   0.3  245 ICQ XX GON05
 73      B 2006 05 11.14  I  5.2 TK  0.0E     1  10    7            ICQ XX GON05
 73      B 2006 05 19.05  M  5.8 TK  5.0B     7  10    6   0.7  260 ICQ XX GON05
 73      B 2006 05 19.07  M  6.5 TK 10.0B    25   5    7   0.4  260 ICQ XX GON05
 73      B 2006 05 26.12  S  6.9 TK 10.0B    25   7    5   0.3  250 ICQ XX GON05
 73      B 2006 05 26.13  S  6.5 TK  5.0B     7  10    4            ICQ XX GON05

73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann - comp. G

- 2006 Apr. 22.94 UT: m1=12.3, Dia.=1.2', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ).


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
 73      G 2006 04 22.94  S 12.3 TK 20.3T10 100   1.2  3            ICQ XX GON05

73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann - comp. R

- 2006 May 1.06 UT: m1=13.3, Dia.=0.8', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m, León, North Spain) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Motion checked during a 90-min period ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
 73      R 2006 05 01.06  S 13.3 HN 20.3T10 100   0.8  4            ICQ XX GON05


- 2009 Mar. 22.03 UT: m1=14.5, Dia.=0.3', DC=7, 20 cm SCT (206x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near GP Com ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
 74        2009 03 22.03  I 14.5 HN 20.3T10 206   0.3  7            ICQ XX GON05


- 2009 Mar. 3.21 UT: m1=13.7, Dia.=0.7', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near GP Com. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2009 Mar. 22.04 UT: m1=14.2, Dia.=0.5', DC=7, 20 cm SCT (206x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near GP Com ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
 77        2009 03 03.21  S 13.7 HN 20.3T10 133   0.7  6            ICQ XX GON05 
 77        2009 03 22.04  I 14.2 HN 20.3T10 206   0.5  7            ICQ XX GON05 


- 2004 Aug. 13.14 UT: m1=12.8, Dia.=0.8', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 Aug. 21.14 UT: m1=12.5, Dia.=1.0', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 Sep. 17.02 UT: m1=12.1, Dia.=1.8', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 Nov. 13.06 UT: m1=10.4, Dia.=2.5', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (77x). ( amposagrado, alt.1135 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 Nov. 16.07 UT: m1=9.8, Dia.=3', DC=5, 25x100B ( Camposagrado, alt.1135 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 Dec. 5.94 UT: m1=10.3, Dia.=3', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Camposagrado, alt.1135 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 Dec. 5.94 UT: m1=10.3, Dia.=3', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Camposagrado, alt.1135 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 Dec. 12.92 UT: m1=10.8, Dia.=3', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x). ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1240 m, Asturias, North Spain).

- 2004 Dec. 14.95 UT: m1=10.4, Dia.=3', DC=5, 25x100B ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1240 m, Asturias, North Spain).

- 2005 Jan. 3.85 UT: m1=10.9, Dia.=2.5', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Aralla, alt. 1360 m., León, North Spain).

- 2005 Jan. 7.90 UT: m1=10.9, Dia.=2.5', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Aralla, alt. 1360 m., León, North Spain).

- 2005 Jan. 31.91 UT: m1=11.9, Dia.=1.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Soto y Amío, alt. 1200 m, León ).

- 2005 Mar. 11.88 UT: m1=12.8, Dia.=0.8', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Camposagrado, alt. 1135 m., León, North Spain).

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
 78        2004 08 13.14  S 12.8 TK 20.3T10 100   0.8  4            ICQ XX GON05
 78        2004 08 21.14  S 12.5 TK 20.3T10 100   1.0  3            ICQ XX GON05
 78        2004 09 17.02  S 12.1 TK 20.3T10  77   1.8  3            ICQ XX GON05
 78        2004 11 13.06  S 10.4 TK 20.3T10  77   2.5  6            ICQ XX GON05
 78        2004 11 16.06  S 10.2 TK 20.3T10  77   2.5  6            ICQ XX GON05
 78        2004 11 16.07  S  9.8 TK 10.0B    25   3    5            ICQ XX GON05
 78        2004 12 05.94  S 10.3 TK 20.3T10  77   3    5            ICQ XX GON05
 78        2004 12 05.94  S 10.3 TK 20.3T10  77   3    5            ICQ XX GON05
 78        2004 12 12.92  S 10.8 TK 20.3T10  77   3    5            ICQ XX GON05
 78        2004 12 14.95  S 10.4 TK 10.0B    25   3    5            ICQ XX GON05
 78        2005 01 03.85  S 10.9 TK 20.3T10  77   2.5  4            ICQ XX GON05
 78        2005 01 07.90  S 10.9 TK 20.3T10  77   2.5  4            ICQ XX GON05
 78        2005 01 31.91  S 11.9 TK 20.3T10  77   1.5  3            ICQ XX GON05
 78        2005 03 11.88  S 12.8 TK 20.3T10 100   0.8  2            ICQ XX GON05


- 2009 Sep. 23.16 UT: m1=12.3, Dia.=2', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Sep. 29.19 UT: m1=12.2, Dia.=2', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Oct. 16.18 UT: m1=11.8, Dia.=2', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Zodiacal light ].

- 2009 Oct. 26.20 UT: m1=11.2, Dia.=4', DC=2/, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 290 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Zodiacal light ].

- 2009 Nov. 18.14 UT: m1=10.7, Dia.=3.5', DC=2/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Elongated coma ].

- 2009 Nov. 24.17 UT: m1=10.5, Dia.=4.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Dec. 12.16 UT: m1=10.3, Dia.=4', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Elongated coma ].

- 2010 Jan. 13.09 UT: m1=9.7, Dia.=3.5', DC=3/, Tail: 0.1 deg. in PA 290 deg, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Grandota - Oviedo, alt. 430 m, N. Spain ).

- 2010 Feb. 10.07 UT: m1=9.7, Dia.=3', DC=5/, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 290 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Caldas de Luna, alt. 1120 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2010 Feb. 20.18 UT: m1=9.6, Dia.=3.5', DC=5/, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 300 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Armada - Lena, alt. 700 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2010 Mar. 10.11 UT: m1=9.5, Dia.=4.5', DC=5/, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 290 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ).

- 2010 Mar. 15.14 UT: m1=9.5, Dia.=4.5', DC=5/, Tail: 0.3 deg. in PA 290 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m., León, N. Spain ).

- 2010 Apr. 5.02 UT: m1=9.4, Dia.=4.5', DC=5, Tail: 0.5 deg. in PA 290 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ).

- 2010 Apr. 10.15 UT: m1=9.2, Dia.=6', DC=5/, Tail: 0.4 deg. in PA 300 deg, 25x100B ( Cueto Rosales - Riello, alt. 1420 m., León, N. Spain ) [ In 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=9.5 ].

- 2010 Apr. 17.09 UT: m1=9.3, Dia.=5', DC=4/, Tail: 0.3 deg. in PA 300 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( La Cruz - Lieres, alt. 520 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2010 May 5.96 UT: m1=9.4, Dia.=5', DC=5, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 300 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2010 May 17.00 UT: m1=9.6, Dia.=4.5', DC=4/, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 300 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Cueto Rosales - Riello, alt. 1420 m., León, N. Spain ).

- 2010 May 17.00 UT: m1=9.6, Dia.=4.5', DC=4/, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 300 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Cueto Rosales - Riello, alt. 1420 m., León, N. Spain ).

- 2010 May 22.07 UT: m1=9.7, Dia.=4.5', DC=4/, Tail: 0.1 deg. in PA 300 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., León, N. Spain ).

- 2010 June 3.98 UT: m1=10.1, Dia.=4', DC=3/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, N. Spain ).

- 2010 July 4.98 UT: m1=11.8, Dia.=2.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (160x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2010 Aug. 6.90 UT: m1=12.2, Dia.=1.2', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, N. Spain ).

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
 81        2009 09 23.16  S 12.3 TK 20.3T10 133   2    3            ICQ XX GON05
 81        2009 09 29.19  S 12.2 TK 20.3T10 100   2    3            ICQ XX GON05
 81        2009 10 16.18  S 11.8 TK 20.3T10 100   2    3            ICQ XX GON05
 81        2009 10 26.20  S 11.2 TK 20.3T10  77   4    2/  0.2  290 ICQ XX GON05
 81        2009 11 18.14  S 10.7 TK 20.3T10  77   3.5  2/           ICQ XX GON05 
 81        2009 11 24.17  S 10.5 TK 20.3T10  77   4.5  3            ICQ XX GON05
 81        2009 12 12.16  S 10.3 TK 20.3T10  77   4    3            ICQ XX GON05
 81        2010 01 13.09  S  9.7 TK 20.3T10 100   3.5  3/  0.1  290 ICQ XX GON05
 81        2010 02 10.07  S  9.7 TK 20.3T10  77   3    5/  0.2  290 ICQ XX GON05
 81        2010 02 20.18  S  9.6 TK 20.3T10  77   3.5  5/  0.2  300 ICQ XX GON05
 81        2010 03 10.11  M  9.5 TK 20.3T10  77   4.5  5/  0.2  290 ICQ XX GON05
 81        2010 03 15.14  M  9.5 TK 20.3T10  77   4.5  5/  0.3  290 ICQ XX GON05
 81        2010 04 05.02  S  9.4 TK 20.3T10  77   4.5  5   0.5  290 ICQ XX GON05
 81        2010 04 10.14  S  9.5 TK 20.3T10  77   5    5   0.4  300 ICQ XX GON05
 81        2010 04 10.15  S  9.2 TK 10.0B    25   6    5/  0.4  300 ICQ XX GON05
 81        2010 04 17.09  S  9.3 TK 20.3T10  77   5    4/  0.3  300 ICQ XX GON05
 81        2010 05 05.96  S  9.4 TK 20.3T10  77   5    5   0.2  300 ICQ XX GON05
 81        2010 05 17.00  S  9.6 TK 20.3T10  77   4.5  4/  0.2  300 ICQ XX GON05
 81        2010 05 22.07  S  9.7 TK 20.3T10  77   4.5  4/  0.1  300 ICQ XX GON05
 81        2010 06 03.98  S 10.1 TK 20.3T10  77   4    3/           ICQ XX GON05
 81        2010 07 04.98  S 11.8 TK 20.3T10 160   2.5  3            ICQ XX GON05
 81        2010 08 06.90  S 12.2 TK 20.3T10 100   1.2  3            ICQ XX GON05



- 2004 June 13.11 UT: m1=10.5, Dia.=2', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x). ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2004 July 15.12 UT: m1=11.5, Dia.=2', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (77x). ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain).


- 2009 June 17.94 UT: m1=13.2, Dia.=0.7', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from TASS photometry ].

- 2009 June 20.96 UT: m1=13.0, Dia.=0.7', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from TASS photometry ].

- 2009 July 14.93 UT: m1=12.8, Dia.=0.6', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (206x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near 3C279 ].

- 2009 Aug. 11.89 UT: m1=10.5, Dia.=5', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Altitude: 10 deg ].

- 2009 Aug. 21.87 UT: m1=9.8, Dia.=5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Altitude: 8 deg ].

- 2009 Sep. 14.83 UT: m1=9.2, Dia.=5', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Coma elongated in PA 110 deg. End of astronomical twilight. Altitude: 8 deg ].

- 2009 Sep. 22.83 UT: m1=8.6, Dia.=6', DC=3, Tail: 0.1 deg. in PA 110 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ End of astronomical twilight. Altitude: 7 deg ].

- 2009 Oct. 11.79 UT: m1=8.6, Dia.=4', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Elongated coma. Astronomical twilight. Altitude: 10 deg ].

- 2009 Nov. 18.78 UT: m1=8.4, Dia.=7', DC=3/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Pico Cueto - Busfrío - Cudillero, alt. 770 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ Elongated wide coma with faint outer region. Altitude: 12 deg ].

- 2009 Dec. 4.78 UT: m1=8.6, Dia.=6', DC=4/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Camposagrado, alt. 1110 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Altitude: 14 deg ].

- 2010 Feb. 2.79 UT: m1=12.0, Dia.=1.5', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Camposagrado, alt. 1135 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Zodiacal light. Altitude: 15 deg ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
 88        2004 06 13.11  S 10.5 TK 20.3T10  77   2    3            ICQ XX GON05
 88        2004 07 15.12  S 11.5 TK 20.3T10  77   2    2            ICQ XX GON05
 88        2009 06 17.94  S 13.2 TA 20.3T10 133   0.7  5            ICQ XX GON05
 88        2009 06 20.96  S 13.0 TA 20.3T10 133   0.7  6            ICQ XX GON05
 88        2009 07 14.93  S 12.8 HN 20.3T10 206   0.6  6            ICQ XX GON05
 88        2009 08 11.89  S 10.5 TK 20.3T10  77   5    4            ICQ XX GON05
 88        2009 08 21.87  S  9.8 TK 20.3T10 100   5    3            ICQ XX GON05
 88        2009 09 14.83  S  9.2 TK 20.3T10  77   5    4            ICQ XX GON05 
 88        2009 09 22.83  S  8.6 TK 20.3T10  77   6    3   0.1  110 ICQ XX GON05 
 88        2009 10 11.79  S  8.6 TK 20.3T10  77   4    4            ICQ XX GON05
 88        2009 11 18.78  S  8.4 TK 20.3T10  77   7    3/           ICQ XX GON05 
 88        2009 12 04.78  S  8.6 TK 20.3T10  77   6    4/           ICQ XX GON05
 88        2010 02 02.79  S 12.0 TK 20.3T10 133   1.5  4            ICQ XX GON05


- 2007 Sep. 10.18 UT: m1=14.3, Dia.=0.5', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (133x) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near DZ Psc ].

- 2007 Nov. 3.89 UT: m1=13.0, Dia.=0.8', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near DZ Psc ].

- 2007 Dec. 4.89 UT: m1=12.7, Dia.=1.2', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
 93        2007 09 10.18  S 14.3 HN 20.3T10 133   0.5  6            ICQ XX GON05
 93        2007 11 03.89  S 13.0 HN 20.3T10 133   0.8  5            ICQ XX GON05
 93        2007 12 04.89  S 12.7 TK 20.3T10 133   1.2  5            ICQ XX GON05


- 2007 Apr. 13.18 UT: m1=7.2, Dia.=3', DC=6, 25x100B ( Alto de Rosales, alt. 1400 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky, astronomical twilight; Altitude: 7 deg ].

- 2007 Apr. 18.16 UT: m1=8.2, Dia.=3', DC=6, 25x100B ( Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1530 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, clear sky; Altitude: 11 deg ].

- 2007 Apr. 22.17 UT: m1=8.8, Dia.=3', DC=6, Tail: 0.1 deg. in PA 290 deg, 25x100B ( Collada de la Cobertoria, Lena, alt. 1179 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2007 May 9.05 UT: m1=10.9, Dia.=1.5', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Altitude: 15 deg ].

- 2007 June 26.08 UT: m1=13.7, Dia.=0.7', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (160x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ).

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
 96        2007 04 13.18  M  7.2 TK 10.0B    25   3    6            ICQ XX GON05
 96        2007 04 18.16  M  8.2 TK 10.0B    25   3    6            ICQ XX GON05
 96        2007 04 22.17  S  8.8 TK 10.0B    25   3    6   0.1  290 ICQ XX GON05
 96        2007 05 09.05  S 10.9 TK 20.3T10 100   1.5  4            ICQ XX GON05
 96        2007 06 26.08  S 13.7 TA 20.3T10 160   0.7  4            ICQ XX GON05


- 2010 July 18.06 UT: m1=[14.5, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Comet not observed at the ephemeris position. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2010 Aug. 6.96 UT: m1=13.2, Dia.=0.6', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Motion checked during a 60-min period. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near Y Peg ].

- 2010 Aug. 20.18 UT: m1=12.3, Dia.=1.3', DC=5/, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m., Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2010 Sep. 4.86 UT: m1=9.8, Dia.=6', DC=3, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ In 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=10.1 ].

- 2010 Sep. 10.05 UT: m1=9.3, Dia.=8', DC=3, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ In 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=9.5 ].

- 2010 Sep. 15.00 UT: m1=8.5, Dia.=15', DC=2, 10x50B ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ In 25x100B: m1=8.8 ].

- 2010 Sep. 20.16 UT: m1=8.1, Dia.=15', DC=2/, 10x50B ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ In 25x100B: m1=8.4 ].

- 2010 Sep. 27.82 UT: m1=7.3, Dia.=13', DC=2, 10x50B ( Grandota, alt. 470 m., Asturias, N. Spain ) [ In 25x100B: m1=7.7. Rural location, very clear sky ].

- 2010 Sep. 28.83 UT: m1=7.2, Dia.=18', DC=2, 10x50B ( Puerto de la Magdalena, alt. 1441 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ In 25x100B: m1=7.6. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2010 Oct. 2.86 UT: m1=6.4, Dia.=25', DC=2, 4x30 monocular ( Collado de Hoz, alt. 637 m., Cantabria, N. Spain ) [ In 7x50B: m1=6.6. In 25x100B: Several 9th mag. stars inside the coma, the brightest being 9.1 (TK). Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2010 Oct. 4.83 UT: m1=5.3, Dia.=45', DC=2, naked eye ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ In 4x30 monocular: m1=5.2. Observation made under better conditions, from a higher and darker mountain location, providing a much wider coma diameter and brighter m1 estimate in comparison with my previous Oct. 2.86 observation ].

- 2010 Oct. 7.89 UT: m1=5.1, Dia.=50', DC=2/, 4x30 monocular ( Les Bedules - Ponga, alt. 1080 m., Asturias, N. Spain ) [ In 7x50B: m1=6.0, Dia.=25'. Several stars inside the coma, the brightest being KK Persei ( mag. range 6.6 - 7.9 ). Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2010 Oct. 13.93 UT: m1=5.0, Dia.=50', DC=3/, 4x30 monocular ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Coma involved with two 6.8 mag (TK) stars. In 20 cm SCT (77x): dust tail 0.2-deg in p.a. 250 deg. ].

- 2010 Oct. 15.00 UT: m1=4.7, Dia.=60', DC=2, naked eye ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ In 4x30 monocular: m1=4.8. In 7x50 binoculars: coma diameter 35', DC=4. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2010 Oct. 18.10 UT: m1=4.6, Dia.=50', DC=3, naked eye ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ In 7x50B: coma diameter 35', DC=5. In 20 cm SCT (77x): broad tail 0.1-deg in p.a. 250 deg, embedded in the coma. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2010 Oct. 20.19 UT: m1=4.7, Dia.=45', DC=4, 4x30 monocular ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Proximity to a 5.5 (TK) mag. star ruled out the attempt for an adequate naked eye estimate. In 7x50 binoculars: coma diameter 30', DC=5. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2010 Nov. 4.14 UT: m1=4.8, Dia.=45', DC=4, naked eye ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ In 20 cm SCT (77x): m2=11.8 (Tycho-2); broad tail 0.2-deg in p.a. 290 deg, embedded in the coma. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2010 Nov. 13.19 UT: m1=5.3, Dia.=30', DC=4, 4x30 monocular ( Collada Llomena - Ponga, alt. 995 m., Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2010 Nov. 29.00 UT: m1=7.1, Dia.=12', DC=3/, 10x50B ( Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1545 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Before moonrise. Altitude: 16 deg. ].

- 2010 Dec. 4.05 UT: m1=7.2, Dia.=15', DC=3, 10x50B ( Puente del Embalse de Barrios de Luna, alt. 1120 m., Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2010 Dec. 11.05 UT: m1=7.4, Dia.=12', DC=2/, 25x100B ( El Fito - Sierra del Sueve, alt. 570 m., Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2010 Dec. 14.12 UT: m1=7.6, Dia.=12', DC=3, 25x100B ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m., Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2011 Jan. 15.16 UT: m1=9.5, Dia.=5', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Several stars inside the coma, the brightest being mag. 10.3 (TK)].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
103        2010 07 18.06  I[14.5 HS 20.3T10 133 ! 0.2               ICQ XX GON05
103        2010 08 06.96  S 13.2 HN 20.3T10 133   0.6  6            ICQ XX GON05
103        2010 08 20.18  S 12.3 TK 20.3T10 133   1.3  5/           ICQ XX GON05
103        2010 09 04.86  S  9.8 TK 10.0B    25   6    3            ICQ XX GON05
103        2010 09 10.05  S  9.3 TK 10.0B    25   8    3            ICQ XX GON05
103        2010 09 15.00  S  8.5 TK  5.0B    10  15    2            ICQ XX GON05
103        2010 09 20.16  S  8.1 TK  5.0B    10  15    2/           ICQ XX GON05
103        2010 09 27.82  S  7.3 TK  5.0B    10  13    2            ICQ XX GON05
103        2010 09 28.83  S  7.2 TK  5.0B    10  18    2            ICQ XX GON05
103        2010 10 02.84  S  6.6 TK  5.0B     7  18    3            ICQ XX GON05
103        2010 10 02.86  S  6.4 TK  3.0R     4  25    2            ICQ XX GON05
103        2010 10 04.83  S  5.3 TK  0.0E     1  45    2            ICQ XX GON05
103        2010 10 04.85  S  5.2 TK  3.0R     4  45    3            ICQ XX GON05
103        2010 10 07.89  S  5.1 TK  3.0R     4  50    2/           ICQ XX GON05
103        2010 10 13.93  S  5.0 TK  3.0R     4  50    3/           ICQ XX GON05
103        2010 10 14.99  S  4.8 TK  3.0R     4  50    3/           ICQ XX GON05
103        2010 10 15.00  S  4.7 TK  0.0E     1  60    2            ICQ XX GON05
103        2010 10 18.09  S  4.7 TK  3.0R     4  50    4            ICQ XX GON05
103        2010 10 18.10  S  4.6 TK  0.0E     1  50    3            ICQ XX GON05
103        2010 10 20.19  S  4.7 TK  3.0R     4  45    4            ICQ XX GON05
103        2010 11 04.12  S  4.9 TK  3.0R     4  40    3/           ICQ XX GON05
103        2010 11 04.14  S  4.8 TK  0.0E     1  45    4            ICQ XX GON05
103        2010 11 13.19  S  5.3 TK  3.0R     4  30    4            ICQ XX GON05
103        2010 11 29.00  S  7.1 TK  5.0B    10  12    3/           ICQ XX GON05
103        2010 12 04.05  S  7.2 TK  5.0B    10  15    3            ICQ XX GON05
103        2010 12 11.05  S  7.4 TK 10.0B    25  12    2/           ICQ XX GON05
103        2010 12 14.12  S  7.6 TK 10.0B    25  12    3            ICQ XX GON05
103        2011 01 15.16  S  9.5 TK 20.3T10  77   5    2            ICQ XX GON05



- 2003 Apr. 6.14 UT: m1=12.3, Dia.=1.5', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (77x). ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2003 May 3.03 UT: m1=12.1, Dia.=1', DC=1, 20 cm SCT (77x). ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2003 May 22.99 UT: m1=12.2, Dia.=1'.5, DC=2, 20 cm SCT (100x). ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2003 June 18.98 UT: m1=12.3, Dia.=1'.5, DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x). ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain).

- 2003 June 19.99 UT: m1=12.3, Dia.=1'.5, DC=4, 20 cm SCT (133x). ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain).


- 2009 Feb. 22.84 UT: m1=11.7, Dia.=2.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Feb. 25.92 UT: m1=11.7, Dia.=2.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Mar. 13.86 UT: m1=11.6, Dia.=2.5', DC=3/, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Mar. 15.92 UT: m1=11.7, Dia.=2.0', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Aralla, alt. 1380 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Mar. 21.08 UT: m1=11.6, Dia.=2.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Mar. 21.94 UT: m1=11.5, Dia.=2.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x), ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Mar. 26.98 UT: m1=11.5, Dia.=3', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Apr. 20.95 UT: m1=11.2, Dia.=4', DC=2/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 May 18.95 UT: m1=11.0, Dia.=3.5', DC=2/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 May 26.98 UT: m1=11.3, Dia.=2.0', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 June 17.93 UT: m1=11.7, Dia.=1.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 June 20.94 UT: m1=11.5, Dia.=1.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
116        2003 04 06.14  S 12.3 HS 20.3T10  77   1.5  2            ICQ XX GON05
116        2003 05 03.03  S 12.1 TJ 20.3T10  77   1    1            ICQ XX GON05
116        2003 05 22.99  S 12.2 TJ 20.3T10 100   1.5  2            ICQ XX GON05
116        2003 06 18.98  S 12.3 HS 20.3T10 100   1.5  4            ICQ XX GON05
116        2003 06 19.99  S 12.3 HS 20.3T10 133   1.5  4            ICQ XX GON05
116        2009 02 22.84  S 11.7 TK 20.3T10 100   2.5  3            ICQ XX GON05
116        2009 02 25.92  S 11.7 TK 20.3T10 100   2.5  3            ICQ XX GON05
116        2009 03 13.86  S 11.6 TK 20.3T10 100   2.5  3/           ICQ XX GON05
116        2009 03 15.92  S 11.7 TK 20.3T10 100   2.0  4            ICQ XX GON05
116        2009 03 21.08  S 11.6 TK 20.3T10 100   2.5  3            ICQ XX GON05
116        2009 03 21.94  S 11.5 TK 20.3T10 100   2.5  3            ICQ XX GON05 
116        2009 03 26.98  S 11.5 TK 20.3T10 100   3    3            ICQ XX GON05
116        2009 04 20.95  S 11.2 TK 20.3T10  77   4    2/           ICQ XX GON05
116        2009 05 18.95  S 11.0 TK 20.3T10  77   3.5  2/           ICQ XX GON05 
116        2009 05 26.98  S 11.3 TK 20.3T10 133   2.0  3            ICQ XX GON05
116        2009 06 17.93  S 11.7 TK 20.3T10 100   1.5  3            ICQ XX GON05 
116        2009 06 20.94  S 11.5 TK 20.3T10 100   1.5  3            ICQ XX GON05


- 2005 May 7.11 UT: m1=14.3, Dia.=0.6', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (160x) ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1230 m, Asturias, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Limiting star magnitude near comet : 15.5 ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
117        2005 05 07.11  S 14.3 HS 20.3T10 160   0.6  6            ICQ XX GON05


- 2009 Oct. 26.04 UT: m1=13.6, Dia.=0.7', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (222x) ( Alto del Castro, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near V650 Ori. Motion checked over a 45-min period ].

- 2009 Nov. 18.19 UT: m1=13.5, Dia.=0.6', DC=5, 22 cm SCT (222x) ( Alto del Castro, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near V650 Ori ].

- 2009 Dec. 12.03 UT: m1=13.3, Dia.=0.5', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (200x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near V650 Ori ].

- 2010 Jan. 12.90 UT: m1=11.5, Dia.=1.5', DC=2/, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Grandota - Oviedo, alt. 430 m, N. Spain ).

- 2010 Feb. 2.82 UT: m1=12.3, Dia.=1.0', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Camposagrado, alt. 1135 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
118        2009 10 26.04  S 13.6 HN 20.3T10 222   0.7  5            ICQ XX GON05 
118        2009 11 18.19  S 13.5 HN 20.3T10 222   0.6  5            ICQ XX GON05
118        2009 12 12.03  S 13.3 HN 20.3T10 200   0.5  6            ICQ XX GON05
118        2010 01 12.90  S 11.5 TK 20.3T10 100   1.5  2/           ICQ XX GON05
118        2010 02 02.82  S 12.3 TK 20.3T10 100   1.0  3            ICQ XX GON05

141P/Machholz - componente A

- 2005 Mar. 11.83 UT: m1=11.7, Dia.=0.8', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Camposagrado, alt. 1135 m., León, North Spain) [ Mountain location. Zodiacal light. Comet's altitude: 10 deg.].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
141      A 2005 03 11.83  S 11.7 TK 20.3T10  77   0.8  2            ICQ XX GON05


- 2008 Nov. 16.80 UT: m1=12.2, Dia.=1.7', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Significantly brighter than expected ].

- 2008 Nov. 19.81 UT: m1=11.9, Dia.=1.7', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amio, alt. 1190 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Dec. 19.82 UT: m1=9.6, Dia.=9', DC=2/, 25x100B ( Bobia - Soto y Amio, alt. 1090 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Dec. 20.86 UT: m1=9.8, Dia.=7', DC=2/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Garaño - La Magdalena, alt. 980 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Dec. 28.80 UT: m1=8.4, Dia.=12', DC=2/, 25x100B ( Alto de la Colladiella, San Martín del Rey Aurelio, alt. 860 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Jan. 1.79 UT: m1=8.3, Dia.=10', DC=2, 10x50B ( Sierra de Fario, Sariego, alt. 735 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Jan. 16.86 UT: m1=8.4, Dia.=12', DC=2, 10x50B ( Alto de la Colladiella, Mieres, alt. 860 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Jan. 30.95 UT: m1=8.4, Dia.=10', DC=2, 10x50B ( Lavares, Villaviciosa, alt. 100 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Feb. 13.93 UT: m1=8.6, Dia.=10', DC=2/, 25x100B ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Feb. 20.97 UT: m1=8.5, Dia.=9', DC=2, 25x100B ( Golpejar de la Tercia, alt. 1150 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Feb. 22.92 UT: m1=8.6, Dia.=7', DC=2/, 25x100B ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Feb. 25.90 UT: m1=8.6, Dia.=10', DC=2/, 25x100B ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Mar. 12.85 UT: m1=9.1, Dia.=5', DC=2, 25x100B ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 980 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Mar. 15.89 UT: m1=9.5, Dia.=6', DC=2, 25x100B ( Aralla, alt. 1380 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Several stars inside the coma, the brightest being mag. 10.5 (Tycho-2) ].

- 2009 Mar. 21.01 UT: m1=9.5, Dia.=6', DC=1/, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain )

- 2009 Mar. 21.90 UT: m1=9.5, Dia.=6', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Several stars inside the coma, the brightest being mag. 10.0 (Tycho-2) ].

- 2009 Mar. 26.93 UT: m1=9.3, Dia.=6', DC=2, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Apr. 20.93 UT: m1=10.1, Dia.=5', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
144        2008 11 16.80  S 12.2 TK 20.3T10 133   1.7  5            ICQ XX GON05
144        2008 11 19.81  S 11.9 TK 20.3T10 133   1.7  5            ICQ XX GON05
144        2008 12 19.82  S  9.6 TK 10.0B    25   9    2/           ICQ XX GON05
144        2008 12 20.86  S  9.8 TK 20.3T10  77   7    2/           ICQ XX GON05
144        2008 12 28.80  S  8.4 TK 10.0B    25  12    2/           ICQ XX GON05
144        2009 01 01.79  S  8.3 TK  5.0B    10  10    2            ICQ XX GON05
144        2009 01 16.86  S  8.4 TK  5.0B    10  12    2            ICQ XX GON05
144        2009 01 30.95  S  8.4 TK  5.0B    10  10    2            ICQ XX GON05
144        2009 02 13.93  S  8.6 TK 10.0B    25  10    2/           ICQ XX GON05
144        2009 02 20.97  S  8.5 TK 10.0B    25   9    2            ICQ XX GON05
144        2009 02 22.92  S  8.6 TK 10.0B    25   7    2/           ICQ XX GON05
144        2009 02 25.90  S  8.6 TK 10.0B    25  10    2/           ICQ XX GON05
144        2009 03 12.85  S  9.1 TK 10.0B    25   5    2            ICQ XX GON05
144        2009 03 15.89  S  9.5 TK 10.0B    25   6    2            ICQ XX GON05
144        2009 03 21.01  S  9.5 TK 20.3T10  77   6    1/           ICQ XX GON05
144        2009 03 21.90  S  9.5 TK 20.3T10  77   6    2            ICQ XX GON05
144        2009 03 26.93  S  9.3 TK 10.0B    25   6    2            ICQ XX GON05
144        2009 03 26.94  S  9.5 TK 20.3T10  77   5    2            ICQ XX GON05
144        2009 04 20.93  S 10.1 TK 20.3T10  77   5    2            ICQ XX GON05

153P/Ikeya-Zhang  =  C/2002 C1

- 2002 Feb. 3.80 UT: m1=8.5, Dia.=3', 11x80B. (Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1230 m., Asturias, North Spain ) [comparison stars at the same low altitude as the comet].

- 2002 Feb. 10.81 UT: m1=7.9, Dia.=3', DC=7, 11x80B. ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1275 m., Asturias, North Spain ) [ zodiacal light, NE Lim. Mag. at 5.1 near comet].

- 2002 Feb. 12.81 UT: m1=7.4, Dia.=3', DC=7, 11x80B. ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1660 m., Asturias, North Spain ) [ zodiacal light, NE Lim. Mag. at 5.3 near comet].

- 2002 Feb. 17.81 UT: m1=6.8, Dia.=3', DC=7, 11x80B. ( Carrocera, alt. 1190 m., Leon, North Spain )

- 2002 Feb. 22.82 UT: m1=6.3, Dia.=3', DC=7, 11x80B. ( Aralla, alt. 1170 m., Leon, North Spain ) [moonlight; comparison stars at the same low altitude as the comet]

- 2002 Feb. 24.82 UT: m1=6.3, Dia.=3', DC=7, 11x80B. ( Aralla, alt. 1170 m., Leon, North Spain ) [ moonlight adverse effect perceptible since the last observation two days ago]

- 2002 Mar. 01.83 UT: m1=5.3, Dia.=3', DC=7, Tail: 1.5 deg. in PA 80 deg, 11x80B. ( Aralla, alt. 1170 m., Leon, North Spain ) [ zodiacal light ]

- 2002 Mar. 07.83 UT: m1=4.7, Dia.=3', DC=7, Tail: 2.2 deg. in PA 80 deg, 11x80B. ( Aralla, alt. 1170 m., Leon, North Spain ) [ NE estimate: m1=5.0; zodiacal light ]

- 2002 Mar. 08.83 UT: m1=4.7, Dia.=3', DC=7, Tail: 2.0 deg. in PA 80 deg, 11x80B. ( Puerto del Manzanal, alt. 1200 m., Leon, North Spain ) [ zodiacal light ]

- 2002 Mar. 16.83 UT: m1=3.5, DC=9, Tail~2 deg....NE... (Ortiguero-Picos de Europa, alt. 550 m., Asturias, North Spain ) [ m1=3.4, Dia.=3', DC=7, Tail: 5 deg. in PA 65 deg, 7x50B ]

- 2002 Mar. 19.83 UT: m1=3.2, DC=9, Tail~1 deg....NE... (Seguenco-Picos de Europa, alt. 400 m., Asturias, North Spain ) [ m1=3.2, Dia.=3', DC=7, Tail: 4 deg. in PA 60 deg, 7x50B; moonlight ]

- 2002 Mar. 20.83 UT: m1=3.2, DC=9, Tail~1 deg....NE... ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1230 m., Asturias, North Spain ) [ m1=3.2, Dia.=3', DC=7, Tail: 4 deg. in PA 60 deg, 7x50B; moonlight ]

- 2002 Mar. 21.83 UT: m1=3.2, Dia.=3', DC=7, Tail: 3 deg. in PA 50 deg, 7x50B. ( Sierra del Naranco-Oviedo, alt. 400 m., Asturias, North Spain ) [moonlight ]

- 2002 Mar. 22.84 UT: m1=3.0, DC=9, Tail~2 deg....NE... ( Sierra del Naranco-Oviedo, alt. 400 m., Asturias, North Spain ) [ m1=3.0, Dia.=3', DC=7, Tail: 4 deg. in PA 50 deg, 7x50B; moonlight ]

- 2002 Mar. 23.84 UT: m1=3.0, DC=9, Tail~1 deg....NE... ( Seguenco - Picos de Europa, alt. 750 m., Asturias, North Spain ) [m1=2.9, Dia.=3', DC=7, Tail: 4 deg. in PA 50 deg, 7x50B; moonlight ]

- 2002 Mar. 25.84 UT: m1=2.9, Dia.=3', DC=7, Tail: 2 deg. in PA 50 deg, 7x50B. ( Sierra del Naranco-Oviedo, alt. 400 m., Asturias, North Spain ) [ NE: m1=3.0, DC=9; moonlight ]

- 2002 Mar. 26.84 UT: m1=2.9, Dia.=3', DC=7, Tail: 2 deg. in PA 45 deg, 7x50B. ( Obona-Tineo, alt. 800 m., Asturias, North Spain ) [ NE: m1=3.0, DC=9; moonlight ]

- 2002 Mar. 27.84 UT: m1=2.9, Dia.=3', DC=7, Tail: 2.5 deg. in PA 40 deg, 7x50B. ( Sierra del Naranco-Oviedo, alt. 400 m., Asturias, North Spain ) [ NE: m1=3.0, DC=9; moonlight ]

- 2002 Mar. 30.85 UT: m1=3.2, Dia.=4', DC=7, Tail: 4 deg. in PA 20 deg, 7x50B. ( Caldas de Luna, alt. 1100 m, Leon, North Spain )

- 2002 Apr. 04.85 UT: m1=3.4, Dia.=4', DC=7, Tail: 3 deg. in PA 10 deg, 7x50B. ( Seguenco - Picos de Europa, alt. 450 m, Asturias, North Spain )

- 2002 Apr. 16.17 UT: m1=3.9, Dia.=8', DC=7, Tail: 2.5 deg. in PA 320 deg, 7x50B. ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1010 m, Asturias, North Spain ) [ NE: m1=4.0 ]

- 2002 Apr. 20.15 UT: m1=4.2, Dia.=10', DC=7, Tail: 2 deg. in PA 305 deg, 7x50B. ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 990 m, Asturias, North Spain ) [ NE: m1=4.2 ]

- 2002 Apr. 20.88 UT: m1=4.4, Dia.=8', DC=7, Tail: 0.5 deg. in PA 310 deg, 11x80B. ( Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, North Spain ) [moonlight]

- 2002 Apr. 21.15 UT: m1=4.3, Dia.=11', DC=7, Tail: 2.5 deg. in PA 300 deg, 7x50B. ( Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, North Spain ) [NE: m1=4.3]

- 2002 Apr. 21.88 UT: m1=4.3, Dia.=10', DC=7, Tail: 0.5 deg. in PA 300 deg, 11x80B. ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1760 m, Asturias, North Spain ) [moonlight]

- 2002 Apr. 22.88 UT: m1=4.4, Dia.=8', DC=7, Tail: 0.5 deg. in PA 300 deg, 11x80B. ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1760 m, Asturias, North Spain ) [moonlight]

- 2002 Apr. 29.89 UT: m1=4.4, Dia.=12', DC=6, Tail: 2.5 deg. in PA 260 deg, 7x50B. ( Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, North Spain ) [NE: m1=4.4]

- 2002 May 13.92 UT: m1=5.2, Dia.=15', DC=5, Tail: 0.5 deg. in PA 220 deg, 7x50B. ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1470 m, Asturias, North Spain ) [NE: m1=5.1]

- 2002 May 19.91 UT: m1=5.9, Dia.=15', DC=4, 7x50B. ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1335 m, Asturias, North Spain )

- 2002 May 30.92 UT: m1=6.3, Dia.=13', DC=3, 7x50B. ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1335 m, Asturias, North Spain )

- 2002 June 10.95 UT: m1=6.9, Dia.=13', DC=4, Tail: 0.5 deg. in PA 310 deg, 11x80B. ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1230 m, Asturias, North Spain )

- 2002 June 12.94 UT: m1=7.1, Dia.=12', DC=4, Tail: 0.3 deg. in PA 310 deg, 11x80B. ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1650 m, Asturias, North Spain )

- 2002 June 17.03 UT: m1=7.4, Dia.=12', DC=3, Tail: 0.3 deg. in PA 300 deg, 11x80B. ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1650 m, Asturias, North Spain ) [ Observation made after the moonset ]

- 2002 June 22.12 UT: m1=7.9, Dia.=10', DC=2, 11x80B. ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1650 m, Asturias, North Spain ) [ Observation made after the moonset ]

- 2002 June 28.94 UT: m1=8.4, Dia.=10', DC=2, 11x80B. ( Carrocera, alt. 1240 m, Leon, North Spain )

- 2002 July 02.98 UT: m1=8.4, Dia.=10', DC=2, 11x80B. ( Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain )

- 2002 July 06.97 UT: m1=8.6, Dia.=9', DC=1, 11x80B. ( Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ 06.99 UT: m1=9.3, Dia.=5', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (50x). The low surface brightness of the large apparent coma and the instrument aperture have a clear influence on the observations, being the cause of the great differences in the magnitude and diameter estimates ]

- 2002 July 11.05 UT: m1=8.6, Dia.=8', DC=1, 11x80B. (Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain )

- 2002 July 15.01 UT: m1=8.8, Dia.=7', DC=1, 11x80B. ( Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ 15.02 UT: m1=9.5, Dia.=6', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (50x). Diffuse and difficult to observe in 11x80B ]

- 2002 Aug. 11.94 UT: m1=11.9, Dia.=1', DC=1, 20 cm SCT (77x). (Puerto de Aralla, alt.1720 m, Leon, North Spain)


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2002C1  2002 02 03.80  S  8.5 TJ  8.0B    11   3                 ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 02 10.81  S  7.9 TJ  8.0B    11   3    7            ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 02 12.81  S  7.4 TJ  8.0B    11   3    7            ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 02 17.81  S  6.8 TJ  8.0B    11   3    7            ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 02 22.82  S  6.3 TJ  8.0B    11   3    7            ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 02 24.82  S  6.3 TJ  8.0B    11   3    7            ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 03 01.83  S  5.3 TJ  8.0B    11   3    7   1.5      ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 03 07.83  S  4.7 TJ  8.0B    11   3    7   2.2      ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 03 08.83  S  4.7 TJ  8.0B    11   3    7   2.0      ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 03 16.83  I  3.5 TJ  0.0E     1            2        ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 03 16.83  S  3.4 TJ  5.0B     7   3    7   5        ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 03 19.83  I  3.2 TJ  0.0E     1            1        ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 03 19.83  S  3.2 TJ  5.0B     7   3    7   4     60 ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 03 20.83  I  3.2 TJ  0.0E     1            1        ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 03 20.83  S  3.2 TJ  5.0B     7   3    7   4     60 ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 03 21.83  S  3.2 TJ  5.0B     7   3    7   3     50 ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 03 22.84  S  3.0 TJ  5.0B     7   3    7   4     50 ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 03 22.84  I  3.0 TJ  0.0E     1            2        ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 03 23.84  I  3.0 TJ  0.0E     1            1        ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 03 23.84  S  2.9 TJ  5.0B     7   3    7   4     50 ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 03 25.84  S  2.9 TJ  5.0B     7   3    7   2     50 ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 03 25.84  I  3.0 TJ  0.0E     1                     ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 03 26.84  S  2.9 TJ  5.0B     7   3    7   2     45 ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 03 26.84  I  3.0 TJ  0.0E     1                     ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 03 27.84  S  2.9 TJ  5.0B     7   3    7   2.5   45 ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 03 27.84  I  3.0 TJ  0.0E     1                     ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 03 30.85  S  3.2 TJ  5.0B     7   4    7   4     20 ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 04 04.85  S  3.4 TJ  5.0B     7   4    7   3     10 ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 04 16.17  S  3.9 TJ  5.0B     7   8    7   2.5  320 ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 04 16.17  I  4.0 TJ  0.0E     1            2        ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 04 20.15  S  4.2 TJ  5.0B     7  10    7   2    305 ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 04 20.15  I  4.2 TJ  0.0E     1                     ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 04 20.88  S  4.4 TJ  8.0B    11   8    7   0.5  310 ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 04 21.15  S  4.3 TJ  5.0B     7  11    7   2.5  300 ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 04 21.15  I  4.3 TJ  0.0E     1                     ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 04 21.88  S  4.3 TJ  8.0B    11  10    7   0.5  300 ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 04 22.88  S  4.4 TJ  8.0B    11   8    7   0.5  300 ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 04 29.89  S  4.4 TJ  5.0B     7  12    6   2.5  260 ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 04 29.89  I  4.4 TJ  0.0E     1                     ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 05 13.92  S  5.2 TJ  5.0B     7  15    5   0.5  220 ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 05 13.92  I  5.1 TJ  0.0E     1                     ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 05 19.91  S  5.9 TJ  5.0B     7  15    4            ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 05 30.92  S  6.3 TJ  5.0B     7  13    3            ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 06 10.95  S  6.9 TJ  8.0B    11  13    4   0.5  310 ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 06 12.94  S  7.1 TJ  8.0B    11  12    4   0.3  310 ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 06 17.03  S  7.4 TJ  8.0B    11  12    3   0.3  300 ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 06 22.12  S  7.9 TJ  8.0B    11  10    2            ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 06 28.94  S  8.4 TJ  8.0B    11  10    2            ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 07 02.98  S  8.4 TJ  8.0B    11  10    2            ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 07 06.97  S  8.6 TJ  8.0B    11   9    1            ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 07 06.99  S  9.3 TJ 20.3T10  50   5    2            ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 07 11.05  S  8.6 TJ  8.0B    11   8    1            ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 07 15.01  S  8.8 TJ  8.0B    11   7    1            ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 07 15.02  S  9.5 TJ 20.3T10  50   6    2            ICQ XX GON05
   2002C1  2002 08 11.94  S 11.9 TJ 20.3T10  77   1    1            ICQ XX GON05

157P/Tritton  =  C/2003 T1

- 2003 Oct. 8.19 UT: m1=11.4, Dia.=1'.3, DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x). ( Carrocera, alt. 1208 m, Leon, North Spain).


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2003T1  2003 10 08.19  S 11.4 TK 20.3T10  77   1.3  5            ICQ XX GON05


- 2005 June 2.10 UT: m1=11.8, Dia.=0.8', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ).

- 2005 June 6.09 UT: m1=11.6, Dia.=1.2', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain


- 2005 June 16.08 UT: m1=11.3, Dia.=1.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ After moonset ].

- 2005 July 2.05 UT: m1=10.2, Dia.=5', DC=2, 25x100B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=10.4 ].

- 2005 July 2.99 UT: m1=10.6, Dia.=4', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2005 July 5.96 UT: m1=10.7, Dia.=4', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ).

- 2005 July 8.05 UT: m1=10.6, Dia.=4', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ).

- 2005 July 12.05 UT: m1=10.7, Dia.=4', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ).

- 2005 July 16.05 UT: m1=11.1, Dia.=3', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2005 July 19.09 UT: m1=11.4, Dia.=2', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2005 July 29.95 UT: m1=11.6, Dia.=2', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León, North Spain ).

- 2005 Aug. 02.98 UT: m1=11.6, Dia.=2', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
161        2005 06 02.10  S 11.8 TK 20.3T10 100   0.8  3            ICQ XX GON05
161        2005 06 06.09  S 11.6 TK 20.3T10  77   1.2  3            ICQ XX GON05
161        2005 06 16.08  S 11.3 TK 20.3T10 100   1.5  3            ICQ XX GON05
161        2005 07 02.03  S 10.4 TK 20.3T10  77   4    3            ICQ XX GON05
161        2005 07 02.05  S 10.2 TK 10.0B    25   5    2            ICQ XX GON05
161        2005 07 02.99  S 10.6 TK 20.3T10  77   4    3            ICQ XX GON05
161        2005 07 02.99  S 10.6 TK 20.3T10  77   4    3            ICQ XX GON05
161        2005 07 05.96  S 10.7 TK 20.3T10  77   4    3            ICQ XX GON05
161        2005 07 08.05  S 10.6 TK 20.3T10  77   4    3            ICQ XX GON05
161        2005 07 12.05  S 10.7 TK 20.3T10  77   4    3            ICQ XX GON05
161        2005 07 16.05  S 11.1 TK 20.3T10  77   3    3            ICQ XX GON05
161        2005 07 19.09  S 11.4 TK 20.3T10 100   2    3            ICQ XX GON05
161        2005 07 29.95  S 11.6 TK 20.3T10 100   2    3            ICQ XX GON05
161        2005 08 02.98  S 11.6 TK 20.3T10 100   2    3            ICQ XX GON05

162P/Siding Spring = P/2004 TU12

- 2004 Nov. 17.94 UT: m1=14.9, DC=9, 20 cm SCT (222x) ( Aralla, alt.1440 m, Leon, North Spain) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Limiting stellar magnitude: 15.5. Faint stellar object, confirmed by motion over a 1-hour period ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2004TU122004 11 17.94  I 14.9 HS 20.3T10 222        9            ICQ XX GON05

169P/NEAT = P/2002 EX12


- 2005 Sep. 14.19 UT: m1=10.3, Dia.=3', DC=2/ , 20 cm SCT (100x), ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Zodiacal light. Altitude: 12 deg. ].

- 2005 Oct. 7.20 UT: m1=12.3, Dia.=1.5', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Zodiacal light. Altitude: 17 deg. Comet close to star of mag. 12.2 (GSC) ]


- 2009 Nov. 18.77 UT: m1=9.2, Dia.=4', DC=2/, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Pico Cueto - Busfrío - Cudillero, alt. 770 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ Significantly brighter than expected. Elongated wide coma with faint outer region. Mountain location, very clear sky. End of astronomical twilight. Altitude: 9 deg ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
169        2005 09 14.19  S 10.3 TK 20.3T10 100   3    2/           ICQ XX GON05
169        2005 10 07.20  S 12.3 TK 20.3T10 133   1.5  2            ICQ XX GON05
169        2009 11 18.77  S  9.2 TK 20.3T10 100   4    2/           ICQ XX GON05 

174P/Echeclus = P/2000 EC98 = (60558)

- 2006 Feb. 4.21 UT: m1=14.3, Dia.=0.6', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Pobladura de Luna, alt. 1140 m., León, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Limiting stellar magnitude: 15.5. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near HS Vir ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2000EC982006 02 04.21  S 14.3 HN 20.3T10 133   0.6  4            ICQ XX GON05

177P/Barnard = P/2006 M3 = P/1889 M1

- 2006 July 7.07 UT: m1=13.2, Dia.=0.7', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Limiting stellar magnitude: 15.5. Motion checked during a 60-min period. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near RY Ser].

- 2006 July 16.97 UT: m1=10.8, Dia.=3.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Villanueva de Carrizo, alt. 880 m., León, North Spain ) [ Before moonrise. Rapid motion checked during a 60-min period. The fainter outer coma must be undoubtedly greater in 25x100 binoculars ].

- 2006 July 20.01 UT: m1=9.1, Dia.=7', DC=2, 11x80B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ 25x100B: m1=9.3. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2006 July 22.99 UT: m1=8.5, Dia.=12', DC=2, 7x50B ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amío, alt. 1190 m., León ) [ Mountain location, clear sky ].

- 2006 July 25.92 UT: m1=8.5, Dia.=13', DC=2, 7x50B ( Alto del Peñón - Truchillas, 1840 m, León, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2006 Aug. 1.01 UT: m1=8.2, Dia.=13', DC=2/, 7x50B ( Cueto Rosales - Riello, alt. 1550 m, León, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2006 Aug. 3.99 UT: m1=8.0, Dia.=12', DC=2/, 7x50B ( Aralla, alt. 1405 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ 25x100B: m1=8.3 ].

- 2006 Aug. 5.06 UT: m1=8.0, Dia.=12', DC=2, 7x50B ( Cueto Rosales - Riello, alt. 1550 m, León, North Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (36x): m1=8.4 ].

- 2006 Aug. 21.03 UT: m1=8.2, Dia.=11', DC=2/, 7x50B ( Cueto Rosales - Riello, alt. 1550 m, León, North Spain ) [ 20 cm SCT (36x): m1=8.4 ].

- 2006 Aug. 28.02 UT: m1=8.3, Dia.=12', DC=3, 7x50B ( Cueto Rosales - Riello, alt. 1550 m, León, North Spain ) [ Aug. 27.95 UT: m1=8.7. Mountain location, very clear sky. ].

- 2006 Aug. 28.90 UT: m1=8.4, Dia.=12', DC=3, 7x50B ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1480 m., Asturias, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky]

- 2006 Aug. 29.05 UT: m1=8.8, Dia.=9', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (36x) ( Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1480 m., Asturias, North Spain ).

- 2006 Sep. 4.05 UT: m1=8.6, Dia.=10', DC=3, 7x50B ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2006 Sep. 14.91 UT: m1=8.8, Dia.=7', DC=3, 25x100B ( Caldas de Luna, alt. 1110 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2006 Sep. 26.11 UT: m1=9.5, Dia.=5', DC=2, 25x100B ( Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1500 m, Leon, North Spain ).

- 2006 Oct. 12.87 UT: m1=10.8, Dia.=5', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Collada del Fresno - Sierra del Aramo, alt. 1221 m., Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2006 Oct. 14.88 UT: m1=10.9, Dia.=5', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Cueto Rosales - Riello, 1550 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2006 Oct. 27.19 UT: m1=11.0, Dia.=4', DC=1, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Collada del Fresno - Sierra del Aramo, 1221 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2006M3  2006 07 07.07  S 13.2 HN 20.3T10 133   0.7  3            ICQ XX GON05
177        2006 07 16.97  S 10.8 TK 20.3T10  77   3.5  3            ICQ XX GON05
177        2006 07 19.98  S  9.3 TK 10.0B    25   6    2/           ICQ XX GON05
177        2006 07 20.01  S  9.1 TK  8.0B    11   7    2            ICQ XX GON05
177        2006 07 22.99  S  8.5 TK  5.0B     7  12    2            ICQ XX GON05
177        2006 07 25.92  S  8.5 TK  5.0B     7  13    2            ICQ XX GON05
177        2006 08 01.01  S  8.2 TK  5.0B     7  13    2/           ICQ XX GON05
177        2006 08 03.99  S  8.0 TK  5.0B     7  12    2/           ICQ XX GON05
177        2006 08 04.00  S  8.3 TK 10.0B    25  10    2/           ICQ XX GON05
177        2006 08 05.06  S  8.0 TK  5.0B     7  12    2            ICQ XX GON05
177        2006 08 05.07  S  8.4 TK 20.3T10  36  10    2/           ICQ XX GON05
177        2006 08 21.03  S  8.2 TK  5.0B     7  11    2/           ICQ XX GON05
177        2006 08 21.07  S  8.4 TK 20.3T10  36   8    3            ICQ XX GON05
177        2006 08 27.95  S  8.7 TK 20.3T10  36   9    3            ICQ XX GON05
177        2006 08 28.02  S  8.3 TK  5.0B     7  12    3            ICQ XX GON05
177        2006 08 28.90  S  8.4 TK  5.0B     7  12    3            ICQ XX GON05
177        2006 08 29.05  S  8.8 TK 20.3T10  36   9    3            ICQ XX GON05
177        2006 09 04.05  S  8.6 TK  5.0B     7  10    3            ICQ XX GON05
177        2006 09 14.91  S  8.8 TK 10.0B    25   7    3            ICQ XX GON05
177        2006 09 26.11  S  9.5 TK 10.0B    25   5    2            ICQ XX GON05
177        2006 10 12.87  S 10.8 TK 20.3T10  77   5    2            ICQ XX GON05
177        2006 10 14.88  S 10.9 TK 20.3T10  77   5    2            ICQ XX GON05
177        2006 10 27.19  S 11.0 TK 20.3T10  77   4    1            ICQ XX GON05

185P/Petriew = P/2007 A3 = P/2001 Q2

- 2007 Feb. 12.80 UT: m1=11.8, Dia.=1.2', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Caña Valles - Macizo Occidental - Picos de Europa, alt. 787 m, Asturias, N. Spain ).

- 2007 Feb. 14.80 UT: m1=11.7, Dia.=1.2', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Collada de la Cobertoria, Lena, alt. 1179 m, Asturias, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Zodiacal light. Altitude: 10 deg ].

- 2007 Mar. 10.83 UT: m1=11.2, Dia.=2.0', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1480 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Zodiacal light. Altitude: 12 deg ].

- 2007 Mar. 16.85 UT: m1=11.0, Dia.=2', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Puerto de Aralla, alt. 1480 m, Leon, North Spain ) [ Mountain location, clear sky. Zodiacal light. Altitude: 8 deg ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
185        2007 02 12.80  S 11.8 TK 20.3T10 133   1.2  4            ICQ XX GON05
185        2007 02 14.80  S 11.7 TK 20.3T10 100   1.2  4            ICQ XX GON05
185        2007 03 10.83  S 11.2 TK 20.3T10 100   2.0  4            ICQ XX GON05
185        2007 03 16.85  S 11.0 TK 20.3T10  77   2    4            ICQ XX GON05

188P/LINEAR-Mueller = P/2007 J7 = P/1998 S1

- 2007 Oct. 11.96 UT: m1=13.8, Dia.=0.3', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amio, alt. 1190 m., Leon, North Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near EI Psc ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
188        2007 10 11.96  S 13.8 HN 20.3T10 133   0.3  6            ICQ XX GON05

191P/McNaught = P/2007 N1 = P/2000 P3

- 2007 Nov. 17.11 UT: m1=14.0, Dia.=0.4', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near GRB000911 ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
191        2007 11 17.11  S 14.0 HN 20.3T10 133   0.4  6            ICQ XX GON05

192P/Shoemaker-Levy = P/2007 T3 = P/1990 V1

- 2008 Jan. 27.82 UT: m1=13.3, Dia.=0.8', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (160x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Motion checked during a 40-min period. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Mountain location, very clear sky. Zodiacal light ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
192        2008 01 27.82  S 13.3 TA 20.3T10 160   0.8  5            ICQ XX GON05

199P/Shoemaker = P/2008 G2 = P/1994 J3

- 2008 Aug. 4.92 UT: m1=14.4, Dia.=0.2', DC=8, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ In outburst. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near AR Ser. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2008 Aug. 5.91 UT: m1=14.2, Dia.=0.2', DC=7, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Aug. 8.94 UT: m1=14.0, Dia.=0.3', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
199        2008 08 04.92  I 14.4 HN 20.3T10 133   0.2  8            ICQ XX GON05
199        2008 08 05.91  I 14.2 HN 20.3T10 133   0.2  7            ICQ XX GON05
199        2008 08 08.94  M 14.0 HN 20.3T10 133   0.3  6            ICQ XX GON05

205P/Giacobini = P/2008 R6 = D/1896 R2

- 2008 Sep. 11.07 UT: m1=12.7, Dia.=0.8', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( San Nicolas del Real Camino, alt. 850 m, Palencia, Spain ) [ Estimate made after moonset; altitude: 22 deg. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Rural dark sky location ].

- 2008 Sep. 19.83 UT: m1=12.2, Dia.=1.5', DC=3/, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Cospedal, alt. 1205 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Estimate made before moonrise. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2008 Sep. 24.92 UT: m1=11.9, Dia.=2.2', DC=3/, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Aralla, alt. 1360 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Exceptionally clear sky ].

- 2008 Sep. 29.01 UT: m1=11.8, Dia.=2.5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Oct. 1.87 UT: m1=12.5, Dia.=1.5', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Oct. 19.87 UT: m1=13.2, Dia.=0.6', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (160x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Oct. 26.00 UT: m1=12.9, Dia.=0.7', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Nov. 5.99 UT: m1=12.8, Dia.=1.2', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m, Leon, N. Spain ).

- 2008 Nov. 19.82 UT: m1=12.2, Dia.=2.0', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Trichero - Soto y Amio, alt. 1190 m, Leon, N. Spain ).


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2008R6  2008 09 11.07  S 12.7 TA 20.3T10 100   0.8  5            ICQ XX GON05
205        2008 09 19.83  S 12.2 TK 20.3T10 100   1.5  3/           ICQ XX GON05
205        2008 09 24.92  S 11.9 TK 20.3T10 133   2.2  3/           ICQ XX GON05
205        2008 09 29.01  S 11.8 TK 20.3T10 133   2.5  3            ICQ XX GON05
205        2008 10 01.87  S 12.5 TK 20.3T10 133   1.5  5            ICQ XX GON05
205        2008 10 19.87  S 13.2 TA 20.3T10 160   0.6  5            ICQ XX GON05
205        2008 10 26.00  S 12.9 TA 20.3T10 133   0.7  5            ICQ XX GON05
205        2008 11 05.99  S 12.8 TK 20.3T10 100   1.2  3            ICQ XX GON05
205        2008 11 19.82  S 12.2 TK 20.3T10 100   2.0  3            ICQ XX GON05


- 2009 May 2.16 UT: m1=13.8, Dia.=0.6', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (206x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars from TASS photometry ].

IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
209 2009 05 02.16 S 13.8 TA 20.3T10 206 0.6 6 ICQ XX GON05

210P/Christensen = P/2008 X4 = P/2003 K2

- 2009 Jan. 4.26 UT: m1=10.1, Dia.=2.2', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Pandorado, alt. 1190 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Beginning of astronomical twilight. Altitude: 10 deg.].

- 2009 Mar. 22.14 UT: m1=13.7, Dia.=1.0', DC=2/, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near NY Ser ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
   2008X4  2009 01 04.26  S 10.1 TK 20.3T10 100   2.2  5            ICQ XX GON05
210        2009 03 22.14  S 13.7 HN 20.3T10 133   1.0  2/           ICQ XX GON05


- 2009 May 27.12 UT: m1=14.6, Dia.=0.6', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (206x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near UU Aqr ].

- 2009 June 21.10 UT: m1=13.8, Dia.=0.6', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (206x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from TASS photometry ].

- 2009 July 3.11 UT: m1=13.1, Dia.=1.2', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Comparison stars taken from TASS photometry ].

- 2009 July 18.10 UT: m1=11.5, Dia.=1.3', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 July 19.07 UT: m1=11.6, Dia.=1.5', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Elongated coma ].

- 2009 July 24.10 UT: m1=11.4, Dia.=1.5', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 July 25.09 UT: m1=11.3, Dia.=1.2', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Aug. 19.10 UT: m1=10.1, Dia.=4', DC=4, Tail: 0.1 deg. in PA 270 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Aug. 29.16 UT: m1=10.2, Dia.=3', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Comet close to star of mag. 11.1 (Tycho-2), hampering the estimate of the tail ].

- 2009 Aug. 31.15 UT: m1=9.9, Dia.=4', DC=5, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 270 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Sep. 23.14 UT: m1=9.8, Dia.=4', DC=5, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 280 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Sep. 29.13 UT: m1=9.9, Dia.=3.5', DC=5, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 280 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Oct. 16.10 UT: m1=10.1, Dia.=2.5', DC=5/, Tail: 0.1 deg. in PA 290 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ The comet shows a brighter inner coma after the recent minor outburst, without a notable increase in the total visual magnitude till now ].

- 2009 Oct. 26.08 UT: m1=10.3, Dia.=2.5', DC=5, Tail: 0.1 deg. in PA 280 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x) ( Alto del Castro, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Nov. 18.08 UT: m1=10.7, Dia.=1.2', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Nov. 24.03 UT: m1=11.2, Dia.=1.2', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2009 Dec. 12.02 UT: m1=11.7, Dia.=1.5', DC=4, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ).

- 2010 Jan. 12.92 UT: m1=12.7, Dia.=1.2', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Grandota - Oviedo, alt. 430 m, N. Spain ).

- 2010 Feb. 2.88 UT: m1=13.5, Dia.=1.2', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Camposagrado, alt. 1135 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near V650 Ori ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
217        2009 05 27.12  S 14.6 HN 20.3T10 206   0.6  6            ICQ XX GON05
217        2009 06 21.10  S 13.8 TA 20.3T10 206   0.6  6            ICQ XX GON05 
217        2009 07 03.11  S 13.1 TA 20.3T10 133   1.2  5            ICQ XX GON05 
217        2009 07 18.10  S 11.5 TK 20.3T10 133   1.3  5            ICQ XX GON05  
217        2009 07 19.07  S 11.6 TK 20.3T10 100   1.5  5            ICQ XX GON05
217        2009 07 24.10  S 11.4 TK 20.3T10 100   1.5  5            ICQ XX GON05
217        2009 07 25.09  S 11.3 TK 20.3T10 100   1.2  5            ICQ XX GON05
217        2009 08 19.10  S 10.1 TK 20.3T10  77   4    4   0.1  270 ICQ XX GON05
217        2009 08 29.16  S 10.2 TK 20.3T10  77   3    5            ICQ XX GON05
217        2009 08 31.15  S  9.9 TK 20.3T10  77   4    5   0.2  270 ICQ XX GON05
217        2009 09 23.14  S  9.8 TK 20.3T10  77   4    5   0.2  280 ICQ XX GON05 
217        2009 09 29.13  S  9.9 TK 20.3T10  77   3.5  5   0.2  280 ICQ XX GON05
217        2009 10 16.10  S 10.1 TK 20.3T10  77   2.5  5/  0.1  290 ICQ XX GON05
217        2009 10 26.08  S 10.3 TK 20.3T10  77   2.5  5   0.1  280 ICQ XX GON05
217        2009 11 18.08  S 10.7 TK 20.3T10 100   1.2  3            ICQ XX GON05 
217        2009 11 24.03  S 11.2 TK 20.3T10 133   1.2  3            ICQ XX GON05
217        2009 12 12.02  S 11.7 TK 20.3T10 133   1.5  4            ICQ XX GON05 
217        2010 01 12.92  S 12.7 TK 20.3T10 133   1.2  5            ICQ XX GON05
217        2010 02 02.88  S 13.5 HN 20.3T10 133   1.2  5            ICQ XX GON05


- 2009 Aug. 31.18 UT: m1=12.3, Dia.=0.7', DC=6, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Significantly brighter than expected. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Motion checked over a 20-min period. Mountain location, very clear sky. Astronomical twilight. Altitude: 16 deg ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
222        2009 08 31.18  S 12.3 TK 20.3T10 133   0.7  6            ICQ XX GON05


- 2010 Dec. 17.22 UT: m1=14.0, Dia.=0.6', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (133x) ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars for m2 taken from Henden photometry near AK Cnc. Mountain location, very clear sky ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
240        2010 12 17.22  S 14.0 HN 20.3T10 133   0.6  5            ICQ XX GON05

(596) Scheila

- 2010 Dec. 14.09 UT: m1=11.7, Dia.=2.5', DC=s2/, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Cometary appearance. Stellar central condensation, m2=13.8 (HN). Asymmetric coma, with faint outer region. Tail-like feature extending 4' from center, in p.a 290 deg. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars for m2 taken from Henden photometry near AK Cnc. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2010 Dec. 17.17 UT: m1=11.5, Dia.=3.5', DC=s2/, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Aralla, alt. 1440 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Cometary appearance. Stellar central condensation, m2=13.9 (HN). Asymmetric coma, with faint outer region. Tail-like feature extending 7' from center, in p.a 290 deg. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars for m2 taken from Henden photometry near AK Cnc. Mountain location, very clear sky ].

- 2011 Jan. 15.21 UT: m1=13.8, Dia.= --, DC=9, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m., Leon, N. Spain ) [ Stellar appearance, without observable post-outburst coma. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near 3C232. Mountain location, very clear sky ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
  (596)    2010 12 14.09  S 11.7 TK 20.3T10 100   2.5 s2/           ICQ XX GON05
  (596)    2010 12 17.17  S 11.5 TK 20.3T10 100   3.5 s2/           ICQ XX GON05
  (596)    2011 01 15.21  I 13.8 HN 20.3T10 100        9            ICQ XX GON05

(3200) Phaethon ( = 1983 TB )

- 2007 Dec. 5.07 UT: m1=12.6, Dia.=--, DC=9, 20 cm SCT (100x) ( Alto del Castro - Aralla, alt. 1720 m, Leon, N. Spain ) [ Motion checked during a 30-min period. Mountain location, very clear sky ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
 (3200)    2007 12 05.07  I 12.6 TK 20.3T10 100        9            ICQ XX GON05

(20898) Fountainhills ( = 2000 WE147 )

- 2009 Dec. 12.14 UT: m1=15.2, Dia.=--, DC=9, 20 cm SCT (206x) ( Alto del Castro, alt. 1720 m, León, N. Spain ) [ Mountain location, very clear sky. Nearby field stars checked in DSS. Comparison stars taken from Henden photometry near AK Cnc. Motion checked over a 30-min period ].


IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM[mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx &dd.ddnDC &t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxx
Comet Year Mn Day eM mag rf Instr pwr coma DC tail p.a OBS
(20898)    2009 12 12.14  I 15.2 HN 20.3T10 206        9            ICQ XX GON05

Observaciones previas a 2000 : En construcción.